The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 13 Ch. 23 Table of contents

In order to track down the demons that appeared at the meeting and meet the Owl Mr./Ms. who were resurrected by them, I assimilated with my senior, Leona Mr./Ms., and tried to track them down with all my might.

The first thing that caught my eye when I stepped out of the door was the aisle in the hallway full of people.

When the guards who heard the abnormality were rushing in, I immediately sensed and jumped on the spot.


"Hey, what are you going to do!?"

"Just run on the ceiling!!"



Kick the walls and ceiling and run out of the crowd and outside.

Which way is it?!


"From your point of view, it's diagonally to the left."


"I'll show you around."

"Thank you."


Following the instructions of Falga-sama echoing in my head, I jumped high using the elasticity jump—a healing jump—and ran over the wall.


"You can run through any place with my high-speed movement and Usato-kun's metamorphosis maneuver! Go, go! Usato-kun!!"

"Is this what you're seeing...... There's something a little bit of emotion about it.'

"Hey, Nea!? Are you okay!? I'm going to fix it with dark magic!?"



He moves from roof to roof while wearing the electric shock of Thunder Beast Mode 2, and from the side, it will only look like an electric shock running on the ground, but if it is a natural phenomenon because it does not attract attention, that's fine!




In an instant, he moves from one end of the Mealak to the other, and without hesitation, he jumps up the mountain with a healing jump and sees the opposite shore from the air.


"It's at the end of the lake, and with the help of you and Leona, it will be easy to cross."

"Got it!! Mr./Ms. Leona, I'm going!!"

"Oh, don't hesitate to use it!!"


A great deal of cold air overflows from my feet.

The resulting magical power turns into a block of ice in the air, which is used as a foothold and accelerates in the air.

When you release a kick as if swinging up from below with momentum, the cold air takes shape and is released onto the surface of the lake in front of you.


"Healing cold legs!"

"This is an advanced naming ...... with cooling and cold legs!"


"Let's be honest, Leona."

"Tototo, toto, hibernat!?"


The cold air released hits the surface of the lake and freezes at the same time, turning it into a temporary foothold.

From the surface of the lake to the opposite shore, while looking at the path formed by ice, I run to the opposite shore with all my might, wearing an electric shock again.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh What kind of movement are you!? If I don't hold on to you, I'll freeze to death by now!!"

"I'm also using healing magic!!"

"Rest in peace...... Or so I thought! It's Plumai Zero, is this!?"


Feeling sorry for Nea's screams in the armor of her chest, she kicks the icy earth.

The instep of the leg can be used as a foothold in any place.

Using it, I ran through even the lake, and I was already kicking the icy ground and jumping with elasticity.


"Healing Jump!! And one more time!"


Leap further up with a block of ice created in the air and find several figures on the opposite shore who are trying to activate the magic of transference.

9 people!? Two of them are demons, and the rest are Owl Mr./Ms.! !!


『! After all, I'm here!

"I found it!!"



When I saw them, I called out Leona Mr./Ms.'s name as I fell towards them.


"Mr./Ms. Leona!!"



Ice swords appear around me, and they are released all at once.


"Ha, ha, ha! - As expected, he is the child expected by the captain! It's really crazy, isn't it? Gilgu!!"



One of the black-robed men jumps forward and releases a powerful heat-like sensation from his palms.

It melts the ice sword in an instant, but in the meantime, I land with my feet on the ground.




Release the ice magic and head to the demon and the owl Mr./Ms. to generate icicles.

It's so powerful that heat alone can't melt it.


"Whoa, then it's my turn."


Together with the big man called Gilg, Mr./Ms. Owl thrusts his hand forward and emits purple waves.

They crack and shatter as soon as they come into contact with the ice, while the heat magic released by Gilg melts the ice.



"What's wrong? Why don't you attack me?'

"Don't rush into it until you know the magic of that purple-haired woman."

"Oh, so much so that Usato is knocked out head-on."


The number is nine, as confirmed from the sky.

Two demons, seven people dressed in black, including Mr./Ms. Owl.

Seven of them are surrounding me right now, but two of the demons, Rapdo, are giving me a frightened look, and the other is preparing for the magic of transference.


"Well, I'm in trouble, even if I outnumber you, I'll lose, this one."


Mr./Ms. standing in front of him mutters in dismay, and the female demon who is trying to perform the transfer speaks in a hoarse voice.


"Come on, you have to stand still! There are so many alternatives!?"

"Yes, yes, then I'm going to do my best to harass you and stop you from doing that, okay?"


Three of the seven have known abilities, but they are troublesome when they are used.

At least on my own, I can't lose, but I can't win either.

Seven to one is a handicap of that much.

…… Well, because it's too lazy to think about.


"It's just a matter of stopping the metastasis."


Momentarily, activate Thunder Beast Mode 2 and force your way through the siege.

The target is a demon in the form of a woman.


"Let's start with you!!"

"What!? Yaaa!?"


He slams his sword into the neck of the screaming demon - but the attack slips through.

Oh, this guy is hiding too!

But it's meaningless if it's up to me!

When the healing magic bullet created in the hand slams into the ground and scatters around it, the healing magic particles are activated on invisible beings.

Well, this guy only has half of ...... wing!



"You're the culprit!" Mr./Ms. Xu!!"


He stole and used the bodies of Mr./Ms. who were buried.

If you beat him up, you should be able to do something about them.

Thinking so, just as I was about to attack her who was becoming invisible, white smoke enveloped my body.


"Usato, it's the same white smoke as before!"

"This kind of thing doesn't make sense to me now! Hmmm!!"


He slams the ground with his instep containing healing magic and spreads the healing magic around him.

Sensing the three approaching shadows, he flicks the sword wielded with his right gauntlet.

He pulls his arm back and instantly unleashes a purple electric shock.


"Thunder Beast Mode 3!"


"Electromagnetic Acceleration Healing Flying Fist!!"


One of them made a defensive move, but it was too late!

The flying shockwave, which was released three times, including the healing acceleration fist, directly hit the three people who tried to attack and blew them away.


"Fist Railgun......? What's that, I wonder if I can do it in the manner of a thrust......

"It's a different thing when you get to this point......


At the end of the white smoke blown away by the healing fist, there was a small man who had been slammed into a tree from the back, a large man who was defended by an iron-like mass, and an Mr./Ms. who was defending himself with a sword sheath that was clothed in purple magic.


"Captain, where did you find such a child?! Hmmm! The body is ......."

"It's the magic of restraint!"

"Nice! Nea!!"


They are immobilized by Nea's restraint spell and try to continue their attack in order to incapacitate them.

However, in front of me, Mr./Ms. Naruka, a woman who controls sonic-like magic, interrupts and releases magic, but she protects Nea and rams her body while enduring it with energy.


「…… Smoke again!"


Smoke flies from the side again.

And when you bite your teeth, you can feel the intense heat flying along with the smoke.

Did you fly the magic of heat with ......?


"Mr./Ms. Leona, please match!"



The healing explosion wave created by both hands is combined with Leona's Mr./Ms.'s cold air.

This smoke blows away the hot air!


"Cold air!"

"Healing Explosion Wave!"


It releases the magic it has trapped and freezes everyone within its range of the technique.

He stopped the movement of the two people who were emitting heat and white smoke at the end of the smoke.


"There is a gap."

"Oh, Usato-kun!"


As soon as the white smoke cleared, a sword pierced my abdomen.

I grabbed it with my gauntlet and prevented it, but—


"My magic is like shock."


"I'll give you back all of your attacks."


From the tip of the sword, a cannon-like impact strikes the abdomen.

…… I see, this is her magic identity.

Absorb the impact head-on with your whole body and stay in place.


"What? It must have been quite a shock."


If I hadn't driven a stake out of ice into the soles of my feet beforehand, I might have been blown away, but if I had endured it, it would have been this one.

I looked up and grabbed my shoulder with my left gauntlet, and Owl Mr./Ms. twitched a smile.


"I don't care if I know the shock is coming......

"No, it's like a captain like that...... What? I'm in a pinch!? This, this, ha, hanase~!"


She struggles to get her to let go of her gripped shoulder and sword.

The power was not that of an ordinary human, and even the electric shock that had been pouring in from earlier did not seem to have worked.


"That's a lot of power...... What the hell did you do?!"

"That's the line here!? What did you do to the captain!?"


What did you do ......?

You know that best!


"...... training!"

"It's frustrating to be convinced......


Did the demons do something to the corpse ......?

However, as far as I can see, only Mr./Ms. seems to be conscious.


"Whew! There!"


He grabs the neck of someone who has disappeared from behind and is approaching him with a dark magic hand created from his shoulder.

Emerging from the empty space was Rapud, with a knife in his hand.

Apparently he was trying to catch me off guard, but a half-hearted surprise won't work for me right now, ......?


"Did you do it?"

"What, why, the place!?"

"If the healing sense is activated, I have no chance."


"It's a terrible technique even if you don't think about it when you know how it heals...... right?"

"I don't think this guy will have a chance......


Already, the healing explosion wave from earlier is full of enough magical power around him.

Even if I try to deceive my senses, I will find out with my other senses.


"Alright, now is the time to come help, you guys!"



As if in response to Mr./Ms.'s voice, everyone starts to move and heads towards us.

As expected, it is dangerous to fight them while holding Mr./Ms. Owl, so after throwing her away, he raises his fist.


「…… It's awkward."


The small person who blew it up first must have lost consciousness, but could this be the effect of demonic magic?

Before you can defeat one person, the others will work together.

Even if you defeat him, he is a dead man, so he will forcibly move his body and attack you.

In addition to that......!


"It's extremely troublesome when it's linked...... !!"


The magic of creating iron.

Magic that radiates heat.

Magic that generates sound waves.

The magic of creating smoke.

And magic related to shock.

The other two are unknown, but although they don't have direct attack power, the combination of them is so troublesome that even I, in my current assimilated state, am stranded.


"Smoke again...... Huh!?"


Before activating Thunder Beast Mode 2, a powerful sound wave flies and the behavior is delayed for a moment.

Aiming for the gap, the iron that stretched out like a tentacle from the ground entangled in my arms and fixed it.


"Chris! Gilgu!"



Gilg Mr./Ms. and another large man, Chris Mr./Ms. raise their palms at us.

Heat and that...... Is it water?!

The techniques that are combined from that are ......!




Tear the iron apart and meet the attack head-on.

With the boiling water being released in front of me, I unleashed a kick of cold air from the instep of my leg with all my might.

The two attacks collide in the center, creating a huge block of ice, but Mr./Ms. slashes at them as if falling from above.



"We're not going to die any more! No matter how much you try, you won't be able to win!!"

"If this continues, time will only pass!"

"That's what it's for, isn't it?!"

"That's why we're going to change the way we do things."


As I move away from Mr./Ms., I change my tactics.

The current form is certainly strong, but it can also be used in reverse!


"Senior! Mr./Ms. Leona!"

"Leave it to me!"



It means that you can even put two heroes on the spot!

The two of them who appeared from me instantly headed for their respective enemies.


"Nea, assimilation!"

"I'm finally back in my comfort zone......!"


I also assimilate with Nea as I head towards Mr./Ms..

By unassimilating my seniors and Mr./Ms., the equipment on my left arm and legs disappears, but I am the best suited to my current appearance than I used to be!


"You're really like a surprise box! He's even funnier than the captain!"

"I'm the Deputy Leader of the Rescue Team! I'm Ken Usato! This is the healing wizard of Rose's subordinates!!"


Mr./Ms. rolls her eyes at the sudden introduction, but she laughs merrily and opens her mouth while wielding a sword.


"Apparently, I'm an owl who died before you came! I wonder if the captain is the leader of an organization called the Life Rescue Team!"

"Yes! An organization to save people's lives, that's what the lifesaving team is!!"


A self-introduction that should not have been done in the middle of a battle.

As the sword and fist collide, he says what he has been wanting to say to Owl Mr./Ms. for a long time.


"Mr./Ms.! I'm going to take you to the Leader."

「…… Haha, I'd love to see you if I could."


For a moment, she laughs blankly, but she is taken aback.


"But you can't have a face like this...... Shhhh


However, her expression quickly changed, and she returned to her flirtatious smile, and when she turned her palm to the side, she released a shockwave of magic from her palm and moved with an irregular acceleration.


"That's ......!"

"There's also a way to use shockwaves!"


A slash that is swung down.

On the other hand, I also let the magic power unleash from the gauntlet and avoid it with the acceleration caused by the generated shockwave.



"I never thought you'd use the same technique as ...... me! It's the Mr./Ms. of the Owl ......!"

"No, it's definitely not the right way to use your magic, is it?!"


Mr./Ms.'s magic is a combination of offense and defense that allows him to create shockwaves and use his opponent's attacks as his own shockwaves.

A reckless attack will give her a chance to fight back.


"That's true."

"Speaking of which, why is this guy accelerating with healing magic?"


Then you can incapacitate her with a single blow and harden her with a restraint spell.

Leona Mr./Ms. and her seniors are also fighting with the upper hand, so we will definitely stop their movements one by one.


"One-on-one is tougher than I imagined......!"



Mr./Ms. and I move using shockwaves.

However, if there is a difference between my movements and hers, it is that...




It means that there is movement by elasticity.

For a moment, I surpassed her movements, and as I spun forward, I squeezed my fist that contained the spell of restraint.


"If you want to meet me if I can, I'll let you meet me even if you mean it!!"

"Huh? and—"


Bring out your fists.

The fist was released with confidence that it would be a sure blow, but the figure of Mr./Ms., who had a surprised face on her face in front of her, disappeared without warning, cutting the sky.


"What, it's gone!?"

"Usato, turn right!"


When I looked to the right, I saw the Owl Mr./Ms. surrounded by white light and a female demon who was casting magic.

When I looked at my seniors and Mr./Ms., they were holding their weapons with puzzled expressions, and it seemed that the enemy had disappeared in front of me, just like me.


"Healing explosive bullets!"

"Electric shock, child fire thrust!"

"Freeze it!"


Three simultaneous attacks rush to the light-shrouded Owl Mr./Ms., but all of them are repelled.

What is that magic!


"Long-range transfer magic!" Transfer Magic"!! I'm no longer in the dimension where your attacks can pass! This monster!! Ba-ke-mo-no!!"


"Huh!? There's no point in being that awesome!"


As soon as he glares at the demon of a woman who triumphantly incites him, he is frightened.

The magic he uses is powerful, but the main body is not.


"Wow, you look just like the captain ...... your sharp face. Speaking of which, what about Mr./Ms.? That was also going to be transferred with you, wasn't it?"

"Oh, he ran away, so we're the only ones ...... metastasis......


Is metastasis unstoppable?

I didn't expect to be preparing such great magic, but .......


"It was Usato-kun."


"Well, I think we'll see each other again, and I'll see you then."

"Don't say hello to the enemy! It's going to metastasize!"


She smiled brightly and waved her hand, but she was enveloped in white light and metastasized somewhere.

All that remained were the traces of the battle and the ground that had been hollowed out during the transition.


"You've escaped."

"No, there was a harvest, the identity of the other party...... We were able to confirm the fact that the body stolen from the Lingle Kingdom was used."

「…… Are you okay? Usato"


I nodded to Mr./Ms., who looked worried.

I'm fine.

Although I was surprised that Mr./Ms. was able to communicate more than I expected.


"Usato-kun, Leona, you don't know that only Rappdo hasn't been transferred......

"It means they might be close."

"Let's find out, maybe we can capture him and get some information about the devil."


I don't think I'm going very far.

If you look for it now, you may be able to find it.

Suddenly, if you look towards Mialak, you will see a ship heading towards you.


Leona Mr./Ms. ...... the Knight of Mialark Mr./Ms. lead the search."

"Oh, I understand...... You're going to have to be careful, okay?"

"Yes, just in case, the two of you will act——"






As he and his seniors were about to head towards the forest, a man's cry rang out.

This voice that I will never forget is the voice of the devil who appeared at the meeting, Rapud.

At the sound of her screaming in fear, my seniors and I rushed to the spot.


"Usato, Inukami, you might as well hurry."

"Farga-sama, do you know what happened!?"

"No, but the existence of a demon who calls himself Rapdo is disappearing."


The devil is disappearing! What the hell is going on?!


"Senior, let's hurry up!"

"That would be a good idea!"


Me and my seniors run at full speed to the place where we heard the screams.

It took us a dozen seconds to finally reach the place where we thought his screams had come from, and what we saw was a black ash on the ground that was about to disappear in the wind.

I looked down at the ashes on the ground and looked around, and I spoke to Falga, who must be watching from a distance.


"Farga-sama...... This could be."

"Oh, the remains of the devil, the whole soul shattered?"

"Is that possible?"


Mr. Farga reacts anxiously to his senior's question.

It's not normal for him to be stagnant.

Something extraordinary is happening right now.


"The devil is an immutable thing, as long as people are afraid, even if they are crushed, they will be resurrected one day. …… It will take time, though. Originally, the demon was supposed to be neutralized by sealing it...... Rapud was killed without even being given a chance to resurrect."


"I know only one person who could do that."


Mr./Ms. Hisago, is it just that?

But he's already a man of the past.

There is no way that even he could have come back to life.


"Hey, Usato, there's something on the ground."



At the sound of Ferm's voice, he looks at the ground and finds what looks like a red stain falling near the ashes of the Lapud wreckage.

A few drops on the ground...... No, the blood that is there has not yet clotted.


"Is this blood? Did Rapud try to hit anyone here? Nea, can you check it out?"

"Yes, leave it to me."


Nea jumps out of my body and sees the blood on the ground in the form of an owl.


"It's still new...... From the smell of blood, she is a young woman. It doesn't look like it's a serious injury, but ......."

"Can you follow the smell?"

"I don't have a very good sense of smell, although I can tell when I get close......

"No, I'm sorry I said I couldn't do it."


Maybe someone is injured.

If so, you might want to look for them yet.


"Usato, Inukami, bring back the ashes of Rapud and return to Mialak."

"No, maybe there's someone injured here."

"There is a high probability that you are a dangerous person with a weapon that can kill demons, and I can't afford to put you in danger now. …… I understand your feelings, but I'm also worried.'

「…… Yes."


You shouldn't go too deep.

Convincing myself, I fill a jar created by dark magic with the ashes of Rapud.


「…… That's about it."


Don't look for it, but I'll do it for the time being.

Wrap the magic bullet in your hand with elasticity and place it on the trunk of a tree.

It looks like a transparent green slime, but if you touch it, you'll know it's healing magic.


"Usato-kun, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to leave a magic bullet wrapped in bouncy and maybe someone who is injured will be able to use it if they come back here."


It will disappear once the elasticity is removed, but it should still last for an hour.

If you go far away, I won't be able to tell if it's used, but that's okay.


"It's a healing magic bullet that you put it on."

"Hey, so you can now let people have it?"

"There's a time limit, but that's the way it is...... Well, let's go back."


I need to get back and let Lloyd know we're safe.

The talks are still in turmoil, and even after defeating the demons, there is still a lot to do.


Assimilation Usato was too bad, and the owls had no choice but to stop them.


Summary of each member's magic system.

Owl: Shock

Gilg: Flame system "Heat"

Chris: Water Systems

Narka: Wind System "Sound"

Beth: Wind System "Smoke"

Josh: Soil system "iron"

Din: Unknown


For the time being, it's okay if you just remember the owl.

In the introduction of the characters at the end of this chapter, we will introduce the characteristics of magic.


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