The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 7 Ch. 19 Table of contents

A friend of mine who was in the same class as me in the original world told me that traveling is fun on the way to the destination.

I think that's true.

It's important to arrive at your destination, but it's also fun to see the changing scenery and the changing flora and fauna along the way.

And it's one of the pleasures of talking with friends in the short time before we reach our destination – that's what I thought until this morning.


"Senpai, please don't pretend to be sleeping and trying to hug Amako."


Currently, I am preaching in front of my seniors who are sitting upright in the carriage.

For the past few days, the senior did not listen to repeated warnings, and took action to hold Amako as a pillow under the guise of sleeping. Each time, Amako avoided it, but this person was so reluctant to give up that I was preaching? I ended up doing something like:


"Heh, that's a terrible thing, Usato-kun, where is the evidence of that?"

"Isn't the current crime enough......


However, even so, the senior continues to remain silent.

This is despite the fact that everyone in the room has witnessed the crime of the senior.


"Heh, I have a habit of hugging the fox next to me when I'm sleeping, and this is one of the ten secrets I've kept hidden with my will of steel."

"It's just a pinpoint habit, and it's almost like I'm confessing it."

"Oh, I want you to take responsibility for letting me tell you my secret."

"Senior, please feel like I'm being asked to expose secrets without permission and take responsibility."


Why is this person so imposing even though he is made to sit upright? Why do you look at me as if you expect something? It's amazing, the will of steel.

Kazuki and Welsey Mr./Ms. are smiling wryly, and Amako is looking down at Senpai with the coldest eyes ever.

I know that no matter what I say, I will resist, so I sigh and turn my gaze to Amako.

Amako, who nodded, hides her mouth and talks to her seniors while showing a shy look.


"Suzune, if you're honest with me, I'll think about hugging you and sleeping ......."

"I, Suzune Inukami, admit that I tried to hug Amako while staying awake."

"Hey, Steel Will."


How faithful you are to your desires, you. Your will is more fragile than tofu, let alone steel.

Amako tilted her head cutely to the senior who graciously admitted it, as if she was thinking, and gave her a smile that she doesn't usually show.


"After thinking about it, I'm going to sleep with Suzune about five people away from you today."

"The biggest smile I've had since I started my journey!?"

"I'm just going to think about it, I'm not saying I'm going to do it."



Well, I only said that Amako would think about it.

She talks to me to see if she's shocked that she was deceived by Amako.


"Usato-kun, Amako lied!"

"I think it's a very fair decision......


"No, I don't ...... you to have such a bitter expression on your face, you don't have to sit upright anymore, so please stand."


Reach out and ask the senior to stand up and sit in his seat.

The senior, who had regained his composure, crossed his arms and talked to us as if nothing had happened.


"Well, it's been three days since we left, and the carriage journey isn't too bad."

"It's an attitude and a word that I can't believe we just had that exchange just now......

"The carriage trip is not bad!"


Are you going to push it through as it is?

…… It's not a bad thing that the seniors are still in good spirits, so let's continue the story.


"After leaving Luxvis, we traveled on foot, so I think traveling in a horse-drawn carriage would be a different kind of thing."

"Me and my senior were horses, but it's pretty nice to be able to settle down a little bit more than holding the reins yourself."


It's not that it doesn't feel a little wasteful to move without moving, but it's still comfortable.

Quite natural(?) As we were talking about the vehicle, Mr./Ms., who had been silent until now, looked up and spoke to me.


"Well, Usato-sama, I have a question for you, do you mind?"

"Oh, I don't mind."

"Thank you."


It looks like you've thought about it somewhere, but what's wrong?


"What I want to ask you is about Farga-sama......"

"What? Welly Mr./Ms. ...... to Farga-sama Is it?"


I was wondering what I would be asked, but is it related to Falga-sama?

When I showed him the gauntlet in front of Mr. Lloyd before, he seemed curious, so I was able to predict it, but .......

As I was surprised by Mr./Ms.'s words, Kazuki, who was next to me, tilted his head.


"Farga-sama is the Divine Dragon that protects Mialak that Usat went to...... That's what you mean, right?"

"Yes, I told you before, that he is the one who prepares the armor of the hero for you and your seniors."


The existence of Falga-sama is a secret within a secret that is known only to the royal family of Mialak. I've already told Kazuki, who is the one who receives the hero's weapon...... What does Mr./Ms. want to hear?


"Could you arrange for the Queen of Myalak to have an audience with the Divine Dragon......!"



An audience, that means you want to meet with Falga, right?

While everyone except Mr./Ms. Welsey was so surprised that she couldn't speak, she gave her a thoughtful look.


"It's not for selfishness."

"No, I know that, because it's Welsey, but I want you to tell me why you want to do that."

"Of course, I'll tell you."


Mr./Ms. looked around at us with a slightly nervous look on her face, paused for a moment before opening her mouth.


"As Kazuki-sama and Suzune-sama may know, we wizards in the kingdom are researching how to return those who have been summoned to another world to another world."

"You mean us, the ones who were summoned to another world?"

"Yes, when I summoned you, I used the 'Scroll' written in the Kingdom's Ancient Book to activate the summoning technique."



A word that sounds like a fantasy came out.

I wonder if the name is magic or something like a piece of paper that contains magic?


"Scrolling is a technique that encapsulates magic and sorcery on paper, and although it is now obsolete like magic, we found a scroll with the 'Summoning Hero' technique in the depths of the great library of the Ringle Kingdom."


We...... I mean, I was a little surprised because I didn't know how to summon a hero named Senpai and Kazuki.

However, it's kind of strange that the Hero Summoning Scroll can be found in the Ringle Kingdom.

Looking at his seniors with a sideways glance, he muttered a little happily, "Scrolling is also a fantasy."

…… Even when it was a serious conversation, the seniors were as good as ever.

I change my mind and ask Mr./Ms. a question.


"Is that scroll still there?"

"When the summoning was activated, the scroll burned out along with the old book, and then you ...... summoned."

"From there, it's as we know it......

「…… Yes."


Senpai and Kazuki train as heroes in the kingdom, and I kidnap Rose as a lifeguard...... Instead, he was taken away and spent his days immersed in training.


"And what does that have to do with the time when the servants were summoned and what you said about Falga-sama?"

"I'll be honest with you, we, the wizards of the kingdom, can't find a way to bring you back to the other world......


Welcey Mr./Ms. says so with a heartbroken face, and we are speechless.

The words "I can't find a way to get home" are the same, but I was shocked that Mr./Ms. said that she was so cornered.


"We've lost too much technology to bring you back to your original world."


Lost too much?

What does that mean?

Before asking the question, Mr./Ms. mutters a few words.


"Hundreds of years ago, that is, before the Demon King and the previous generation of heroes fought, humanity had a fierce territorial dispute."

"Can we call it a war?"


Mr./Ms. nodded at her senior's words.

Before the battle between the Demon King and the previous hero, there was no common enemy for humanity called the Demon King's Army, so humans were fighting each other.

It's not something I don't know, but I'm really glad that Senpai and Kazuki weren't summoned at that time.


"It was a time when it was common to plunder other nations to take in other nations' lands, cultures, and magic systems for their own power. So much so that now one in five people was able to handle a system reinforcement that few users could handle."

"Is that it?"

"It's just what was written in the literature, but it's almost true, and in any case, it was a tough time when there was constant fighting, so the quality of the warriors must have been correspondingly high."


The mystery of magic, the strengthening of the lineage, one in five.

It's too bad, in those days. I can't imagine it.


"However, the era of human warfare came to an end with the rise of the Demon King's army led by the Demon King, and humanity had no choice but to unite in the face of the powerful Demon King...... army."

"I was vaguely aware of it, but the Demon King's army at that time was such a powerful opponent......

"Yes, ......, but ironically, having a common enemy, the Demon King's army, has brought together the nations that were fighting each other."


It is similar to the present day in that it unites to fight against the Demon King's army, but the strength of each individual is too far apart from what it was then.

I don't think it's the same situation .......


"After the Demon King was sealed by the previous Hero, a peaceful world without fighting continued to the present era...... We've lost a lot of technology over the years."

"Is that witchcraft or something?"

"Yes, and scrolling. These were technologies that were used extensively in warfare. However, as the war ceased and the days of peace continued, the technology that had been passed down faded away, and in the end, there was no one to pass it on."


If you don't have anything to tell them, they will eventually disappear.

When it comes to magic, it takes a lot of time to learn it.


"Summoning heroes is a lost skill in this day and age, and it's very difficult to restore it or find a way to analyze it and bring it back to your world. However, at that time, I learned that Usato-sama had met Farga-sama, a divine dragon who lives for a long time."

"I don't ...... why you want to see Falga-sama."

"Yes, I was wondering if you could lend me some wisdom or a way to return you to your original world."


Falga-sama is a god dragon who lives for a long time, and he is also familiar with magic.

You may also know about the summoning of heroes.

Thinking of this, Mr./Ms., who had made up her mind, bowed deeply.


"I am well aware that this is an impossible wish, but I have an obligation to return you to the world from which you lived, who lived in a peaceful world. I'll do everything in my power to make that happen."


After all, did Mr./Ms. care that she had summoned us?

Maybe even if we say we don't care, this person will feel responsible for getting us involved.

Unlike Kazuki and Senpai, I rarely had a chance to talk to Mr./Ms., but I know that she is a very kind-hearted woman.

…… If you've been asked this far, you can't say no.


「…… I understand. I'll try to negotiate with the Norn, Queen of Miarak, to see if I can meet with Falga."

"Oh, thank you."

"But we may not see each other anytime soon, the battle with the Demon Lord's army is imminent, and Falga-sama is in the process of making armor for Kazuki and his senior heroes, so ......."

"It doesn't matter if it's after the battle with the Demon King Army, as long as I can proceed with the research on the return technique that has been stagnant, I can wait as long as I want!"


When I return to the Kingdom of Ringle, I will send Mr./Ms. Leona a Hoobard.

I can't personally send a letter to the royal family.

But ...... "Return Technique"?

Suddenly, he looks at Kazuki and Senpai and shakes off the thoughts that come to his mind.

It's up to me to decide whether I want to go back to my original world or not. It's not a good thing to think about Kazuki and Senpai as a reason.

But we can't stay optimistic forever.



「…… Yes?"

"No, because you're bored looking at me...... You've finally noticed my charm, haven't you?"


If you're embarrassed to say it yourself, you shouldn't say it.

…… Once in a while, I'll try to get on the jokes of my seniors.


"Yes, I think it's very attractive that you're energetic and don't forget your sense of humor in any situation, right?"

"Well, is that a compliment, or is it called Noh weather......

"Isn't it both?"

"Amako is also quite harsh, isn't ......?"


He smiles wryly at his senior, who is depressed by Amako's words.

In this day and age, I feel kind of grateful to think that I can laugh like this.

If we were summoned in a time of constant strife, Senpai and Kazuki might have been forced to fight just for the sake of fighting. When I think about it, I feel a chill in my heart.

At that time, what happened to me when I got involved?

It is likely that he will be treated as useless and discarded, or that he will be sent to war as a pure healing wizard.

Either way, it's certainly harder to laugh than it is now.


"No, wait, hundreds of years ago, wasn't it uncommon for healing wizards to fight like me and the Leader......?"


It was a time when a higher level of magic was prevalent than it is now.

Even the way a healing wizard was supposed to be was completely different from what it is now.

As I muttered this, everyone's eyes focused on me except me.


"That's a funny joke, Usato."

"No, no, that's not true, Usato-kun."

"It's amazing."

"Unfortunately, no such literature has been identified......


It's a total slap in the face.

I ...... that even a glimmer of hope would be crushed.

Upset, but squeezing out the words.


"Isn't it cruel to deny it to everyone?"

"Aha...... it seems that healing wizards at that time were much more important than they are now. In the battle, there were so many injured people that they couldn't even make up for it with their individual healing magic, so wizards who could exert immense healing power like healing magic were valuable."


I see, did it fit into its original role of healing people?

As I was giving an unexpectedly decent reply with a vague response, Amako placed her palm on the back of my hand.


"Hey, Usato, do you think a healing wizard would train normally and become like Mr./Ms. Usato?"

"Well, if you train like crazy, you ......."

"It's different, isn't it?"

「…… I don't want to."


Why am I being gently admonished by a girl younger than me?

Amako nods in satisfaction at my words.


"The healing wizard who did something unusual is Usato, right? Usato should admit that he is an insane healing wizard."

"No, but ......."

"Are you going to move in a dehumanizing way from now on without acknowledging it?"


Amako, who is tilting her head cutely, twitches her expression.

It's a lie, this girl is really saying it. Moreover, this expression is said with the intention of seriously admonishing it, regardless of teasing or anything like that.

I was about to cry because of an emotion other than emotion.

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