Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 361 Table of contents

Yellow (1)


While Inju is teasing the brush· Pai Jinsheng and Tao Yue Chen didn't just watch.


Pai Jinsheng stepped forward, and Dao Yue Chen followed him like a shadow.

In the meantime, along with the pen of the judge, the silent energy embroidered in the air took the form of letters and flew towards the castle.

Looking at the silent energy that was closing the distance in an instant, Pa Jinsheng gripped the spear with both hands.

The flow of qi that began with his danjeon begins to engulf the spear through his hands.


The vigorous spirit and the thrusting spear clashed with the silent energy of the injure with a strong aura.



Maybe it's because of the difference in realm. Unable to overcome the huge force due to the difference in the inner attack of the Jininba, he took three steps backwards and let out a faint moan.

And in the short time that the defeat dragged out the time·


Dao Yuechen, who had been moving behind Paijinsheng, jumped into the air and flew towards Yinju.

However, as if he had expected this much, Inju had already dealt with it by wielding a judge's pen.

The aura of silence he had drawn filled his entire surface like a protective ball, creating the word "room" this time.

And the moment when Inju's Protective Ball and Daoyuecheon's Black Sword collided.

A phenomenon that was beyond the expectations of Inju has occurred.


The sound rang out only once, but Inju was vaguely aware of it.

The Black Sword of the Heavens has been swung five times. Towards the exact same spot.

Mercury Stone·

With this realization, Dao Yue-cheon succeeded in slicing through the protective ball of Yin Ju with a ridiculously high speed of the Pleasure Technique.

It reverberated so fast in quick succession that it sounded like a single crash.


While Inju involuntarily takes a breath

After successfully piercing the Protective Hole, the Black Sword of the Sword of the Heavens drew the Sixth Sword Route. Exactly to the neck of the injutsu ·

But what reverberated immediately after that wasn't a clean cutting sound.


The black sword of the moon spring stopped in front of Inju's neck. To be precise, by another judge's handwriting on the left hand of Inju.

The two of them clashed with each other, and at the same time, they came up with similar ideas.

The idea that the weapon used by the opponent is not an ordinary weapon.

But the movement after that was different.

"It's a ridiculous pleasure technique and a black sword, but the level and realm of the inner attack are not very high..."

Realizing that his opponent couldn't use his strong qi, Inju began to calculate how to deal with his opponent.



And whether or not the first blow was blocked, it was a sword that swung one after another.

As if he was going to cut off even the judge's pen with the trick of a thousand stones, just like a guard a moment ago.

Immediately after parrying the three flying swords that flew in an instant with minimal movement, Yin Zhu hurriedly unleashed a light attack technique and took a step back.

"I think I should get rid of the idea that I have a low level..."

There was no doubt that the same place had been struck in succession, and the marks were etched on the judge's handwriting.

If he had held on, he might have had his own throat cut along with the judge.

Then· A fierce spear flew from the left towards Inju, who had stepped back.

It was a surprise attack by Pai Jinsheng, who quickly ruled the inner air in the short time that Dao Yue Chen and Yin Ju exchanged matches.

Inju overlaid the flag on the pen in his right hand to block the spear of the castle.


And immediately after the intense sound of the collision rang out.


This time, he struck out the black sword of the Tao Yue Chen that had dug in again with the pen of the judge in his left hand.

Like a dual-wielding swordsman, he used his two-handed sword brush at will, blocking or deflecting the combined attack of Dao Yue Chen and Pai Jinsheng.

Immediately after exchanging five or six sums in an instant. Inju took a big step back with a ghostly step.

In order to chase after Inju, Pai Jinsheng and Dao Yuechen rushed in, but Inju took a big step back and took a deep breath, and then unleashed a huge internal attack on the judge's pen.

A river of silent light filled the space, and it flew towards the two of them.

Pai Jinsheng unfolded the feast of the horse and put a river flag on the spear to endure the feast of Inju.

And after all, Dowolcheon cut down one point of the river in a row with the technique of the water thousand stones.

As it is a trick to ignorantly collide with a river qi with enormous destructive power, the rain of the Black Sword makes the blood vessels bloom red.

But whether your muscles and joints scream or not, you can't do that. He didn't care·

Thanks to the sheer level of training, no matter how painful it was in his arms, he was able to perform the movements exactly as he wanted.

Immediately after slicing through the silent river qi of Inju...

What he saw was a tiny speck flying at a terrifying speed.


Seeing the mysterious memorization hidden by the silent river, Dao Yuechen hurriedly turned around and narrowly escaped memorization.

And it wasn't until the memorization passed by the side of his throat that he knew what it was.

'Throw away your weapons!?'

Ironically, the memorization that Inju threw at himself was a judge's handwriting.

It also collided with his own black sword many times, and there were scars here and there.

However, when he confirmed the identity of the memorization, he involuntarily smiled with relief.

It was a threatening tactic that didn't even feel the memorization flying, but he didn't take any damage.

Immediately after a crisis, opportunity comes.

He thought he had missed a weapon.


Absurdly, Inju held a new pen in his left hand.

At the moment when the eyebrows are raised by an unexpected situation.

"Do aw!!"

The urgent voice of Pai Jinsheng penetrated Dao Yuechen's ears.

And Doyue Chen gave his instincts over to some kind of foreboding.


He hurriedly threw himself away.


A piece of the Judge's Brush brushed past his side.


It was clearly the same judge's pen that he had avoided a moment ago.

And the pen that made a small wound in the side of the Tao Yue Chen was sucked into the left hand of the person like a magnetite.


With his right hand, he held one tablet of the Judge's Pencil as if it were a sword, and with his left hand, he held two Judge's Pencils as if he were memorizing.

And while Dowolcheon quickly pointed out the blood level around the wound on his side to stop the bleeding.

Inju's hands began to dance rapidly again.

Riding on the sword in his right hand, the aura of silence radiated out and flew towards Daoyue Chen and Paijin City.


Without a doubt, Inju's left-handed hand-to-hand sword moved stealthily and aimed at the two of them.

Originally, there were two main missions of Indiju.

One is to give instructions to the subordinates of the Divine Heaven and draw a big picture for the Great Realm.

And the other is to sneak into Peking and observe the movements of the imperial family.

As much as they handled information close to the imperial family, the martial arts of Yinju specialized in "hiding their aura".

He wasn't as good at stealth as he was when he had to reveal his true identity, but he was just as good at hiding his qi as he was.

In the first place, the fact that Salmakju was a direct subordinate of Inju in Shincheon meant that there was bound to be a certain degree of correlation.

Also, in the middle of the night, when everyone was asleep, even the slightest sound would catch the ear, but in the market hall it would not be heard, even if it was loud.


Every time the judge in his right hand dances, a huge and fierce silent aura stimulates the vision and qi of Dao Yue Chen and Pai Jinsheng.


Meanwhile, the judge, who threw it with his left hand, secretly tried to kill the two of them.

* * *

On the other hand, the people who were blocking Yin Ju until the Southern Heavenly Association joined were Zhuge Muhuan and the masters of the Zheng Mu League.

To be precise, under Zhuge Muhuan's instructions, the masters of the Political Affairs League were being divided.

There was no one left in the Political League who could single-handedly or with a minimum number of people to stop the injutsu.

It was too much for the Heavenly Lord and the Landowner to stop the Hyukjin River.

And one of those who, following Zhuge Muhuan's instructions, gave up his life as if he were a meat shield and dealt with Yin Ju.

A woman who has risen to the level of moon and sun martial arts and managed to survive the judgment of Inju by using ice balls.

When Zhuge Jinxi joined the Southern Tianxi Society, he naturally turned his head and looked at Zhuge Muhuan.

– What to do?

Dowolcheon and Paijinseong began a battle with Inju.

It was a question of whether he would stay here and support the two or the other.

Zhuge Muhuan, who had been looking in the direction of the Southern Heavenly Society for a while, immediately pointed somewhere with his fan.

It was an instruction to leave the induction to the Southern Heavenly Society and to support the side indicated by the debt.

She looked back at Zhuge Muhuan's fan.

"Quietly stick out your neck..."

"You leeches!"

I saw the disgusted face of Hyuk Jin Kang having a fierce battle with the father and son of the Southern Palace.

It was a pretty funny sight.

The direction of the battle was, to put it bluntly, in favor of the Hyukjin River. It felt more like a slight advantage than a one-sided one.

Just looking at the tone and the atmosphere of what they were talking about, it almost looked like a rich man from the Southern Palace was pushing him.


Zhuge Jinxi, who had already helped the two of them in the battle against the Sad, let out a sigh and opened a light attack towards them.

She was aware of this and decided to assume that she had been placed there.

I've had the experience of putting it together at least once, so I wonder if it will be a match to some extent.

It was half right.

"If she's already put it together, those crazy Namgoong bastards won't say much..."

The main reason why Zhuge Muhuan sent her to the Southern Palace was because he didn't want to be entangled with the Southern Palace anymore.

In fact, he only sent support to Zhuge Jinxi and the warriors of Zhuge Sega, and the rest of the Mu Mu in the Political League gave other instructions.

Zhuge Muhuan, who had taken care of the troublesome affairs in the Southern Palace, watched the battlefield with cold eyes, and moved the fan restlessly.

And the guards that remained at his side were a kind of escort and loudspeaker, transmitting his instructions to the battlefield.

"Huang Bosega should break through the right flank and support the Zhongnan Sect! Zhong Nan wait for the support of the Huang Bo family!"

"Break through the path of the Holy Battalion head-on!"

Identify the battlefield that is flowing in favor or disadvantage, manage troops organically, and induce any one place not to collapse easily.

While many of the masters of the Political Alliance were held by Tianzhou, Landowners, and Hyukjingang, Zhuge Muhuan's efforts to hold out against Xinchen were largely due to Zhuge Muhuan's efforts.

However, Zhuge Muhuan's incessant instructions were not very comfortable.

"After all, the damage is not easy..."

I was expecting a certain amount of damage. No, to be honest, it was a choice I had in mind.

In fact, from Zhuge Muhuan's point of view, where his own safety was the top priority, Shang Zhan was not such a bad outcome.

He thought that if both the Zheng Mu League and the Divine Heaven were gone, his old age would be quite comfortable.

However, in the current trend, even "Sangzan" seemed to be the best possible outcome.

"Before Shaolin and the Shamans fall, we must break the balance in any one place."

The shaman dealing with the landlord and his disciples was doing his best.


One by one, there were steady casualties.

There have been no casualties on the Shaolin side yet.


Once again, on behalf of Mu Jin's party, the Hundred and Eight Monks began to deal with the heavens.

Mu Jin and his companions stepped back, their faces turned white, and they seemed busy dealing with the concussions as they exchanged a few words.

'Maybe I'll have to take a gamble...'

Zhuge Muhuan, who calmly gathered his thoughts, was about to give some instructions.


When he discovered something, a smile appeared on his lips for the first time since the war began.

It was a smile that realized that his last arrangement had worked.

Beyond the battlefield, a group of people waving huge banners with the word "Demon" on them approached.

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