Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 354 Table of contents

Tenma (2)


After defeating the Qinghai Sect, Ma Kyo marched southeast and arrived in Sichuan.

Sichuan· It is the area where the first emperor of the Shu Dynasty, Liu Bi, settled and is strategically important.

In fact, even at the time of the Zheng Demon War forty years ago, the demon religion had not been able to cross Sichuan Province.

It was partly because of the fierce resistance of the Wulin Meng, which was created after the collapse of the Kunlun Sect, but in the first place, Sichuan Province was a difficult place to attack.

This was true geographically, but above all, there were as many as three large sects in Sichuan.

Qingsheng, Ami, and Sichuan Tang Family·

While the three clans took advantage of the geographical advantage to hold on, the Wu Lin League rose to the fore, and the tug-of-war of the Zheng Demon War continued.

In the end, Tenma, who fell into a trap, lost his life and ended in defeat.

In that sense, Sichuan was a place with various meanings for Ma Qiao.

"I don't see a single ant..."

The demons who rushed into Sichuan with a mixture of tension and excitement felt nothing but vanity.

But that didn't mean there weren't any people.

I didn't see a single person who could be called a "Murim person."

There was not even anyone standing in their way.

"Tsk· You cowards..."

Thomas, who had planned to make a meritorious contribution in this war and turn the Japanese Emperor into a thousand horses, clicked his tongue as if he was sorry.

The Brightness Throne, who was moving with Thomas' side, spoke in a grave tone.

"Ami and Qingsheng were defeated in the last civil war and entered the Fengmen, and the Tang family gave up the Tang Gata to join the Political Affairs League in order to stop the Divine Heaven."

In other words, Sichuan is no different from Muju Communist Mountain.

Thomas laughed fishily at the left-hand man's words.

"Uhhhh Now is your chance to wipe this place out. Why don't you start with Ami and Qingsheng who are at the gate?"

Thomas, who seemed to be anxious to fight, shook his head.

"You don't have to waste your time dealing with them..."

In order to carry out God's instructions at once, he had to work with the Political Affairs League and the Southern Heavenly Society, and he could not waste time in Sichuan.

But you don't have to reveal your true intentions.

"After all, the traitors of the despicable Middle Plains are gathered in one place, so why don't you and deal with them after you wipe them out?"

Thomas nodded in disappointment at the words of the leftist.

"If you're a family lord and a confidant, you don't have to deal with the assistants, but you should be able to make a big deal out of it."

"Hahaha· You're saying the obvious..."

Thomas laughed heartily as if he had been relieved by his insignificant words.

Looking at Thomas, he smiled faintly and turned his head.

'How much easier it would have been if the others were as stupid as this one... Tsk·'

Where his gaze was directed, the head of the Huan family and the head of the sword family were located.

* * *

After passing through Sichuan, the main body of Ma Kyo arrived in Shaanxi Province.

Shincheon's plan is a game of shenanigans.

In other words, after using the Demon Cult as a consumable item to attack the main camp of the Zheng Mu League and weaken its strength.

The main body of the gods, including the heavenly lord, moved to conclude the political affairs alliance.

And by finishing off the remnants of the Political League that had lost its main camp and the Southern Heaven Society, they were aiming for the Wulin Clan.

Naturally, for this, the main body of the Demon Cult had to move directly towards the outer county of Shaanxi Province.

"No matter how incapacitated Sichuan is, I don't think they'll open the way so easily..."

The priest who was leading the demon cult on the move couldn't help but secretly have such a question.

And when I passed the beginning of Shaanxi Province,

After nearly six days of marching after the battle at Mount Kunlun, they finally saw those who stood in their way.

They were dressed in ununified attire, and they displayed different flags everywhere.

The largest flag fluttering in the center bore the words "Political Affairs" in heavy handwriting.

He had finally appeared to stop their advance from the Political League.

In a way, it was a matter of course. As they have already advanced to Shaanxi, it is at most two hundred li from here to the main camp of the Zheng Zheng League.

For the Yang people, it was an enormous distance, but for the masters, it was only a matter of one or two hours.

'A New Heaven Is Soon to Open!'

Li Daeju Sobaek looked ahead with a throbbing heart.

Now, as long as they wipe them out, weaken the power of the Demon Cult, and pour the remaining forces of the Demon Cult into the Political Affairs League, the day will come when God will open a new heaven.

Imagining a joyful future, the moment when the left man was about to order an attack.

"Light-Throne Temple! There's a new one from the south!"

Suddenly, a new group began to approach the cultists.

He thought they were new recruits from the Political Affairs League, but as soon as he saw them, he felt a strange feeling.

"How dare they!!"

"To use the banner of Protestantism!"

Ironically, the newcomers were wearing a banner that was the symbol of the Heavenly Demon God Cult with the word "Demon" written in large letters.

Naturally, the Demon Cults' gaze was not directed at the Political Alliance, but at the newcomers.

"Who are you!!"

A hot-tempered Thomas roared with a flurry of balls, and their camp became disturbed, and three men stepped forward.

Before the men could speak, the Cultists could tell who they were.


"You're joining hands with the hypocrites!! Despicable bastards!!"

Gu Yang Tile and Geum Yang Hui· And even Bhangawan·

The three of them were at least well-known figures that the Demon Cult would have known, so they recognized their identities at once.

Then, in the midst of their hostile gaze, Gu Yang, who stepped forward, opened his mouth with an internal attack.

"It's been a while. Protestant Christians..."

It wasn't a deafening voice, but it was heard equally by all.

That simple greeting was enough to show how high his realm had become.

And while everyone was surprised, Gu Yang made a shocking declaration.

"I'm here to do nothing with those hypocrites over there! I have come to purify the cult and ascend to the position of the Heavenly Horse!"

When the demons were reacting to his cry in various ways. The short-tempered Thomas stepped forward and exclaimed.

"Discussing the apostate on the subject of a thousand horses! You're crazy!"

Even as he faced Thomas who was about to attack with his sword drawn, Gu Yang was at a leisurely pace.

"I am not an apostate. There are other true apostates."

"Hmph· The guy who disobeyed the Kyo's instructions and hid in the south of the country is making a lot of noise..."

"Instruction of the doctrine? The only one who can give me instructions is the Heavenly Demon of Kyo. But where is Tianma? And who are the ones who led the cultists to divide and fight each other in the absence of the Heavenly Demon?"

Hearing Gu Yang's remarks, the eyes of some of the demon cultists naturally turned to the left and right guardian lions.

And when they realized that their gaze was irreverent, they hurriedly withdrew their gaze.


Then someone's soft laughter broke the silence.

The owner of the laughter was the Master of Light.

"The Seven Confucius has changed a lot. When he was a child, he was willing to receive my help, but when he was in danger, he sold his benefactor. Do you know the word ungrateful?"

Unlike the other princesses of Confucius, whose mother was not from the Four Great Demon Family, Gu Yang was treated badly, Guangming Master was kind to her, and everyone in the Demon Sect knows that she was kind.

When Master Guangming laughed and pointed it out, Gu Yang Fei also laughed leisurely.

"So I have also been deceived. But now that I know the truth, no· The apostate is ruling the sect on behalf of the heavenly horse, so I only left the school for a while to build up my strength to slay the apostate..."

Before Gu Yang's words made him say something. A new voice joined the conversation·

"Truth... That's an interesting story."

Gu Yang turned his head in the direction of the voice and saw that there was a sword horse with his arms folded and looking at him.

"Do you mean to believe the author?"

Usa questioned Gumma as if he was in a bad mood, and Gumma replied in a blunt tone.

"Is there any reason why you can't hear what the Seven Confucius said, whether it's true or false? If it's a lie, you can kill it after hearing about it, right? Or is he afraid of the Seven Princes?"


Usa momentarily stunned, and this time he spoke in a relaxed tone.

"Very well. I'll take a listen."

Naturally, all the eyes of the demons were on Gu Yang.

And in front of everyone, Gu Yang revealed the truth calmly.

"The truth is simple. Sobaek, who occupies the throne over there, is actually an agent of an organization called 'Shincheon,' and Woosa has been reduced to a puppet by the solitude of the throne."

When everyone was stunned by the sudden proclamation. Gumma asked Gu Yangpae·

"What evidence do you have to support that?"

"There's a lot of evidence, but there's the biggest one... A few months ago· When Confucius came to Nanman to kill us together. Between them, there was a fearsome master who could manipulate both yin and yang qi at the same time."

While everyone was puzzled by the sudden content, Gu Yang's words continued.

"I, too, was ambushed by him and suffered internal injuries, but I managed to survive. Later, as a result of the capture and interrogation of the Red Flame King... I could see that the man had joined the cult disguised as an ordinary Cult at the behest of the Master and was called the "Lesser Heavenly Lord". It means that the Son of God, the head of the Divine Heavens, was disguised as a Cult at the behest of the Priest."

And before the left and right guardians could answer anything, Gu Yang turned his head to Li Gongzi, who was next to Huan Ma, and shouted:

"And I know that Li Gongzi has also seen the martial arts of Xiao Tianju in Nanman..."

Naturally, everyone's eyes turned to Confucius.

And just in time for that moment, Gu Yang sent a telegram to Huan Ma.

– Wouldn't it be better to hold on to my rope than to watch the evil of the Guardian Warriors on the left and right, or to hand over the position of the Heavenly Horse to the Taoist?

Even though it was a sudden sound, Huan Ma didn't panic.

– What do you believe in and work with?

– You don't have to tell a lie. If I think I'm going to fail, then I can go and cut the rope, right?

After thinking about Gu Yang's answer for a very short time, Huan Ma sent a message to Li Gong.

And Li Gong, who had heard the sound of the illusion, immediately nodded.

"The words of the Seven Confucius are true... I've seen a man dressed in the uniform of the school perform martial arts in the south of the country. As the Seven Confucius said, he was a martial artist who used the Keeper of the Heat and the Keeper of the Han Yin at the same time. However, I have never heard that he is a minor celestial lord or that he has anything to do with the Divine Heaven..."

It was an answer that took sides to some extent, but drew a line between them.

As soon as he finished answering, the voice of the sword horse rang out again without a doubt.

"The evidence is not enough..."

Acting like a mediator, he opened his mouth and suddenly pointed his hand at the handle of the sword.

"If you don't have any evidence beyond that, you're just an apostate."

Seeing Gum Ma ready to leave at any moment, Gu Yang laughed heartily.

"Hahaha· After all, people believe what they want to believe. All I want to say is that the left and right guardians may be apostates. And since when did our Protestant religion persuade you with words?"

Saying that, Gu Yang, who drew his sword in a natural motion, exclaimed.

"So! I'm going to file a life-or-death decision to hide the truth. The left and right guardian lions, please come forward. Now I'm applying for the Heavenly Emperor as the Seven Confucius."

Tiancheng Festival·

It was one of the most special rituals that existed in the Demon Religion, which emphasizes the logic of power, and it was a ritual to draw a thousand horses.

To be precise, a ritual that challenges Tenma.

Since it was a demon religion that revolved in the logic of power, it could be said that the strongest person had the right to challenge the heavenly horse.

Of course, it was rarely used in practice.

In the first place, those who ascend to the position of Tenma will learn the Celestial Demon Technique, which can be said to be the symbol of the Tenma.

It was almost impossible to challenge and win against the greatest martial artist in the Demon Cult.

And if the position of the Tenma was vacant, he would have to deal with the left and right Guardian Messengers at the same time on behalf of the Tenma, but this was also a challenge that was close to impossible.

There wasn't a master in the cult who could deal with both of them at the same time.

The clans of the Four Great Demon Families were at most equal to one of the two, or one or two outnumbered, so the rest of the Confucius didn't even need to be discussed.

The Seven Confucius, who considered the tradition that everyone considered unpopular, as an apostate, came out with him.

And I wonder if he liked the courage of such a savior?

The corners of Gumma's mouth, which seemed to be ready to release a sword at any moment, twisted slightly upwards.

It was a rare smile from the sullen sword horse.

"What will you do? The Guardian Lion, left and right·"

At the same time as the sword demon asked, everyone's eyes were about to turn to the left and right guardian lions.

"An apostate talks about the Heavenly Spirit Festival! You'll have to get past me before the Guardian Monks on the left and right!"

Thomas roared like he was having a sudden seizure.

If things continue as they are now, the position of the next Great Heavenly Horse will naturally belong to the Confucius.

Thomas couldn't forgive Gu Yang for suddenly ignoring the order and using the right to challenge.


The moment Thomas swings the sword by surprise· Thomas' ears rang through the sound of the Confucius' voice.

– Be careful!

The Japanese confucian had a hasty warning because of the experience of fighting in the southern part of the country, but it was a little late.

Riding on the sword of Thomas, the pottery overflowed with a perpetuating aura.


And before he knew it, the gray thunder that was coiling around the sword of the wielding sword of the Nine Yang Clan, and it made a roaring sound.


Every time Thomas' sword and Gu Yang's sword collided, the energy surrounding Tao began to fade rapidly.


Each time, Thomas hurriedly gathered his energy from the battle and slammed the sword into the sword, but he couldn't hold out for five shots, and Thomas' sword was cut off.


Frightened, Thomas hurriedly shouted at the moderator and tried to deal with it.

But he couldn't move.

Before he knew it, Gu Yang had unleashed his intellect and seized his demon blood.

The Four Families of Demonism· Thomas, the head of the Four Great Demon Clans, was overpowered in just a few rounds.

When everyone was staring at Gu Yang with speechless faces at the shocking scene.

After overpowering Thomas, Gu Yang raised his sword and aimed it somewhere.

"The left and right guardians, please come forward."

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