The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 14 Ch. 6 Table of contents

The second dormitory of the rescue team was finally completed.

In terms of size, is it about the same as where I live, which was my first dormitory?

The women will live there, and the first dormitory will be the same as me, Nak, and the tough-faced guys.

As for me, I still share a room with tongs, so it's not that big of a change, but it was a little funny that Ferm was happy to be in a room by himself.

It seems that the seniors are finally able to move to the dormitory and participate in the training in earnest.


"Ferm! Nea! It's a pleasant morning! Let's wake up!!"


Every morning, I hear the voice of a senior who wakes up the two of them.

The seniors are also very active, so it seems that her joining the rescue team has led to a positive change.


"The knights who are going with you will meet you at the outer gate, won't you?"




And today is the day you will be dispatched to the Demon Lord's Territory.

Dressed in my usual uniform, I walked with Nea, Bulllin, and Nak on the way to the clinic.


"I'm going to break up with Nak at the infirmary...... You look like you're going to be okay, aren't

"Absolutely! I will learn healing magic under Mr./Ms. Olga!!"

"That's how it goes."


I smile as I lightly put my hand on the head of Nak who walks next to me.


"Ferm was amazing."

"It was so frantic."


Nea and Nak look somewhere far away.

Oh, the story of when the whole lifeguard came to see me off before I left the dormitory.

Rose and the tough guys were as good as ever, but Ferme was .......


"Nea, Usato, please, don't go, don't go. Don't leave me .......'

"Ferm, don't bother Usato too much, okay?"

"You're the one who is bothering me right now!!"


Ferm, who was placed in a somewhat spectacular environment with Rose and her seniors under one roof, had a rare occurrence in which she regressed slightly.


"I just can't be honest, so I don't think there's anything to worry about, right?"

"Well, I guess so, that kid is so twisted that he can't be honest with Suzune."

"Ah, I kind of understand."


Not only Nea, but also Nak shows a satisfied expression.

I don't have to worry too much about my seniors and Ferm.

Now I have to focus on what I need to do.


"Oh, oh! Usato-kun!!"


When you arrive at the clinic, you will see Uluru Mr./Ms. and Olga Mr./Ms. waiting in front of the building waving at you.

Uluru Mr./Ms. is dressed in a grey uniform and seems to be ready for her luggage.


"Good morning, Olga Mr./Ms. Mr./Ms. Uluru."

"Good morning, I'm glad the weather is nice."

"Good morning!"


Mr./Ms. Uluru, who returned the cheerful greeting, turned to Nak.


"Mr. Nak, please take care of your brother while I'm away!"


"Make sure your brother doesn't starve to death!"

"I'll do my best......! I'm good at cooking for myself......!"

"Wait a minute, why am I supposed to eat nothing?"


Olga involuntarily plunges into Uluru Mr./Ms., who Mr./Ms. as overprotective as ever.

Perhaps it was meant as a joke, but she laughed like a mischievous child, and when she picked up her luggage, she moved to replace Nak.


"Okay, I'm going! Brother!!"

"Oh, come on, Usato-kun, I'm going to ask for Uluru."

"Leave it to me......!"


Say goodbye to Nak and Olga Mr./Ms. and head to the outer gate with the addition of Uluru Mr./Ms..

It was early in the morning, so I walked through a deserted town and soon arrived at the outer gate, where I saw five knights, including Mr./Ms. Alc.

Traveling to the Demon Lord's territory seems to be done by horse, and there are eight horses beside Mr./Ms. and the others.

Probably the horses for me and Mr./Ms. Uluru.


"Good morning!"

"Good morning, Mr./Ms. Aluk, it's a horse on the way to the Demon Lord's Realm."

"Yes, it is still dangerous to go there by carriage, so we will travel by horse."


Well, even if I actually went to the Demon King Territory, I don't think the road has been properly prepared yet, and I know that it can't be helped.


"Hey, you can't ride a horse, can you? What are you going to do?"

"Huh, Nea, I don't know anything about that."

"You're not going to say that if you run, you'll be fine, right?"


"What, is it a figure star?"


Nea looks at me with a stunned gaze as I freeze with a smile.

No, it's much easier for me to run than to run on horseback.

It's about time I learned to ride a horse...... I think I'll practice in the Demon Lord's Realm.


"Usato-kun, don't worry, I can ride a horse!"


"You can ride in the back!!"


Mr./Ms. gives a thumbs up and says so, and her cheeks twitch.

Well, I think that's kind of uncool, or it's mentally pathetic.


"I understand very well that Lord Usat cannot ride a horse."

"Oh, Mr./Ms....... Alc."

"Actually, Lord Rose asked me to bring something here......


Mr./Ms. takes out a saddle from a nearby wooden box.

However, it is about twice as large as a normal horse saddle.


"It's a special saddle made for Burlin."



"If it's Bulllin, who has more sympathy than a horse, I don't think it's a problem."


Bullin's eyes light up as he looks at the saddle made for him.

I don't think people usually like this. I think, but I used to wear a life-saving belt, and I may have liked it quite a bit.

Immediately, I put the saddle on the back of the bulllin and fixed it firmly enough not to tighten it.


"Are you okay? Bulllin"



No problem! I nodded to Bulllin who punched my leg as if to say.

This seems to be fine.

As soon as I got on its back, there was a handle on the fixed saddle, and it seemed that I grabbed it and rode it.


"It's kind of crazy that you can't ride a horse, but you can ride a blue grizzly......

"Kurumia, if you're so surprised, you'll be considerate, won't you?"

"I think you're too used to it......


It's a moderate sense of stability.

However, I've ridden on the back of a bulllyn a few times, but this is the first time I've ridden it properly like this.


"Come to think of it, there were more times when I ran with you on my back......


"Oh, please, buddy......!!"

"Is this a trick?"


Now you're ready to go......!!


"Mr./Ms. Aluk, the place to meet the people of Nirvarna is the bridge that enters the Demon Lord's territory."

"Yes, as soon as we join, we will enter the Demon Lord's Territory and camp before heading to the central city of Verhazar."


It takes about a day to arrive at the Demon Lord's Territory, including breaks.

It will be a movement while interacting with the people of Nirvarna.

Compared to my previous trips, it went by quickly, but the real thing ...... to get to the site!


"Wait, Demon Lord'......!!"



What I decided to do in this world.

In order to carry it out, he sets off to the place where the demons now live.



Ever since the war ended with the defeat of the Demon Tribe, the treatment of the Demon Tribe, contrary to expectations, has not been so bad.

It may be that the humans are now measuring the demon race, but a certain amount of supplies have also been sent through the Ringle Kingdom, and life is less impoverished than before.

…… Well, even so, the situation has not changed in remote areas.


"Well, it doesn't matter to me."


The title of commander of the III Corps is a thing of the past.

My position has not yet been determined, but I was living in peace on this thin ice, working like a cart horse as Mr./Ms. told me to do.

Frankly, it's peaceful.

At least you don't have to fight a lot of trouble, and you can take some breaks so you can immerse yourself in your hobbies.


"Do you want to call me, Demon Lord?"

"I'm sorry I'm busy, Hannah."


As usual, I was trying to compile the documents regarding the supplies sent from the Ringle Kingdom side and their distribution, but suddenly I was summoned by the Demon Lord.

Is it an important requirement?

From the atmosphere of the Demon Lord, it doesn't seem like I did anything, but .......


"Have you heard that additional personnel are coming from the Lingle Kingdom and the Nirvarna Kingdom?"

"Yes, they are the ones who have been entrusted with monitoring and reporting on the Demon Lord's Domain. I've heard that you will help with this activity......

"That's right, we don't have enough manpower." Considering that there is also the development of the Demon Realm, it has become necessary to have the help of a powerful person from the human side."


A realm of demons, a place where many monsters live.

It is a magical realm where there are more demons that cannot be compared to the Demon King Realm, and there are not even humans living in them yet.

Since it is a place between the country of beastmen, I heard that it is a place that needs to be reclaimed in order to connect the two countries...... I never thought that I would have to use the help of a human being.


"Does that mean that there will be someone from the Lingle Kingdom who has a certain amount of power?"

"Ah, at least enough to cross paths with the Legion Commander."


Is this a brave man?

From the Ringle Kingdom, it would only be so.


No, no, no, it's in an organization called the Life Rescue Team, and it won't do much.

From what I've heard, it seems that he's in a sassy and important position like a deputy leader, right?





Didn't the Demon King laugh now?

It's not cynical or anything like that, it's hilarious.

I look suspicious, and the Demon King lightly flicks his hand.


"Don't worry about it. Tomorrow, the personnel will come here. I'm going to put you in charge of them."

"Assistant, is it? I don't mind......


Well, it doesn't matter.

But I don't think I'm a very good choice because I manipulated the soldiers on the Lingle Kingdom side in the war to kill each other.


"No, you don't have to do it that hard. I don't know what to do hereguy・I just need to teach you a lot of things."


…… Guy?

Would the Demon King call the hero so casually?

Without even trying to hide his amused face, the Demon King rested his elbows on the armrests and smiled happily.


"Demon Lord"


"Who leads the people who are coming...... You're not a healing wizard, are you?"


What came back was a smile.

Ciel, who was silently waiting by the side, also smiled a refreshing smile that pulled a little.


"Why is he here......


I asked, his voice trembling as much as possible, and he answered immediately.


"Because his presence is essential for the future of the Demon Tribe, let me tell you, I'm not going to let you assist me for harassment, right?"

"Well, I know that...... but."

"Aside from Koga and Amira, you're the only one who can interact with him naturally."


I couldn't argue with that.

In the first place, he can't go against the instructions of the Demon King, and he certainly understands the selection of people.

Koga-kun will give up his job and give that healing wizard Usato-san a chance.

Amira Mr./Ms. and Nero Mr./Ms. are busy with other tasks in the first place.




As I walked through the city in a daze, my head hurt.

Tomorrow, Usato's coming.

This fact will have various shocks to the demon tribe.

In that sense, the Demon King must have allowed him to visit...... It's a potent drug.


"Oh, Hannah!!"


…… Noisy came.

Nono Helstea, a petite girl who comes towards us waving her hand, comes with a smile that couldn't be more annoying.


"Hey, how are you?!" What!? I'm fine!? Sean and I are doing our best to deliver supplies every day! Well, it's nice to be able to get food around these days!!"



I don't feel like shutting up anymore, so I ignore Nono and move on.

In a way, it's like a normal exchange, and Nono walks up to me.

In the past, he could get rid of him as a boss, but now that the Demon King Army is gone, his position is almost the same.


"Did something happen?"


…… I got it.

I could deal with it on my own, but it might be a good idea to involve another person here.




"If you can help me with my work for a while, I'll ——— you a meal."

"I'll do it."


It's as reassuring as ever.

However, I think that I have been able to live well with this unguardedness.


「…… Whew."


He sighs once more, feeling self-loathing for superimposing Nono's figure on his sister's former appearance.

I thought about being more depressed when I was depressed.

I'm going to take a quick rest today for tomorrow.


The shadow of the Ringle Kingdom approaching Nono ......! (Tendon)

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