The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 21 Table of contents

The venue where the Allied talks will be held is a large round hollow in the center with seats for the representatives of each country to sit in.

Due to the large number of participating countries, the number of seats is enormous.

In the front row will sit the Queen of the Allied Conference, the Norn and King of the Lingle Kingdom, Lloyd, and the Demon Lord, who is in the most peculiar position of the time.

I don't question the gaping void in the middle, because I have a vague idea of it, but it will be important to see what kind of discussions will take place at this meeting.


"Please stay quiet here until the meeting begins, Demon Lord."

"I know you don't have to tell me, I'm going to enjoy this meeting in this position. …… Well, there's a good chance something will happen."

"Tell me something about it......



The Demon King sat in a chair with an arrogant look and looked at his seniors and sighed.

Koga, Amira and Mr./Ms. Ciel stand by the Demon Lord's side, while I and my seniors stand guard by the wall outside the circle with chairs.


"From here, we can rush at our speed in an instant."

"Yes, there is also Amako and Mr./Ms.'s precognitive magic."

"Leave it to me"

"I'm looking forward to seeing what you will talk about at the meeting."

"It's better if nothing happens......


Kazuki and Sigurd Mr./Ms. are guarding Lloyd, and Leona Mr./Ms. and Charon Mr./Ms. are guarding Norn, so it can be said that the security on that side is perfect.

The rest depends on the escorts brought from ...... countries.


"It's a little scary that obi swords are allowed."

"This meeting is unusual for a subhuman to be participating, so I guess they decided it would be a bad idea not to arm themselves in a detour."


Representatives of the country and their bodyguards who gather in droves.

Basically, there are a few representatives from one country and 2~3 escorts to bring to the venue.

There is also a lot of space for that.


"It's surprising, it's bigger than a little gymnasium."

"Hahaha, that's right......

"What's wrong? Usato-kun...... Oh, him."


In my line of sight, my seniors and I can see the representatives of the countries and their guards who have just entered the venue.

The figure of Lignus and the king he serves.

Far from his bad attitude the other day, he has a quiet face, and he silently follows the old man who seems to be the king.


「…… You have to be careful with him."

"I'm not that good at it, but I'm scared if I try to harm people around me without thinking, so it's better to be cautious......


As I was casting a wary glance at Lignus, someone suddenly came in front of me and my senior.

She has her characteristic red hair and strong eyes, and my seniors and I immediately recognize who she is.


"Princess Naia, it's been a long time since I've seen you."

"It's been since the Four Kingdoms meeting, Suzune-sama and Usato-sama."


She is Princess Naia, the first princess of the kingdom of Kamherio.

As she checks on the knight of the guard standing by her side, Princess Naia gives her an apologetic look.


"I'm sorry, I'm late to greet you, I went to greet Master Lloyd in the Ringle Kingdom, but I heard that you two are in charge of guarding and guarding the Demon King......"

"No, I don't mind, I understand that it is difficult to get to the place where the Demon King is due to my position."

"I'm glad you think so."


Princess Naia is relieved by her senior's words.

Speaking of which, isn't Prince Kyle there?


"Is Prince Kyle here for this meeting?"

"Hehe, no, Kyle wasn't scared when he heard that the Demon King was coming here, it's just me and the two ministers who came here from Kamherio."

"I see......


After all, there are people who want to avoid leaving the country, so there are kings who leave the talks to ministers and children.

But that's how much Princess Naia is trusted.

Anyway, Prince Kyle didn't come, .......

Princess Naia smiled at me and put her hand over her mouth and spoke to me in a hushed voice so that only me and my seniors could hear me.


"I received a notebook from Mr./Ms. Kate."

「! Is that right?????? I'm glad I did."


Like Gerna, Mr./Ms. is one of the healing wizards who came as reinforcements during the battle against the Demon King's army.

She had been asked by Prince Kyle and the ministers of Calmherio to find out how to train healing wizards in the kingdom of Ringle, and thanks to her natural nature, she was able to detect it.

I wrote a lot of advice in Kate Mr./Ms.'s notebook and asked her to send it to Princess Naia...... It seems to have crossed well.


"I'm going to use it as advice from a precious healing wizard, and don't worry, I've also punished Kyle."

"Hahaha, how is Mr./Ms. Kate?"

"Yes, he's a valuable healing wizard and an interesting person to talk to, so I'm personally courting him."


Kate Mr./Ms. ...... a big career.

He's a cheerful person, and maybe just being around someone like that will naturally make you feel better.


「…… Huh!?"


Hmm? A senior who suddenly looked like he remembered something interrupted between me and Princess Naia.

I wonder what happened? I tilt my head and my senior to her for a moment, and then she says the words in a panic.


"Oh, by the way, what happened to my rumors!?"


"I went in on my own, Suzune."

"...... things that cannot be understood even if they are foreseen"

"What are you doing, this guy......


On the contrary, I am scared of my seniors who step on landmines on their own.

Princess Naia replied with a slight reluctance.


"Uh, well, I'm sorry, but even after the correction was mentioned...... It hasn't been subdued yet, ......."

"Oh, that's right, ah, aha......


Fear Calm Herio.......

I'm horrified by the fact that my beautified face is still around.


"I can't take too much time for you, I'm sorry, I talked to you so suddenly."

"No, I'm glad I was able to hear Mr./Ms.'s story here as well."


After a brief exchange of words, he parted ways with Princess Naia.

Before I knew it, I was checking that the venue was filled with people and talking to my seniors.


"Senior, what did you do just now?"

"Uh, uh...... It's a parallel universe, or rather, it's not like it's ......."


"Hey, hey, let me talk to Nea."



What is it?

For the time being, focus on the nair within you.


"What? Hey, Nea, my seniors want to talk to you."

"Well, what's that?"


An owl-like nea comes out of my palm.

When he saw Nea jumping into his outstretched palm, he began to talk in a whisper that I couldn't hear.


"Usato's lover in the parallel world may be Naia......!"

"There's almost no contact, ......!?"

"Charon from the parallel universe told me that Princess Naia was worried about Usato......"

『…… Really?'

"Hey, what are you talking about?"


When I called out, my seniors and Nea, whose shoulders shook in surprise, turned to me with an awkward smile.

What? Did something happen?


"It looks like it was just a piece of dust for me, don't worry about it."

"Yes, it's a lot of dust, because it's a very big deal. Usato, I'll be back inside you."


With those words, Nea assimilates with me again.

What did you do so quickly? …… I can't help thinking about it now.

Anyway, the representatives of each country will be together soon, and we have to brace ourselves for a chatter and guard them.



The venue where representatives of various countries gathered in one place was truly a spectacular spectacle.

People representing countries, large and small, sit in the same place, waiting for the moment when the talks will begin.

As my seniors and I quietly monitored our surroundings for any changes, Norn-sama climbed onto a platform with a handrail attached to it by the hole in the center.


"I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the representatives of the countries who have gathered here today."


It may be a magic device that makes the voice louder, but it is used to make the voice reverberate throughout the venue.


"At this meeting with the Allies, I would like to explain the treatment of the Demon Tribe, the environment in which they are placed, the mistakes we made against the previous heroes, and the mistakes made by none other than himself."


There is some rustling, but there is no major reaction yet.


"Before we do that, I would like to call on one more person who will join this Parliament, and I ask you not to make a fuss and calm down, as it will be a sudden entry to avoid confusion."


The Norn bows reverently.

Then, from the hole in the middle of the meeting, a large blue head emerges with a loud vibration.

Perhaps he came by witchcraft.

A dragon with a long beard slowly emerged from head to torso, and Faluga-sama spoke quietly as he looked at the surprised and panicked audience members.


"I'm sorry to have surprised you, but I'm the Divine Dragon Falga, the one who has been close to humans and watched over their activities, and the one who knows their past."


"This meeting will be an important choice for people living in this era, and although it is a very difficult and difficult wish, I hope that at this time, we will forget our prejudice and hostility toward subhumans and have the same perspective."


It's the brave who can complain about something here.

No, there's a real hero next to me.

I see, is this what you can do when Farga-sama comes out?


"Farga-sama, it's big up close, Mr./Ms. with a beard."

"It's cool, isn't it?"

"Yes, I know."


When I was in agreement with my seniors, Falga-sama's gaze turned to me.

If you bow your head lightly and greet him silently, he will greet you without being noticed.


"Now it's time for the real thing."


The talks begin.

I wasn't told in advance what I was going to talk about because it was a confidential matter, but I knew it was going to be a rough discussion.

Let's start with Lloyd from the Ringle Kingdom.

He spoke about the conflict between the Demon King's army and the Lingle Kingdom, and gave a truthful and honest explanation of how to deal with the Demon Clan after defeating the Demon King.

Perhaps because of the presence of Falga-sama, the meeting was surprisingly quiet.

At that time, when there was no discussion, a man from the meeting table lightly raised his hand and made a statement.


"Aren't the demons dangerous?"


It was Lucas.

As expected, he is a king who rules a large country.

For a moment, I can't help but feel like I showed a sharp face when he saw me, but that's still true.

Lucas took the initiative to ask questions, and the representatives around him spoke one by one.


"Why didn't you destroy it?"

"No, if you destroy it, there will be more problems."

"It's out of slavery."

"The root of evil should be cut off"

"Is there a reason?"


Naturally, various opinions were exchanged.

The opinion that the demon tribe should have been destroyed, that it should have been ruled, and that it is not desirable to rule by circumvention.

Other than that, neutrality predominated.

Next up is the Demon Lord.

There was a noticeable roar when he climbed onto the platform, but he didn't care about such a reaction in the slightest, and slowly and clearly explained the current situation of the demon clan in detail.

Of course, the Demon King's testimony alone would not be enough to make him suspicious, so at that time, Kazuki, the hero of the Ringle Kingdom, and Leona Mr./Ms., the hero of Miarak, actually mentioned the situation of the Demon King Territory that they actually witnessed.


"Isn't it self-indulgent?"

"The devastation of the land must be the fault of the demon tribe."

"If you think about the feud between humans and demons, it's no wonder that invasion is the only way out."

"But isn't the threat still the same?"

"No, if it is an army that has a demon king from the beginning, it seems that there is no need to fight as long as the land problem is resolved."

"That's too premature, isn't it too dangerous to know the Demon King's true intentions?"


This, too, was predictably chaotic.

The Demon King, who has a bad impression due to his past misdeeds, is naturally not trusted.

There are opinions that are sympathetic to the demon tribe, but there are still just as many negative opinions.

However, this was what we knew at the beginning.

The next person who came out after the Demon King was Mr./Ms. Nagi.

Perhaps to let her guard down, she puts the black sword she is carrying on her seat, takes a deep breath, and then puts her feet on the platform.


"She is Kannagi, a beastman who once traveled with the previous hero, and like the Demon King, she was sealed by the previous hero, and now that she has recently woken up, she will tell you about the previous hero, Hisago."


To add credibility, Falga introduces her.

With a slightly nervous look on her face, she opens her mouth.


"The demon race certainly caused conflict, but it was not just the demon race. In the midst of all this, he was summoned to a kingdom that has now been destroyed.'


Everyone knows the saga of the previous hero.

But it's all beautiful things that shine in the light.

No one knows what happened to him in the process, nor about him having his fate twisted by selfish people.

When Mr./Ms. Nagi was about to put this fact into words, Amako, who was assimilating with her and me, saw something with her precognition magic.




Amako asks Amako about her prediction for the next few tens of seconds, and makes a small voice to her senior.


"Senior, I'm coming."

"Bad predictions are getting hit more and more......!"


A figure stands up without saying a word, swaying, and swaying down the stairs.

Representative of the kingdom of Verinas.

We already know it from the content of the foreknowledge.

My seniors and I started moving without hesitation.


"Healing restraint bullet"


In an instant, I moved in front of the old man and slammed him with a healing bullet, grabbing his robe and pinning him to the floor.

From above, the senior points the tip of the sword.


"What's the matter?!"

"This is the place for the meeting!!"


The representatives can't swallow the situation and start making noise.


"Usato, Suzune! Hold it down!"



He replies to Mr./Ms. Leona and has the restraint spell infused into the old man's body to stop moving.

Faluga-sama and the others, who are aware of the situation, seem to be calm...... Huh!?

He flicks the sword that swings down from behind and slams his fist into it.


"Lignus ......! And the knights around me!!"

"Usato, you can get out!"


It's not just the kingdom of Velinas.

Some of the knights of the other kingdoms pointed their swords at me as if they had been manipulated.

When my restraints relaxed for a moment, the eyes of the representative of the kingdom of Verinas turned black, and something like mud spilled out of it, revealing a dark-skinned man with black wings.


"Hahaha! You messed with the trick, man!!"


The man who appeared with a smile on his face looked around mockingly at us while wearing a high-reveal upper body suit.

It has horns, a tail, and bat-like wings that are different from those of the demon race.

He looks like a demon that matches my image, and he smiles condescendingly.


"Is that the devil?"


At the same time as he jumps up into the air, a senior wearing an electric shock slashes at him, and Kazuki sends a magic bullet flying.

However, they passed through his body and the attack did not reach him.

…… Doesn't reach the main unit? Or is the main body separate?


"Healing Explosive Bullet!!"


I also throw a healing explosive bullet, but even that passes by, and the bursting magic particles spread to envelop the entire venue.


"Don't move, you're going to die."



The delegates and guards who stood up in the hall pointed the pen and sword in their hands to their throats.

Although the number of people was small, the people were still manipulated to scatter around the venue.

With the arrival of demons, the situation becomes chaotic.


The content of the meeting was somewhat simplified.

I thought it was redundant that the discussion was too heated.

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