Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 353 Table of contents

Tenma (1)


A huge hall in the depths of the General Headquarters Mountain of the Heavenly Demon God Church located on the Ten Million Great Mountain in Xinjiang.

Inside the hall, called the Heavenly Demon Hall, seven men sat across from each other.

It was a bizarre sight. The upper seat was littered with luxurious chairs, and behind the empty seat was a flame that could not be extinguished.

“··· It seems that Tenma can't come out today. The Guardian Lion, left and right·"


The family owner of the ring family asks with a face full of suspicion. In response to Huan Ma's question, Guangming nodded with a nonchalant face.

Looking at such a light cow with disgust, Huan Ma swallowed inwardly and said:

"So what else have you called them all for?"

Saying that, he scanned the faces of those gathered here.

The left and right guardian lions, the Guardian Priest and the Usa Temple,

The heads of the four great demon families, each called Gumma, Thoma, and Kwonma, And finally, the so-called elder and leader of the Demon Cult Elders.

Except for Tianma, the master of the Demon Cult, all the people from the top of the Demon Cult had gathered.

He briefly explained why he had summoned them.

"Do you all know that the winds of war have been blowing in the Middle Plains lately?"

"You mean the war between those self-proclaimed cowardly traitors and the back-alley blacks?"

When Thomas asked if he didn't know that, he shook his head.

"The war is over. . . With the defeat of the Apostles. And now another war has broken out. A group using the name of Xinchen has swallowed up half of the Central Yuan, and is in conflict with the Southern Heaven Society."

"Not long ago, the Wulin League was divided into two, but after that, the Zheng Mu League and the Priesthood League fought a war, and now a new force has emerged and is fighting a war."

"It's a constant war."

The elder and the elder nodded at the urging.

After examining the situation for a while, Gumma asked in a heavy tone.

"So what's the conclusion?"

It was an unspoken pressure to end this useless story.

However, despite Gumma's heavy tone, Guangming Wusa smiled faintly instead of being crushed.

As if he wanted to ask such a question.

"It's been a dozen years since the Heavenly Demon tried to make a big deal out of it, but fell into the mouth of the coin. Shouldn't we choose the next patriarch now?"


Everyone looked at the guardian lion left and right with a surprised face at the sudden story.

"How do you mean you're going to pick the next celestial horse?"

"I don't know what the story of the past has to do with picking the next Tenma..."

Looking at the heads of the Four Great Demon Clans who had various questions, the Master of Light, who had been entrusted with all the explanations until now, opened his mouth.

"What is the greatest desire of our Great Heavenly Demon Religion? To punish those who drove us out more than a hundred years ago, and to return to the Middle Kingdom to spread the doctrine of Ma Buddhism. Up until now, we have tried to draw a new Heavenly Horse and gather our strength under Him to fulfill that aspiration, but we have decided to do the opposite."

"What are you saying that you decided to think the other way around..."

"No way!?"

Unlike Thomas, who asked as if he didn't understand at all, Huanma frowned, as if he had noticed something.

Gumma also seemed to notice something, but he just kept his mouth shut with an expressionless face.

Towards the lords of the Four Great Demon Families, the left and right guardian lions took turns to tease their mouths.

"The sects of the Middle Plains have lost their strength in successive wars, so now is the time to make the money for their sins from the clans of the Middle Plains."

"And Confucius, who made the greatest contribution in that battle, is the one who fulfilled the aspirations of our Heavenly Demon Religion, so wouldn't he be the most suitable for the position of Heavenly Demon?"

Before they could finish their explanation, Huanma, Thoma, and Kwonma glared at each other as if they were fighting each other.

Huan Ma, who had been fighting with his rivals for a while, looked at the guardian lion on the left and right with suspicion.

"Do you want me to take your word for it and go into that war?"

However, it was Thomas who answered the question of the demon.

"Hmph· It's just as naïve as it is for the martial arts you are learning. If it's so scary, shouldn't the Fan family be left out of this expedition? Oh, I'd rather get out of it. Even in the south, you joined hands with the political faction to kill the Japanese Confucius, so there is no way that you can't do that this time..."

As if in support of Thomas' words, the Lightmaster spoke slowly.

"If you want to miss this expedition in the Ring Family, I won't dissuade you."

Throne of Light· No, Xiao Bai, the great master of Shincheon, said so sincerely.

Because of the sudden arrival of the Holy Heavens, such a meeting was held in order to move the Demon Cult, but there was no need to lead all the forces of the Demon Cult.

After all, in the current situation, the value of the Demon Cult to Xin Chen was nothing more than an expendable item that would weaken the power of the Zheng Clan.

At the shameless attitude of the Master of Light, Huan Ma forced himself to swallow a sigh.

'Bloody hell· Just because that stupid chopping block has passed, the balance of power has already been upset."

In addition to the guardian messengers on the left and right, the elder of the Council of Elders was also a person who had been in the same boat with them for a long time.

Since Thomas was added to it, the proportion of the left and right guardians was already even greater.

Fanma grasped at straws and asked at Kenma and Kwonma.

"Do you think the same thing?"

To Hwanma's question, Gumma answered immediately without a second thought.

"Why do you want to punish the traitors of the Middle Plains?"

After thinking for a moment, Kwonma nodded as if he had made up his mind at Gumma's answer.

"Our volume is also one thing..."

At the answer of the two, Huan Ma swallowed inwardly and opened his mouth.

“··· We'll be with you, too."

If they were left alone, whether they won the war or lost, they would be branded as cowards and traitors, and the only path left would be their downfall.

* * *

Qinghai's Kunlun Mountain·

Located on the road leading from Zhongyuan to Xijiang and Xinjiang, it is a spiritual mountain and the place where the long-established Kunlun Sect is located.

And perhaps the most peaceful place in the Central Plains at the moment was the Kunlun Sect.

The reason was simple. They refused the request of the Political League to join.

They have only one purpose. Preventing demonic cult ·

They were not interested in the territorial struggle within the Central Plains, so they shut themselves up in Kunlun Mountain, watching the west without fail today.

And today·

Decades of surveillance have come to light.

But I didn't know if it was a misfortune or a good thing.

"Long Moon! Wicked demons are besieging the mountain!!"

A huge number of demons far exceeded the power of the Kunlun Sect and moved at once.

Zhang Wen, who hurriedly stepped outside at the disciple's report, saw the demons surrounding Mount Kunlun and the demons.

"Reinforcements from the Political Affairs League are coming! So we must hold out here as long as we can!"

It was half true·

In fact, Zhang Wenyin of the Kunlun Sect had asked the Political Affairs League for reinforcements.

One of the disciples who was monitoring the route from Xinjiang to Qinghai had sent a message to check their movements beforehand.

In addition, he had sent a summons to his disciples scattered throughout Qinghai to monitor the Demon Cult.


'Fools!! How could the Demon Cult be looking for an opportunity and turn their eyes on a small territorial battle!!"

Zhang Wenyin knew very well that at this time, when a huge war was raging in the Central Plains, the Zheng Zheng Meng had no choice but to send reinforcements to them.

He just precoced the presence of reinforcements to boost the morale of his disciples.


With the unpleasant sound of a whistle coming from a distance, the demons who surrounded Mount Kunlun begin to climb the mountain.

Watching the scene as if a swarm of insects were swarming, Zhang Wenyin thought.

Even if the Political Affairs League sent reinforcements, would they be able to hold on?

* * *


Screams and Deaths· The noise of something being cut and destroyed reverberates one after another.

But unlike the massacre taking place in front of him, he was taking a step back and looking at the battlefield.

"There's no wild boar..."

Perhaps it was to turn the Emperor into a thousand horses, but Huan Ma, who was looking at Thomas swinging the sword like a madman on the front line, turned his head and looked to the side.

There, the sword horse was also watching the battlefield.

"Aside from that stupid Thomas, I don't know why you're willing to play with the Guardian Lion's jokes on the left and right..."

In response to Huan Ma's question, Gumma replied, his eyes still fixed on the battlefield.

"I don't know if it's their joke . . ."

Huan Ma looked at him with an expression of incomprehension, and after a moment of silence, Gumma spoke again.

"In any case, it is the desire of our Heavenly Demon God Sect to destroy the traitors of the Middle Plains. I have no objection."

"If all of this is a joke of the Guardian Messengers on the left and right, why do you think so simply about it?"

"So why don't we join in? You'll have to see with your own eyes whether it's their joke or if it's really for the sake of the Protestant Church."

It was only then that Huan Ma was able to grasp Gumma's intentions.

“··· What will you do if it turns out to be their jokes?"

"You're asking for the obvious..."

He drew his sword as if he didn't need any more conversation.

He made his way to the battlefield, which had been in the middle of a stalemate.

Towards such a sword horse, the master of the Kunlun Sect rushed at him, swinging his sword.


In just one shot, the master's body was broken in two.

Then, every time the sword demon swung its sword, the black sword qi of the aura of defeat began to swirl and create a blood channel.

For some reason, in the eyes of the demon, the figure of the masters being cut off by the sword of the sword overlapped with the appearance of the guardian lions on the left and right.

* * *

Located on the side of the newly built Zhengmu League in the outer county of Shaanxi Province, the hall ·

After examining all the contents of the inspection in his hand, Zhuge Muhuan burned it by candlelight.

"I never thought the Troubled Sect would collapse in such a vain way..."

The inspection was from a special delegation sent to the Kunlun Sect.

Contrary to Zhang Wen's expectations, Zhuge Muhuan had sent a special envoy to the Kunlun Sect in the midst of a shortage of manpower.

It wasn't a special unit to prevent demonism.

With a shortage of manpower, we couldn't afford to send so many people.

They were a kind of guide that was drawn out to help the Troubled Sect masters escape and to help them escape to the Zheng Clan.

However, before the special forces could reach Mt. Kunlun, the Kunlun Sect collapsed.

Therefore, all that was used in the Special Mission's inspection was rough information about the collapse of the Konlun Sect and the power of the Demon Cult.

"Since the Demon Cult has made a big move, it is likely that it is a joke of the left and right guardian monks..."

It was Zhuge Muhuan who knew that the Master of Light was the Great Lord of the Divine Heaven, and that the Master of Light was a puppet of the Master of the Throne because of his loneliness.

If so, this incident will ultimately be the result of God's command.

With only that amount of context, Zhuge Muhuan was able to read the flow without difficulty.

"I don't know the exact reason, but Shincheon is aiming for a short-term game."

After reasoning so far, Zhuge Muhuan hurriedly gave instructions to the warrior who was standing guard at the entrance of the hall.

"Call the Emperor at once!"

Zhuge Muhuan had a hunch. It's time for them to make a splash.

* * *

Somewhere in the South·

In a place that should have been filled with dense rainforest, horrific deforestation was taking place one after another.

The middle-aged man shouted at him, and a jet of dark red flames erupted.


In the place where the dark red flames swept away, the bushes that had been standing there had been turned to ashes and burned in an instant.


The bushes that came into contact with the blue thunderbolt that spewed out from the man's sword, could not withstand the fierce energy, and burst out.

But the two men were not fighting each other in a life-or-death situation.

To be precise, two middle-aged men were having a flirtation with a young man.

The young man on the left dodged the dark red aura of the Explosive Soul Maragong, and swung his sword as if it were a gesture.

And the gray lightning from the young man's sword tore through the blue lightning of the Qingjiang Wall Demon Sword that came from the right.

In an instant, the young man who turned the joint attack of Jin Yanghui, the former Red Flame King of the Demon Cult, and the former Qinglu King, Yu Qiwan, into nothing.

Gu Yang swung his sword in reverse and pushed Wang Qi Wan back.

When Byeok Kiwan was quickly put on the defensive, Jin Yanghui hurriedly unleashed a blast to help him.


As if he had predicted the feats that Jin Yanghui would unleash, Gu Yanghui split the dark red flame that Jin Yanghui had sent out in one fell swoop, and at the same time threw his sword at the Qing Luo King.

Defence and offense were one herbivore, so much so that it would seem as if they had moved in unison.

While he was stunned by the astonishing move, he swung his sword and tried to block Gu Yang's attack.

He had already been hit by the Explosion Horse Field, which would have offset him to some extent, so he thought he would be able to hold out for a while.


Ironically, the blue brain qi that surrounded the Tao was cut off in a single beat, and the sword of the wall qiwan was also cut in two in a single beat.

However, the seasoned wall qiwan didn't panic. As soon as the sword was cut off, he quickly changed his posture and tried to erupt his brain qi with his chair.


Before I knew it, I was struck by the golden sword technique of the Gu Yang clan that stretched out the left hand in front of me, and I was instantly overwhelmed by the blood sword.

After overpowering Chen Qiwan, Gu Yang turned around and rushed at Jin Yanghui.

Jin Yanghui also tried his best to resist, but it was impossible for him to endure a battle that even the two of them could not endure.

After successfully subduing Chen Qianwan and Jin Yanghui, Gu Yangfei took a light breath and released the blood from the two men.

"It seems that you have a lot more freedom in the operation of the Soul Yuan Martial Arts. Lord Lesser·"

"Apart from the Soul Martial Arts, your sense of fighting has also become sharper."

It seemed like a slap in the face, but the two men meant it.

The two of them didn't even have the slightest mercy in the previous secret. He really did it with the mindset of killing Gu Yang.

Despite this, the two of them were overpowered without being able to hurt Gu Yang.

Instead of dying, he was neatly suppressed without any significant injuries.

I don't need to explain how difficult it is to subdue your opponent without killing or hurting him.

The master who can withstand the coordinated attack of the two men who have risen to the position of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Cult in this way will be counted even if they search all over the river.

"The last time I was beaten by that little heavenly lord, it was a great lesson..."

When Gu Yang replied that it was not a big deal, the two middle-aged Mujin looked at Gu Yang with emotion.

Just like that, when the three men were in the middle of a friendly atmosphere over the achievement of the Gu Yang Clan.

Former Red Tiger Danju· He hurriedly came to the place and raised an example.

"The Tomb Danju is coming here in such a hurry... Is there anything wrong with you?"

"Lord Xiao! It is said that the members of the Protestant Church left the Ten Million Great Mountain and headed for the Middle Plains."

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