Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 315 Table of contents

Best Allies (2)


Immediately after Mu Jin left after talking to Gu Yang, Gu Yang also led the people gathered at the gathering place and moved.

Originally, the number of apostates gathered in Namman was a little over one hundred and fifty.

In addition to the original Gu Yang and Red Tiger members, King Qing Luo had joined them with more than a hundred of his subordinates.

But now there are only a little over a hundred people left.

No matter how much Mujin went on a rampage and caught the attention of the enemy, some of his subordinates were discovered and killed or seriously injured and were recovering somewhere.

"So we can't afford to lose any more of our friends here."

Gu Yangfei recalled the plan he had discussed with Mu Jin and steeled himself.

"Let's get started..."

Before Gu Yang's order could be given, his subordinates were divided into small groups of about ten people and scattered in all directions.

This was done to determine the exact location of the enemy, and the Red Tiger Danju also led ten of his men on a reconnaissance mission.

Lush Rainforest·

Hidden by the bushes, they had no choice but to move cautiously, as they didn't know where an enemy might pop out of nowhere.

"I don't know where I am, but I know where I am."

As he was moving to find his enemies, the only ones that came to his mind were Mu Yul and Mu Kyung.

When there was a martial arts with an absurd sense of smell and hearing beyond human standards, I had never felt such tension while on the move.

"We've only been together for two days."

I had always been cautious in this way, but when I went back to being alone, it was a bit uncomfortable.

However, the Red Tiger Leader soon shook his head from side to side.

"The martial artist of the Great Demon Cult leans on the Devils! No way!'

Even among the two, Wu Qing was the one who made him bald, so he couldn't rely on them.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have them. After all, the rainforest here in the south is a place we're more familiar with."

How long would it have been for the red-headed lord to lead his men through the rainforest cautiously?


Sensing the presence in the distance, the Red Tiger Commander hurriedly waved his hand and gave instructions to his subordinates.

Seeing the gesture of the Red Tiger Leader, the Red Tiger Brigade hurriedly minimized their movements, and the Red Tiger Brigade slowly headed in the direction of the Red Tiger Brigade, as if crawling.

How long it took to hide yourself in the dense bushes and look out over the bushes.


The prey they had been searching for was there.

* * *

Shortly after returning from reconnaissance and reporting to Gu Yang. Gu Yang asked·

"Did you say you found the Confucius?"

"Yes· Lord Lesser·"

"Who else was with you?"

In response to Gu Yang's question, the Red Tiger Danju replied.

"Eight elders from the Taoist side and more than a hundred church members were in line."

"Didn't you see any of the elders of the Li Gong or Huan family?"

"I've been watching from a distance in case I get caught, but as far as I know, there wasn't."

Gu Yangfei nodded in response.

"Apparently the two Confucius chose their own lives... But just in case, I'll first find out where he and his minions are, and then we'll make a move."

"Yes· Then I'll keep an eye on the movements of the Ilconfucius with my subordinates."

After paying his respects for the last time and leaving the Red Tiger Clan, Gu Yang dispersed in all directions and received reports from his subordinates who went out to scout.

Immediately after all the reports of all the subordinates were compiled. Gu Yang Fei concluded·

"I don't think it's a trap..."

At Gu Yang's words, Jin Yanghui and Qinglu Wang, who were waiting by his side, opened their mouths with quite contradictory expressions.

"Yes· It seems that Confucius and Li Confucius have given up on cooperating with each other."

"Tsk· On the battlefield where life is at stake, both Confucius are still a long way from being at the mercy of their personal feelings."

"The feud between the two is an opportunity for us. Above all, considering the schemes we've prepared, it doesn't get any better than this."

Both men nodded at Gu Yang's words. And Jin Yanghui asked on behalf of the company.

"Are you going to start now?"

At his question, Gu Yangfei nodded and said,

"Send a signal to the Shaolin Divine Dragon. Now it's time to hunt down the wild boar, which can't be beaten for a thousand or two minutes..."

* * *

"Hurry up and find it!"

The Emperor was brushing down the subordinates who were moving with him.

He was on his way to ignoring his half-brother, so he had to get results this time.

"Confucius Il... If the subordinates are scattered, there is another danger of individual destruction."

"I know. But for the sake of the great cause, the sacrifice of the cow is necessary. This time, we're on standby, and we'll be able to catch them while they die."

Cutting off Elder Yanhuan's words, Confucius replied.

Still, he wasn't as hot-tempered as he had been at the last meeting, so he was a half-hearted worker.

Elder Yan Huan sighed for a moment at the sight of Confucius.

There was a cry from beyond the bushes.

"The apostates have appeared!!"

When the news he had been waiting for came, he did not hesitate to take the lead and fly in the direction from which the sound had come from.

And the elders and subordinates followed after him.

Spatula ·


When I arrived at the place where I heard the sound, I saw a group of apostates slaughtering the demons.

"Nine Sheep Shell!!"

And at the forefront of it all was the bastard brandishing a sword.

"You won't be able to escape this time!"

The Japanese confucian dismissed the last time he was pushed by Gu Yang as a mere coincidence, and rushed at him.

When the Japanese Confucius, who rushed in ignorantly like a wild boar, unleashed a corrupt sword, Gu Yang swung his sword in a relaxed manner.


Immediately after they clashed their weapons with each other as if to say hello lightly.

The Japanese Confucius' dominant sword technique and Gu Yang's laid-back sword technique were combined.

Spatula ·


However, the difference in ability was unavoidable, and after exchanging a few rounds, a shallow cut appeared on the forearm of the Japanese Confucius.

"I'm going to join you! Confucius!"

Elder Yan Huan, who thought that if this continued at this rate, he might lose his life, joined him.

He frowned, as if his pride was hurt, but he didn't say anything.

"Anyway, Elder Yan Huan is on my side... It's enough to say that we had a one-on-one fight after killing him."

Elder Yeom Huan wouldn't dare to tarnish the face of the heir they were pushing.

However, such thoughts of the Japanese Confucius were nothing more than arrogance.

Gu Yang was a genius. I've already understood all the methods of the Japanese Confucian who had experienced it once in the first battle.

On top of that, it wasn't difficult to use him as he was a man who wasn't used to coordinating with someone.

Gu Yang's method of defeating the Japanese Confucius was also induced to clash with Elder Yanhuan's way.

The two intertwined, thrusting his sword into the gap.


Even Elder Yan Huan had a faint scratch on his side, and one of the elders who had been attacking the apostates nearby hurriedly threw himself away.


The elder's hurried blast of wind was gently dodged as if it were dancing.

"Are you alright?"

"How could a Protestant elder be embarrassed by such a wound?"

After a quick conversation, Yan Huan sent a message to Ilgong.

– If you deal with him from the front, the two of us will assist you.

Elder Yeom Huan, unlike the Japanese Confucius, was a man with a lot of practical experience.

That's why, even though he had just collaborated with the Japanese Confucius, he knew exactly why he was almost killed.

– Confucius is not accustomed to pincer attacks in the first place, so it would be more convenient for our two elders to match Confucius.

The elder who joined the Yan Huan's voice also understood the intent and nodded.

In the meantime, angry that he had been pushed, he once again pounced on Gu Yang like a wild boar with a fire in his tail.


And the moment when the Gu Yang Tile blocks the way of the Japanese Confucius.

Wedge love!

In line with this, Yan Huan and the other elders each sprinkled pottery and long winds to check the movement of Gu Yang.


Every time he exchanged words with Confucius, Gu Yang clicked his tongue lightly at those attacks that flew like memorization.

It seemed that the containment of the two monsters was quite tricky.

"Destroy the apostates!"

"Heaven and Heaven!! Manmaangbok!!"

In the meantime, The Devils, who had been scattered in all directions in search of apostates, began to flock in. . .


A whistle rang out among the apostates.

At the same time, Gu Yang slammed his sword with a strong swing, pushed him away, and began to flee through the bushes.

It wasn't just Gu Yang who started to flee.

Perhaps it was aimed at destroying each sect in the first place, but when the demons gathered in all the demons, the apostates also scattered and tried to flee.

"Yes, this guy!!"

Of course, he wasn't the kind of person who would stand idly by.

Seeing that the Emperor rushed towards the bush where Gu Yang had disappeared, Yan Huan momentarily thought about it.

"Maybe it's a trap..."

But all the apostates were scattered and on the run.

Ironically, the number of those fleeing with Gu Yang, the leader of the apostates, was only a handful.

"If we can catch the trap, we'll win."

After making a judgment so far, Yan Huan hurriedly shouted.

"Follow us!!"

After giving instructions to the Blood Thief Dan, one of the armed forces of the Demon Salt Family, Yan Huan and one of the elders pursued the Emperor with about twenty warriors.

I want you to chase the traces and backs of the Gu Yang plaque left in the bushes and run with a light attack.

They succeeded in catching up with Gu Yang without difficulty, but there was a problem.


"I can also see the appearance of a shaman..."

Gu Yang was with the hypocrites of the political faction.

It was Elder Yeom Hwan who suddenly thought that he had fallen into a trap.


What followed was far beyond his expectations.


Gu Yang was being gang-raped. To Shaolin and Shaman's Warriors·

"There's another group of demons!!"

More than twenty people were working together to attack the Guyang plaque, when one of the monks pointed at them and shouted, "Hey, I'm going to do it."

"Looks like they're here to save him!"

"Amitabha Buddha· Open the Killing Realm!!"

Before the monk's cry fell, all but a few of the people who had been attacking the Gu Yang Pavilion rushed at the demon cult together.

Everyone was at a loss for what to do. The Emperor glared at Gu Yang as if he were going to kill him, and exclaimed.

"What are you doing? Whether they are apostates or hypocrites of political parties, they are all enemies that we must slaughter!!"

Hearing this, the Emperor drew his sword again and charged at the enemy, and the members of the Blood Sect followed without delay.

And Confucius had no choice but to realize it in hindsight.

Why did his half-brother, Prince Li, have no choice but to run away because his tail was missing?





A young monk resembling a monkey and a middle-aged monk·

And a real monkey was playing with the Thieves' thieves as if they were toys.


And the ugly-looking monk harassed the thieves with a fierce Flame Keeper that reminded him of the Red Flame King's Fierce Demon Demon Field.

The other monks and shaman swordsmen were just as skilled as the members of the Blood Sect, but their performance was particularly remarkable.

However, compared to the other two, even their performance was a little buried.



A monk who doesn't know where he came from shoves Sodo into someone's heart and looks nonchalantly at his next prey.

Ironically, the person whose heart was pierced by his sword was the elder of the Taoist family who was moving with Yan Huan.

The elder of the Demon Cult was only killed by a surprise blow.

And in the case of the rest of the elders, Yeom Hwan...


His whole body was shattered by the monk's golden power.

* * *

It was only a matter of time before the Bloodline and the Elders were overpowered.

Only one survived. It was only Gu Yangchen, the Emperor of Japan.

"Where did he go?"

"I'm sorry. While I was distracted by them... It looks like he ran away..."

Overwhelmed by the monks' leisurely conversation in front of his nose, he gnashed his teeth with bloodshot eyes.

The guy they were talking about was Gu Yang.

While they were being exterminated by monks and shaman inspectors. Gu Yang didn't miss the opportunity and escaped.

And the conversation that followed was enough to make Gu Yangchen's eyes turn in anger.

"It's okay. After all, it wasn't him who was entrusted with the matter, it was him..."

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