The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 11 Ch. 13 Table of contents

A plan planned by the Demon King.

It divides the group of heroes into three places and attacks them individually.

An operation that invests more than 80% of the current Demon King Army.

However, he said that it was not a strategy to defeat the heroes, but to reduce their power and exhaust them.


"Third Corps Commander, First Corps Commander, you take command in the rear."


An order given directly by the Demon Lord.

I'm grateful to the Demon King for his kindness in ordering me to command the rear, perhaps because he heard of my blunders in battle, but to be honest, I want to get out of that place of fear as soon as possible.

From the place where the Ice Hero and the Healing Wizard were attacked, the information that they didn't want to hear the most was coming to us.

The devil has appeared.

The devil summoned a demonic beast.

At that point, I didn't want to be there anymore.




With a big sigh, I pull out the communication tool that the branch has.

Specialized in the transmission of information, there are five subordinates, each of whom is responsible for transmitting and grasping information about each unit.

I connect the communication to one of them, Nono's magic tool, which I had recently appointed as an assistant.


"Nono, how about that--"

"Hannah-sama! Oh, that! That brave guy! Faster than Sean! Oh, no, Sean! Your power is still to come! Sean! Be the wind!! Shouton!! That's right, Shoon!!"



Perhaps because of the battle, I frown at the high-tension Nono.

…… She seems to be surviving somehow.

While cutting off the voice of the needlessly noisy Hiryu duo, I let him check the situation again.


"Was there any movement?"

"No, the lost hero has nowhere to be found, and we are still searching for him...... As a result, we are only stranded."

「…… That's tough."


It's a good situation.

This chaotic situation has definitely worked for me.

Above all, it's good that the hero of light is rampaging in the sky.

From the sky, it's not surprising that some mistake could cause light magic to come to you.


"Search for the place I'm going to tell you now."


Gather your men on a map on a large long table.

I will instruct you on the place where you are going to search.

These are communicated to the unit commander, who in turn communicates them to his subordinates, and expands the search area.


"The most frightening thing for us is that the brave men are about to join us."


The reason why the Demon King divided the heroes was probably because he knew that ordinary soldiers were no match for the heroes who were bundled together.

In addition:


"Another worrying situation is that the existence of the 'map' will be known to the heroes."


Now, the movement of the hero is superficially suppressed because it is topographically advantageous.

If that advantage is broken, the heroes will go to the Demon King almost unscathed. If that happens, it's not about our blunders.


"First of all, I will have the commanders of each unit escorted, and then I will have my subordinates take control of the bluff information. …… If the heroes find out about the existence of the map and try to steal it, they will only be forced to get fake information."


Conduct the rear firmly.

It's not my nature to cut corners on such things, and if I don't play an active role even a little, I'll usually be suspicious.

When his subordinates are satisfied, he points to the map on the table.


"And let's change the position of the patrolling soldiers a little, considering the possibility that the heroes will join, and be ready to send instructions to the commanders of each section."



He seriously considers the matter and gives instructions while predicting the actions of the heroes.

In the process, he creates a "hole" in the patrol range so that his subordinates do not notice him.


「…… After that, it looks like they'll be fine without me."


Just as his men turned around and were about to get back to work, he unleashed a magic bullet of illusion magic.

The illusion is simple.

Sensing something unusual outside, I went to see it, and was hit directly by light magic that flew like a stray bullet.

I won't show a clear scene of me dying, but I'll show a production that hints at it.


"I've done what I had to do, and I'll leave the rest to Mr./Ms. Gillett."


He slung his hidden bag over his shoulder and scattered the sword and other things he knew to be in his possession on the ground, and faked his own death by dropping the blood he had prepared in advance on the ground.


"Okay...... Let's go, shall we?"


Now no one will suspect my death, not even my subordinates.

I memorize all the maps, so there is no problem.

After that, if you move to make a gap in the patrol route, you should be able to get out.

Outside the city, there is a dome-shaped barrier created by the Demon Lord, but you can hide in the hideout prepared until it disappears.

All that remains is the memory that I was killed by a hero, and I am free to do so.

It's just too perfect a plan.


"Also, don't mess with the brave."


But that's unlikely.

In this vast city, the chances of me and the hero going alone by chance will be almost zero.

Even if they were found, only the healing wizard would be able to deal with them.




It's not that I don't feel guilty about running away.

I feel a little sorry for the soldiers fighting here, but I still care more about myself than anything else.


"What does the demon tribe have a future...... I don't think so."


The land is thin, and the demon tribes who have no choice but to live in the dying land are now alive thanks to the Demon King.

He was defeated in the last battle, and now a group of heroes have come to harm the Demon King.

No matter how this battle ends, there is no future for the Demon King's army.


"Still, I want to be on the side of cheating...... I don't want to be deceived anymore ......."


There is no point in kindness in this dying land.

The moment you show such a thing, you will be deprived of the bread you have offered and everything you need to live from now on.

As the land became poorer, the hearts of the demon tribes, including myself, became poorer and poorer.


「…… That devil may be a messenger to destroy us."


He laughs as if mocking himself.


"What are you talking about, me?"


Even if it's not a real demon, I'm scared of a healing wizard named Usato.

I'm terrified of that guy with a good face and an incongruous behavior.

The scariest thing of all was that there was no lie in the words that came out of his mouth.


「…… The next corner was left."


After walking straight down the narrow passage for a while, I was about to turn left in the passage as I remembered it, when someone jumped in from the corner.

…… Oh, the soldiers on patrol!

However, I was expecting a situation where I happened to bump into a soldier, so I immediately smashed an illusion magic into someone who appeared with magic in both hands.

If you touch it even slightly, it is an invincible magic that instantly invites you to a phantom world.

Someone who was directed at it had a vision.





When he was supposed to be ———, he forcibly repelled the illusion magic, which was supposed to be invincible.

Did you flip it?

D? Hajiki Tobashita?





The next thing that looms over me is a pitch-black fist.

It stopped just before it hit me, and an extraordinary wind pressure slammed into me.

The man stopped his fist and looked down at me, who was lying on the ground.


"What's the ...... of the Third Corps Commander!? Why are you here!?"


Eyes that can be seen through the gaps in her silver hair, as if they shoot through those who look at her.

A blackened fist that stopped just a stone's throw from my eyes.

They look different, but you can tell who the person in front of you is.




Why is it the lowest possibility?

It's funny, isn't it?

Because there are a lot of soldiers patrolling here, Mr./Ms..

Why do you encounter me pinpointedly ......?


"No way, this sweet magic power...... Your ......!?"


What is sweet magic?

Do you mean the soul?

Is my soul sweet?

It doesn't make sense anymore.

I don't want to understand anything.

No more.





A healing wizard who tilts his head.

He has long hair, horns, and looks like a demon, but from his voice and facial features, he is ...... No, in the first place, I only know of one incomprehensible being who blows away phantom magic with enthusiasm.

Tears spill from my eyes, and I am a healing wizard who is somewhat warm.


"I'll do anything, so forgive me."



This world is too unreasonable.

Especially against me.

I stopped resisting, half-crying.

And I—I sold my soul to the devil.


With an unusual magical detection, Usato, who went straight to the place where Hannah was.

He is the one who is most confused when he is surrendered while crying at the head of the encounter.


Nono was at the front, so on the contrary, he was saved.

Currently, he is embarrassing Kazuki in many ways with his high tension and friendship power.


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