The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 17 Ch. 25 Table of contents

On the second day, this is the update of the second episode.

If you haven't seen the previous episode, please do so first.


There were a lot of things, but the first test was over.

The score announced immediately after the end of the trial was———、


1, Ringle Kingdom: 8 points (1 gold, 6 silver)

2, Kingdom of Nesha: 4 points (2 gold)

3, Miarak: 3 points (1 gold: 1 silver)

4, Calf Kingdom: 2 points (1 gold)

4, Kingdom of Milva: 2 points (1 gold)

4, Kingdom of Flemia: 2 points (1 gold)

5, Kingdom of Garga: 0 points


It ended up being the result.

As far as the results go, my seniors and I ended up at the top, but the only time we were able to take the armband was the first surprise attack, so there was no clear difference between me and Leona Mr./Ms. and the others I fought as a stand-up.

Rather, I was very driven and impatient, and all the brave people were amazing people who were not easy to follow.


But I'm worried about Mr./Ms. Lanzas.

The wind magic that could be mistaken for the lineage enhancement that he intercepted during the trial, it was Mr./Ms.'s magic as expected, but it was not the magic he sent out with hostility, but to intercept Rival who tried to fight him.


On top of a large amount of magical power that eats away at his own body, magic power that is as close to system enhancement as possible.

With Rain by his side, I didn't have to heal the wounds caused by the magic, but when I learned about his current situation——— I wanted to know the intentions of the Kingdom of Milva for letting him participate in this festival without giving him proper care.


"You're right, Mr./Ms. Lanzas is a person who should be recuperating, he's not fit for battle."


That night, after the first ordeal, we were in the living room of the inn talking about what had happened today.

Perhaps the exhilaration of the day's ordeal has not subsided, he replies to Nea, who sits across from him, as he hears the bustling voices of the public outside.


"His personal power must be immense, and his magic output and power alone will blow away most opponents...... It's clearly not in line with the ordeal of this festival."

"Every time I use magic, I get hurt, and I think it's pretty awkward to handle."


Ferm agrees with Nea's words.

In his case, it would be too much of a burden to practice magic spinning, so it might be difficult for him to learn the lineage degradation that I and my seniors have mastered.

The senior, who had crossed his arms with a contemplative face, had a bitter expression on his face.


"It's frustrating, but we can't do anything about him at the moment, we can talk to the Kingdom of Calmherio about his condition, but in the end, it's up to the Kingdom of Milva to decide."

「…… Even if you can, after the festivities are over."


I want Mr./Ms. Lanzas to stay as far away from the battle as possible. When he is challenged to a fight like this time, he has no choice but to fight.


"The question is what the second test will be ......."

"It hasn't been revealed yet, but it's alsogistOmomukiIt's going to be different."


It was substantial at the time of the first trial.

Rather, the reaction of the audience was amazing, and the second test is going to be a spirited one.


"My impression is that it was going to be a big deal."

"That's what happens when you go on a rampage like that."


I was able to dispel the impression that he was a prince, but apart from that, he was treated like a surprise box.

It's fun to watch them fight, so it seems that they have become very popular with children.


"In the second trial, I don't want to have a series of battles like today......

"I wonder what people who were having fun are saying."

"Have fun."

"I'm not having fun!?"


I protest with all my might to Nea and Ferm of Jitome.

It's true that it was a meaningful time, but I don't agree with being looked at like a combat freak like that.


"Huh, I didn't show it on my face either, but I guess it was fun ......!!"

"Suzune, Volume 2, Chapter 16, Page 285 "The Warmth of Your Back""




- A senior who falls out of his chair while choking on Nea's muttering.

What's going on!?


"I'm glad I was able to experience the same situation as in the novel."


"The audience reacted really well, and I think that might have deepened the misunderstanding."

"I'm being blamed!? This Inugami Suzune ......!?"


- A senior has an anguished expression on Nea, who seems to be cruel.

Wow, I don't think he's the representative of the Ringle Kingdom who showed a brilliant stand in the trial......!

Is the number of pages in the second volume an example of a novel? As I was thinking about it, Ferm, who was sitting next to me, picked up the book and opened the pages.



"Ferm, what does it say?"

「…… Whew."


After a few moments of pause, he places the book on the table and stands up and sits down on the back of his senior, who is still lying on the floor.


"Hmmm, what's the reason!?"

「…… Usato, you better not look at it. I'm going to die."

"Are you going to die!?"


If I see it, I'm going to die!

I'm inwardly afraid that the book is out there.

But I want to see it, but I don't know if my heart can bear ...... read it!


"Leaving aside the book...... Usato, you've come up with a weird trick again, haven't you?"

"No, Nea, the one I put out today is a derivative form, and most of the techniques I put out are called healing afterimage fists, so there are only about two or three new ones ——— real thing."

"Even two or three of them are a lot, this idiot ~! Be the one to figure it out!!"


Nea grabs my face with both hands and squeezes me tightly.

But sadly, it doesn't do much for me because I'm used to Rose's Iron Claw.


"Nea, come on, it was my fault. Let's sit upright."

"What kind of punishment is really effective for this guy......!? It's infuriating to be self-aware and graceful!?"


You can't swing your friends around unconsciously forever.

I'm aware that I've done something, so I obediently sit upright on the floor.

I sit on the floor in a seiza, a senior who falls to the floor and Ferm sits on his back, and Nea who stands up.

Surprisingly, there are no people sitting in the chairs normally.


"Huh...... So, describe the improved version of the healing afterimage fist."

"It's an afterimage wave that emits a partial substitution and an afterimage."


Partially wearing an afterimage of magical power, the partial substitution is a versatile technique that can be used for both offense and defense.

Afterimage waves can also be released forward to serve as a shield or hit an opponent to frighten them.

Neither of them has direct attack, but if you can expand the range of battles again...... Nice?


"The rest is healingobstructionjammingIt worked perfectly."

"I thought it might be because Liz's magic suddenly wore off, but I did...... Ulua, who was watching next to me, was also pulling a thump."

"Did you watch it with Mr./Ms.?"



I didn't think he was in the ordeal, but he was in the audience.

Or rather, the real squire was Mr./Ms. Urua, and Liz and Elisha were both brave.


"Nea, is Ulua suspicious from your point of view?"


At this point, the senior who finally got up from the floor asked in a serious tone.


"I was suspicious at first, but I don't think she had anything to do with the devil, she seemed to be genuinely watching her student grow up."

"I was also looking at it from the assimilation, but there was nothing suspicious about it."

"Well, I knew from the way Liz and Elisha looked that she didn't have any ill intentions......


Does that mean you can assume that Mr./Ms. has nothing to do with the devil?

That's all you need to know.


"Senior, have you been informed how long it is until the next trial?"

"No, not yet, we'll know in a week, but I'd be grateful if we could get some information about Sia Gammio from Naia by then."

"That's right."


I can't concentrate on the festival.

Our original purpose was to find out about Shea.

I can't move around because of the devil's eye, and it's frustrating to wait for a call.


「…… In the meantime, it's Rain's training."

"I'm not worried about you, but don't get too carried away, okay?"

"Huh, don't worry, I've also grown up under the guidance of the members of the Demon King Realm."

"Isn't it a mistake that it's getting worse......?"


I'm just kidding, but at the moment, Rain's training is focused on magic spinning.

…… Oh speaking of which.


"After the ordeal, Claude Mr./Ms. asked me to do something."

"Well, you want to make Usato-kun your apprentice?"

"No, I refused...... I probably haven't given up. Oh, no, that's not what I'm talking about."


After the ordeal, Claude Mr./Ms. came to see me on a personal errand, but he asked me to do something.


"Claude Mr./Ms.s servant...... I want my grandson Mr./Ms. to be present at the training with Rain."

"Eh, you mean that's not coaching or anything?"

"Not so much, but I think you'd like to see how magic is handled."


As for me, as part of my guidance to Rain, I can teach him tips on how to turn his magic power, and if you want, how to accelerate his magic power. To be honest, there are many unknown technologies in every sense of the word, so I can rest assured that more people can use them.


"It's like an opportunity for the servants to interact with each other."

"No, there are usually Mr./Ms. Aura and two of her attendants Mr./Ms. ......."

"Aren't you around something separate from ...... festival?"


It is undeniable in general.

I'm scared that at this rate, Liz will attack me during training.

It's okay, right? You don't attack them outside of trials, do you? I get a bit of a Bulllin-esque vibe from him, but I feel like there's something close to Koga, who loves combat, which makes me anxious.



It was a training session with Rain, which was getting more and more crowded.


That's all for this update.

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