The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 17 Ch. 37 Table of contents

After breakfast, I saw Rival and his retinue off, and I went on to train Rain and Loa.


"Somehow, I have mixed feelings about seeing my granddaughter like this."


Next to Claude Mr./Ms., who was watching, I knelt on the floor and held hands with Rain and Loa to accelerate the magic rotation.

Loa, whose magic in her body was accelerated, fell to the floor of the training ground and trembled, and Claude Mr./Ms. looked at her with a complicated look.


"Excuse me......

"Well, don't worry about it, I know this is efficient training. It doesn't look great, but if you have tangible results, don't hesitate to do it. And ......."


Mr./Ms. laughs wickedly and places his hand on Loa's head.


"If Loa can master your Mr./Ms. technology, our school will become stronger."

"Haha, that's strong."

"Actually, I wish he would be my disciple directly, even though it would be safe."

"If there is a real chance, he will try to make you ...... disciple."


I want you to give up.

I smiled wryly at Claude Mr./Ms.'s continued appearance, and shifted my gaze from him to Rain.

In contrast to Loa, who is currently slumped to the floor and trembling, Rain is becoming more comfortable with me accelerating his magic, and now it seems that there are fewer tremors that attack his entire body.


"You've smoothed out your magic a lot, Rain."

"Yes, yes, it's a strange feeling even for me."


Rain is accelerated by the magic rotation and responds properly while trembling.


"It's like the magic I've been using before is something else, and I'm able to release magic so smoothly."

"Yes, that's also the result of the magic turn."

"I ...... continue to strengthen the system."


I shook my head at Rain.


"Don't be impatient, no matter how much you improve your magic handling, it's still a difficult technology to strengthen your system."



But well, I'm impatient.

This child adores Mr./Ms. Lanzas and is studying with me with the intention of lightening the burden on his body. I also want this child to learn to strengthen the lineage, but I can't allow this child to be in danger of being trained to strengthen the lineage.


"There's still time, let's keep going."

「…… Yes."


The training is going well.

If you can grasp the time and the edge, you may be able to grow to the point where you can grasp the sense of strengthening the system.


"For the time being, I'm going to shorten your magic training from tomorrow, and then I'll start full-fledged lineage strengthening training."

"Oh, I'll do my best!!"

"That's a good answer."


Remove your hand from Rain and place your hand on his head.

This is the end of Rain's magic rotation training, and now it's time to concentrate on training Loa———、



"Hmm? Liz? What's wrong? I should have been doing kumite with my seniors a while ago......


Before we knew it, Liz, who was doing kumite with her seniors away from us, was nearby and was looking at our training.

Was he interested in magic?


"I heard from the teacher that you are training to strengthen your system."

"Yes, that's right...... Maybe you'...... too."

"Well, I'd like to try it."


Liz's lineage enhancement is unfinished and dangerous enough to harm her body.

I've just finished training Rain's magic rotation, and my hands are free...... Well, okay.


"Okay, Liz, hold your hand."

"Wow, I did it, so I'm going to ...... hesitant."


And the moment she holds my hand, Liz sinks to the floor with the magic power accelerated.


"This is what it looked like from the sidelines, didn't it?"

"It's not that it works even for the brave, it's not easy."


Layne and Claude Mr./Ms. look at Liz and pull back a little.


"Oh, yes, Usato, by the way, I had a story with you, Mr./Ms.."

"Are you talking?"

"Oh, last night's exchange of servants, did you know that my squire became a member of the Garga Kingdom?"



It was a rather surprising combination, but what did it do?


"The people of the Garga Kingdom were all young people who seemed to have a lot of bones, including the Lord, so I was thinking of giving them a little guidance...... You've been passed over spectacularly."

"I'm sorry, ......."

"You don't have to apologize, it's not a bad thing."


I know that Rival and his followers are gritty people.

However, even though it was a rough treatment, it may have been a little bad that not only Rival but also his followers were trained in a simple life-saving team style at once.


「…… Didn't I tell you before that the Rival of the Garga Kingdom resembled the bad things of the previous generation?"


"The bad thing about it is that you can't see what's around you, in a different way than Revar's father, the previous hero of the kingdom of Garga."

"Do you mean something different?"


Claude Mr./Ms. nodded in response to my question.


"His father didn't even look at it, and Rival looked away. Do you know the difference?"

「…… yes, somehow."


Rival continued to blame himself for the burden of being a hero that had been imposed on him and the guilt of being a hero over the other candidates.

Because of this, Rival's ears did not even reach the words of the squire who was supposed to adore him.


"I was going to give you a little bit of a call before it collapsed somewhere...... I don't think I'll have to worry about that anymore."

"Did you mean to go that far?"

"Ha, it's Ziggy's sobriety. Of the promising heroes of the futureEgg・・I don't see it smoking."


Eggs together...... Ah, I see, it's not him, it's them.


"But, to be honest, I'm incomplete too."


"So a suggestion, okay?"



I could probably predict what Claude Mr./Ms. would propose next.


"We'll have to confirm their intentions first, okay?"

"Haha, I know, it's helpful to talk so fast."


Claude Mr./Ms. laughs cheerfully, and I smile too.

I mean, as I get involved with this person, I think it would be fun to be this person's apprentice.





Ferm's voice being assimilated.

He listens to her voice without distracting himself from the magic in Liz and Loa's hands so as not to be noticed.


"If you're going to train, shouldn't you prepare that?"

「…… Eh, but it's only three days?"

"No, I think it's going to be necessary."


…… Do you want to prepare it for the time being?

Shall I ask Nea or my seniors to bring it here?



After breakfast, we decided to do as Usato's told us to do as we had been told, and return to our quarters from the training grounds, where we had bathed and changed.


「…… Sigh."


It's been so shocking since last night that it doesn't even feel real anymore.

This time, I changed into training clothes suitable for exercise, and I sighed indescribably.


"Are you going?"


I opened the door of the room, and a servant was waiting for me, who had made the same preparations as I did.


"...... Reval-sama."

"People don't have eyes here, so you don't have to use honorifics."


Although it can't be helped, it is painful to be called by these people or spoken to in honorific language.

…… I tried to think backwards again, me.

I wasn't aware of it, but maybe I was sick.


「…… You guys don't have to overdo it."


The 15 squires——— these guys were originally the ones who studied with him as hero cadets.

They were also friends who competed and helped each other to become heroes.


But I betrayed them.


Father's ...... I didn't realize the country's intentions until then, and I was the one who let them spend their time meaninglessly.


"You found out from yesterday that the title of Deputy Leader of the Rescue Team is not Itachi. If you think you can't do it, you don't have to do it."


That training is certainly not exhausting thanks to Usato's healing magic.

But just because you don't get tired doesn't mean you don't feel tired.

The contradiction between body and mind ——— his training brings it to the surface, testing not only the body but also the spirit.


"Then what about you, Rival...... Why are you trying to come back?"


One of the attendants asks.

Normally, I would have been too rotten to say anything, but I answered her question obediently.


"I don't think I'm worthy of being a hero, and I still think so. After all, I'm a decorated hero forcibly appointed by the state."


"Be a hero not by your ability, but by your backing...... I betrayed you."


At least that's what I think.

In the first place, a man who was not qualified became a hero and hurt you, who were his friends.


"After that, I was rotten like a fool...... I kept blaming myself for not listening to anyone. Honestly, I still blame him, and it's not that easy to open up."


"But at least I'm like this...... I thought I would be able to be as proud as you guys. In order to do so, I want to overcome the training imposed by Usato and gain confidence. I don't want to be a hero, I want to be a man who can be proud of you...... What?"


I know I'm being incoherent.

Still, I was finally able to say something that I hadn't been able to say before.

I wonder how they'll react, whether they'll be disappointed in me for being so pathetic———、


"Reval, don't say that."

"Yes, you have nothing to feel sorry for us."

「…… Whew."


The silent attendants say so.

I listen to their words with a sense of nostalgia as they talk as if they were cadets.


"We're convinced you've become a hero."

"Yes, not because I was chosen by the country. Even if you fail the exam, we here don't doubt that you have become a hero."

"You ......."

"If you don't, I'll quit being a squire and go back to my hometown."

"I'm not a servant because I want a job."


The words of the servants who said so were speechless.


"Training was very hard, but I'm really glad that Rival is back to the way he used to be."

"You're still going to do it, aren't you? Then we'll follow you."

"Me too!"

"Me too!"


…… Either way, I was the one who was stupid.

I felt guilty about them, kept them away, and ended up worrying about them.


「…… You can't get away from it."


Everyone nodded at my words.

Then there is no need to stop anymore.


"Usato training, let's get through it together with everyone here."



Perhaps, even if he survives Usato's training, he will not be held up by those around him or foiled as a hero.

But that's okay.

It makes sense because we all get through it together, and with that in mind, I walked to the training ground with my friends.



Together with our friends, we made up our minds and went to the training ground again.

He stood there unchanged, waiting for us.


「…… Whew, it looks like they're all here."


The figure of Liz the Brave to the Brave Squire of the Kingdom of Milva, who is clutched by Usato's hand and convulses on the floor.

I try to keep my mind on the incomprehensible scene that I didn't even expect.


"Me and all my followers will participate in your training."

"You've decided, haven't you?"



In front of me, who said so with determination, Usato stood up as it was——— and stood side by side with Claude, a hero who was nearby for some reason.


"Suddenly, Claude Mr./Ms. offered to teach you martial arts in between your training."


Interval? Now, this guy is in the meantime.

In between those hellish trainings? Is there such a thing as an interlude?


"In the second trial, I'm going to go through the trial with you, oh my gosh, I don't care, I don't charge for the course!" It's the kind of thing I do because I like it! Kakkakka!"


With the whites of my eyes wide open at the enthusiastic words of Claude, the brave who laughs heartily, I silently approach Usato, grab his arm, and move away.


"Wait, wait, wait, what did you do to that? Hey?"

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? I can't do it!"


Why are you so gibberish!?

Let's go! Did you take the time to come back here?! Hey, in a short time, Claude the Brave is supposed to unravel it!

It's not something that can be received by the best martial artist in the country!


"We were talking about getting over the training you put on us with one mind!?"


When he says that, Usato shows a radiant smile in surprise.


"Oh, really!? Good! Then let's do our best!!"

"Let's do our best, let's beat it! So what's the extra ordeal to add to!"


It's like an incomprehensible and reckless training with even more serious training!

As expected, he knew what I meant, and Usato opened his mouth with a wry smile.


"No, no, I'm not going to force you! Don't worry about Claude Mr./Ms.'s proposal, because you guys can choose whether to participate or not!"

"Oh, I see...... Well, I'm sorry, but I ——— not here."


"What if you could get the spear untied by the illustrious Lord Claude?"

"You can't pass up an opportunity like this."

"Astringent and cool uncle ......"

"I have no choice but to do this adversity."

"This is what you call burning."


They are smiling fearlessly in front of Claude the Brave.

Usato also looks at me with a subtle face.


"Well, your squires are very motivated."

"Damn it! They were smart, but they were stupid guys!!"


- These guys' study grades show a mysterious insaneness in a place where they don't understand their good habits!

I've been the worst person so far, and these guys who were negatively affected by it just didn't have that element, and I ...... that they were originally like this!


"Damn, I have no choice but to do it."

"You are the only one who can not participate."

"What can you do? If they're going to do it, I'm going to do it!"


"Don't you grin!?"


What are those eyes that look at the smiling thing!

As I writhe, Usato takes something out of his pocket and offers it to me.


"Oh, Reval, I'll give you this now."

「…… What's this stack of paper?"


I mean, it's obviously an unusual amount, but where did you pull it out of your pocket?

If you look at the top of the dozens of sheets of paper with caution, it looks similar to the journal you were forced to write many times when you were a cadet.

…… Why is this now?


"It's like a journal where you keep track of your training, and you vent your feelings and anger and frustration out of it."

"Anger or resentment? Did I just say anger and indignation?"


Words that don't come out of this guy's mouth with more or less decent training have popped out of his mouth. Ignoring my doubts, Usato continues to speak.


"I didn't think I needed it, but my buddies told me to have it."

"First of all, explain what this is ......!!"

"Is it for escapism?"

"Why don't you look up the meaning of the word diary?!"


That's not a diary!

It would be something else more horrible!!


Among the peers, it was Mr. Rival, who was a serious chairman type with a bad mouth.

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