The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 1 Table of contents

The devil is real.

A few days after I reported my encounter with an unidentified thing with bat wings in the cemetery, I was told about it by Master Farga.

I've been called a monster and a devil, but I was surprised by this fact.

After all, even in this world, I thought that the devil was an imaginary creature.

But when I thought about it, this was a world with vampires and dragons, and it wasn't surprising that there were demons, so I quickly calmed down.

But his composure was soon disturbed by the following words from Mistress Falga:


"Dig up ——— graves, not all, but the resting place of the mighty ones who have left their mark in the kingdom of Lingle."


I wasn't the only one who was surprised by his words, Rose, who came to the hall with me, also had her arms crossed and her eyes wide.

The devil's purpose—not to keep an eye on me and Rose, but to the cemetery we were coming to.

The corpse is taken away somewhere.

After hearing such a horrifying story, Mr. Lloyd gave instructions to investigate the people sleeping in the grave with a sad face.


"——— Usato, you should go back."


Knowing that some of them were probably Owl Mr./Ms., Rose said quietly, as if to stifle her emotions.

He involuntarily tries to follow her to the grave, but he thinks about Rose's inner thoughts and decides to back off quietly.

Permission and explanation to the bereaved family.

After seeing the hall rushing to discuss these matters, I decided to leave.



Returning from the castle to his quarters, he indulges in thoughts alone in his room.

It's nightfall, but Rose hasn't come home yet.


"The devil?"


If it was the devil who was watching us, was the purpose of the corpse of Mr./Ms.?

Even if so, for what?

It's horrible to think about, but to use it for something?


"Suddenly, I don't want to be called a devil."

"What are you worrying about yourself now?"



When I turned around at the sound of a voice from behind me, I saw Nair right behind me.

Before you knew it, you were coming into the room?


"Knock on ......."

"No, I did, I knew you were there, so I snuck in."

"Oh, yes...... Wait, why?"


Need to sneak in?

What does it mean to sneak in because you know you're there?

As she tilts her head at the inability to connect the words between the first half and the second half, Nea turns on the light on her desk with a magic tool with a bitter face.


"Why are you making this room dark?"

"I've been thinking about it for a while...... What do you mean you're worried about yourself?"

"Eh, you were thinking about the devil, weren't you?"

"Let's stop thinking that the devil = me...... first!"


This guy really thinks so......!?

…… No, maybe I can talk to Nea.

I've forgotten until now, but this kid is a vampire and a necromancer.

I was told not to say anything else about the devil, but this child is my familiar, and above all, I can trust him.


"Nea, can you listen to me for a moment?"

"Long story?"


"Then I'll ask you."


As Nea sits on the bed, I tell her about my recent encounter with a demon and what the devil might be aiming for.

Nea, who had been interested in the word "devil", had a difficult expression on her face when she finished listening to all the stories.


"I didn't expect your ilk to show up ......."

"1. I will be messed up by my seniors, and 2. I will be messed up by Mr./Ms. Uluru. 3. Talk to me seriously. ———Well, which one do you prefer?"

"3, please......"


I'm serious.

Nea replied immediately, and put her index finger to her chin as if to regain her senses.


"Hmm, if there's a possibility, it's to move the corpse."

"Like you used to do?"

"Well, I think I've said it before, but the body is nothing without the soul. My necromancer powers can overturn that common sense and only manipulate the body...... Honestly, I don't think there's much point in moving a strong person's body."



If it's a strong person's body, isn't it correspondingly strong?

In response to my question, Nea picks up a spare diary on her desk and begins to write something with a pen.


"A dead body is decayable, and it is not impossible to strengthen its strength with magical power, but if the body you have trained is also crumbling, you can only create a zombie with a certain amount of power, right?"

「…… Certainly."

"So it doesn't make much sense to steal and manipulate the body of a strong person."


It's a little disappointing for me as a person who usually trains, but when I die, my body will naturally decay.

If you imagine the zombies controlled by Nair that I saw, there would be no point in stealing the body of a strong person.


"So there's no possibility that the body has been stolen?"

"It's not like that."


Well, which one ......?

When she is about to get slumped, Nea shows her something that she wrote in her diary.

They are divided like illustrations.

…… For some reason, I don't agree with the fact that the design is deformed into two heads.

What's more, do you have patchwork lines on your face? Is it Frankenstein?


"There is also a way to restore the body with magic and manipulate it as it is, which can bring out some of the power of the original life, and it is also possible to exert power beyond the limits of the body."


The devilish illustration is me (?) You can see an illustration of something like magic on the body.

It's unnecessarily comical, but it's a terrible thing to do.


"Is there such ...... such magic?"

"I don't know, but if you ask the Demon Lord, you'll understand."


…… I think so.

That's why Falga-sama instructed me.

If the devil is trying to do something with the bodies of dead people...


"It's definitely not something I can forgive."

「…… Oh, yes......

"It's the worst thing to raise the dead and use them...... Hey, Nea!!"

"You really know what you're saying, don't you?!"


He teases Nea for doing it once.

Well, I don't care about it now.


"But the devil really existed."

"Didn't you know that?"

"Yes, there were references to its existence, but I didn't really believe it because it was so vague."

"Who is hiding in the shadows of history......


There is a high possibility that they will be hostile, but will they be able to fight in the first place?

…… No, just because they're demons isn't a reason to be scared.


"The leader of the group tore off his wings, so it means that there is a substance, and if you can hit him, this is it."

"Wow...... You're the usual one...... From the devil's point of view, it's pretty terrifying."


It's impossible to have a ghost that you can't touch.

The question is how the devil works, but we don't know that at the moment, so it's useless to think about it.


"It's hard because there are so many things Mr./Ms. have to think about......

"There's a meeting, isn't it?"


I nod at Nea's voice.

As with the devil, we have to think about the talks.


"It's hard for you, too, to be called to such an important thing when you're not a brave person."

"I'm the one who decided to do it."


There are few people who can communicate with the Demon Lord.

In that sense, he must have asked me to accompany him.


"Hehehe, I'm a little excited-"

"I'm not going out to play."

「…… Wait, can I get there?"


I scratch my cheek at Nea, who looks stunned as if she was joking.

In the previous meeting, Nair's ability could cause distrust, but this time it was different.


"I need you to be able to deal with the Demon Lord's magic."

"Are you going to take Ferm with you?"

「…… Well let's see. I'm still a little worried about that."


It's not just the Four Kingdoms that come to talks.

There are more people than before, so naturally some of them are prejudiced against the demon tribe.

Is it okay to take him to a place where he ...... likely to be exposed to the malice of such people?


"If you ask me, I'm sure I'll follow along."


"In fact, if I didn't take you, I think I'd assimilate and follow you without even realizing it."



Why don't you even notice me?

Surprised, her tone involuntarily breaks, and Nea nods with a mysterious face.


"Well, I don't think it's possible that I don't notice."

"Maybe it's possible with Ferm's dark magic as it is? Because you can assimilate it to the point where you can manipulate it at your will. In other words, it's easier to assimilate."


Should I rejoice that the assimilation of Ferm and I has broadened the range of tactics?

Or should he be happy that Ferm trusts him so much...... Well let's see.


"Well, it's funny that he doesn't realize it."


"I won't tell you, will you? For now."


Implicitly, he seems to be saying that he has to say it.

What? I feel like I'm being held vulnerable even though I haven't done anything wrong.


"Also, yes, if I follow you, I'll be able to take a break from training, and Ferm will be adamant about keeping up."

"......, can I be the only one from ...... rescue team?"

「…… Huh!? Ahh I am sorry! I don't think so, so why don't you take me alone!?"


When I tell a joke, they react in a funny way.

With a wry smile on her face as she looked flustered, I stared at my palm.


"No matter how much I train, I'm still a person...... It doesn't change the fact that I'm alone."

"I've changed my mind now."


I know I'm going to be questioned with humans, so I've rephrased it, right?

Staring at Nea, I continued to speak.


"I've never been able to solve anything on my own, and it's only because of you, including you...... That's why I'm going to continue to rely on you."


Nea rolled her eyes for a moment at my words, but then grinned at me.


"No, I don't need to say that anymore, after all, I'm your familiar, and I'm bound to follow you wherever you are, wherever you go."


I am relieved to see that he is full of confidence.

From the first battle to the defeat of the Demon Lord, I have never been able to solve anything alone.

I've always had someone to help me with and I've been able to move forward because we've worked together.


"Thank you."

"Heh, be more grateful."


Nea seems to be in a good mood, but her face soon becomes huffy.


"Ah, but if you think about it, going with you means going with the Demon Lord, right? That's a little scary......

"Well, I know you're worried."

"On the contrary, why are you so open?"


Nea looks at me with jito eyes.

Certainly, I am not too anxious about the Demon King accompanying me.


"Somehow, I think it was because I thought we wouldn't be hostile anymore."


"There's no basis for it."


If I had to say it, it would be intuition.

They don't say things like they understood each other because they punched each other with their fists, which could be called brains.

This is just what I am assuming.


"The Demon King certainly has a bad personality, a funny side, a troublesome side, and an unreasonably strong and annoying person, but—"

"I'm going to you ......."

"At least he's working for the Demon Clan right now, and I think that's all I can believe."


Many people were injured and sacrificed in the battle against the Demon Lord's army.

Even though there was a reason to start a fight, that was it...... That fact should never be forgotten.

But on top of that, I swallowed the feeling.


「…… Hmm?"


Then I hear a knock on the door of the room I am in.

I looked towards the door at the sound of a slightly hesitant, long-spaced knock.


"Usato, dinner is ready-"

"Mr./Ms. Nagi?"


Apparently, quite a bit of time passed while we were talking.

As she tried to stand up at her voice, Nea grinned at what she had come up with, and ran to the door and opened it.

At the end of the door, there is Mr./Ms. Nagi, who naturally has a surprised expression on her face.


"Wow!? Hey, why is Nea in the room?"

"I was talking about a little secret, you know."

"Hi, hihihi secret!?"


It's also confusing .......

When I saw Nea enjoying herself in front of Mr./Ms. Nagi, who was in a hurry, I pressed my forehead involuntarily and stood up from my chair to clear up the misunderstanding.



"Nea, don't say anything confusing......"

"I mean, it's funny how you react, it's like a cute tin with a reaction."

"Is that a compliment, ......?"


After that, we moved to the dining room on the first floor to have dinner.

As usual, Alec was making dinner, so I was just about to walk into the dining room where everyone was going, wondering what dinner would be today, when the door at the end of the hallway at the entrance to the dining room opened and I noticed someone entering.

Rose, ——— green-haired person who immediately caught her eye, was back.

I greet her right away.


"Welcome back, Leader."


"It's just that it's time for dinner, so the leader of the group--"

"No, I'll eat later, but I have something to do first."


——— look different than usual.

From the sidelines, she looks no different from the usual Rose, but for me, it was the first time I had seen her with so much emotion.



「…… What's wrong?"

"Were there any bodies of Mr./Ms.?"


I really don't want to ask this question.

But you have to ask.


"——— coffin was empty."


The devil's object is the bodies of Mr./Ms..

That was after they had already stolen the body.




What could be more infuriating?

Emotions that cannot be put into words no longer dominate the mind.

My hand rests on my head as I hold back the anger I had with the Samarian sorcerer and Jinya Mr./Ms. in Hinomoto.

Realizing that it was Rose's hand, she involuntarily looked up.


"Don't worry."

"But ......."

"We know what we're supposed to do, it doesn't matter if it's a former subordinate or whatever. It doesn't matter if the dead come back to life or if only their bodies are being manipulated."


She said this and smiled in her usual tone.

A ferocious smile with anger in it, and I was stunned by the expression that was far from being disproportionate to this situation.


"Are you afraid that you stole a corpse? Nope,Minutes to be taken・・・・・・It's not this way, Usato."

「…… Yes, that's right."


I have to tell you who they turned against you.

I will never forgive the threat that stands in my way, if the enemy plays with human life, even his dignity.

If that's the case, I'll make my heart a demon.

If necessary, I'll take the devil's stock.


I'll give you a thank you for making the rescue team look ......!


At this point, Usato is pretty much on his head.


This time, it was also a story about Nair's necromancer setting.

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