The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 7 Ch. 18 Table of contents

It's already been a week since I became the deputy leader of the rescue team.

At one point, I was waiting triumphantly for a group of tough guys who didn't recognize me as the deputy leader, but contrary to my expectations, they were positive that I would be the deputy leader.

On the other hand, it was Ferm who rushed in.

"Can you stand on me? This monster is a human being!

While saying that, I repelled Ferm who was beating me with a decoupin, but I was still not convinced, and since then, he has been attacking me every day.

I began to wonder what it was like to be an older brother with a rebellious sister.

No, I'm an only child.


"Mr./Ms. Usato"

"Hmm? Nak? It's okay to stand, it's not to sit."


The night before the meeting of the Four Kingdoms, he left for Luqvis.

After dinner, I sat on the field of the training ground for a change of pace, and while I was leisurely looking at the night scenery, Nak came out of the dormitory and called out to me.

For the time being, I let Nak sit next to me and then ask him what he is for.


"So, what's going on?"

"Well, you're going to Luqvis tomorrow, aren't you?"

"Yes, but ......."


By the way, this time I decided to have Nea stay at home.

He wanted to go, but Rose said that there was a problem with taking Nea to the meeting, as he could cause her to distrust him due to his abilities such as charm and magic.

He said he couldn't take her with him because it could make the other party distrustful.

…… I wasn't going to let him use that ability, though.

Nea said that while I was at Luxvis, I would spend my days training with Ferm. Something...... He said that he would do spiritual training and avoidance training with Ferm.

It looked like a lot of fun, but Nea and Ferm looked like they were at the end of the world and were begging me for help.


"So...... Would you like to tell Mr./Ms. Kiriha and the others? I was very indebted to you when I left Luxvis. I hope I can meet you......"

"Okay, I'll tell you."


When I go to Luqvis, I plan to meet Kiriha and the others in my free time.

At that time, I have to tell you a lot Mr./Ms. stories about souvenirs. Kyo and Satsuki seem to be very interested in listening.


"But the truth is, I wish you could have gone too."


After I became deputy leader, I went to the castle once and asked Mr./Ms. if I could take Amako with her, and she gave me permission more easily than I expected.

After telling Amako about it, I suddenly thought that if I could take Nak with me...... I thought about it, but none other than Nak refused.


"I really want to go there, too, but I don't want to be there...... There's Meena in Luxvis."

"Oh, ...... that girl, do you still hate her?"


- A victorious girl with an impressive red twin tail who was oppressing Nak.

However, from the way Nak speaks, it seems that Nak simply doesn't want to see Meena rather than hate her.

Did something happen with her after I left Luxvis?


"It's not that I'm not good at it, I had a chance to talk to him a little bit before I left, but instead of apologizing to me, he said, 'It's your fault that you're always ugly.' It's true that I have my faults, but on the contrary, it was a refreshing way of speaking."

"What happened then?" Did you just quarrel and break up?"

"Most of the time, yes, but he ...... to say that he would come to see me when he graduated from school, and I don't know what he wants to do even though I'm already separated from my parents."

「…… I see."


Wow, this one.

I smile and pat him on the shoulder and nod yes.


"Well, Nak, you're insensitive, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry, are you serious? Does Mr./Ms. Usato say that?"



He answered immediately in a rather serious tone.

Knack, who smiled wryly at me being confused by the unexpected answer, waved his hand to the side as he spun his words.


"First of all, he trained in magic to get revenge on me, and he will come here after graduating from the academy, right? No matter how you think about it, you can't have such a maiden-like idea. It's just that I can't stand to keep losing to him."

"Oh, is that so......?"

"That's right, he's been competitive since he was little."


I see, I can't keep losing.

I don't know.

I don't really understand the relationship between Nak and Mina, but for the time being, I understand that Nak and Meena are like rivals.


"For now, I'll tell Kiriha and the others about you."

"Thank you."

"Thank you, I wanted to tell Kiriha and the others about you."


There are people in Luqvis that I want to meet, but I'm not going to hang out.

As one of the representatives of the Ringle Kingdom——— and as the deputy leader of the Rescue Team, he must fulfill the mission assigned to him.


"Oh, yes, can you give me some food for Bulllyn while I go to Luxvis? I've been asking Nea and Ferm to do it too, but I'm a little worried about them because they're a bit of a mess."

"Leave that to me."

"After that, I hope you let me exercise or something......


No, it's cruel to ask for that.

Bulllin will move when he is motivated, but it takes a long time for him to move because he is troublesome.


"I've been allowed to do my own training, and I'm going to work out with Bulllin."

"Are you okay?" He might mistake me for it and put it on my back......


When I asked him that, he laughed and said, "In case of emergency, I will call for help from those around me."

At Luxvis, I saw his growth, which I didn't rely on others, and I stood up, feeling happy inside.


"Well, I think I'll get an early rest to prepare for tomorrow."

"Then let's go back to the dormitory."


Brushing off the leaves from our clothes, Nak and I stood up and walked to the dormitory.

I'm going to leave here early tomorrow morning, so I need to make sure I don't oversleep.



Early in the morning of the next day.

I was able to get up without oversleeping, so I took my luggage that I had prepared in advance and tried to pick up Amako after saying hello to Rose ——、 departure, but there was a little commotion at that time.

To my surprise, Nea, who had transformed into an owl, was hiding in my luggage and trying to follow me.

Even I, who had luggage, didn't notice that she was lurking, but the other party was too bad. During the greeting, Rose thrust her arm into the luggage I was carrying and immediately caught Nea, who was hiding.

When I asked him how he came to this realization, he simply replied, "I have a hunch."

It was a moment when I felt that the sixth sense, when mastered, would become more supernatural than magic.

With all this commotion, I left the emergency team's dormitory and headed to the city to pick up Amako as planned.

For the first time in a long time, I was deeply moved by the sensation of a group uniform that I was wearing through the sleeves, and as I walked through the city in the morning mist, I found Amako in front of the store, so I joined her.


"Good morning, Usato."

"Good morning, it looks like you woke up without oversleeping."


As I greeted Amako in return, she looked up at me with a slightly sullen expression.


"I'm not that kid."

"Haha, I know."


Although he is petite, he is appropriate for his age...... No, mentally, he is as solid as an adult.

But even so, he occasionally responds in a way that is appropriate for his age, as he does now.


"What about Nea?"

"He's away, and in the meantime, I'm training with the leader."



What comes to mind is the image of Nea, who was trying to follow me in the middle of the chaos, being caught by Rose and dragged to the training ground with Ferm, who was somehow caught in the middle.

I'd like to protect her, but I can't do it with Rose.

After that, he heads to the castle gate with Amako while exchanging friendly chats.

After about ten minutes, they reached the castle gates, where they saw several familiar faces and knights gathered in a large carriage.

Kazuki is the senior, and Sigurd Mr./Ms. and Welsie Mr./Ms..

When I saw the four of them and the knights, I raised my hand to greet them.

Since there was no battle involved, Senpai and Kazuki wore clothes that were close to their everyday clothes, unlike when they set off on their journey.


"Is the trip something you're used to by now?"

"That's right, I haven't been traveling to Itachi for months."

"I've experienced it once, and I'm not as nervous as I was at the beginning."


Senpai and Kazuki reply to my question.

In fact, travel is familiar to me, so I feel much more relaxed than I did at the beginning.

The two of them shift their gaze to Mr./Ms. Welsey.


"Mr./Ms. Welsey, are you leaving soon?"

"Ah, good morning, Usato-sama, I'm just getting ready to leave."


So, it looks like we arrived at just the right time.

When the preparations were ready, the five of us, me, Senpai, Kazuki, Amako, and Welsey Mr./Ms., entered the carriage. Mr./Ms. and the knights are said to escort the carriage on horseback.


"Well, it's kind of the same as when we first set out on our trip."

"At that time, it was these five people, including Mr./Ms. Welsey."

"Oh, sure."


He nods at his senpai and Kazuki's words.

Then, perhaps remembering that time, the senior let out a sigh of deep emotion.


"I feel like we've grown a lot since then."

"Well, it was only a short time ago, and I'm pretty sure we've had a very intense journey that makes us feel that way."

"As far as Usato's story is concerned, it might be more accurate to say that it's mutating rather than growing."

"It sounds like I'm changing from a human to a different creature."


He gives a twitching smile to Amako, who is interjecting next to him.

I think I've grown, but I haven't grown enough to change my appearance...... It should be.


"It's more like a new creature called Usato, rather than another creature."

"Finally, my name has become the name of my race......

"Usato-kun, I think that's it! A clan kind of super-creatures! Sort of like...... There's something to be excited about! It feels like a one-of-a-kind!"

"I don't know how it feels, but if it's me, it's completely ruined......


Do my seniors really follow me?

No, I saw his smile without malicious intent, and I knew that he was saying it sincerely.

Looking at me with my shoulders dropped, Mr./Ms. and Kazuki laughed like they were in trouble.


"Hahaha...... But what's different is that the purpose of this meeting is to talk."

"Ah, yes, because you are aware that you can go home earlier than last time, it will change your state of mind a lot."


The previous trip to deliver the letter was supposed to be a long one, but this time the meeting was relatively short, and he was able to return to the Lingle Kingdom.

The talks themselves will begin as soon as the delegates of each country are assembled, so it will take no more than a week after arriving at the latest.

If there is an accident or something, the date of the meeting may be delayed by a lot.


"Oh, yes, I'll tell you all about the meeting Mr./Ms. now."


While we were thinking about this, Mr./Ms. called out to us.

I've heard a general idea from Rose about the meeting, but I don't know much about what I need to clarify.

Is there an explanation for that as well?


"The role of the Mr./Ms. in the meeting will be to meet with the representatives of the kingdoms that Mr./Ms. have visited, and you can rest assured that Mr./Ms. Sigurd and I will manage the meeting."

"Is there anything else we should do besides meeting?"

"Kazuki-sama and Suzune-sama are the heroes of the Ringle Kingdom, and Usato-sama is the deputy leader of the Life Rescue Team, so please try to behave in a way that is appropriate for their titles.

"Strongmen? That's ......."

"These are people who are in the same position as Sigurd's Mr./ our country, and they are also very capable, and I think there are people who have been to each country Mr./Ms. think of anybody."


Kazuki and Senpai nodded, wondering if there was someone who could think of Wealthy Mr./Ms.'s words.

Speaking of the powerful people of Samaria, the country I went to...... Mr./Ms. Fegnis, but that person must have been a problem before he came here.

He lost the curse he had been guarding and on top of that, he found out that he had been helping the sorcerer with his evil deeds.

What he tried to do was never forgivable, but unlike the sorcerer, who acted out of self-interest, he was acting for the good of the Samaritan kingdom.

If Mr./Ms.'s family had not been distorted by the existence of a magician, he might have been a good man who cared about his true country.



"What? Oh, sorry. I was a little bored."


He seemed to be a little lost in thought, and he was bored.

Smiling back at Amako, who called out to her anxiously, she listened to Mr./Ms.'s story.


"One of the purposes of this meeting is to make friends with the people who fight shoulder to shoulder with the Demon King's army."

"I see, you can't trust each other right away when you're told to fight together for the first time. But what kind of people will come? I'm a little excited to hear that you're a powerful person in the kingdom."


I smiled wryly at my senior, who said so happily.


"Senior, please don't start a duel all of a sudden, okay?"

"I'm not going to do that! What do you think I am!?"

"No, it's just a precaution, because I can't predict what your seniors will do."

"I don't want you to tell me that, Usato-kun!? Amako thinks so, doesn't she?!

"yes, I don't think Usato should say that."


Oops, Amako got a senior here.

I can't hide my upset at the unexpected betrayal.

When I opened my mouth to at least refute it, Mr./Ms. and Kazuki, who had been listening to our conversation, spoke first.


"I have the impression that Usato-sama is doing something ridiculous when you take your eyes off him for a moment, like when you were trying to force him to strengthen ...... lineage."

"It's true that Usato does things that you wouldn't normally think of, but that's the great thing about Usato."


Aside from Kazuki, who complimented me with a smile, I never thought that I would be in a situation where I would be forced in this situation.

When I was wondering how to refute what I had been told so far, Amako shifted her gaze from being directed at me to my senior.


"But Suzune also does unexpected things in a different direction from Usato, so in the end, it's either one or the other."


"Ah, sure, I forgot myself when I was in Frana."


"Suzune-sama is just as messy as Usato-sama, isn't he?"

"...... to Welsey, is this going to diss me!?"


As if to catch up, Amako, Kazuki, and Welsey Mr./Ms. took a bite in that order, and the seniors dropped their shoulders and fell depressed.

After a few seconds of hesitation, the senior turned his gaze to me and smiled coolly.


"I see...... Usato and I are the same. So you and I are Avec?"

"I'm sorry, I don't understand the meaning of the super-theory too much. And do you know what that means?"

"Of course."


I shrug my shoulders to my seniors who say things that are so easy.

It's good that I left the Ringle Kingdom, but the time it took to arrive was a lot of tiring.


From this story, we will enter the meeting part.


When I re-read the main story when I wrote the character introductions, I was surprised to see a few characters with quite a bad past.

What is comedy ......?

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