The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 15 Table of contents

Lignus of the Kingdom of Verinas.

He was a really outrageous man, but he managed to settle the situation with the intervention of Mr./Ms. Hyde, the warrior chief of the Nirvarna Kingdom.

Personally, I don't want to have anything to do with Lignus again, but I have to think about the possibility of encountering it again while I'm here.

…… Do you want to keep an eye out for Mr./Ms. and Mr./Ms. Hayate?

It's too late for something to happen.

Although they are allowed to come here, their position is still not good.


"Well, it can't be helped, as long as we don't know how the Velinas Kingdom will come out, it's a waste of time and strength to be pessimistic here."

"You're very positive at times like this, Warrior Chief."


Hyde, who Mr./Ms. Helena in such a conversation, Mr./Ms. changed her mind and turned to face her.


"You've been entangled in a nasty one, Usato."

"It helped, because if Mr./Ms. Hyde hadn't intervened, I would have fought him like that."

"Your fights are flashy in so many ways."


Ferm's assimilation of dark magic and Nea's magic as a familiar are not techniques that ordinary humans ...... handle.

If you do it poorly, some people may treat you as a demon, and it was the right decision not to fight.


"I don't think I can just punch him, because I'm annoyed."

"It's not a matter of beating them, but that's the hard part, because they seem to be knights who were brought in as guards."

"Is that what you're talking about?"

"That's what it is."


As I overheard the conversation between Nea and Ferm, Mr./Ms. Hyde turned to Koga standing near me.

I immediately introduce the demon Koga to Hyde Mr./Ms. and Helena Mr./Ms. so that there is no misunderstanding.


"Oh, there you are."

"Ah, he's Koga, the former legion commander of the Demon Lord's army."

"Oh, thank you."


Koga greets him somewhat awkwardly.

When Koga is soberly surprised by Koga's relatively decent response, Mr./Ms. Hyde approaches Koga without hesitation.


"Not long ago, we were enemies, but here we are in the same position.

"Oh, hey......!?"


Mr./Ms. Hyde put his hands on Koga's shoulders with his big hands, just as he did to me, narrowed his eyes and smiled contentedly.


"I think I can get along with you!!"

"No, what!? What do you mean!?"


Apparently he passed Mr./Ms.'s muscle check.

For the time being, he puts his hand on Koga's shoulder and talks to him.


"Good job, Koga."

"What!? What the hell did I do?! I've been mysteriously judged to be a good friend!?"

"That's right, Mr./Ms. Hyde, have you met Kazuki?"

"Explain it to me!?"


Koga grabs him by the collar and shakes him back and forth as he asks Mr./Ms. Hyde a question.

If anything, the Kingdom of Nirvarna is a country that has close ties to Kazuki.


"Ah, His Majesty has come to Mrs. Lloyd, and it looks like you have made a big decision. He had a dignified face. Well, the same can be said for you."



He's still looking at me a lot.

He is freed from Koga, who shrugs his shoulders as if he has given up.


"Your Majesty was interested in you...... No, to be more precise, stronger."

"The Kingdom of Nirvarna...... He's a king, isn't he?"

"He's been interested in you since the last meeting of the Four Kingdoms, based on reports from someone from the same other world as Kazuki, Rose's apprentice, and none other than me."

"I mean, it's the warrior leader's fault, isn't it?"


Mr./Ms. Helena gives a sharp nudge, but she accepts it obediently because she knew in a sense that the people of the Nirvarna Kingdom would pay attention to her.

It's something that Kazuki was also told at the time of the Four Kingdoms meeting.


"I've been watching your fight before, and you've been enjoying it a lot."

「…… Hahaha, I'm afraid ......."


However, I was honestly grateful that he instructed me to keep this place down.

…… Maybe it's to sell favors to ...... Demon Lord?

No, is that overthinking?


"Usato, I'm coming to greet the Demon King right after this, I'm sorry, but can I tell the Demon King about it?"

"Koga, are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm sure the Demon King will welcome you."


After checking with Koga, he turns to Hyde Mr./Ms. and Helena Mr./Ms..


"Okay, okay."

"Okay, let's go back."


So, once we parted ways with Hyde Mr./Ms., we went from the training ground to the audience to tell the Demon King.


"You're surprisingly sociable."

"No, it's not so much that I'm sociable...... Well, I'm aware that I know a lot of great people."


I don't know Mr./Ms.'s people.

It's almost as if people I know from other countries are in a great position.


"I'm a freak hoi-hoi."

"I guess it's because I'm a person."

"You're going to be a test bed for the soles of your feet and healing acupuncture points."



He tells Ferme and Nea, who are following behind him.




"You're doing really interesting things, Usato."


As soon as I finished the commotion and returned to the audience, the demon lord with a smile that he rarely showed said to me.

At the words that seemed to be incendiary, I feigned calmness with a blue streak on my forehead.


"I'm sorry......

"No, I'm complimenting you," he said, "and on top of that, I have done my job as a bait, and on top of that, I have punished the most rude people. Exactly...... It couldn't have been a better show. Haha."



I clenched my fists and started to move without a sound, but Koga and my seniors stopped me.


"Oh, calm down, Usato!!"

"Usato-kun, calm down!?"

"Let go! I'm going to have to hit this guy again!!"

"Ha ha ha"

"Demon Lord, that sounds like fun......"


After calming down and taking a deep breath, I decided to tell the Demon King what we had just conversationd.


"Demon King, I hear that the King of the Kingdom of Nirvarna is coming to visit us from now on."

"Oh, listen, I'll wait here. Shall Amira and Inukami do it next?"


After me and Koga, I think my seniors and Mr./Ms. Amira are next.

To be honest, I can't say that I was able to have a satisfactory mock battle, but I can't help it.


"Senior, don't let it slip away too much."

"It's okay, I'll follow Usato-kun's example......!"

"I'm the worst example of what you said, so don't imitate ......."


When I pay attention to the senior with a smug face in vain, she smiles and raises her index finger.


"It's a joke, it's a dog joke."

"Senpai...... Please don't say anything funnier than me."

"No, it's not fun at all, ......?"


Damn, ...... got over my ogre joke!

I see them off with regret that one of the few things they have been taken away.


"Okay, Amira, let's go."

"Oh, I think you'll be fine with a little slashing."

「…… You're kidding, right? Hey!? Armira!? Mr./Ms. Aamira!? Why don't you make eye contact with me!?"


Mr./Ms. Amira must have been frustrated, so I hope she will take this opportunity to vent.

Then, a new person comes to this place in place in place of the seniors.

The one who came was an elderly man of tall stature and a large build.

Behind the man is Hyde Mr./Ms., so I immediately guess that he is the king of the kingdom of Nirvarna.


"You're the Demon Lord, you're in the middle of it."

"Hmm, I guess you are the king of the kingdom of Nirvarna?"


The Demon King also asks the old man who spoke to him with a faint smile on his face.


"Well, I am King of Nirvarna, Harold Vin Nirvarna. I came here with the intention of meeting him...... You're more human than I expected, sir."

"I don't think anyone else would say that."


Harold laughs heartily at the Demon King who smiles happily.

I was surprised to find that the conversation was calmer than I expected.


"I have an errand for the healing wizard there, would you mind if I talk to you for a bit?"

"Oh, I don't mind, do you?"


What ...... my intentions?

After a very short conversation, the Demon King bows to me.

My role is to protect you.

I know that they won't listen to me even if I say it, so I'm going to talk to them quietly.


「…… Koga, I'm going to ask you here."



When I tried to leave it to Nea and Ferm, Ferm assimilated into my body faster than I could speak.



"For the time being, I'll follow you."


Are you worried?

Looking at Nea, it looks like she's going to stay here.

…… If Koga is there, is it okay?

He was able to deal with the commotion more calmly than I did, and I can trust him.

Letting them hide their assimilation inside their uniforms, I follow Harold and Hyde Mr./Ms. and leave.


"You're Usato, the healing wizard of the Ringle Kingdom, and I've heard a lot about your exploits."

"I'm afraid ......."

"Haha, don't be so hard."


Perhaps because of the national tradition of Nirvarna, Harold gives a cheerful impression.

As it is, they are taken to a place that looks like a separate room in the training ground, and they are encouraged to sit on an expensive-looking sofa.

From the window of my room, I could see the inside of the training ground, and I could see electric shocks and flames here and there near the audience seat where I was earlier.

Perhaps Senpai and Mr./Ms. Amira are having a mock battle.

…… Hmm? Is that okay? Aren't you serious?


"Well, let's talk."

「…… What's the story?"

"Well, I need to get rid of your tension first. …… Ouka"

"Yes, Father."


Mr./Ms. Harold called me to come out with a boy who looked a little older than me among the warriors guarding.

Cross scars on her cheeks, tanned skin and short-cut orange hair.

He looks like he's training and stands next to Mr./Ms..


"It's my son, Ouka."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ouka, the second prince of the kingdom of Nirvarna."

『…… Ogre?'



I pay attention to Ferm, who murmurs softly in me.

Just because you can't hear me doesn't mean I'm being rude.

…… Does that mean he's a member of the royal family?

I'll say hello to you so as not to be rude.


"This is Usat Ken, the deputy leader of the Ringle Kingdom, the Life Rescue Team."


Respond to a handshake.

However, what did I think, Ouka-sama put her strength in the arm that shook hands with me.

I'm trying my best to resist so that my hands won't be crushed, but what does that mean?

Confused by the sudden grip strength, he alternates between his own hand and Ouka-sama's face.


"Uh...... What the hell is this?"

"I can't do this. It's as strong as the rumors, father."



Surprised but somewhat happy, he speaks to his father, Harold.

Noticing my confusion, he apologized and let go of the hand we had shaken.



"I'm sorry, but I'm sorry I tried it a little bit. I've been told to do it for a few minutes."

"Is that so......


It's not something to be angry about.

In fact, I didn't like it, so I gave it a try...... On the contrary, I was relieved.


"Even though it looks like this, I was proud of my strength as a Nirvarna warrior, but I feel like I'm losing confidence."

"No, it's kind of my specialty, so I don't think I need to be so condescending."

「…… Fufufu, I see, this is the rumored healing wizard."


He opens and closes the hand of the person he shook with and smiles at him.


"It looks like the tension has been relieved somewhat."

「…… No way, for this?"

"Oh, and I thought I'd introduce you to my son by the way."


I feel like I've been relieved of my nervousness.

Although he is a superior, it is probably because Ouka-sama is close in age to me.


"Well, let's talk about it again."



I sat back down on the sofa and faced Harold.

He touches his beard and speaks to me first.


"I just saw you fighting."

"Oh, yes."


When you say combat, do you mean Koga or Lignus?

No, it's both of them, judging by the amount of attention.


"You've done a lot of work on that boy."

「…… I wasn't the only one, so I couldn't afford to cause problems. In that case, it was really helpful. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again."

"The honor of a warrior is to be honored, not to be defiled by anyone, and the Knights of the Kingdom of Ringle are comrades who once fought with our warriors, and we respect their battles."


Naturally, I bow my head again.

I don't think it was rewarded, but I couldn't help it.


"What, I stopped because the boy's behavior was annoying and I had an ulterior motive to sell you a favor."

"That's what my dad really says."



Harold is not offended by Ouka's words, but laughs heartily.

Somehow, I began to understand Harold's personality.

He doesn't sound sarcastic, he seems to be a lively person.


"But I'd love to see your real fight someday."

「…… Hahaha"

"I don't want to assimilate with Suzune."


When it comes to assimilation, I have the strongest impression of assimilation with Senpai, Amako, and Ferm.

However, you don't need that much attack power, and above all, if the opponent is not a demon lord, there is a risk of taking your life.


Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Me? …… Hmmm."


Then let me ask you about him in the kingdom of Nirvarna.


"I once met a healing wizard from the Kingdom of Nirvarna, do you know him?"

"Well, I built a facility to train healing wizards, but that also failed."


A healing wizard sent from various countries in the previous war, Gerna of the Kingdom of Nirvarna.

According to him, he tried to do the same training as the rescue team and failed.


"Hyde, do you know?"

"Ha, there is a healing wizard sent from Nirvarna to fight last battle, his name is Gerna. He is a young man with a high level of ambition and is still working hard as a healing wizard."



Good, he's doing his best as a healing wizard.

However, I think that the Kingdom of Nirvarna does not have the environment to train healing wizards.


"Harold, I know I'm being rude, but are you sure?"

"Oh, I don't care."


I can't afford to be in pain with the same healing wizard as it is, so it's better to tell him that as the same healing wizard and the deputy leader of the lifesaving team, he will be treated in a good way.


"You shouldn't force yourself to train healing wizards like us."


"Rather, if you can provide an environment where you can make use of your duties as a healing wizard, it will help a lot of people."

「…… Hmm, it's wrong to seek a healing wizard like you and Rose, right?"

"That's right, me and the leader...... Well, if you think of it as a mutation or something like that......


I grit my teeth after putting it into words.

What do you say to yourself, it's so damaging.


"Okay, okay, let's do our best to train healing wizards."

"Thank you."


If this continues, it will be fine if healing wizards are treated better in other countries.

Somehow, I was worried because it seems that there is a movement to mass-produce healing wizards for lifesavers these days.


"Hey, Father."


"Wouldn't he be fine? He's strong."


Somehow, Ouka-sama is talking to Harold about something.


"But that's a different story."


"I have a daughter."

"She's also my sister."


"She's a tomboy and a pretty girl."

"Oh, I'm a little too naughty."



I guessed.

Oh my gosh.

So, the king is trying to marry his own daughter!

What's worse is that Ouka-sama, who is supposed to be his brother, is also reluctant, and the important person himself is not here.

That's no good.


"Don't worry, my sister likes strong men, but maybe that's why the other day in an engagement duel in the traditional arena of Nirvarna, all the potential fiancées of the Warriors were defeated. Maybe it's because she doesn't have anyone to recognize her powers, so she still doesn't have a wife."

"I'm just worried."

"But you're safe, yes."


Oh my gosh, you're going to push me better than Harold.

If this continues, there is a possibility that he will be made a son-in-law in ......!


"Be my brother-in-law."


- Oh my gosh, I'm going to be my younger brother......

What's more, what is an engagement duel? Is that it, or will they fight in the arena to decide who they will get engaged to?

I didn't expect such a cheap tradition...... Is it likely that the Kingdom of Nirvarna ......?


"I love self-discipline and I don't have any signs of that."


"Hey! Don't lean on the words of self-discipline! Then me and Nea should do it!!"


He shakes his head in amazement and tries to stay calm.

However, even if you look at it again, the situation remains that you are cornered.


"Has it started again......

"Good luck ...... Usato-kun"


Hyde Mr./Ms. and Helena Mr./Ms. just give me a sorry look.


"Usato, get out, right now!"

"Even if you are told to get out, how ...... do it!?"


I put my hand to my mouth and hide it as I speak, but I still don't know what to do.

It's nothing but rude to get out of here!

For some reason, when I was being driven to death in an instant, I suddenly heard a voice from the training ground! A loud sound resonates.

The impact shook the fortified window, and when I looked at it, I saw a senior moving around at high speed in the direction of the training ground, raising a cloud of dust, and Mr./Ms. Amira not moving from the spot and preventing the sword in the sheath she wielded.

They are not out of the confined field to each other.

It hasn't come out, but that's clearly overkill.


"I'm sorry, I'm going to stop that."

「…… Well, I can't help it. I enjoyed talking to you."

"Shall we take care of my sister's affairs later?"


If you can, please only talk about this ......!

I know that my seniors and Mr./Ms. Amira have to stop it, but in a way, I was the one who was helped by them.


It was Usato, who successfully made a simulated bait HIT, and Koga, who passed the muscle test.

Ouka is smiling when she finds her sister's son-in-law candidate.

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