The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 17 Ch. 36 Table of contents

It really didn't make sense.

When he revealed his feelings to Usato, the servant of Inukami, the hero of the Ringle Kingdom, he was carried on his shoulders and taken to the training ground with them who were acting strangely.

Soon afterwards all the attendants who had been waiting came with extraordinary enthusiasm.


"'Usato-dono! Thank you very much!!''"



What's this?

What do you mean?

The servants all took off the jackets they were wearing for dinner and silently began to do preparatory exercises.


"So what are you going to do?"

"What are you going to do...... Why do I have to run?"

"Your squire is running for you...... I'll say it again, what are you going to do?"


No, I really don't understand the meaning of running.


I know the story of the Ringle Kingdom, the Life Rescue Team.

He trains his body to the limit through training outside of the world, and in the process, heals his injured body with healing magic. Many healing wizards have broken their hearts and ———run away, but now there is only one person in front of me who has achieved it.




I don't answer Usato's question, but silently stand up and do the preparatory exercises like the attendants.

I'm not going to do what he says.

It's too much for them, the servants, to go into the training of the healing wizards, and I, the lord, run away from it.


"I'm motivated enough."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm going to run regardless of what you say. You're not going to mess around ——— either."


Words that were taken on and uttered.

Usato was surprised by his words, and then took off his white coat with a smile on his face.


"You don't have to add or subtract, do you?"




"Really, really? Don't you regret it?"

"It's boring!? How many times do you hear that?!"


It's going to be tough at this point.

Saying that, Usato takes a deep breath lightly.


"Okay, if you're going to say that, I'm going to be tough on you. …… Nea, please."



A black owl appeared out of nowhere...... He handed the white clothes he was wearing to the familiar he had probably heard about———— took a deep breath and brushed his hair up.




In an instant, the atmosphere he wears changes slightly, from a mild-mannered appearance to one that intimidates the viewer.

Isn't he a different person anymore, let ...... physiognomy? The words of complaint that I was about to put out for the change in level have also withdrawn.

As I was speechless, Usato shot a green magic bullet into my chest from his fingertips.




Groaning at the sudden light impact that echoed in his chest, he looked at the place where the impact had been, and saw a green magic bullet the size of an egg attached to it.

Feeling a sense of peace spread through my whole body from the part I was touching, I looked at Usato with puzzled eyes.


"What's this......

"It's a healing sticky bullet, and if you wear it, you shouldn't get tired of running as long as it's effective."

「…… Huh?"


While they are distracted, Usato attaches a magic bullet to his attendants.

When he saw that everyone had put a magic bullet on the area that touched his skin, he smiled ferociously, like a carnivore.


"Come on, let's run."



I was an idiot.

Honestly, I feel really sorry for those servants.

The healing wizard with a harmless face changed his appearance from a gentle personality to an instant——— and began to chase us with a furious voice.


"Don't stop!!"


I thought that this kind of thing was usually led by Usato.

The feeling of intimidation from behind is the same as when you are being chased by a ferocious monster.


"There's no point in acting tired, because you're casting a healing spell!"


The scary thing about this running training is that you don't get tired.

To be more precise, you can certainly feel the sensation of being physically moved and exhausted, but immediately after feeling that fatigue, you are healed by healing magic and forced to restore your strength.


"Ha...... Ahhh!?h

"Hey, Henry!!"

"Reval-sama! Henry passed out while running!?"

"Henry!? Hold me up so I don't fall over!?"


Henry, one of the squires, fainted while dexterously running into the sword curtain of Usato, which was too fierce.

In a hurry, I tried to support him with his followers, but Usato, who was supposed to be running behind me, was running next to me without a sound.



"Did you faint?"


He involuntarily screams pitifully, but Usato cares about it and lightly holds the unconscious Henry while running.


"Are you okay!? Wake up now!! Olaa healing shock!!"

"Baba!!? ———Huh!?"


Then, by a mysterious method, Henry convulses his body and forces him to wake up.

I almost cried when I saw my friends peeling off the whites of their eyes and convulsing up close.


"Oh, what am I......

"Are you awake?"

"——— huh?"

"Okay, let's resume!!"


Henry is forced to wake up without giving him time to dream, and Usato confronts him with despair.

I thought that if I heard that healing magic would not make my body tired, I could train as much as I wanted.

But it wasn't.

It is true that the body is healed, but the feeling of physical fatigue is certainly felt.

What it means is that the trainingAs long as it lasts・・・・It means that you have to endlessly suffer from the feeling of exhaustion.


——— test the mind, not the body.


Inexplicable that you are tired but not tired.

Even the training that would have been adjusted now is this, but how fierce is the training of the rescue team conducted by Usato's own work?

It was terrifying just to think about it.





"——— huh!?"


Before I knew it, I was lying on my back.

Before I knew it, I was asleep, and I stared at the ceiling with a dazed head.


「…… Me, I am."


Do you feel like the ceiling is high?

There is no unnatural fatigue in the body.

In fact, I'm feeling refreshed in a state of complete recovery, but I still can't understand why I'm here in my hazy head.

For the time being, he presses his eyes, gets up, and stares at his palms.


"Ha, hahaha...... It's a dream."


Did you have a weird dream with Usato in the Squire Shuffle?

However, even though it was a dream, it seemed to be reality.

What I was doing was insane and far from reality.


"I got drunk and fell asleep in a strange place...... Of...... ......"


My body stiffens when I look at where I am sleeping.

On the floor where I had been lying earlier, there was a rug used for kumite training, and a large mattress was draped over my sleeping body.

No, I'm not the only one.

When I looked around, I saw that not only I was also laid down by the attendants.

Is it early in the morning from the brightness of the outside that can be seen from the window?


「…… Ah......h



It wasn't a dream.

It wasn't ...... dream!!

There was a horrible training in the world!


"It's a lie......


It was really crazy.

The sight of a fainting guy waking up with convulsions was scarier than a ghost story, and I almost cried.

Besides, I was made to work hard without having time to think about anything else——— huh?


"Is anyone fighting?"


I hear something in the training ground where we are.

If you look, you can see someone fighting on the edge of the training ground, a short distance from where we are.

If you look closely, you will see that it is Usato——— and the orange-haired woman Liz, the hero of the kingdom of Nesha, who are fighting.




Revealing her ears, which is a sign of her beastman, she launches a roundhouse kick at Usato with a joyful expression.

Usato, who caught the roundhouse kick that was delivered by the beastman's physical ability with one arm, grabbed his leg and tossed the body of the hero Liz lightly.





Liz, the hero who landed in mid-air, kicks the floor and crashes into Usato in an instant——— as they bump into each other's arms.




I am involuntarily fascinated by the appearance of two people who move tremendously despite being just a kumite that does not use magic or anything.

The powerful blows delivered by each other from their high physical abilities resonate all the way to this point, and the stormy offense and defense are exchanged continuously.


"Wow, that's amazing."


I knew.

However, when I looked at it with my own eyes, I was speechless.

As I stared at the kumite in a daze, Usato, who had caught the fist of the hero Liz, released his stance.


"That's it for now."

"No, I want to do more."


『…… Eat.'


Perhaps he noticed me getting up, but Usato, who turned his body towards me from the hero Liz, approached me.

…… And for some reason, Liz, the hero, is following like a duck.


"You seem to have woken up, how are you feeling?"

"It's unnatural...... Did you do this?"

"You can't just let him sleep on the floor."


You're the one who made it happen......


"What about you? Did you go back and sleep?"

"I slept here too."


He's a weird guy, really.

Moreover, after running so much last night, it's unreasonable to be genki to be in kumite with the brave Liz from such an early hour.

Somehow, combined with the sword curtain when I ran yesterday, I don't understand the person named Usato anymore.


"How's that? Have you cleared your head?"



…… To be honest, I couldn't think about anything while I was running.

I couldn't help but think of the burden I had borne as a hero, the guilt my squire felt for these men, and everything that surrounded me.

Even now, at this time, I don't think about it as backwards as I did yesterday.


"If you're going to be okay, you don't have to run anymore, okay?"



I don't think I can stop running anymore.

Even if you refuse here, Usato will not say anything.

But then I'm back to who I was yesterday...... That's how I felt.


"No, I'll keep going, if I stop here, I'll feel like I've lost to you."

"Oh, yes, I know."


Usato nods in satisfaction at my answer.

I was somewhat embarrassed by the reaction and was about to say something, but the door to the training ground opened, and a group of people in the uniforms of the innkeepers with something on a trolley entered one after another.

At the head of it was a dark-haired woman——— the brave Inukami.


"Usato-kun, I've brought you breakfast!"

"Thank you, and I'm sorry that I couldn't do it Mr./Ms. all of our employees."


Seeing Usato thanking the employees at the inn, he notices the smell coming from a large pot on a trolley.

I brought breakfast .......

There is a large pot of soup, freshly baked bread packed in a large basket, grilled fish wrapped in herbs on each platter, vegetables, and other items to whet your appetite.

I look at Usato, watching the scent wake up the attendants.


"Let's start with breakfast, and then you can go back to your room and work up a sweat."

「…… Ahh


He was sure to be furiously hungry, so he woke up all his followers before going to breakfast.

There are no tables, so you will eat on the floor most of the time...... Well, it's not that hard because I'm used to field exercises when I was a cadet.


"You can move as much as you want, you can even eat, and there are many good things about waking up early. This is the first time I've heard about it

"Me and my seniors were surprised, because I heard from Elisha that you were weak in the morning."

"I did my best, you can pet me."

"Then don't hesitate."

"It's not you~~Don't mess up your hair~~"


Liz, the brave who turned her head to Usato, was shaken by the brave Inukami who was next to her.

Or rather, .......


"Why are these guys eating so close to me?"

"What, no?"

「…… Well, I don't care."


I apologized, but I don't think Usato or the brave Inukami would have a good impression of me.

But judging by the current reaction, neither of them cares at all.

If the servants are changing, the heroes of the Lord are also changing, ...... the Lord's heroes are also changing.


"And what are you going to do?"



Usato looks curious at my words.


"After this, we'll go back......

"Oh, I've got my clothes dressed before the morning training, so I'm going to watch the other kids train in the future."


Seriously, this guy.

Are you going to watch the training of other people during this period?


"It's funny for me to say, but what are you here for?"

"Hahaha...... it looks like you're here."


Usato looks towards the entrance of the training ground.

I look at it while holding the bread in my mouth.


"Oh, there are a lot of people here."

"What, everyone in the Garga Kingdom Mr./Ms.......? What do you mean?"


Claude the Brave and his squire Lore.

And the other pair is two servants of Liz, the hero of the kingdom of Nesha.


"Hmm, is it possible that just not participating yesterday will change this situation?"

"The reason you didn't come was because the teacher was too lazy, right? …… But the number of people has increased...... Huh?"


Liz's sister the brave looks at me and freezes.

A little later, the other woman reacted in the same way, and Liz, the brave man with a mouth full of rice, lightly raised her hand.


"Good morning, Elisha, sir."

"Oh, my sister is getting up early!?"

"No way...... Even I couldn't fix it!?"


Would you be so surprised if you just woke up early? Ordinary.

Ever since I came here...... Or rather, now that I've run once and gotten rid of my weird preconceived notions, I wonder if it's normal for heroes to actually have weird parts, ...... this?


It was a healing shock that could easily wake up without pain even if you passed out.

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