The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 9 Ch. 3 Table of contents

After being shown the armor of Inugami-senpai and Kazuki's hero, he was asked by his senpai to show him how he was assimilated with Ferm.

I knew my seniors would be interested in me in that .......


"But I don'......."

「…… What is it?"


Glancing at Ferm, he returns with a jittery eye.

Ferm doesn't want to be in that state, and he doesn't want to force it.

Oh I got it.


"Ferm, can you just do your arm?"

「…… Huh? What do you mean by just arms?"


She tilts her head, and I raise my left arm.


"Look, it's like I'm going to partially attach your magic to my arm."

「…… If it's just the form."

"Then I'll ask you."



For some reason, Ferm had a sullen expression on his face, and when he stretched out his palm to my left arm, it turned into a gauntlet with a sharp shape, similar to that of the war, covering my elbow.




A sharp black gauntlet reminiscent of the former Black Knight, contrasting with the silver gauntlet on the right.

When he saw that my left arm had changed, he tilted his head with a smile on his face.


"Hmm? Hmm?"

"Wow, Usato! What's going on, that's it!"

"I wonder if I'm borrowing the magic of Ferm's dark magic now? Later...... That's how ...... go."


The black gauntlet that covers his left arm is transformed into a sword that seems to extend from his forearm.

Shakin' and showed the outstretched sword to the two of them with a light sound.


"It can change shape like a sword."

"How can you do that? That's cool!"


I felt better as Kazuki nodded admiringly, so I decided to explain the techniques that could be activated in this state.


"Hehe, by the way, the technique you use this to release is Darkne-"

"Healing Burst Slash, isn't it, Usato?"


"Isn't that right?"

「…… Yes."


Nea corrects him with a bite.

Glaring at me in her cold eyes, I had no choice but to shrug my shoulders and nod quietly.

I think it should have been "Dark Sword: Healing Wave" after all......


"For the time being, it's like this."

"Wait, cho...... cho!"


When I was about to finish the story, my senior finally made a move.


"Usato-kun!? What do you do!?"

"Oh, no, that's why I feel like I'm borrowing Ferm's magic."

"Normally, you can't borrow someone else's magic, right?!"

"That's a fair question."


Through Nea, who nods on his shoulder.

Admittedly, I didn't explain enough.


"As Ferm lived here, her dark magic trait changed from 'inversion' to 'assimilation'. Assimilation? That's how I was able to enlist Ferm's help."

"Yugo? Roboto? Henkei?"


First of all, when that phrase appears, you can see the genre of anime that seniors were watching in the original world.


"No, it's not a robot or anything, it's Ferm's assimilation with me that allowed me to use my abilities."

「…… No, wait a minute, I know. You know what? But it's instinct, or rather, it's the brain that refuses to understand......!"

「…… Well, I don'...... how to describe it."


As I was twisting my head at the senior who was holding his head, Ferm walked up to me, probably because he couldn't help but look.

Looking at his face, he had a wide eye and a scowl in his mouth, and he looked as sullen as you could see.



"It's quicker to show it to them."

"Eh, but you don't like it--"

"Okay! Be quiet!"


Ferm said it to me without saying yes or no, took a small, deep breath and closed his eyes.

Then, her body is sucked into the shadows at her feet, and black magic overflows from the place where the shadows were.

Ferm disappears in front of them, and Senpai and Kazuki are surprised.




Ferm's shadow moves on the ground like a living creature, and when it enters my shadow, it runs down my legs and covers my body.

Since he is not wearing a team uniform, he changes to a black racing suit except for the gauntlet on his left arm and the armor on his legs.

"Assimilation" with Ferm.

A way of fighting made possible by her altered traits.

It's also a situation where Ferm and I can fully demonstrate our strengths.



"I'm going to be surprised ...... all of a sudden."

"If you look closely, it's more like wearing than assimilation......


As for me, it's bad for my heart to be assimilated all of a sudden.

There is nothing uncomfortable in the senses, but there is a mental preparation.


"It's quicker this way."

"I can't help it at all......


Ferm's echoy voice echoes from inside me.


"Ugh, Ugh, Usato-kun and Ferm have merged!?"

"Wow, what's going on......


For the time being, I'm going to explain my current state to the two people who are surprised.

He briefly explains to Senpai and Kazuki about Ferm's "assimilation" dark magic and the benefits it provides.


"Well, I see, does that mean that he is wearing Ferm's dark magic......


- A senior who mutters and looks at me with jito eyes.

Mindlessly, his gaze seems to be fixed.


"What's that?"

"I'm jealous! Usato-kun!"



In a sense, the words were predictable, but not out of jealousy, but with the words and actions that raised the tension, and I took a step back.


"So you're able to use that power by fusing with Ferm?!"

"Eh, yes, well, assimilation to be exact......

"With the familiar Nea on your shoulders, and even the demon Ferm wearing it as magic, what happens to you! I have mixed feelings about equipping a girl, but more than that, I'm jealous of you!"


He was rolled up very quickly and said, "What? Huh?" I can only return such a wrestle.

I knew the tension, but I couldn't handle it.

Kazuki can't be relied on because he's watching with a cheerful smile on his face behind him.


"So, Ferm! Fusion with me!"


I didn't know what the "mean" was, but he stepped away from me for a moment, and with eyes full of expectation, he spread his arms wide.

Are they trying to assimilate with Ferm?

…… Well, it's clear that my seniors are stronger than me when they use dark magic, so I'll let Ferm give it a try.





I was hastily refused.

Looking at his senior, who is very upset, he asks Ferm a question.


"Ferm, why can't you?"

"Because my magic power refuses, and after that, Suzune is usually annoying, so I can't do it."


"Se, Senpai!?"


A senior who falls backwards as if he has been blown away by something unseen.

No, I guess I jumped on my own.

Or rather, why would you want to do a gag character move?

He ran up to her and picked her up, and he stood up with a smile on his face and his legs shaking.


"Hehe, hehe, my heart won't break at this level...... In other words, you can break down the walls of Ferm's mind ......!"

"No, please let me open my heart normally......"

"The nickname of the indomitable Suzune is not Itachi......!"


When did you get called......

Ferm, who is assimilated with me, and Nea, who is on my shoulders, is also pulling.


"Suzune isn't a hero, he's just a sorry person......

"What is this......


Even if you listen to the words of such two people, you will not be dented.

Her eyes lit up as she walked up to me and looked at the gauntlet on her left arm and the instep of her leg.


"Those legs, those left arms! You look just like the Black Knight!"

"That's right...... Speaking of which, Ferm. Did you decide on this shape?"


He asks Ferm, who is inside, and she replies without any hesitation.


"No, it's just selfish, maybe the appearance of the Black Knight was the one that made a strong impression on me. I have no other intentions.'


I see. Certainly, the period of wearing it seems to be longer in the form of the Black Knight.

Maybe the shape of this armor will gradually change as she lives in the lifeguard.

That's it, and I feel like I'd love to see it.


"Wearing the armor of the Black Knight, who was once an enemy......! It's a fiery development......!"

"Usato, I don't understand what this guy ...... saying."


I don't know what to do.

And I realized, "If you ask me, it's ......."

…… Anyway, in order to lower the tension of the seniors, I explain that the current appearance was not intentional, but was created by an accident.


"No, you know, I didn't expect this for Ferm and me, because we were in the middle of a fight with Koga, and we ended up fighting in this state in a desperate way...... It's like an accident."

"That is, not intentionally, but with an unexpected appearance ......?"



It's no good! The more I explain, the more romantic attributes are added to me!

I want to deny it, but I'm embarrassed to be convinced by none other than ......!


"And anyway! I'm going to show you what we can do now!"


Let's move on to explaining the abilities before we get any more embarrassed.

Stay away from Senpai and Kazuki so that there is no danger.


"First of all, your main ability is to change the shape of dark magic magic."

"Speaking of the shape of magic, is it like the Black Knight?"

"Yes, for example...... Ferm"



When he calls out to Ferm, his left arm, which is covered by a dark magic gauntlet, is transformed.

He transforms into a weapon several times, such as turning into a sword or a shield, and turns to face his senpai and Kazuki.


"It's like this: on the battlefield, you can ride on the back of a bulllyn and make his armor. Well, if you can recognize it as an ability to be flexible in form to a certain extent, you'll be fine."

"It's a transformation ......that can be used in any situation, and it's different from me and Kazuki-kun, it's your ...... No, it's just your way of fighting."

"It's not that presumptuous, because most of the time you don't handle it well, so you end up with a fist."


Rather, I think it would be more convenient to transform it into a shield, a hammer, or a club instead of a sword.

I'm sure it will work a little bit.


"Oh, and now I can perform an outburst of magic with my whole body."

「…… Whole body?"


Oh, I should add this.

They will think that I am doing something reckless again.


"It seems that the state of being assimilated by dark magic is the same as when I am wearing this gauntlet, so no matter how much magic is outdone, I will not be hurt myself."


As a test, he sets his eyes on a nearby tree and performs a healing fist with his left arm.

A fist-sized shockwave released from the black gauntlet with a popping sound hits the tree directly.

He turns his gaze back from the swaying tree to Senpai and Kazuki.


"After that, you can activate it with the soles of your feet to increase your jumping power and use it for acceleration."

「…… That means you can boost moves, right?"

"I don't know, but please don't compare me to a robot......"


I know I'm acting like I can't help being told that, but I don't want to be called a monster or a monster and then treated as a weapon......


"That Second Corps Commander...... Koga used a similar technique, but I wonder if he learned it by watching Usato's movements......

"What? Kazuki, did you say anything?"


He puts his hand to his chin and tilts his head at Kazuki who mutters.

I only heard the name Koga, but anything related to him is a nuisance to me, so I asked him about it, and Kazuki smiled and shook his hand as if it were nothing.


"No, it's nothing, you don't have to worry about it."

"Oh, really? If it's Koga-related, tell me. The next time I see you, I'll beat you up."

"Oh, yes?"


I said that with a smile, and Kazuki nodded in surprise.

I've heard that Koga has retreated in this battle, but it's him. It is bound to stand in front of us again.

Maybe he'll be stronger than he was when he fought me, and he'll bare his fangs. I don't know for sure, but I have a vague understanding that he's that kind of guy after fighting him twice.


"That stupid legionnaire, the kind of guy who would laugh and hit you back when you hit him."

"Then I'll punch you back."

"Isn't that one of the reasons why people get hit by each other for some reason......?"


…… Certainly.

But hey. When Koga is keeping his eyes on you, you can't avoid .......

No matter what role I play or what the circumstances are, it doesn't matter to him, so he threatens me with a smile on his face.


"I think we should find a new way to fight for the next battle......


What I need now is defense, not attack.

The fight with Nero Argens made me realize this completely.

At least, I'd be dead at least once if it weren't for Nea's resistance spell at that time.


"It's not just about preventing......


A defense that relies on the hardness of the gauntlet may be useful, but it does not lead to a higher level.

In fact, if Nero had his way, I would have been cut off in an instant.

So my challenge from now on will not be to take it or play it -- but to find a way to defend it that can lead to the next move.


"With the image of knitting magic"


He raises his right arm, which is covered with a silver gauntlet, and stares at his open palm.

Concentrate your attention and contemplate your magic in a different way than before.


「…… Why not?"


The magic bullet that covered his hand showed a slight fluctuation, but that was it.

It's nowhere near as bouncy as Kazuki's magic bullets.


「…… Usato, what are you doing?"

"I wonder if I can make my magic as elastic as Kazuki's."


Noticing my actions, I show Nea the magic of the healing magic that wraps the gauntlet.

Nea stared at the gauntlet for a few seconds and then looked at me with jito eyes.


"What are you going to do with the elasticity?"

"I don't think about it in particular...... When defending, you can cover the gauntlet to soften the impact...... Also, it might be a good idea to have a healing counterattack palm that deflects the opponent...... It seems to consume less magic than a bursting palm."

「…… Do you think you can do it?"


At his words, I looked at my gauntlet once and then nodded firmly.


"It's not impossible, it should be."

"Yes, then I'll help you. I'm probably better at handling magic."

"It's helpful."


All I can do is keep practicing steadily so that I can finally do this with my whole arm.

After erasing the magic from the gauntlet, I clasped my open palm.

If I can master this technique, I will be able to make a difference in my own movements.


"The task for the future has been decided."


I still can't predict what will happen in the future.

But I know that I can't live a peaceful life in my current situation.

In that case, I have no choice but to find out what I can do now and prepare for it while searching for it.



「? Senior, what did you do?"


For some reason, a senior is growling nearby.

The senior who looked up at my voice had a very serious expression.


"What's the name of Usato-kun?"

「…… Come to think of it, I didn't make a particular decision."

"Yes, then I'll decide now. It's inconvenient if you don't have a name."


Sure, it's inconvenient if you don't have a name.

Nodding at his senior's words, he puts his hand to his chin and thinks of the name of his current appearance.

Black knight...... Dark Magic...... Black, team uniform...... White...... Shirokuro .......


"How about the white black mode?"

"Oh, that's good!"


I tried a polar bear and a black bear in the bear connection, but it's pretty good, isn't it?

The seniors also nodded in agreement.

Shirokuro mode, okay, from now on, under that name-,




"I don't like it, it's so squishy."

"If that's the case, Black Knight mode is still better."


I couldn't help but shout at the strong voice of denial from my shoulder and from within.

Nair and Ferm strongly refuse, and softly say, "That's it...... I don't think so," Kazuki objected, leaving the name unnamed and the name Shirokuro Mode being dropped.

It was me and my seniors who were soberly denied by Kazuki and were about to break their hearts.


For the time being, the first thing that came to mind was the white black mode.

I thought it was lame.

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