Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 360 Table of contents

Monster (2)


Mu Jin stuck his tongue out at Mu Yul's nasty martial arts, and he couldn't help but think of it.

'Hyegal Uncle · What the hell did you make?'

He said that he would make a dragon ticket for Mu Yul in the south, but he didn't expect to make a monster dragon.

However, if Hye-gal had read Mujin's intentions, she would have jumped in frustration.

And that unfortunate benevolence is now ·


He calmed down the motion sickness of the elephant and watched the battlefield with calm eyes.

That's what a pincer attack is. If you try to help, you will often interrupt the movement of your allies and get the worst possible outcome.

That's why Hye-gal was first of all keeping an eye on the coordinated attack of the well-matched Mujabae sign room.

While Mujin uses his self-defense technique to cling to Chen Ju like a villain, and Mu Jin draws Chen Ju's attention, Mu Yul makes a bizarre movement that annoys Chen Ju.

In the meantime, the support of the Infinite and the Martial Realm is in perfect harmony, and somehow they are in harmony with God.


Hye-gal, who had been watching the battle for a while, saw a chance to intervene.

Hye-gal wasted no time in unraveling the essence of martial arts that she had realized in Namman.

South Barbarism for Muyul·

There, she encountered various animals and studied their movements.

And as a result, he was able to untangle the tangled threads of the dragon sphere.

"In the first place, cranes, snakes, leopards, and tigers are just extracts of the typical characteristics of animals."

You didn't have to imitate hundreds of thousands of animals to learn the dragon ticket.

In detail, there are differences between all animals, but in the grand scheme of things, we were able to narrow it down to a few characteristics.

The lazy and gentle movements of the crane and the subtle yet fluid movements of the snake. The agility of the leopard and the bravery of the tiger·

And Yong Kwon was a martial artist who had to take advantage of those characteristics at the same time.

According to the essence of the dragon fist, which he had only learned and memorized by words, a huge inner void flowed through the sea of Hye-gal's limbs.

But it wasn't just a matter of running the blood.

Sometimes it flows like the movement of a crane, sometimes it flows like a snake.

And at other times, he was as brave as a leopard, and at other times he was so reckless and courageous that he might be wounded.

The moment when the inner gong, which had been swayed in various ways according to the characteristics of the four animals, gathered in Hye-gal's fist.


With a vigorous spirit, riding on the fist of the Fairy Girl, the golden energy unique to Shaolin accumulates and accumulates, forming a huge cluster of stars.

And the moment she threw down her fist·


The great cluster of stars shot out toward God in a certain form.


Kangqi, in the form of a yellow dragon, flew in with its maw open as if it were devouring God.


Even Mu Jin, who was in the middle of the battle at the gorgeous martial arts, let out a faint exclamation as if he was mesmerized.

'Why can you do it while you can?'

It was not an exclamation of wonder, but an exclamation of doubt.

But I didn't have time to think about it for long.

"Is the serpent going to hurt the main seat?"

In response to the splendid dragon attack, Chen Zhu responded with a disgusting face and shouted at the regime.


With a roar, the Yellow Dragon's molars shattered against the fist of the Heavenly Being.

The crack that started from the molars spread to the dragon's entire body, and the Yellow Dragon, which had been made up of strong qi, was instantly returned to the bosom of nature.

The Yellow Dragon had vanished in vain, but was it moved by the majesty it had shown for a moment?

Mu Yul, who had taken a step back, shouted excitedly and took a stance to scream at the regime.

"I'm going to do it too. Sir!"

Just like Hye-gal, the inner air that Mu-yul had centered on Mu-yul's danjeon runs through the four hundred seas.

'Hmm? Was it like this?'

However, there was no time for Mu Yul to memorize all the complicated and lengthy summons of the dragon sphere.

'That's right! I think I can do this!'

Therefore, Mu Yul just improvised and used the qi as he came to mind.

But it wasn't completely out of the box.

Thanks to Hye-gal's indoctrination, the basic content flowed very well.

If there is a difference·

'Heh... You can imitate Bibi here, right?'

The energy that should flow like a snake flows like an elephant.

'Wouldn't it be nice if Lingling could be wearing too?'

When he needs to be as brave as a tiger, he thinks of Ling Lingyi and uses his inner attack.

The moment I thought of the animals that had nothing to do with the original dragon sphere and finished the internal operation.


Mu-yul, who, like Hye-gal, had all of her energy in her fists, threw her fists.


A dragon arose from Mu Yul's hand and marched towards the heavenly lord.

Unlike the gorgeous Yellow Dragon, the Yellow Dragon has a crooked shape, as if a child had scribbled on it.

It was bizarre.

The form of the Yellow Dragon itself was bizarre, but the fact that it was possible was a strange thing in itself.

In the first place, to go against the logic of the Ascended Martial Arts' internal attack and to do whatever he wanted was almost a suicidal act that would bring the coins to the mouth of the coin.

The reason why this madness was possible was because Mu Yul had been imitating dozens and hundreds of animals in the first place, often performing bizarre internal maneuvers.

The blood vessels in his body had already become somewhat accustomed to the strange operation of the internal attack.

It's like steadily ingesting a small amount of poison from the sugar family to build up immunity.

In addition, although it was not comparable to Mujin, Mu Yul also had a strong body that could withstand the overload that came to his body to some extent, thanks to his constant training of the outer attack.


Looking at the crooked yellow dragon created by Mu Yul, Hye Girl involuntarily sobbed.

It wasn't because he didn't expect Mu Yul to use the Dragon Fist.

I've seen it succeed a few times in the South.

There was another reason why Hye-gal was surprised.

"How is it that every time you look at it, the dragon looks different?"

It was a trick to unfold the ticket completely differently every time.

And again, Mu Yul, who had created a new dragon, cried and said to Hegal.

"Sajo-sama· I'm sick to my stomach."

The corners of Mu Yul's mouth were pale with blood.

Even Mu Yul, who was a master of imitating animals, seemed to have an internal injury when he unfolded the monster dragon fist.

* * *

When Mu Jiabai Sainbang, Hui Ge, and Lingling were fighting against Tianzhu, and Bai Eight Nahan was surrounding him just in case.

Unlike the simplest but most dangerous of the world, the entire course of the battlefield was changing rapidly.

No, it seemed to change suddenly.


The spirit elephant that Mu Yul and Hye Girl rode · The animal, which Mu Yul named Bibi (鼻鼻) because of its peculiar nose, trampled on the warriors of the Divine Heaven with its enormous and heavy legs, and flew it into the sky with its nose. It was all over the battlefield.

In the meantime, the fact that he only attacked those who were considered enemies and did not attack any of the groups of the Southern Heavenly Society who had come all the way here with him made it clear that the elephant deserved to be called a spirit creature.

However, it was Pajin and Dowolcheon who were playing an even bigger role than Bibi.

Every time the spear and sword of the two men flashed and the light flashed, the warriors of the Divine Heaven who stood in their way were busy collapsing one after another.

However, a huge force that was once called the Sapa Chilju· He knew that he had spent many years as the leader of the Gu Fei Dragon Clan, and had fought countless battles.

"They're all fools."

The ones they're slashing aren't really important on this battlefield.

Pajin's intuition was correct.

Those who blocked the Southern Heaven Society were considered expendable in the Divine Heaven. They were the gods, but they didn't belong to the gods.

In the process of transiting the eastern part of the Central Plains, the unmanned people from the Central Fire Sect were subjugated by methods such as feeding poison and taking family members hostage.

Each of them was said to be a master in their respective regions, but they were no match for the elite of the Southern Heavenly Society, which was the current sect of the sect, and they were no match for Dao Yue Chen or Pai Jinsheng.

Therefore, Pai Jinsheng focused on his senses and read the flow of the battlefield.

The Enemy's Major Masters· They were looking for those who were turning the tide of the battlefield in favor of Shincheon.

The first thing that stimulated the spirit of defeat was, of course, the battle between God and Shaolin.

The battle over there was nothing short of astounding, and if the battle over there ended early, the victor would decide the outcome of the great battle.

However, Pajin has erased the option of supporting them.

He had never fought with Shaolin before.

They know that if they try to help the other side, they will only get in the way of each other.

For the same reason, the battle between the shaman and the landlord was also removed from the list of options.

The next thing that caught his heart was the man who was once the owner of the Apostle Retreat to which he belonged. It was the place where the Hyukjin River fought with the father and son of the Southern Palace.

"The Hyukjin River belongs to our Southern Palace!!"

"Give me your neck!!"

Seeing the father and son of the Southern Palace, ignoring the command of the Sega's warriors, ignorantly rushing at Hyukjin Gang, Pai Jinsheng shook his head.

"The Southern Palace hasn't changed..."

If so, there is only one option left.

"Aw! Aim for that old man!"

"Yes brother!"

After informing Dao Yuechen of the target, Pai Jinsheng shouted out the inner air for all the subordinates of the Southern Heaven Society to hear.

"Follow me!!"

Pai Jinsheng, who made his way through the road with his subordinates, was aiming for a master who used the pen of the judge.

And that old man was the most dangerous figure on the battlefield right now.

It wasn't because of skill. In terms of skill, he looked like he was on a par with Hyukjin Kang.

Of course, Pai Jinsheng had been defeated by the Hyukjin River and had entered the Sado Refinement, but at least there were two enemies on this battlefield who were significantly stronger than that old man.

Still, the reason why he is most dangerous is because of the gods, the landowners, and the landlords. And unlike Hyuk Jingang, there was no master or group in the Political League to deal with the old man.


As expected, the closer he got to the old man, the higher the level of the samurai standing in his way.

Pai Jinsheng, whose eyes lit up at the sight of the opponent who blocked his spear for the first time, shouted his spear again, and his abdomen was pierced by the spear and he collapsed, as if he could not block the desert island.


Beside such a filibuster, Dao Yue Chen used the power of the Black Sword to cut his throat in two with the enemy's weapon with a sword technique.

"You're getting better and better."

Pajin shook his head in satisfaction and yelled again.

"It's real from now on, so stay focused!!"

After warning his subordinates that the enemy's level was rising, Pai Jinsheng broke through the road with Dao Yue Chen and approached the old man.

"The grubs of the Southern Heavenly Society..."

The old man frowned, as if he knew Pai Jinsheng and Dao Yue Tian, and swung his brush in the air as if he were writing a calligraphy.

Then, with his brushstrokes, the aura of silence embroidered in the air took on the shape of the word plaque.

However, Pai Jinsheng and Dao Yue Chen each swung their spears and swords, dissipating the energy sent by the old master, and then opened their mouths.

"Hahaha· It seems that our Southern Heaven Society has become quite famous. If only an old man who wasn't even known in the river would know..."

The corners of the old master's mouth turned up at the provocation of Pai Jinsheng.

"How could you not know? They ruined my system..."

As Mu Jin had predicted, the master was an old man called Inju in the Divine Heaven.

"Thanks to you, I had to tell God of my incompetence, and today I will wash away my transgressions with your blood."

As if the attack from earlier was just a greeting, Inju began to write calligraphy in the air with the judge's handwriting again.

At first glance, it looked like a crazy old man, but Pai Jinsheng and Dao Yuechen swallowed and couldn't help but focus on the old man's movements.

The aura of silence gathering in the hall was too ferocious for a mad old man's dance.

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