The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 17 Ch. 24 Table of contents

The first is the Kingdom of Garga, the perspective of Reval.

From the second half, we will move on to the Nesha Kingdom and the perspective of Ulua.


I wanted to be a hero.

The back of my father, a brave man that I have seen since I was a child.

He was rough, strict, and full of bad parts of his father, but I still admired him because he once bore the name of a hero.


He also worked his studies.

But that didn't make him a hero.

The brave are the "chosen ones."

At least that's what I know.

The prestigious title bestowed on the strongest man in a country who possesses martial arts, wisdom, and wit is not given to me, who was helplessly mediocre.

But, but, oh .......

I vividly remember the day I was chosen as a hero.

In the training course, I was deemed to have no aptitude for a hero and was sentenced to fail, so I returned to the mansion in a state of disappearance.

And the words that were handed down to him when he made the report to his father, who was a former hero, were the most cruel and ugly facts.


"Rival, you are the hero of the kingdom of Garga."


Why, why, father.

I ...... not suitable and failing.


"Ah, I made him withdraw, I heard he was going to take some unknown knight...... Out of the question. Why let such a countryman serve as a representative of this country? It's just going to bring shame to you.'


But! That's how the rules should be!!


In reality, those who become heroes are determined from the beginning.


First, from?

...... My father's ...... ...... me.


"You're my son, so you have to be a hero, right?"


Wrong. I...... I ...... not going to use such a cowardly hand.


"What do you refuse?"


My father's eyes looked at me curiously.

You don't understand the meaning of my complaint.

What makes me so emotional?

For a long time, the man who had played the role of a hero and even felt that the title was worthless could not understand my feelings.


"It's what you wanted, isn't it?"


I was wrong.

My father was a brave man.

It was an undeniable fact, but he was only chosen from the ——— high nobility in the kingdom of Garga.

Ability has nothing to do with it.

The heroes of this country were literal symbols, and nothing more.



"Next Generation"

Ah, I see, it's strange to say.

If you hear that the son who followed in his father's footsteps became a hero, it will sound good.

In reality, it is a good symbol of the body of the kingdom of Garga.

What is the point of a despised thing bestowed upon him just because he is the son of a man who did not struggle and was a brave man?

Dressed in vulgar armor emblazoned with gold, and accompanied by a retinue that was clearly larger than that of other nations, he tried to show off his country's military might.

And it was the same at the Hero Festival, where heroes from all over the world gathered.

They only see it as a place to show off their wealth and show off their military strength.


——— the kingdom of Garga has a habit of sticking to the battle against the Demon King's army that threatens humanity.


That is an undeniable fact.


——— I don't care about the brave


From then on, the title of hero became meaningless to me.

I saw no value in what I had been forced to carry without any merit or merit, and I entered this festival with a half-hearted abandonment.

It didn't matter if it was a sin or a damage to the family name.


"Wow, I don't deserve to be here, it's not my intention to be here because the country has made me a hero, ...... I'm here."


Her words pierced my heart deeply.

Aura of the Kingdom of Fremia.

A woman who was a scholar working in the royal castle of the kingdom of Fremia.

Credited with analyzing existing magic and making it possible to handle two strains...... No, he achieved great feats and was chosen as a hero of the kingdom of Fremia in recognition of his achievements.

Unlike a fake like me, I want to make a mark as a hero.Acknowledged・・・・・She said she didn't need it.


"Are you kidding me......?"


That's how much being recognized ...... the habit of having what I want.

I knew it was unreasonable and unreasonable.

He was also aware that he was drunk and exposing his shame in order to disguise himself as a miserable person who had entered the Hero Collection Festival.

But there was nothing I could do to stop it.

It was all ugly jealousy that fell on the heroes of the Kingdom of Flemia, who were reluctant to be chosen as heroes, and on the heroes of the Kingdom of Ringle and his squire, one of the real heroes who defeated the Demon King——— and the healing wizard Usato Ken.


"Don't get on with it, it's because of hearsay that a healing wizard like you has been called by name. It's definitely not as good as you.'


Oh, I know.

Ringle Kingdom Life Rescue Team, Deputy Leader Usato Ken.

A war hero who ran through the battlefield and saved many knights.

It's not a rumor.

On the contrary, his achievements should not be conveyed by hearsay.


"It must have been a good feeling to have run around the battlefield and saved people, after all, it was a situation where you healing wizards could make the most of it."


How could a knight feel good on a battlefield where people could easily die?

- While tormented by ugly jealousy, I smile at the helpless words that I spit out.

Do you say that?

Do you say that?

In my desperate head, such abuse of myself comes up many times.


"This hypocrite"


I'm a coward who isn't even a hypocrite.

Better yet, I wish I had been able to see my position as a hero on the spot.



Immediately after the start of the first trial, the squire lost his armband.

The moment I realized that, I realized that I was out of place.

This is not a good place for ordinary people like me.

I'm sure that if I fought normally, I would be robbed of my remaining gold armband without being able to resist.

That was the only thing I had to avoid.

One armband is fine, but you can't take it all.

My little will, broken and tormented by resignation, did not allow me to abandon the first test.




When I was traveling with one of my followers to avoid acting in a conspicuous group and act in small numbers, I witnessed the battle between the servants of the Ringle Kingdom——— the healing wizard Usato, the hero of the Nesha Kingdom, Liz, the hero of the Nesha Kingdom, and Leona, the hero of Miarak.

I saw a three-way fight that was insane in every sense of the word, and I couldn't help but be dumbfounded.


"I can't."


I don't feel like I can break in.

It's not a move that a human should make, and Leona, a hero who looks somewhat decent, is more than equal to the two of them, who move like monsters with their skills.

The spear-like weapon wielded by the brave Liz scatters the wind pressure that reaches us in a single stroke,

The healing wizard Usato parries blows that would not be done for free if he hits them directly, but with his fluid movements, he parries them unnaturally.


"Impossible...... I don't know."


What can you do in such a stormy battle?

I grit my teeth at the sight of not only me, but even the only servant who followed me losing his will to fight.

———Still, we can't afford to give in here.)

With such a single-mindedness, I turned to the back of the alley to look for the hero who was not here.

Then, after aimlessly running around the place of trials, I found ———、


"You are Lanzas, the hero of the kingdom of Milva...... That's it."


The hero of the kingdom of Milva, nicknamed the Storm.

Rumor has it that he erased the disaster that threatened the country with only his own magic.

Other than that, it was not examined.

He is a man of many mysteries, but there is no doubt that his achievements were actually done.

He looks like a tall actor.

He had a teenager and a little more than a child by his side, but he knew that he was a healing wizard.


"Fight me......!!"


The opponent is a hero who will control powerful magic.

However, this trial restricts direct magic attacks.

Then I should be able ...... fight! Half-heartedly, he pulled out his wooden sword, and Lanzas looked sorry when he received the declaration.


"I'm sorry, but I'll refuse."

「…… Huh?"


For a moment, I was stunned by the unexpected answer, and Lanzas took off the armband around his right arm and showed it to me.


"Originally, I had no intention of fighting, partly because my body couldn't withstand the fight, but in this place, I couldn't use my magic...... It's too dangerous......

"Hey, what's that......!"

"That's why I'm giving you this armband."


His hands tremble with anger and frustration.


"Brave, I ——— if you get the armband here."

"Don't be silly!!"


He exclaims, interrupting the attendant's voice mixed with relief.

Always, always, always!

Why, so much honor I couldn't obtain! Hopefully! Be proud! It's easy to throw away!? Do you mean to say that what I wanted was just for you?!

Why, I'm ...... I have to stay here until I feel like this!


"Can you take it in such a strange way? Are you making a fool of yourself?! Me!!"

"I don't mean to, I don't want to fight in this ordeal."

"Do you know what your convenience is?! Take it away by force! Do you want to accept the other way?!"


I was aware that I had won eight.

He was also aware that he was speaking and acting in a way that was unsuitable for a hero.

Lanzas lowered his eyes to my sword, hiding his frightened squire behind his back.


"I have a squire to protect, and if you try to attack me without question, I will fight back."


Lanzas, who has a boy behind him, rolls up the sleeve of his right arm and turns his palm towards us.

His appearance overlaps with the image of a hero that I had imagined in my dreams, making me feel even more miserable.




I hold the wooden sword straight in front of me and step in.

At the same time, fresh blood gushed from Lanzas's arm as he turned his hand at him.

A storm swept from his palm at the moment when several lacerations appeared from the tips of his fingers to his elbows——— as if they had been torn from the inside.




I had heard the story.

The magic wielded by Lanzas, the hero of the Kingdom of Milva, always has the power to strengthen the lineage.

Non-standard magic power, magic on par with innate lineage enhancement.

If you just look at the facts, you can say that you have a privileged background, but .......


"Too much power is going to destroy you, and he doesn't want that kind of power...... I feel sorry for him."


From a scholar's point of view, Lanzas is a sick man who needs to be recuperated in the right environment, not a hero in a place like this.

You must always be tormented by the pain of being eaten away by an enormous amount of magical power, and even when you use magic, you must be tormented by tremendous pain.

It's ...... that the people of the Milva Kingdom won't let them do that.


"Are you afraid of him...... But maybe it's natural to be scared when you see this devastation. It's too stupid."


During the First Trial, Lanzas' magic engulfed Rival and his followers of the Kingdom of Garga and destroyed the city. The devastation was enormous, and if the heroes and Usatos hadn't stopped it, it might have affected the audience.


「…… I don't know what he's really doing."


I didn't expect that Liz and Elisha, who are proud of their students, would be taken by such a cue ball.

No, Liz would be happy because she kept tangling with him like a playmate, but from the perspective of watching his strange behavior from the audience, I wanted to peel the whites of my eyes.


"With the magic power of elasticity, you can apply it as well? Ordinary"


Afterimage used during movement.

Shoot it forward like a shield to frighten your opponent.

Make parts and repurpose them for offense and defense.

But that's not all.


「…… Uh-huh."


In addition, the technique of manipulating elasticity and making it viscous is remarkable, but the most amazing is the technique that forcibly lifted ——— Liz's magic.

Probably no one in the hall noticed, except me and Nea next to me.

Who could have imagined?

I ...... that a healing wizard has the technology to interfere with the casting of magic by others.


No, what is healing magic? When I look at him, I am led to believe that my perception is wrong.


「…… No problem? Nea?"



He calls out to Nea, who is holding his head next to him, but he gets a groan of anguish.

From this appearance, it may be safe to assume that some of the tricks he showed were developed in the course of this ordeal, ——— that she had never seen.


"I'm used to it, so it's okay, I'm used to it, so it's okay ......!!"

"I'm telling myself......"


In other words, I guess that's how often I do it.


"For the time being, I'll talk to that idiot as soon as I ...... back!"

"Is it enough to make such a bitter face......?"

「…… Next time, I'll tell you about Usato's technique. You get to experience explanations that go beyond comprehension."

"Oh, well, I'll hold back."


Oh, I really don't like that.

Nea sighed at my reaction and looked at the projected image while pressing her forehead.

Even after the ordeal is over, Usat himself has not returned from the ordeal, but has moved through the area destroyed by Lanzas' magic.


「…… What is Usat doing? What's that?"

"You're looking for anyone involved, as evidence...... Look."


At the same time as Nea's words, a green light rises in the sky.

It bursts shortly after realizing that it is a magic bullet released by Usato, and green particles of healing magic rain down on the venue.

It's a very frightening sight to see from the perspective of the reality of his actions, but to the majority of people in this room, it will look different.



"It's so fun to watch."

"Do something weirder!"


From the perspective of ordinary people enjoying the festival, it is not glamorous, but I am excited to see him fight against the brave.

It looks completely different from my first impression.

Well, I think it's not a noble prince like in the novel, but it's gaining popularity in a different direction. 、




While he was thinking about it, Usato, noticing something, went straight to the collapsed house, overturned the roof of the house with an arm force that could not be imagined from his appearance, and rescued Rival and his attendants of the ———— Garga Kingdom who had fainted from the inside.


「…… Nea, that's ......."

"He thinks he's just a normal person."


He is probably the only person who would say such a thing to me from a monster with high intelligence, as well as me, who is not human.


"It's time for us to move too."

「…… That's right."


Liz and Elisha have just returned.

We have to part ways in the middle of the show, but Nea and I both get up and try to get out of the audience.

As the first test nears its end, and you pass through a crowd of people trying to move out of the auditorium, you bump into someone on the shoulder as you pass by.


"Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry."


A hooded man...... No, is she a woman from the looks of her body?

From the hoodRed-black hair at the ends・・・・・・・The girl who peeked out said a small goodbye and walked in the other direction.


I don't know what it was, but he was a person who gave me a strange atmosphere.


"Ulua, what's wrong?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, let's hurry up."


Called out to me by Nea walking in front of me, I sighed as I moved from the auditorium to the place where the audience was located, thinking about the two disciples who would be resting in the tent.

I think Liz kind of had a lot of fun fighting, but Elisha is actually quite a competitive person, and I hope she doesn't get sick.


In fact, Rival was researching heroes from other countries.

It can be said that he longed to be a hero that much.


The next update is scheduled for tomorrow at 6 p.m.

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