Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 316 Table of contents

Best Allies (3)


Confucius exclaimed like a seizure.

"I can't believe he took care of it!! What the hell is that!!"

Mu Jin replied with a fishy smile.

"It looks like the soon-to-be-deceased guy is so desperate to get rid of it..."

"Shut up!! Did you think that I, the Grand Prince of Protestantism, could be flattered by the hypocrites of the political faction!!"

Confucius exclaimed very confidently.

It was a sad look, but Mujin was still smiling fishily.

Glaring at Mu Jin as if he were going to kill him, he asked.

"Answer my question. Is it true that the son of a has joined hands with you?"

"Hmph... Think about it· You stupid devil· If someone hadn't given us the information, we wouldn't have dared to come all the way to the south to hunt down the demons."


Momentarily surprised by Mu Jin's answer, he asked again if his head was still completely empty.

"Then why did you guys join hands with that son of a? No matter how much hypocrites you are, you can join hands with our school..."

"Tsk· You're stupid· If only we could kill more of you, that's enough. Why should I refuse to give you a chance to kill you?"

Before Confucius could say anything to Mu Jin's words, Mu Jin sneered and added.

"The Demon Cult is a group without a future. Confucius, I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid... Tsk· Prince Yi is distracted by the position of the head of the cult, and he sells his brother to the enemy, and the one named Confucius is being played with by such a confucian..."

"Yes Inooom!!"

The moment when the Japanese Confucius, who couldn't control his anger, swung his sword at Mujin.


Mu Jin's palm, which swung faster than the Tao of the Confucius, slapped the Confucius' cheek.

"Where's the entrande? You look nasty-looking..."

Mu Jin's words did not reach the ears of the Confucius.

A momentary shock came over him, and he heard tinnitus in his ears and his head went numb.

However, thanks to the effect, Confucius' head, which had been rising to the top of his head, became clearer.

He caressed his hot, tingling cheeks and said.

"Then why did you attack him? He reported that he had been killed by you and had lost his minions..."

It was a sharp point from Confucius, but Mu Jin replied with a look on his face as to why he was asking the obvious.

"For the sake of confidentiality. He came to us to show you how to induce you. And he killed all the demons who had been watching the situation. Hmph· Think about it· All the church members are dead, but the princes and elders are still alive, aren't they?"


At Mu Jin's words, Confucius' eyes widened, and he immediately began to burn with anger.

Come to think of it, the loss of his subordinates made him move separately from him.

Of course, the reason for this was that he had laughed at him and ignored him, but in his mind, the matter had long since disappeared.

On the contrary, he began to suspect that he had calculated his own ridicule and deliberately induced such a situation.

The moment when the Japanese Confucius, whose eyes were turned away by anger towards Li Confucius, was about to ask Mu Jin something again.

"Tsk· He's going to die anyway, so much talking..."

Mujin approached to kill him, as if there was no point in asking him any more.


Seeing Mu Jin like that, Confucius' eyes were bloodshot, and blood began to flow from the corners of his mouth.

It was so unfortunate to die in vain like this.

Above all, a thousand fires welled up in the fact that he had been deceived by his despicable half-brother.

"Even in my death, he won't forgive me!! I will die and become a demon and wander the nine heavens, cursing him for the rest of my life!!"

The moment when Confucius utters a cry of anger and resentment against Confucius.



"Kill the hypocrites of the political faction!!"

Suddenly, demons appeared through the bushes.

When they first spotted Shaolin and the shaman's disciples, they soon saw a man surrounded by them.


"Save the Confucius!!"

They rushed at the disciples of Shaolin and the shaman, as if they had no room for concern.



In the process, there were people who were killed by the shaman's inspection and the Shaolin monks, but they didn't care.

As if he had even heard their shouts, demons began to appear from all directions.


The enemies were becoming more and more numerous, so one of the monks who was dealing with the demons hurriedly shouted:

"Let's get out of here first! If we continue like this, we risk getting into a wheel war!"

In response, Mu Jin gave up trying to finish off the Confucius, and used the gold ball to protect his entire body, destroying the Demon Cults.

Mu Jin cleared the path with his body, and Shaolin and the shaman's disciples supported him, and he was able to secure the retreat in an instant.

The hypocrites of the faction are leaving, and the new cultists who have begun to join them are all trying to chase them.


The evil cry of the Emperor stopped the demons in their tracks.

"We'll catch them later..."

Speaking with a trembling fist, he glared at something as if he were going to kill something.

* * *

How long did it take to escape through the demons?

"What do you think?"

Mu Qing shook his head at Mu Jin's question.

"You don't seem to be chasing me anymore?"

Before Mu Qing's answer came out, Mu Jin and the others all stopped.


Realizing that the situation had finally been settled, Mu Jin sighed lightly, and Mu Gong asked with a sour expression.

"But does this really work?"

For the time being, Mujin complied, but it didn't really work.

Mujin replied to his question with a smile on his face.

"I don't think it will work for the others, but it will work for them. Did you see the reaction earlier?"

Mu Jin's plan to target the Japanese Confucius· It was a distraction.

Remembering the appearance of Confucius who seemed to have a seizure a moment ago, Shaolin and the shaman's disciples nodded their heads in agreement.

Then· Mu Yul said with an admiring expression.

"But how can Mu Jin be so good at telling lies?"

“··· 칭찬이냐 욕이냐?”

Mu Jin asked back with a smug expression, as if he agreed with Mu Yul's words, and Mu Qing looked at Mu Jin with a frightened expression.

"It's because you're so good at it. I think he's done that to us a few times..."

At Mu Qing's surprisingly sharp point, Mu Jin turned away from his gaze instead of averting his gaze.

"Ahem· It's easy to fool when you know your opponent. To be precise, you're not deceiving, you're telling the other person what they want to believe."

People often talk about the truth, but not many people really want the truth.

When what you believed turned out to be false. There are many people in the world who can't accept this fact.

"Didn't you do that in Wulin Meng?"

There were many warriors in the Wulin League who couldn't believe that Meng Zhu Wei Jihak had deceived them until the end.

Remembering what happened in the Wulin League, the Shaolin and the shaman's disciples couldn't help but nod their heads.

Of course, for some reason, they also became more suspicious that Mujin had instigated them.

Then· Mu Qing, who had been quietly listening to Mu Jin's words, asked as if he remembered something.

"But did you really need to do this?"

"Huh? What is it?"

"Isn't it better to just kill him than to trick him and send him back?"

It was a martial sutra who said that a monk would kill him very easily.

Mujin clicked his tongue lightly at such a martial arts and replied.

"Tsk· Mukyung-a· Do you know what kind of best ally you are in a war?"

"Well . . . A fellow who excels in martial arts?"

Flipping his fingers from side to side in response to the innocent Mu Qing's answer, the unclean Mu Jin replied.

"There's no better ally than an incompetent, stupid enemy general..."

Therefore, the incompetent and stupid enemy commander did not need to be killed by their own hands.

The longer you live, the better it will be for your allies.

* * *

The surviving Confucius sent a signal to summon his subordinates.

"Is there only about half left?"

The elder, who had been moving away from the chase of the apostate, approached him and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Confucius· What's the matter? Where are the elders who went with him, and Confucius is alone..."

But before he could finish his questioning, new ones appeared.

"What happened?"

It was just a matter of Confucius and his companions.

Hearing the noise made by the battle of the Confucian hordes and the apostates, they slowly joined in.

The intention was to finish off the apostates and the factions once they had taken away the power of the apostates, but for some reason, there was no sign of the apostates or the factions.

And the reason of the Japanese Confucius, who had managed to hold on to the appearance of Li Confucius, suddenly appeared, was cut off again.

"Guyang County Ne Innoom!!!"

He swung his sword like a seizure and lunged at him.



In the first place, Li Confucius, who was outnumbered in force compared to the Japanese Confucius, was internally wounded by the surprise attack and was pushed back, coughing up blood.

The moment when Confucius wielded the sword again in order to finish off the Confucius.

The elder of the Huan family, who was accompanying Confucius, hurriedly threw himself up and blocked the way of Confucius.


"Confucius! What are you doing!!"

At the elder's question, the Emperor cried out like a beast roaring.

"Shut up!! You sold us out to the political parties and still put their despicable on us!!"

"What's that!?"

The elder who had stopped him asked back with a puzzled expression, and the reaction of those around him was not much different.

Seeing that even the subordinates and elders who followed him were in a daze, Confucius cried out again in disgust.

"Did the others ask where they went? I went to the underworld because of the trap they dug!!"

After shouting to the elders and demons who followed him, this time he turned to the elder who was standing guarding Li Confucius, and shouted:

"Get out of the way!! If you protect that despicable traitor, you too will be punished as an apostate who has conspired with the political faction!!"

With a shout, he brandished a sword and rushed at Li Confucius, and of course, the elder of the Huan family stopped him again.

"Oh yes! You're one of them!!"

The Ilkong, who had already turned his eyes, unleashed a spraying rod to kill the elder.

In the first place, when the elders, who had reached the same level as the elders, took advantage of their corrupt methods and came out on the offensive side, the elders' hands gradually became twisted.

In the end, the elder realized that he could die in this way, so he had no choice but to shoot at the Japanese Confucius.

"How dare you!!"

"Protect the Confucius!!"

The elders of the Taoist side who followed Confucius also saw the elder's slaughter, and their eyes turned away.

When the Japanese side began to take the initiative in earnest, the Confucian side had no choice but to set fire to it.

"They're trying to blame us for the war!!"

"He must have fallen into the mouth of a coin and gone mad!"

The elders on both sides began to shout and confront, and then the Christians joined in.

In the first place, even before he came to Namman, he was a confucian and a confucian.

The reason they didn't fight until now was that they had a common purpose: to destroy the apostates, but also because there was a kind of neutral force called the Red Flame King.

But now there was no Red Flame King to stop them from fighting...


"Bring back the despicable traitor Gu Yangxun's neck!!"


"Kill the mad Confucius!!"

It was inevitable that there would be a scene of people in the same group killing and killing each other.

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