The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 11 Ch. 12 Table of contents

Surrounded by soldiers of the Demon King's army, Mr./Ms. and I were forced to fight.

Surrounded by crossbows and almost subjected to a barrage of light stakes, they managed to break through the siege and escape from what looked like an arena.


"It was a tough fight......


"Shut up, this devil."

"Why would you say such a terrible thing......?"


Ferm, whose tone is stinging, and Nea, who has been assimilated and has become a human form, gives him a cold look.

After escaping the siege, we wandered into a labyrinthine city and hid in the shadows to rest.


"The idiot who didn't even listen to our screams and rammed head-on into the siege weapon said something."

"I didn't feel alive......


The light stake itself was slow, and it wasn't too much of a threat because it could be prevented by a gauntlet, but it was troublesome when it was targeted with concentration, so I broke about half of it.

I'm aware that I did a little bit of recklessness, but thanks to that, I was able to get out of the siege.

…… Okay, if you get in a bad mood here, there will be discord in the collaboration, so I'll follow up.


"I believed in you guys and that's why I was able to jump forward, and I will continue to trust you."

"Ha, don't be fooled if you try to deceive me with words like that—"

"Oh, is that so...... yes......

"Fermu!? Don't be fooled!?"


As usual, Nea was not deceived, but Ferm, who was quite obedient, was deceived.

Feeling somewhat guilty, I look around me.

Even if they are chatting, they are always vigilant about their surroundings.

Keep an eye on the aisles while being ready to unleash restraint spells and healing punches at any time.


"Usato, I'm good to go."

"I understand."


Unlock the black magic that he created like the wall he had just put out.

Among them, Leona Mr./Ms. comes out dressed in the clothes of a soldier of the Demon King's army.


"———'m sorry, it took me a long time to get dressed."

"No, fortunately the enemy didn't come, so it's okay."


Before she was sent here, she was wearing the light armor of the Mialak, but now she has been changed into the clothes worn by the Demon Tribe's soldiers.


"What do you think?"

"It's okay, it looks good."

"No, no, I don't, do you hide it well?"


In order not to be found out that she is human, she nods to Mr./Ms., who wears a hood over her eyes.

Behind Leona Mr./Ms. is a female soldier who is unconscious, and the clothes she was wearing are now worn by Mr./Ms., so a gray cloak is now draped over her.

While trying not to look at it as much as possible, he talks to Nea, who has transformed into a demon soldier.


"I told you, 'Bring me a female soldier!' I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that, but I thought about it."

"Isn't it? If we disguise ourselves as soldiers, we can fool the guys who are patrolling."

"Well, I guess you could say that my reputation has gotten worse......

"It's too late."



Even if the demonic treatment is self-inflicted, the treatment of others is indeed dented.

However, the strategy of disguise would be quite a good idea.


"I've been transformed into a demon and the rest is Usato."

"Oh, Ferm, please."

"It's the same as before."


Using Ferm's assimilation powers, he can change the color of his skin and hair, and grow horns similar to those of the demon tribe.

In addition to that, by covering the uniform with black magic and transforming it, it changes the shape to the same as the clothes worn by the soldiers of the Demon King's army.

However, I feel like my hair is a little longer than it used to be.


"That's ...... hair."

"You might get caught with your face like before, just cover up your eyes."


Her hair has changed to the same silver as Ferm's, but it's a little longer.

Previous...... I mean, it was when I met a female soldier at the ruins.

I later found out that he was the one who was on the flying dragon when I captured the Third Corps Commander.

Well, such coincidences can't continue, but do we need to be cautious for the time being?


"Leona Mr./Ms. if only one of them was wearing a hood, I would be suspicious......

"As long as Usato and I, who have only changed our appearances into demons, are with us, we will not be suspicious...... Right?"


You can use Nair's vampire powers, but you'll have to go through a few steps, and there's a chance you'll be spotted while you're doing so.

I don't want to cause a ruckus, and I'll just think of it as a backhanded move.


"So, let's move on."



With Nea and I in the lead, and Mr./Ms. Leona following behind, we begin to walk through the narrow passage where the soldiers patrol.

If you look up, the sky is high, and you can see what looks like a stake of light pointing at us and flying dragons flying around.


"I wish I could go through the roof......

"It's going to be difficult, because there's no way the Demon King wouldn't do something about it after doing something so elaborate."

"Isn't ......?"


Maybe when you climb the wall and climb to the roof, some kind of trap or attack is triggered.

In any case, it is better not to climb to the top to avoid the public eye.




As I look up at the sky, I see something black reflected in the corner of my eye.




He instantly turns around and at the same time unleashes a no-motion healing fist at the spot where he sees something black.

However, the healing fist hits the wall and dissipates.


"What are you doing just when you decide to go into hiding!?"

"It looks like there was a crow ...... it just now."

"I couldn't see it."


…… No, there was indeed something.

Now, it seems to have disappeared from this place, but you should pay attention to the sky.





At that time, the sense of smell strengthened by assimilation with Bullin catches the scent of the magical power of the demon tribe approaching us.

One problem after another, ...... don't pile up!

And they're pretty close.


"Usato, Leona, I'm coming from the front."

"I know."



Relax your fists and take a light, deep breath.

I'm a demon now.

Treat them as normal as you would treat a familiar friend.


"I'm coming."



The smell of magic becomes stronger.

Along with this, the conversation between several soldiers approaches.

At the moment when we were about to meet at a bend in the road, the gazes of the soldier and me, who was in the lead, and Nea, crossed.




The three soldiers who saw us raised the swords they were holding with surprised expressions.

Did you get caught?

Just as he was about to unleash his healing fist to intercept him, one of the soldiers lowered his sword with a look of relief on his face.


"Oh, no, don't freak me out...... What the hell was that, were you ...... mate?"

"It looks like you're safe."


With a blank face, Nea speaks to the soldier.

The other two soldiers also lowered their swords, and I lowered my fist.

Of course, Leona Mr./Ms., who hides her face, may give out rags if I speak, so I'll leave this to Nea.


"For now, let's share some information."

"Oh, did you find the vanished heroes?"


…… As expected, she is a former village girl who has deceived one village for hundreds of years.

They are naturally trying to get information.

When questioned by one of the soldiers, she shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders.


"I can't do it anymore, I don't know how to chase after it."

"That too...... Were you at the interception site? We weren't there, but it was a tough one, wasn't it?"

"yes, I don't even want to remember it."


Nea, her face pale, pressed her forehead to her head.

As expected, it's Nea......! It's a real feeling that you can't believe it's acting......!

Another soldier asks a question somewhat sheepishly as Nea talks.


"Well, how did it go? I was informed that there was a hero and a devil over there......

"It's a true story, the Ice Hero was a cruel woman who froze and smashed everyone who came near her with a cynical smile."



Mr./Ms., who is deeply hooded next to her, is extremely upset.

She looks at me and shakes her head vigorously, but I nod my head to show that I know what she knows.

Nea, you're trying to exaggerate and give it credibility, aren't you?

If that's the case, we're not going to say anything.


"And that healing wizard...... It's a real devil."

"Oh, is that also true!?"

"Yes, the wings are the same as ours...... When he revealed his true identity, I couldn't stop shaking. Everyone was blown away by a technique that didn't make sense...... Some of them lost consciousness just by making eye contact. It felt like the end of the world."


…… You're exaggerating, aren't you?

Hey, right?

Mr./Ms. of the soldiers are all blue in the face.


「…… I am sorry. I ...... no more."

"Oh, oh! You don't have to overdo it! I know enough about what I want to know!!"


The soldiers immediately sympathize with Nea, who holds her mouth with her hand and behaves like a waste.

From the angle from which Leona and I can see Mr./Ms., we can see the expression of Nea, who has a very bad look on her face with the corners of her mouth distorted.


「…… You're a bad woman."

"This guy is a scary guy."


Mr./Ms. and Ferm murmur in a slightly withdrawn voice.

I agree, but it's because they're gathering information for ...... us.


"Now it's my turn to speak......


What the soldier said was information about the heroes other than us.

Kazuki fights in the air above the city against a large number of crossbows and flying dragons.

Senpai and Amako were transferred just like us, but they left before they could engage and are now in hiding.


"Yes, that's a tough one, too."

"Our squad leader is rough with people."


It seems that the soldiers of the Demon King's army also have hierarchical relationships other than the corps commander.

One of the soldiers, shrugging his shoulders in exhaustion, looked at Nea with a smirk on his face, and then opened his mouth.


"No matter how much you can grasp the structure here, it's too reckless."

「! …… That's right. After all, the squad leader is trusted by the Demon King, isn't it?"


Hmm? What?

Clearly, the course of the story has changed.

At Nea's muttering, one of the soldiers laughs teasingly.


"It's not about trust, it's about trust, it's because you were in a higher position that you got the map, right?"

"Oh yes, when I say trust, I'm talking about Mistress Hannah and Mistress Gilled, who are in charge."


When she hears the map, she twists the corner of her mouth so that I can see it.


"It's not a joke, we're the same. Fufufu."

"Hahaha, it looks like you're having a hard time with each other."


Nea, who put her hand to her mouth and smiled happily, casually moved next to me.

She turns to me with a smile plastered on her face.


"Usato, there's a guy with a map, I'm going to catch him."


…… Scared.

I pulled out the information too naturally, and I obediently pulled it to Nea, who was not suspicious at all.

You say a lot about me, but I think you're pretty good too.

As we pulled back so as not to show our faces, the soldiers' gazes turned to us to see what they were thinking.


"Speaking of which, are they okay?"


The soldier's gaze turns to me and Mr./Ms..

I've been silent for a while, and Mr./Ms. is hooded and doesn't say anything.

Was it too suspicious not to say anything......!?

But when Nea glanced at him, she looked away as if she were looking at something painful.


"They were on the front lines of the interception battle...... So, you know what?"

「……! Sorry. It was a gaffe."

"I ...... that I'm going through a tough time and I'm going to go on patrol."

"We've got to do our best......!"


Aren't these people too good-natured before the enemy?

Feeling even more guilty as Nea tried to divert the conversation from the soldier.


"Where are you guys going next?"

"We're patrolling around here, and we won't be able to leave our posts for the time being."

"That's right...... I don't think I can get any more out of it."


She muttered softly, and with a smile plastered on her face, she tried to break up with them right now.


"It's time to get back to work, I'm going to get a big eyeball out of my eyes if I see you like this."

"That's right, I don't know where the brave ones are."

"Let's do our best for each other."

"Oh, that too."


We waved to the soldiers, showed our backs, and walked down the aisle with a blank face.

As it is, look for the commander of the unit who has the map, and give it to him.


"Wait a minute."



...... was stopped!?

Did you notice it?

Turning back with magic in his fist, he saw the soldier who had been talking to Nea fidgeting as he spoke to Nea, who was tilting his head.


"Ah, yes, when this battle is over, that ......."


No, it's not! Is this a teaser or something like that?

Nea, what are you going to do? And when I looked at Nea next to me, she had an apologetic expression on her face, and suddenly she hugged me in my arms.


"I'm sorry, this is my husband ♪."




Voices of Ferm and Mr./Ms. Leona.

What? Are you going to do the same thing you did in front of Keira in this situation?

I think it's clearly not of the right nature.

When I look at the terrified soldier Mr./Ms., I see that she is fidgeting and upset.


"Oh, that's it...... there."


I feel unbearable for the soldier Mr./Ms. with an indescribable expression.

Two hands that appear to be colleagues are placed on the back of the soldier Mr./Ms., who is smaller than when they first encountered him.



"Cheer up......

"I told you, you don't meet here......


No, I can't stand it! I can't stand it!

I feel like I've done more damage than I would normally attack!

When the soldiers disappear, Nea smiles as if she's done her best.


"Whew, I managed to do it."




Healing decoupin without hesitation.

Nea, who pressed her forehead, glared at me with teary eyes.


"What, what are you doing!?"

"Right now, it's for the soldier Mr./Ms.."

"You're an enemy, aren't you?!"

"It's an enemy, but there are good things to do and bad things to do...... Yes."

"Uh, yes......."


Remembering the scene from earlier, I feel unbearable again.

…… Let's forget about it for now.

For now, we've got some important information, so let's make the most of it.


"Mr./Ms. Leona, what are you going to do?"

「…… Suzune would prioritize going to the Demon King over joining us. We're headed the same."


Our goal is just the Demon King.

If you go there, you are more likely to join them than if you normally look for them.


"So, we should also find a way to get to the Demon Lord, right?"

"Ah, thanks to Nea, I know that the map exists, so let's find the one that has it first."


The first goal is to find a map.

After that, use the map to make your way to the Demon King.

The problem is to find someone who has ...... map.


"I'm even called a unit commander, so I ...... have a certain amount of experience and ability."

"At least the Legion Commander was chosen on pure merit."


He nods at Nea's words.

Those with high magical powers smell sweet.

So, if you prioritize that person, you might have that map and something.

Put your hands on the ground and close your eyes.


"Bullin, Ferm, strengthen your reflections."




Mobilize all the senses of bulllyn that you usually suppress.

Information about the soldiers in the vicinity flows into my head through my sense of smell.

It doesn't smell like Amako and Senpai's magical power.

However, there is one thing that I find in the midst of all this, the smell of magical power, which is particularly sweet.


"What do you think, Usato?"

"It smells so sweet...... There are people who have magical powers."


"It's not that far away."


I don't know exactly, but I don't think it's just me.

Maybe it's the squad leader they were talking about earlier.

I don't know the exact location, but I know the direction I'm in.


"For now, let's catch it."


Will there be a demon or a snake?

At worst, you might encounter a Legion Commander-class enemy, so you might want to anticipate a battle.


In terms of ability, Nea is as vicious as Amako.

It's not like I've been a village girl for hundreds of years.


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