The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 12 Ch. 2 Table of contents

After talking to Mr. Lloyd, we left the castle with Nea, Ferm, and Bulllin and were able to return to the rescue team.

In the meantime, a senior colleague made a deafening suggestion that she wanted to join the rescue team temporarily, but she must have been tired at that time. Yeah...... It must be so.

Leaving aside my seniors, I returned to the rescue team and immediately went to the leader's office where Rose was.

In the midst of this, I was greeted by the tough men and knacks, and when I saw their faces, I finally realized that I had returned here alive, and I was just relieved.

And a report to Rose.

I was in the Demon Lord's Domain, and I reported to Rose what had happened in the battle with the Demon Lord.

She listened silently to my choice to stay in this world and what I should do from now on, and when she opened her closed eyes...


"I see."


——— just gave it back.

I couldn't help but be stunned by the so simple response, but Rose said that she had anticipated the possibility of me choosing such a choice, so it wasn't too much of a surprise.


"I'm not so stupid that I don't know your character anymore, and if that's your choice, stick to it. If you can't ———, I'll kick you and move on.'


I received such grateful words along with a fierce smile.

After all, I was reminded that I was no match for this person, but I returned to my brief daily life as a member of the rescue team.



From the day after returning to the Lingle Kingdom, the whole country was in a bit of a panic.

After all, the battle was over.

Many were upset, delighted, and anxious as they came to terms with the fact that the war with the Demon King's army was over.

At least it wasn't a celebration of victory.

Or rather, it would be correct to say that Mr. Lloyd did not have the luxury of celebrating.

This is because the battle is over and the other nations must be informed that the Demon King is alive and will surrender. Not only do we have to inform them, but we also have to respond to them as to why they have come to such a conclusion.

Unfortunately, I can't do anything at this point.


"There are some things that only you can do, so leave it to us for now and heal the fatigue of the journey."


Mistress Lloyd told me that there was something he wanted me to do, but until then, I was given a break.

Well, they're still working as a lifeguard, so there's no rest or anything.


"Nak, Ferm, Nea! It's training!!"




Only Nak responds cheerfully to my words as I stand with my arms crossed.

Nea and Ferm look extremely disgusted.


"Now that the battle is over, there's no point in training, right?"

"That's it."


Nair is up to Ferm anyway.

It's been a week since then, and I've had a good rest, but in the case of these kids, it's usually too much rest.


"The Leader has given you a rest over the past week, and you've been doing your best, so I decided you need a chance to go outside."

"No, I'm going to take care of you."

"If you keep going like this, you'll get fat and become a pig Mr./Ms.."

"Shall I turn you into a piglet?" Hmm?"


Me and Nea glared at each other.

But you don't know.

I have an absolute trump card against Nea, who has an attitude that makes such a person a fool.


"It's okay, even if you become a piglet."


"I'm going to give you to my senior."

"I'm sorry, please don't do that!"


The tenacity of the seniors who saw the small animals is amazing.

Even that nair is enough to break his heart by throwing away the slack he had just had.

Ferm glanced sideways at Nea, who was shaking her body, and spoke to me with a sigh.


"First of all, I got a day off, so it's okay."

"I know it's going to be a bit of a stretch after the fight, but it's kind of a precarious situation right now, right? Anything can happen at any time."


Nothing has been decided yet.

The deal with the demon tribe remains in limbo, so there may be an uproar at some point.

We have to be prepared to deal with such situations.


「…… Even though the battle is over......"

"We don't train for fighting, we train for training."

「…… No, it's about what you're training for."

"Do you need a reason to train in the first place?"



In other words, the fact that we are members of the lifesaving team can be a reason to train.

Even though the battle is over, our mission is still to help people.

Rather, Rose believed that the purpose could be broadened to save lives or be sent to a village where a disaster has occurred.

I looked at me and sighed at the two people who were pulling me back, and I called out to Nak, who was standing there from earlier.


"Nak, do you have anything to say to the two of you?"

"Then just one word!"

"Okay, just say it."


Vichy! Nodding his head in agreement, Nak turned to Nea and Ferm.

He takes a deep breath and speaks to the two of them who look suspicious.


"Well, I want to train quickly, so please hold your belly."

「「…… What?"


With that much in mind, Nak returns to his position.

I nodded my head and looked at the two of them.


"Do you understand how Nak feels?"

"No, I don't want to know! I'm scared! It makes me change my mind!?"

"What, what ...... guilt I feel! I didn't do anything wrong, but I feel so guilty ......!"


Do you still resist over this period?

Oh well.

The truth is, it would have been better for you and for us to do it voluntarily, but--let's be honest.


"Are you sure? I invited you to train with good intentions. In fact, I even wanted you guys to get more rest after all the hard work you did in the fight against the Demon King."

"Thank you for that!"

"That's a lie! You're a person who loves training, aren't you?!"

"Look, I'll only say it once, okay?"


Normally, this is the time to get angry, but I dare to say it in a quiet voice.

Perhaps noticing the abnormality, Nea has a suspicious expression.


"I've seen you guys hang out all week———


I don't care, I just keep talking.

Say the decisive words that will definitely move the two of you.


"——— leader is getting frustrated."


The two of them were moving fast.

After silently straightening his clothes, he lines up next to Nak and begins to do preparatory exercises so that he can train at any time.


"I'm sorry, Usato, I was wrong! Training is fun!"

"Well, you're always thinking about us, hehe, I forgot."

"I'm glad you understood!"




The three of them laugh and stretch together.

I'm smiling normally, but let's just say that Nea and Ferm's expressions couldn't have been more twitchy.

When I weighed the backlash of the Great Demon King of the Rescue Team against my training, the answer was obvious.


"I don't know what I'm saying, but I think they're starting to get into the air of the rescue team."

"Nak, what's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing!"


Well, let's make the training less demanding today and tailored to the knack.

Hmm, I don't know what I'm going to do.

It's okay to just run, but if that's all you do, both Nea and Ferme will react like "Eh, see you again."

As he crosses his arms and ponders, he notices that someone has come from the entrance of the training ground.

When I looked there, I saw a small girl, Amako, coming towards me with what looked like a basket.


"Oh, Amako?"

"yes, I'm bothering you again."


He greets her with a light raise of his hand in greeting.

Since returning here, Amako has been coming here often.

They don't come when they're running, but they come when they're on the training ground.


"I've been making Mr./Ms. Deutch, and I think everyone will eat it."

"Thank you, so let's eat when this training is over."


Then we need to start training as soon as possible.

Well, it's playful to a certain extent, and it's the kind of thing that I can train myself .......


"Okay, then let's play tag."

"Pretend? Why are you imitating me?"

"Who's the ogre, no, tag is a game in our world where a person who has become a demon chases a person who plays a human role."


It's a common pastime in my world, but I think it could be a training exercise.


"No, you know, Usato, you're a pure demon, but we can't, right?"

"Shall I turn you into a demon as you wish? That would make training a lot more fun."

"I'm sorry......"


When she laughs and squints her eyes, Nea immediately apologizes.

For now, let's explain the rules.


"The demon is you, and the victory condition is to touch me."

"It's impossible, isn't it?!"

"Are you stupid!? Do you know how unreasonable you usually are!?"

"Usato Mr./Ms....... I think it's going to be tough."


It's all over the place.

Well, I know that.

Ferm may have a good line, but Nea and Nack are still tough.


"That's why I'm going to give you a handicap, I don't use magic or a gauntlet. You can also use magic and dark magic."

"No, it's not enough......

"Yes...... Well, if that's the case, I can give you some conditions."


What kind of handicap will they be forced to carry if they go any further?

Somehow, Nea and Ferm are talking about it, but should I add a few more conditions to motivate them?


"If you can touch me, I'll listen to you for one thing."


I wouldn't say anything, but I would buy delicious food from the city, or take over cleaning duty.

Nea and Ferm, who were discussing something at my words, stopped moving.



"Eh, so can I have you watch the training?!"

"Of course, or rather, I'll go with you as much as you want, just by saying it normally."

"Motivation, I'm out......!"


Nak seemed to be motivated to do it.

Then, Amako, who was a little far away, came to me.


"Hmm? What's up, Amako?"

"I'm going to be a part of it."


"I'll do it too...... Pretend? That's it."



The strongest child has come......

If she's dealing with a clairvoyant magic, there's no way she can let her guard down.


"Interesting, let's allow it."

"What do you want me to do?"


I ...... that I feel like I've already won!

But ...... interesting! I'll break that prediction ......!

Wiping my forehead and twitching my smile, I acknowledged her participation.


"I've decided on the conditions."

"What did you do?"

"Hands and feet, no use"

"How do you ...... move?"

"You can do something about it."


What a trust.

No, no, I don't know how to move with my hands and feet sealed.

Should I just roll on the ground?

Nea reacts to my reaction as if she can't help it.


"I can't help it, so why don't you use your right hand and left foot?"

「…… Well, that's fine."


In fact, I think this is the preferred condition

Well, maybe this handicap is necessary.

It's because there's Amako...... I wonder if it's okay.


"And you don't lie in what you just said, do you?"

"Well, as long as I can, oh, give me every drop of blood, or make me a vampire...... Oh, there's no such thing as an infinite number of requests, right?"

「…… C'mon."


Scary dude.

As for the third one, I'm glad I nailed it because it really looked like it was going to happen.

Now that the conditions have been decided, let's get started.

Take your left foot off the ground and jump on the ground with only your right foot.

The dominant arm is also forbidden, so you have to deal with it with only your left arm.


"Okay, let's get started."

"Oh, Usato, can I bind my right arm and left leg with a restraint spell?"


Immediately after giving the signal to begin, a smiling Nea raised her hand and said something like that.

The magic of restraint?

Sure, it's okay to move it and lose this foul.

I'll ask you.


"Okay, then I'll do you a favor."



I smile at Nea as she approaches me with a smile.

When she is about three steps away, look at her and talk to her.


"Oh, by the way, I'm pausing, so even if I touch it now, it won't win for you."


"I know what you're thinking, don't you?"

"Ugh, ugh."


There's no complacency, really.

Well, I was suspicious when it came out at the right time for me to give the signal to start.

His right arm and left leg are bound by a restraint spell and he regains his mind and faces everyone.

Four to one, this one has a dominant arm and one leg blocked.


"Come on, ......!"


It's also interesting, ......!

I'm looking forward to seeing what Nea and Ferm will do, but most of all, it's a good opportunity to see how much Nack has grown......


Abrupt training times.

Next time, it may be a different perspective.


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