The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 16 Table of contents

Dangerous place (?) So, I was able to leave the room where Harold was, and I immediately headed to the audience where the Demon King was.

Senpai and Mr./Ms. Amira are on a rampage.

No, to be exact, it's still what they're doing in the field, but the aftermath of each other's magic is even more than that.

If we don't do something quickly, Leona Mr./Ms. will be in trouble.

That's the only thing you have to avoid.


"Usato, are you back? - She must have been forced to impregnate her daughter or something in order to pull it out. Haha

"You say things like you were watching it right there ......!"

"Was it true......?"

"It was true...... wasn't it?"


The Demon King laughs happily, and Koga and Ciel Mr./Ms. look a little withdrawn.

Nea looks at me with pity as if it were someone else's problem, saying, "It's hard."


"More than that, the Demon Lord! You don't have to stop that!?"

"Stop? What are you doing?"

"It's all the fuss! Yo!!"


As soon as he arrived in front of the Demon King, he pointed to the training ground.




There are two people who are clashing while laughing more like a demon king than a demon king.

For the past few days, he has been holding himself back and fighting with a tremendous smile.


"Hmm, well, I'm going to let you fight Suzune next time. Just right, stop it."

"No, no, no!? Please don't let me fight like that!?"

"......, think about it. Why do you think you got into a fight earlier?"


Well, I think it was because of the fight with Koga or something like that.


"One of the reasons is that you were being lied to."


"If you keep that face all the time, people won't come to you. It's a stupid side."


It's a terrible thing to say.

It's okay to shut up your mouth first before you Mr./Ms. Amira with your seniors......!?

The demon king sighs in dismay at me as my mouth twitches.


"You can show us what you're capable of here, and you're not good enough to deal with them, right?"

"I'm not going to go that far...... but."

"Okay? If you are deceived, the credibility of the Ringle Kingdom will also be damaged. Do you understand that?"



To my surprise, the demon king continues to speak with a serious look.


"In fact, it was your ambiguity that led to the degradation of the Ringle soldiers, partly because he was stupid, but partly because of his stupidity, but partly because of the blame on you. ———It's okay to prioritize not causing problems, but if you can't save face, it's the King of Ringle who will be responsible."


With these words, the demon lord poked my shoulder with his finger.

…… I hadn't thought about it, but it's true.

Well, I'm sure he has the courage to have fun fighting me and his seniors, but it still seems like he's advising me for my sake.


"This is a genuine warning from me...... Why do I have to tell this guy so much...... You should usually notice it yourself, don't ......?"

"Demon Lord, I ...... you should stop suddenly returning to me."

「…… Huh. You are the ones who overthrew me. It is only when you let the people around you know that the words that will be uttered at the meeting carry weight."

「…… I get it."


Certainly, I may have been lied to.

If it was Rose, there wouldn't have been a fight in the first place.

Even before selling, he gives off an aura of "never offend this person", so even Lignus won't try to sell a fight.

Even if I sell it, I won't do it as sweetly as I do.


"Koga, help me stop."

"No, no, if you're gone, I'll be the only bodyguard, and you'll be on your own."

「…… That's right. I'm sorry I can't do it. Nea, come on."



I jumped off the audience while making sure that Nea had entered my body as I was assimilating.

Mr./Ms. and Senpai, who are fighting while completely heating up, approach the field where they are fighting, create a megaphone with the magic of dark magic, and speak to it.


"Hey! Senpai!! Ahmira!!"


"Hahahaha! Armira! You've raised your skills more than before!!"

"That's it! As expected, he is a brave man! Hahahaha!!"


"It's time for the battle to end! It's time for a shift! It's too much!"


"Then let's try this technique next time!!"

"Come on!! Suzune!!"





They seem to be completely immersed in their world.

The people at the training ground also seem to be looking at it from a distance, and they seem to be mindlessly pulling back.

I don't think it's a bad thing, but it's a little too dangerous to fight while spraying flames and electric shocks.


"Don't worry, Usato."

"Healing Explosive Bullet"



A softball-sized healing explosive bullet made in his palm is lightly tossed into the middle of the field where Mr./Ms. and her seniors are fighting.

When they saw the healing explosive bullet that bounced lightly, they stopped moving for a moment.




- Caught in an explosion of healing magic.

When the surroundings are enveloped in healing particles of healing magic, he approaches Senpai and Mr./Ms., who have fallen to the ground and calmed down.


"What, Nana Nana, Usato-kun!? It's a running light! I've run a running horse!?"

"Oh, yes! What a thing to put a damper on a warrior's battle! This is the first time I've ever had an explosion of healing magic!!"

"Oh, good, you're back to your senses, aren't you?"

"You're insane!?"


Mr./Ms. Amira gives me a nudge and informs me that the battle is over and that my seniors will have a mock battle with me next.


"......, well, I've been able to move a little, so I'm going to stop here. When I think about it, I ...... I went too far. I'm sorry, Usato. You've bothered me."

"No, I know how it feels."

"Wow, I think I've gone too far. I'll go back up."


Mr./Ms. flutters her hands as she walks back up.

After seeing her off, he turns to his seniors.


"Now I can have a mock fight with Usato-kun."

"Do you want to have a mock fight...... Well, well, yes, but ....... Are you okay with your magic?"

"Hmm? Of course, it's okay."


As expected, you're a senior.

The amount of magic power is incomparably greater than mine.


"What is the format of the game?"

"In order not to affect the surroundings, please do not make flashy attacks in consideration of the future escorts, what should be the degree of assimilation? I'm assimilating with Ferm and Nea right now......"

"That's right...... Ferm, Nea, and me, and I, assimilated, and a fist flew out of Usato's stomach!?"


Is it a battle with yourself?

I think about this as I watch my senpai dodge the fist that Ferm would have thrust out.


"Let's say it's a mock battle with some magical power, can I say that I'm a gauntlet ant assimilation ant, and my senior is a sword ant and a thunder beast mode ant? Techniques that cause damage to others are prohibited."

"yes, let's go with that."


If you decide to do so, keep your distance so that you are facing each other on the field.

He manipulates black magic, covers his left arm and legs with dark magic, and wears a gauntlet on his right arm.

On the other hand, the senior puts his hand on the hilt of the sword in the scabbard and begins to accumulate magical power.


"It's a battle with Amira that is like a clash of magical powers, but with you, it's going to be a pure battle of offense and defense, and I'm a little excited."

"You're the opponent, so I'll defend it with all my might."

"It's dangerous if you don't support it with all your might, this."

"This guy is usually like that, but he's really strong, so you have to be careful...... I wish I had Amako.'


There is no signal for the beginning.

It's okay to start from either side...... Apparently, the seniors will set it up first.

A senior who is in a position with his head bowed deeply while in the posture of Iai.


"Raiden, Running"



Reflexively, he raises his arms in front of him to prevent passing slashes.

Smiling at the metallic sound that echoes behind him, he turns around and places his arm on it, letting him collide with the sword of his senior, who has cut back.





As if to use the sound as a signal, she wears an electric shock and becomes a thunder beast mode 2 and directs a super-fast slash.

Fending off those attacks, with his reflexes and intuition, he also pursues her.


"Healing Accelerated Fist"


High-speed movement using a magical shockwave.

By turning the magic power, he moves more smoothly and without gaps than before, and gets ahead of his seniors.



"Oh my goodness!!"


- I put my hand on my protruding fist, and I was stunned! My vision spun around and I headed for the ground at a furious pace.

Aiki!? I wonder if I could even use such a technique! But!!


"Reverse thrust! Attitude control!!"

"You're lying, aren't you, Usato-kun......?"


Bursting with magical power from the legs.

In addition, he released a shockwave from his shoulders and arms, adjusted his position in mid-air, and landed in front of his seniors while reversing.

Before he can escape, he points his finger in the shape of a decoupin and deflects the magic bullet.


"The Magic of Restraint"

"Healing finger bullet"



A magic bullet hits the senior's shoulder.

A restraint spell is activated on her shoulder, but immediately after that, a senior wears an electric shock and destroys the restraint spell.


"No, the restraint spell is ineffective on the electrified tin."

"Then I'll catch you and tie you up!"


The dark magic hand controlled by Ferm jumps out and grabs the senior.

She slashes through them in an instant, and with a leap she swings down the sword she holds on the upper shelf.


"Wei Tiger!"

"Healing Elasticity Fist!"


The swinging sword and the fist clad in the bouncy collide, and they are repelled by each other.

The senior, who spun around in mid-air, took a stabbing stance, and charged at us with such momentum that the ground exploded as soon as he landed.



"Child's Fire Thrust!!"



A blow that completely pierces this void.

He catches it with a gauntlet on his right arm and is greatly disfigured, but before he falls backwards, he puts his magic power in his open hand and hits it in front of his seniors.


"Healing cat trick!"



Gaching !! At the same time as the popping sound, a shockwave of healing magic resounds.

The senior who was bitten by Moro in front of me looked at me with tears in his eyes.


"Hey, it's not the power of cat trickery, is it?!"

"Hahaha! It's a technique that worked even for the Demon King!!"



『…… Don't tell me.'


Quickly regaining his position, he faces his senior, who has recovered from the confusion.


"Healing Accelerated Fist!"

"Thunder Beast Mode 2!"


We both instantly moved into a state of acceleration, and we fought while running around the narrow field as if playing tag.

A healing acceleration fist that accelerates with a shockwave, and acceleration by giving elasticity.

Combine them and chase them to your seniors.


"What the hell is going on......

"I can't follow it with my eyes at all...... Is that the same person......

"Is that the power of the one who fought the Demon King?"

『…… What is healing magic?'


After all, the speed itself is faster than the seniors.

Normally, I wouldn't be able to keep up with the overwhelming speed and would be on the defensive.



"Whoa, reverse thrust!"


I have a technique called a magical shockwave that allows me to change the direction of direction at will.

As the senior tries to swing the sword in front of him, he emits a shockwave of magical power from the palm held in front of him, and he falls backwards according to inertia.


"Hey!? Usato-kun, isn't that too foul!? You're the only one whose movements are sci-fi!!"


A slash that is unleashed while leaving the remnants of an electric shock.

As I dodged them with my eyes, one of them hit my raised left hand -- a purple pattern popped off.


「! It's a resistance spell!"

"Ho-ho-ho! Your slashing doesn't work at all—"

"Then I think it's like this!"


Unleashed thrusts.

As soon as he saw that the slash didn't work, he immediately switched to stabbing!

In addition, with the scabbard held in the opposite hand in his left hand, he strikes at me, who is wrapped in the magic of resistance.

The judgment of the situation is extraordinary.


"And the strategy for that is a different kind of attack--"


A senior who jumps backwards a little and holds his sword deeply.

The electric shock is concentrated in the sword and scabbard she holds.


"You can destroy it by pushing it to zero durability!!"


Are you going to use it to strengthen the system?

I thought it was bad, so I grew two wings from my back with claw-like hands made of dark magic.

Spread it wide and hold it as if you were defending it in the same way as your arms.


"I'm going to do my best!!"

"Ferm, I'll do it!"



The electric shock worn by the senior turns purple, which means the activation of the system reinforcement.

Thunder Beast Mode 3...... No, it's not.

The electric shock, which was supposed to cover her entire body, is now only wrapped around her right arm and left leg, which holds the hilt of her sword.


"It's a trick I came up with when I saw the way you did it."


"Thunder Beast Mode 2.5. Partial system strengthening"


―――The figure of the senior disappears, and as soon as he recognizes it, a shock runs from the side.

A blow at ...... peak! Continuous attacks from all directions!

It's not as unreasonably fast as Thunder Beast Mode 3, but it's still tough!


"I'll do it!!"


His own arm and the dark magic arm on his back.

While making full use of his four arms, he will attack from all directions.

As I listen to the sound of the Resistance spell being destroyed, I see the tattered wings on my back after having dodged all the attacks.

After all, the speed increase by strengthening the system is unusually fast.

If so, it is too late for the information coming in through the eyes and ears.


"Ferm, nea! Ask for defense!!"

"Nea, I'm going to do this again!"

"You always come up with weird tricks when you're cornered, don't you?!"


Stop moving your arms.

In the meantime, the four arms of dark magic envelop me.

You only have a few seconds.

Then, in the meantime, take measures for your seniors!


"Hey, why are you shutting your eyes? Why?'

"I'm plugging my ears with dark magic!? Isn't it funny!?'


It's the first time I've tried it, but it's here.

He claps his magic-clad hands and radiates waves of healing magic around him.

By preventing sight and hearing, you can see new scenery.


―――I can feel it.


A feeling that I didn't notice because I had seen it before.

The reaction of a creature that activates healing magic that is diffused and becomes particles.




Detect beings that break into the range of healing magic.

Right diagonal backward!

He stretches out his arm to catch and grab the peak of the sword that he was about to swing down.


"What, a lie!?"


"Lie, did you sense magic!? I'll do it!!"

"This is restrained Ruru ~!?"


For the time being, in order to settle this mock battle, I had my seniors restrained by Nair's magic.

A new trick.

If I had to name it, I ...... it would be healing echolocation!



After the mock battle, we returned to the Demon King.

The mock battle itself is like a win for me, but if my seniors had used a sword blade, I would definitely have lost, so it would be like a draw.


"Do you usually use it to strengthen the system?"

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have put it out in a mock fight, because I was sure you would handle it. But I didn't think that I would be able to capture me in a state of system strengthening. What on earth did you do? Usato-kun."

"I spread healing magic around me."


Explain to seniors while walking.

To be honest, I can only explain about it because it is a technology that requires trial and error.


"When you're operating a magic bullet, you kind of know when it hits your opponent or when it's destroyed, right?"

"Oh, sure."

"I've never been good at manipulating magic, but I had a sense of magic, so I applied it a little bit."


Can you feel the magic power that has flown even if you close your eyes?

I don't think most people cared about it, but it's something you can feel.

Even if the power of magic leaves the hands of the person who used it, it is connected in some way.

Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to manipulate magic bullets.


"Then it's easy."


What would happen if they were scattered around as particles floating in the air instead of magic bullets?


"By diffusing the magic power and scattering it around you, you can feel the presence within the range of the magic directly with your body, rather than sight or hearing...... That's what it feels like."

"I see, so I fell for Usato-kun's healing magic."

"It's not that extensive, hahaha."


If this technology is pursued, it will be useful for finding injured people who are out of sight.


"I think he's probably the only one who can do it."

"Well, I don't think so......


When I say that, Nea looks at me with a jittery eye.


"You're overdoing your magic and your magic manipulation is abnormal in a different way from Kazuki? If he's specialized in manipulating magic on the outside, you're specializing in the inside."

"Ah, I see, that means that Usato-kun has a sharpened sense of magic."

"That's right......

"I didn't think that weird play would be like that......


Nea nodded at his senior's words, and Ferm was slightly withdrawn.

I wasn't really aware that I specialized in manipulating inner magic...... In the future, it may be possible to expand in that direction.

Of course, I don't neglect physical training.


"Well, I'll tell you about it later, because unlike Kazuki, yours is a weird thing that anyone can do if they want to do it......"

"Well, anyone can do it."

"That's right, Ferm, it's just that this person who finds a way is crazy, and the training method itself is as simple as a child's. …… It's up to him to persevere."


If anyone can do it, I want it to spread.

I don't want to make it my own technology, and if more people can do it, I hope it will spread more and more and make effective use of it.


"But it looks like I've awakened to the seventh sense......!"

"It's a sense of magic, so it's like magic. Everybody has it, but it's cool that you haven't woken up ......!"

"What are you talking about, these people?"

"It's useless to care, ......?"


It was a mock battle that I didn't originally intend to do, but there was an unexpected harvest.

Okay, let's sit on the bed tonight and try it out!


It was also Usato, who acquired a strange technique.

It doesn't have any direct power, but it's actually going to be a moderately nasty technique


It's a great discovery that anyone can wake up if they master the magic power that even a child can do, rather than strengthening the system that comes with danger......

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