The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 9 Ch. 2 Table of contents

After eating, me, Senpai, Kazuki, Nea, and Ferm moved to the training ground outside.

The reason for the training ground is that while Amako and Nak are cleaning up the dishes, they can show us the armor of the two heroes while we talk about what is to come.


"Hasn't Bullyn come back ......?"


As he looked at the empty stables and muttered to himself, Nea, who was nearby, spoke to him.


"Bulllyn is still over there because he has power."

"Won't it bother the people over there......

"Don't worry."


…… Well, okay.

When I arrived at the training ground after visiting the stables, the first thing I heard from Kazuki and Senpai was why I was sent back to the kingdom first.


"The reason why we were brought back here has not yet been revealed."

"The king has only told me to rest in case of emergency."

"It's ...... that it's not revealed."


Kazuki tilts his head at his senpai's words.

Be prepared for the eventuality? I wonder if Lloyd has brought us back here in anticipation of what's next?


"I think it's probably a decision to make us feel uneasy because the battle is over."

"I see......


I understand that, but why did Nea and Ferm come back?

When you ask Nea and Ferm, who came to the training ground together, Nea answers.


"Rose is 'accompaniment.'"

「…… That's all?"

"You have an idea about that woman, don't you?"

"Well, I'm not the kind of person who makes decisions without thinking......


After thinking about it, there are times when it comes to being unreasonable.


"Now we have to wait until we hear from the kingdom......

"Well, the castle is busy dealing with the post-war process, so it's not like we can have an audience right away."


Since it was after the war, I guess they were busy with contacting each kingdom and operating supplies, .......

The knights are also out, so it seems that there are fewer people.

Oh, speaking of knights, .......


"I heard that Leona Mr./Ms. is coming here......


During the battle, Mr./Ms., the hero of Miarak, came to the rescue.

If you're here, you should go and thank them right away, my seniors answer.


"Oh, she's in the castle now, I was talking to the people in the castle when I came here, but I think I'll see her when I go."

"Then when I go to the castle, I have to say hello."


In that case, I'll take Nea and Amako with me.

I really want Alc Mr./Ms. to be with me, but I don't know if he's coming back ...... here.


"But, Usato-kun, the connections you have made in this world are tremendous."

"No, I don'——— do that."


Just as I was about to say no, a face crossed my mind.

Having met Mr./Ms. Halfa, Eva, Lucas, and other powerful people who are so powerful that the word "strong" is not enough, I nod to my seniors in a cold sweat.


「…… Well, well, I'm aware of it."

"Certainly, there seems to be less of a normal kind of friendship or anything like that."

"I can tell you."



Don't forget that you're in an unusual category, right?

He glared at Ferm and Nea, who were nodding, and sighed as he spoke to his senior.


"The best example of that is the seniors, though."

"Hmm? What does that mean?"


I smile back at my seniors who tilt their heads with a smile.


"You're the best, you're the strongest, and you're the best of all."

"It's not something you say with a smile, is it?!"

"Certainly, there is a point."



Kazuki laughs funny and relaxes his cheeks.

By the way, Eva is at the same rate as her seniors.

The impact I had on her when I first met her was so strong that I still remember it.

The Norns, Leona, Mr./Ms. girlfriends I met after that were also quite Mr./Ms..


"Now that we've gone off the rails, I think it's time to show you me and Kazuki-kun's armor."

"That's right."


Kazuki nods at his senpai's words.

In response to the hero's armor, Nea transforms into an owl and jumps on my shoulder.

Apparently, they want to see it up close.


"It's the armor of the brave."

"After all, are you worried about Nea?"

"Of course, because unlike you, I have a unique ability."

"Even my gauntlet is capable."

"It's not like there's no magic, it's just a hard gauntlet."


That's true, but .......

A gauntlet that boasts magic, magic, and hardness that is impervious to everything.

His ability is modest, but I like it, so I don't have a problem.


"It's an excellent thing that can be done without risk, isn't it?"

「…… I think it's just that you're crazy. I don't know how it came to be the way it is now......


Nea sighs a little, and her cheeks twitch at the thought of it.

During this exchange, Kazuki steps out of the center of the training ground.

Apparently he'll be the first to show off his armor.


"I'll start with you, Usato, can I cast a little magic here?"

"yes, I'm fine."



Nodding, he raised his left hand in front of him, as if trying to figure out something.

Then, the wristband on his wrist was enveloped in light, and the next moment it was transformed into a silver gauntlet.

It emitted a pulsing glow from its carved scaly ripples, and seemed to have a slightly sharper and more aggressive shape than my gauntlet.


"My armor is a gauntlet that encourages magic manipulation, so that light magic can be treated as non-dangerous magic, and that it can strengthen the lineage."


Saying this, Kazuki, who created the magic bullet, touches it with his right hand, which does not have a gauntlet.

When you squeeze and crush it like a softball, maybe you can adjust the hardness and elasticity?

As he looked at his magic and thought about it, Kazuki lightly fired a magic bullet in his right hand at him.





He unfolds the gauntlet of his right arm and catches it.

What came back was the feel of the bouncy ball. Fearfully, when I touched it with my left hand, the magic of the light system did not disappear, and I could touch it normally.


"Is this really magic?"

"I want to touch it too!"


Nea on his shoulder is also interested, and when he gets down to his palm, he begins to thrust with his wings.

Before I knew it, Ferm was blinking his eyes and looking into my hand.


"Wow, I don't think it's magical if you're just touching it...... Is it a simplification of light magic that makes anything you touch disappear?"


Involuntarily, he let out an exclamation of admiration, and the magic bullet in his palm returned to Kazuki.

Kazuki, who catches the magic bullet lightly, floats the magic bullet in the palm of the gauntlet.


"There were a lot of things I had to worry about when I used this magic, but with this gauntlet, I don't have to worry about that."

"Wow, it looks like ...... rubber ball."

"Hahaha, I realized that later, but you can also make magic bullets harder and more elastic like you do now, so this could also be applied to something."


Saying this, Kazuki slams his magic bullet into the ground, causing it to bounce.

I had never thought about adding elasticity to the magic bullet itself.


"Kazuki, is it the ability of the gauntlet to make the magic bullets elastic?"

"No, it's like a benefit from the aid of magic manipulation, it's more like weaving magic into a sphere."

"A ...... that weaves magical power"


Weaving is just a metaphor, and in reality, it is a technique that is realized through such meticulous magical manipulation.

…… Can I do it?

He put his hand to his chin and stared at the magic bullet, then he caught it as it bounced off the ground and took a small, deep breath.


"And ......!"


Kazuki begins to pour his magic energy into the magic bullet that floats in his palm.

The magic bullets that were poured in and converged became brighter and brighter.


"That's it for ———."


Kazuki muttered, but the magic bullet in his palm was crushed, and the magic power scattered into the air.

As if smoke radiates heat from the pattern of the gauntlet, the remnants of magical power overflow.


"In this way, I am also able to strengthen the system, although it is still difficult to adjust the output, and the function of the gauntlet will be limited for a while after using it."

"No, it still felt pretty bad......

"Oh, frankly, it's so dangerous, at least you can't use it in the presence of allies."


Kazuki says this with a wry smile, but from my point of view, his lineage enhancement is by far the most powerful.

If possible, we can only hope that he doesn't have an opponent who uses lineage enhancement.


"That's the end of my introduction."

"Okay, then it's my turn."


A senior who stepped forward to replace Kazuki.

On her left wrist is a kind of yellow and black ribbon, and when it glows, just like Kazuki, it reveals a sword in its scabbard.

The senior, who was holding the scabbard with his left hand, turned to me with a smile that could not hide his happiness.


"Mine is a sword! It's a Japan sword!"

"I know you're happy, so please calm down a bit."


How happy are you? I understand the feeling, though.

But...... I like the current gauntlet, but I also like the sword.

I didn't intend to have a weapon that hurt people, so I ended up with a gauntlet, but if I hadn't been a healing wizard in the Lifesaving Corps, I might have taken the form of a sword like my senpai.


"Nea, if my armor was not a gauntlet, but a sword—"

"I wonder if it's a sword that heals the person who slashes it, or a sword that only inflicts pain."

"I haven't told you all about it yet."


What is it, a sword that inflicts nothing but pain on the opponent.

Is that it? Is it a sword version of the healing punch?

In any case, I don't know how to handle a sword, so I'm sure it's obvious that I'll use it as a blunt weapon while it's in its scabbard.


"The name is 'Inumaru.'"


- The senior who spoke proudly turned to himself and looked at the sword seriously.

The black scabbard is engraved with a pattern reminiscent of thunder.

It's the first time I've seen a real sword, but it has a more profound atmosphere than I expected.

What's more, the name Inumaru is .......


"I see, so you put on Inugami-senpai's 'dog'? Do you feel like you've deliberately attacked with simplicity?"

"Do you understand? Do you understand?"

"Yes, of course.


yes, yes, I agree with the senior who nods.

If you give it an unnecessarily elaborate name, you're likely to forget it later.


"How do you know......?"

"I know it's lame, but I don't know anything else."


Watching the exchange between me and my seniors, Nea and Ferm are muttering something to each other, but for now, let's focus on talking to our seniors.

From now on, he seemed to be teaching us the power of the armor of the hero—Inumaru, and the senior who was a little away from us put his hand on the hilt and pulled the blade out of its scabbard.

It takes on a pale yellow light, revealing a blade that gives off a wet luster.

Then, an electric shock flows from the blade to the hilt, flows into the senior's body, and is charged as it is.


"My sword's main abilities are to assist with magic output, enhance sharpness, and add attacks with electric shocks. If you want to name it...... Thunder Beast Mode 2, right?"


When I say Thunder Beast Mode 2, I mean that the operation has not only been improved, but also genuinely enhanced.


"I used to be really excited...... I'm pretty calm now."

"That's right, the previous Thunder Beast mode had an extremely short duration due to the unnecessary release of electric shocks. This sword solved that."


The senior waved his sword lightly and disappeared in an instant from before his eyes.

I can manage to follow it with my eyes, but it's faster and harder to grasp than before.

The appearance of seniors moving slowly as if they were taking steps gives the illusion of being an alter ego.


"It's amazing......

"Wow, I'm going to pull it when I get this far. Humans can move so fast."

"Well, it's nothing compared to me."

「…… You're human, but you're not in the human frame, ......?"


Nea looked away from me with a subtle expression, and with a feeling of inexplicability, she returned her gaze to the senior who had slid to her original position.

The senior, who had brushed off his sword and scattered the electric shocks, slowly put the sword into the scabbard while taking the remaining thoughts.

- With a heartless and dodgy face, I try to talk to her who has delivered a sword.



「…… Huh, what's that? By the way, I'm the type of person who stretches out with praise."

"What? Well, it was cool."



I'm the one who urged you to praise, so why ...... embarrassed?

I'm kind of embarrassed to ...... this.

Cough and regain your composure and talk.


"That's right, you practiced, didn't you?"



Wow, what a nice smile.

The senior, who cheerfully returned the sword to the state of the ribbon, returns here.


"Well, next up is Usato-kun."

"What? Is it me?"

"yes, yes."

"But you both know the characteristics of my gauntlet, don't you?"

"Oh, no, I want to know——"


The senior, whose eyes lit up brightly, paused for a moment before opening his mouth.


"It's the black and white Usato-kun I saw on the battlefield!"

"Shirokuro? Oh, that's it!"


Come to think of it, at that time, I said, "I'll look forward to it later!" That's what I said.

I had completely forgotten about it, but I didn't think I would be explaining it here and now.


Next to the outburst of magic is elasticity.

It seems to be strong with healing spikes that make use of elasticity.


Rather than increasing his direct attack power, Usato's attack power somehow increases with his kinky technique.

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