The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 22 Table of contents

A demon appeared in the middle of the meeting.

He took hostage more than a dozen soldiers and representatives at the meeting.

Each of them has the tip of a pen or sword pointed at their necks, and if they try to do anything at all, their lives will be taken instantly.


"The situation turned out exactly as the Demon King said."

"It's good that it came out, but what are you going to do with it?

"Usato, I'm concentrating on prescience."


I was prepared for the devil to come out with uncertain information, but I never thought that it would lurk in the eyes of humans.

If you look at one of the eyes of the representative of the kingdom of Verinas, the black eyes have already returned to normal.

It doesn't seem to be a hollowed out eye or anything like that.




Based on the healing magic particles spread by the healing explosion wave he threw at him earlier, he closes his eyes and examines whether there are any other suspicious beings in the venue.

……! Is there no one in the space with the devil?




I see, that's what I mean.

Grasping the situation, I casually put my hand to my mouth and tell Ferm and Nea about the plan.


"It's a manipulative spell, and it takes a lot of time."


Seeing them with hollow eyes, the Demon King let out a sigh of dismay.

When the demon's consciousness is turned to the Demon Lord, I keep an eye on my senpai and Kazuki.


"Demon Lord, you can sit there."

「…… Hmm? Are you sitting down?"

"Whew! It's still a monster I don't like......!"


Why do you go out of your way to provoke me......

Seeing the demon's face contort in disgust, his gaze turns to Mistress Falga.


"I don't think someone like you was still alive miserably."

"It's the same there, forgotten by history, a horrible monster. Or should I say a pitiful creature that flaunts its fat self-esteem?"


Is Farga-sama also provoking ......!?


"If you've been forgotten, I just need to remind you, and in any case, you can't interfere with my body."


The demon glanced around the hall and his face was full of confidence.

Then, what did he think, he scattered something like a magic bullet around him and stopped it in mid-air.


"It's even worse, if you move, the hostages will die, and this magic bullet will fall on you. You can't do anything with this, can you?"

『…… Whew!"

"Ah, good fear, the power overflows like water seeping into a dry ...... sand!"


A demon immersed in pleasure.

He basks in the sensation for a few seconds before his mouth curls into a grin.


"My name is Rapud, a symbol of the terror that dominated the malevolence of men in the past, and the very horror that you have forgotten."


The demon, who calls himself Rapud, spreads his arms as if to show off himself.


"Our purpose here is quite simple: to declare war!"


Declaration of war?

A silver-haired demon with a dull hair color.


"The devil, the one who terrorizes you, is now back in this world! We can get into nowhere! I can stir up anxiety, I can stir up fear, I can move you, I can fight you!!"


Enjoying the confusion and bewilderment of the delegates, Rapud's gaze turned to me with my hands on the floor.


"The name of the demon there, the healing wizard."



I look behind me, but there is no one there.

When I tilt my head to face forward, Rapdo points at me with a look of anger.


"It's you, sir! Who else is there but you?"

「…… I've never called myself one. What's the point of a human cheating on your name?"


"You're fanning me too."

"No, this is good."


Reputational damage spreads from such accusations.

Right now, it's only the Demon Race, but what if it spreads to other races?

…… But I don't want people to look at me.

When he was impatient without looking at his hand on the floor, trying not to distract him somehow, the demon lord who was sitting quietly suddenly smiled.


"It's boring, it's boring."

「…… What's that?"


The Demon Lord's muttering made Rapdo turn around.

Apparently, the Demon King caught his attention.


"Ferm, hurry up."

"I know...... We're almost there!!"

"I'm always ready ......!"


Tables, dark magic lines crawling on the floor while hiding in the shadows of people.

Avoid being noticed by demons and stop the hostages with lines and restraint spells.

Well, it's ...... that the other party is caught off guard.


"I don't think he's going to try to show off his power with that level of shallowness when he tries to lure him out, and he looks like he's being cornered."

"Shallow wisdom, huh?"

"I'll predict what you're going to do...... Well, to make you scream and frighten you with an exaggerated voice that you can't do, right? Or do you want to kill one of them for show?"


As expected, he is a demon king.

Even if you sit down, it looks like you're vainly bossy, and you look like you're fanning ...... waste!


"The magic that lurks somewhere in this space must be a hidden form of magic, and it was applied to another demon, and you were already crawling around like a rat to avoid us noticing with your manipulation magic, choosing what to manipulate. …… Isn't it?"

"Noble...... ......!"

"Oh, it looks like you hit it, I'm sorry about that."


…… It looks like it's going to be okay for the time being!

He looks at his hand while looking at the Demon King's fanning.

Nea, Ferm! I'm going to hurry up and ask for it now!


"Isn't it because you've brainwashed people and run them with malicious intentions that you can't even get your wits around properly? Or are you that weak?"


"Less than ten of them, I guess? Very Hisago...... It must have been destroyed by the previous hero, right?"


…… Wait, are there so few demons ......?

I was told that the number was decreasing, but less than ten is quite a lot.


"I don't want you to tell me that you've been defeated by a human."

"Well, so you're not defeated?"


Rapdo babbles.

When he doesn't understand where the smile comes from, he looks around and opens his mouth.


"It wouldn't change if there were some people in the way, would it? In fact, I even think it's refreshing to see fewer of them."

"Ha, yes, you demons don't have any kinship, they just think of you as a nuisance to each other. …… He's as pitiful as ever."


…… We're almost there.

The Demon King crosses his legs arrogantly and looks at Rapdo with a relaxed expression.

His words attract the attention of not only Rapud, but also the people in this room.


"You are too much of a human being, and it seems beyond foolishness and even pity not to understand the reason for your own defeat."

"Are you going to say that......?!"

"Well, what do you think...... Which one is it?"


Immediately after the Demon Lord said this, the voices of Ferm and Nea, who were assimilated, rang out.


"Usato, it's okay!"

"I've finished the spell of restraint!"


All ...... caught!

With Amako's endorsement, I took a deep breath and raised my voice.


"Senior! It's now!!"

"I've been waiting! Thunder Beast Mode 3!"


In an instant, a senior wearing a purple electric shock begins to move.

The demon immediately moves to get rid of the hostages, but the hostages have already been subjected to the magic of restraint that has been infused through dark magic that crawls on the floor.

It's just a momentary pause in movement, but for seniors, that gap is enough.


"Everybody stopped moving!"


With a flash of light, the senior knocks the hostage's sword and knife out of his hand and numbs him with a light electric shock.

The guards immediately notice and seize the hostages so that they do not go on a rampage.

This ensured the safety of the hostages.


", magic bullets—"

"I hate it."


Before he could turn his attention to the magic bullets that the demon had floated in the air, the multiple magic bullets that Kazuki released from his palm moved around like a living creature, obliterating all the magic bullets in the venue.


"It's a big mistake to think that we can do whatever we want in this place."

"You're going to stand in front of me again, or you'...... brave!"

"No? I'm not the one standing in the way."


I make eye contact with Kazuki and start running as fast as I can.

As I kicked the chairs and used the table as a scaffold, my eyes met with the representatives of Kamherio, Nirvarna, and Samaria.

Princess Naia rolls her eyes in surprise.

Lucas is poised without any worries.

Seeing Harold and Ouka smile as if they have found something more interesting, I feel a little overwhelmed, but for now, I prioritize what is in front of me.


"I already know where it is!"

"Usato, the opponent is upset, he will be caught. …… Ferm, let me scare you with Devil Usato."

"What, are you sure?"

"Otherwise, I don't think it will come out."


I heard a disturbing conversation between Amako and Ferm, but now I'm going to roast my enemies!

Crush the magic bullet in your hand and scatter the magic power around you.


"Healing Sense!"

"No, it's not ......."

"It's the usual, isn't it?"


We already know that some kind of magic is used to conceal the appearance itself.

Perhaps it is something that makes it impossible to grasp with the five senses, but there it was!

The particles of magic reacted to something invisible!


"I can see this demon!!"


———My magic sense is firmly spotting creatures in empty space!

The feeling of a robe of dark magic covering the uniform.



"Demon Lord......?"

"No, which mouth says it......


For some reason, as I hear the Demon King laugh, I slam my fist into the empty space.

Something hits an empty space.

Then a silver-haired demon appeared around my fist.


"Geba...... Heh, don't kid yourself! Rarely! Well, the magic works—"

"Where are you going?" There's no way I'm going to let you go......!"

"Hi, hi!?"


As Rapud spreads his wings and tries to escape into the sky, he grabs his legs by extending a rope of dark magic.


"Hey, you're here!"



He obliterates all the magic bullets that are flying in agony with a single stroke of his arm, pulls the rope connected to his leg, and slams his fist into its abdomen.


"Oh my gosh! Healing Continuous Fist!!"



He swings his fist down to the floor and unleashes a shockwave of magic that slams him to the floor.


"But, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Painful!? Are you healed?! But it hurts!?"

"Don't lose consciousness!" Then until you pass out!!"



He looks down at him, his face contorted in fear, and tries to slam his fist into it.

A fist closes in on him—at that moment, a white vortex appears from the side and someone jumps out.


"Huh!? New move!?"


When he stops his fist and uses the healing acceleration to change his position and lands on the floor, three figures emerge from a white vortex.


"Oh my gosh! Isn't it going to be funny!"




Three people wearing hoods.

One of them leaks a cheerful voice that seems out of place.


"Beth! Narka! Thank you for the disturbance!"


"Ferm! Plug Usato's ears!!"


The two women in black robes release the magic power created in their hands at the same time.

At the same time as the magic of dark magic covered my ears, something like smoke and sound waves began to flood around me.


"It's the magic of smoke and sound!"

"It's an ability for surprise attacks!"


The goal is to rescue the devil!

Kazuki and Senpai's support...... No, the only people who can move in this smoke are me or Mr./Ms. Nagi!

He crushes the magic bullet he has created in his hand and senses the magic power around him.


"That's it!!"


He releases a healing flying fist from the smoke.

The fist-sized shockwave blasted straight at the enemy, blowing out white smoke, and hit the abdomen of one of the black-robed people.


"Uh-huh! I've been throwing healing magic!?"

"...... use your friends as a shield!? Whew!!"

"Whoa, you're ......."


An enemy that seems to be a woman who draws nearby friends to herself and uses them as a shield to protect her.

Not the devil.

However, sensing a more troublesome atmosphere than Rapud, I raise my fist and attack.



"Hey, there's a business for the guy at your feet!"


The movement of the person who was making the sound was sealed with a healing flying fist.

I raised my fist and someone in black holding up the hilt of a sword covered in purple magic.

Just as my blow hit the light-clad sheath—




For some reason, my fist is flicked and my whole body is blown backwards.

When he is almost blown to the wall of the venue, he is saved by the dark magic stretched by Koga, who was beside the Demon King.


"Usato, what's wrong!?"

"Wow, I don't know, but I'm blown away by ...... shock."

"I didn't know what had happened even with my prophecy......


He wasn't injured, but it was as if he had ...... the impact of the attack itself!

When he saw where the smoke created by the magic had cleared, he had one of the black robes carry him


"Ugh, that's a huge shock! If I hadn't defended in time, it would have been bad!"


Is there a secret to her magical powers?

With Koga's help, I stood up and saw one of the black-robed people standing in the hall with a surprised face.

The impact lifts the hood on his face, revealing his face.


"You're ......."

「…… Whew."

"It's been a long time, Mr. Lloyd! Sigurd! You're old! That!? Hasn't it been five years? Oh, it's me! Do you remember me!?"


The face that was exposed was a lifeless and pure white face.

The woman, who had a cheerful look on her purple hair like a ponytail, smiled out of place and waved at the look of Lloyd and Sigurd Mr./Ms..

Her seemingly bizarre smile confused both her seniors and Kazuki and couldn't move.


"No way, he ......?"


It was the same for me.

The characteristics match.

Also called by names that are considered to be friends.

The woman grinned at me as she rolled her eyes in surprise.


「dead person・・Guys, get me out of here as soon as possible!!"

「…… Even if I leave this guy behind...... Oh, yes, it's no good. Well, now we're leaving!"


When a woman takes something like paper out of her robe, she uses it to initiate metastasis.

By the time I returned, it was too late, and their figures disappeared from the place with the light.


「…… Scroll! Farga-sama!"

"Ah, we've figured out where we're going, and it looks like they've already prepared a way out. …… We have moved to the opposite shore across the lake from the city and are preparing for the transition."

"Hmm, I checked the same place here."


It seems that both Falga-sama and the Demon King have figured out the same position.

…… No, let's not think about those people now.

Now I have to do what I have to do.


"What are you doing?"



He tilts his head at the Demon Lord's words.

Then he looked at me with a stunned face.


"Chase, with your abilities, you can do it, right?"

"No, no, but I can't leave ......."

"Don't worry, they're no longer in Mearlark. Even if you chase them for a long time now, you can escape, right? …… Besides, he has a connection to you, doesn't he?"


If there is someone who can use the magic of transference, they will be able to escape immediately.

A senior would have been able to rush to her immediately, but it would be difficult for her to run through the lake.

He looks at his seniors and then at Mr./Ms. before letting out a big sigh.


「…… Ahh He's a really selfish person! You!! Amako, Nea, de-assimilate!"




Amako and Nea jump out of my body.

First, he picks up Amako and drops her off at the place where Hayate Mr./Ms. and Nagi Mr./Ms. are.


"Mr./Ms. Nagi, please give me an amako!"

"Leave it to me!"

"Be careful, Usato."

"Oh! Nea, you're here!"

"Am I going to be trapped in armor like my face again!?"


I asked him to enter the part that imitated the armor created on the chest, and I reached out to the senior as it was.

You need this person's power to move fast.


"Senior! Please help me!!"

"Oh, okay! Leave it to me!"

"Oh, I can't help it anymore......"


Assimilate with the senior who grabbed his hand back.

After confirming that her sword had changed and turned into a gauntlet on her left arm, I moved in front of the other ——— Leona Mr./Ms.


"Mr./Ms. Leona, I'm chasing the devil! Can you help me!?"

"What!? But ......."


Mr./Ms. glances at Norn.

Norn-sama, who has a slightly tired complexion, turns into a slightly angry face when he swings his arms wide.


"Leona, help me."

"Norn-sama, aren't you quick to judge!?"

"You've ruined an already busy meeting, and you should give it back. …… Above all, I'm irritable because I haven't slept enough......!"


…… Later, I'll visit the Norns to cast a healing spell.

While making that decision in my heart, I look at Mr./Ms..


「…… Charon, I'm going to ask you here."

"Oh, leave it to me, Usato, I asked you to do it, didn't you?"

"Got it!"


Mr./Ms. grabs the hand I hold out.

At the same time, he assimilates with her, transforming his "staff" into a leg instep that looks like it was made of ice.



"Welcome, Leona, to my castle."

"Leona, don't worry about this person."


"Oh, it's still a strange space."


I'm sorry, Leona Mr./Ms.......!

With her help, I call out to Koga.


"Alright, become a Koga weapon!!"

"It's not going to happen!!"

"Just kidding! Defend this place!"

"Can you please stop making really bad jokes......?"


For the time being, Koga is trustworthy, so he leaves it here.

Well, there are other Hyde Mr./Ms., so I guess it's more than enough in terms of strength.

Next, we look at Lloyd and Sigurd.

Mistress Lloyd looked like he wanted to say something to me, but he quickly shook his head.


"Usato...... We'll talk about that later."

「…… Yes. Kazuki, Lloyd-sama."

"Leave it to me...... Usato, punch the devil!"

"Oh......! It's coming!!"


Encouraged by Kazuki's voice, he opens the door and begins to move while wearing the electric shock of his seniors.

The speed of the senior's electric shock and the power to use the cold air of Le Mr./Ms.ona as a foothold everywhere!

With this power, I will immediately go to see that person---Mr. Owl Mr./Ms.! !!


Usato is a healing wizard who is more demonic than demons.

He absorbed the two heroes and began to chase the enemy.


It seems that many of Rose's former subordinates have magic that is suitable for coordination rather than magic that has direct attack power.

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