The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 12 Ch. 1 Table of contents

After the battle with the Demon Lord, we rested for a short time and then started walking back to the Ringle Kingdom.

Although there were some demon attacks, they still reached the great river that separates the Lingle Kingdom and the Demon King Territory much faster than they could go.

As we crossed the bridge that Leona Mr./Ms.and I had created with our magic, we crossed the bridge that Leona and I had created for some reason, and for some reason, the Mr./Ms. knights and Mr./Ms. Sigurd from the Kingdom of Lingle immediately arrived.

As we swayed in the carriage, I asked Mr./Ms. why he came, and he said that the Lingle Kingdom had already received a letter sent by the Demon King, and that he knew that we would return.


"We were skeptical until we saw you with our own eyes...... I'm glad you're safe. Really.'


Mr./Ms. said so forcefully.

We arrived at the Kingdom of Ringle, and after parting with Amako first, we were immediately taken to the castle for an audience with Master Lloyd.

Nea and Ferm decided to wait in a separate room, and in front of Lloyd-sama were me, Senpai, Kazuki, and Leona Mr./Ms..


"Well...... He came home safely."


Lloyd's figure was somewhat disheveled.

He patted his chest with relief, as if he had been worried about our safety all along, and looked around at all of us.


"Normally, we should celebrate the return of the masters with all our might, but the first priority is to listen to the lords."

"Master Lloyd, I heard that you received a letter from the Demon Lord......

"Ah, it was sent to me yesterday by a demon that seems to be the Demon King's familiar."


Nodding at his senior's words, Master Lloyd picked up a thin brownish parchment.

A letter written by the Demon King.

After reading the text, he turned his gaze back to us.


"It is written that the Demon King will surrender to us, is this true?"

"Yes, we fought the Demon King and defeated him in a fight to the death, and as a result, we were forced to admit defeat."

「…… Oh I see? The battle is over."


Mistress Lloyd relaxes his shoulders and leans back against the throne.

After a few seconds of pressing his hand to his eyes, he straightens up and takes a deep breath.


"I'd like to hear more about it."

"What's the story?"

"I want you to tell me what you saw and felt in the Demon Lord's Domain, and how you fought in the face of the powerful enemy that is the Demon King."


Puzzled by the offer, Mistress Lloyd bowed his head apologetically.

Minister Sergi Mr./Ms. shows a rustling look, but Lloyd still speaks.


"I'm sorry, I really want to give you a break right away, but things are already moving."

「…… I am aware of that."

"From now on, it's not a fight, it's going to be something else. That's why we need to deepen our understanding of the demon race."

"But, Master Lloyd, the other party is a demon tribe."

"That's why."


At Mr./Ms.'s words, Lloyd quietly responds.


"We must not forgive them, that's all the Demon King Army has done to us."

"...... Mr. Lloyd."

"But if we choose to destroy the demon tribe in anger and hatred, we will leave a never-ending root of evil within us, which will spark a new conflict in the not-too-distant future. …… That is the only thing that must be avoided at all costs. Mr./Ms. are no longer fighting for lives."


Lloyd, who has been troubled as a king and has gone through three battles, involuntarily bites his mouth.

That's right.

Normally, no one wants to fight, and they don't want to fight for their lives.

That's what Lloyd would have to think so.

If you decide to destroy the demon tribe here, then you can use Lloyd-sama and this country called Lingle Kingdom.Something is・・・It will change irrevocably.


"Usato-kun, Kazuki-kun."


Senpai calls me and Kazuki's name.

She looked at me and nodded, and we decided to tell her everything that had happened on this trip.

It doesn't matter how long it takes.

We met demons such as Gref Mr./Ms. and Kira.

The battle in that ruin.

Mr./Ms. Nagi joined the group.

The Demon King's army, and the final battle with the Demon King.

And then--scrolling.

By the time I had finished explaining it as clearly as possible and adding supplements to the people present, everyone except us, including Mr. Lloyd, was so surprised that they kept their mouths shut.

In particular, Mr./Ms., who was there, looked so surprised that she was about to pass out.


「…… Ugh, well, I've heard shocking stories besides the battle with the Demon Lord. Is it a scroll that could bring you back to the original world of the beastman who was the companion of the previous hero?"

"As for scrolling, I think we should ask for the cooperation of Falga-sama."

"Ah, I'll send the news to Myalak right away."


Before you leave, you should first be able to exchange information with Falga-sama as soon as possible.

Mr. Lloyd, who gave instructions to Mr. Mr./Ms. who received the scroll, turned to face him.


"You have done a really good job, and thanks to your efforts, the battle has come to an end. …… On behalf of the Kingdom, I would like to express my gratitude."


Mr. Lloyd bows deeply.

Normally, I would be intimidated, but there is no way I don't understand the meaning of the king of a country bowing his head and thanking him.

Here, let's accept the gratitude without saying anything.


"I'm sorry to have made you talk for so long, I'm sure you're tired from the long journey, please take a good rest."



Following Lloyd's words, the seniors stand up.

However, I didn't stand up and called out to my seniors.


"Senior, can you tell Nea and Ferm to go home first?"

「…… yes, I get it."


My senior, who sensed what I was going to say, nodded.

As the three of them left the hall, I came face to face with Mr. Lloyd, who was waiting for me without saying anything.

Both Mr./Ms. Welsey and Sergio Mr./Ms. look at me with a complicated look.


"You mentioned me in the letter, didn't you?"

「…… Hmm."


I understand that he was only involved at the time of the battle and afterwards.

The Demon King has a bad personality.

Or mean.

Depending on how you look at it, you could think that I saved myself the trouble of explaining it from scratch.


"You don't have to force yourself to obey...... No, it's as if they were taken away from our peaceful daily lives by our selfish actions. In spite of this, they fought for the people of Lingle. He helped me."

"...... Mr. Lloyd."

"Now that I have the scroll, I finally have the possibility of going back to my original world...... None other than the Lord must reject that very choice...... It's just too bad."


After all, Mr. Lloyd cares about me.

I'm glad to see that thoughtfulness, but I shake my head.


"Once I beat the Demon King, I can't change this answer, and conversely, as long as I keep that determination, the Demon King won't betray me."


This is close to certainty.

It's not because they got into a fistfight, but through that fight, I somehow understand what kind of person the Demon King is.


"That's all I can say."

"This is just my subjective opinion, and I understand that people around me are suspicious. The opponent is the Demon King, the one who has been waging war so far, and the person who is most feared by the people."


The history of the war does not change.

Those who died do not return.

Nor can the fear of the Demon King, which has been feared until now, disappear.


"That's why I, who know both races of demons and humans, stand in between."

"You may end up being subject to the malice of both races, right?"

"I'm prepared."


Someone has to do this job.

Surely, even if someone else takes on the same role, that person will surely be afraid of the Demon King, the Demon Tribe.

They abandon looking at the current state of the demon tribe with impartial eyes.


"From now on, I will continue to work for the people of this world, so please do not hesitate to give me orders. That's what I'm here for."

「…… I didn't want her to look like Rose to the point of being stubborn."

"He's my mentor."

"Oh, I know...... I know."


Master Lloyd grips the edge of the throne as if to endure.

After a few seconds, he relaxes his shoulders and looks up.


"Usato......, from now on, let's fight together as people of the Ringle Kingdom, not as aliens."



At this moment, I cut off my reluctance to return to the original world.

I may think about my hometown and my parents, but I don't think about going back.

I'm sorry for being unfilial to ———.

I look forward to my parents, whom I will never see again, while saying goodbye inwardly.



Usato chose to remain in this world.

I think it's a very painful choice.

He wasn't disappointed in his original world like I was, and he had the choice to live a normal life.

Yet, he chose to abandon the peaceful life of his original world and fight in this world.

His determination is to be admired.


Kazuki will also have to make a difficult decision from now on.

He, like Usato, has a reason to return to his original world.

And at the same time, I have a reason to stay in this world.

…… As for him, it would be better to leave it to Celia and Frana.

Those two would be able to support Kazuki.


"——— yet what a shallow woman I am...... Whew!!"

"Why are you here?"

"Yes, this is the guest room."


Kazuki-kun was reunited with Furana and Celia, and I was slumped at the table in the guest room where Nea and Ferm were waiting for Usato-kun to finish speaking.

In his hand is an empty cup of tea.


"Give me more tea!"

"Tea is not alcohol......


Nea pours tea into the cup she holds out.

Stunned by their casual kindness, I talk to them.


"Nea, Ferm, thank you for being the person to talk to ......!"

"Are you the only one to talk to if you just react ......?"

"I wonder if there is such a pitiful hero......


They look at you coldly, as if they've pulled back.

I'm used to being exposed to such stares, so I smile back.


"Don't look at me like that, it makes me feel good."

"Is this guy invincible......?"


I was even more drawn to it.

But I'm a strong woman, so I bounce back quickly.


"I'm glad that somewhere in my heart I heard that Usato was going to stay in this world......

"Can you please stop being serious all of a sudden...... The temperature difference is too great, isn't ......?"


Ferm, whose cheeks twitched, scratched his cheeks awkwardly.

Perhaps, if Usato-kun chooses the option of returning to his original world, I will surely choose the same path.

Even if he weighs it against another world, he now seeks an interesting and fun daily life with Usato.


"I can continue to live in this world with Usato-kun, and when I think about it, I realize that I am happy."


Even though he knows why he decided to stay in this world.

So I couldn't help but think that I was very shallow for thinking about such things.


"Don't you want to go back to your original world?"

"Not at all, I've given up on all of that."


Born into a prestigious family, a life that was supposed to follow a predetermined path.

The reality that I was hurting my brother without realizing it.

I'm sure I have the determination and the ability to take action to do something about it now, but the reason I can be the way I am now is because of Usato.

In a world without him, the student council president and cool beautySuzune InugamiIEven though he is a hero of the Ringle Kingdom,Inukami SuzuneIThere are none.


「…… I don't think that's a bad idea."


"Unlike you, it doesn't matter if I choose, but I was a little relieved to hear that Usato would stay."



Nea and I look at Ferm in amazement.

Ferm slams the table with a flushed face.


"Oh, because if that monster is gone, there will be no competition! Don't get me wrong!"

"Tsundere Oto-......!"

"I don't know what that word means, but I know you're making fun of me!!"


Ferm is embarrassed and angry.

Satisfied that she was able to hear a little bit of her true feelings, Nea shrugged as she placed the cup on the table.


"I'm sorry to be honest with you, Usato didn't come home."



The unexpected answer made me and Ferm let out a stunned voice.

…… To be honest, I didn't expect Nea to say that.

After Amako and me, I didn't expect her to have a close relationship with Usato ......!


"I mean, it's the original world where Usato is leaving, right? Wouldn't it be fun if I hid and followed it?"

「…… Huh? I was going to follow you!?"

"Hehe, I'm kidding, I'm kidding."


What a joke.

But it doesn't seem like a lie at all.

I am horrified by Nea, who gracefully rests her back on the backrest.


"Either way, it's going to be tough for Usato."

"It's someone else's problem......

"I know I'm going to get caught anyway, and I don't need to make a fuss about it."


Nea looks somewhat resigned, and I raise my jealousy gauge.

What a reaction to what I'm used to.

However, I have to agree that Usato's future is going to be difficult.

He will be given time to rest, but given the situation he is in and his friendship with the Demon Lord's army, he will be the one who will mediate.


"Usato-kun, you know all the legion commanders over there......

"You killed everybody, and by the way, Armira."


After all, is it possible to deepen mutual understanding through fistfights?

It's like Koga or something like that.


"In other words, if I master the beating, will I have more friends?"

"Hey, Nea, this guy is thinking weird things again."

"Hah, this hero is already ......."


At that moment, an electric shock ran through my brain.

Just as we were flashing an idea that should be called a revelation, the door to our living room suddenly opened.


"I could have gone home first...... What's that, senior?"

「…… Usato-kun!"


After talking with Lloyd, it seems that Usato has come to pick up Nea and Ferm.

Before the two of them, I walked up to him and said the idea that came to my mind earlier.


"Can I join the rescue team?!"

「…… Well, if you're tired, I think you should rest right away, right......?"


...... have been treated kindly normally!?

Or rather, is it enough to worry about it?


Lloyd was the one who was most shocked by Usato's choice.

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