The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 14 Ch. 7 Table of contents

There is a large river before entering the Demon Lord's Domain.

In the past, it was crossed by Leona's Mr./Ms. ice magic, but after the end of the war, a solid bridge was built, and it was possible to enter the Demon Lord's territory without much effort.

However, this does not mean that anyone can enter the Demon Lord's territory, and a solid observation post has been built on the bridge to ensure that no one tries to enter the Demon Lord's territory without permission.

First of all, we arrived at the bridge and waited for the people of Nirvarna near the observation post.


"Nirvarna...... I wonder what kind of people will come."

"Basically, it doesn't matter who comes, and they will send in the right personnel so as not to damage the trust of the country."


Nair is right.

It's just my impression, but Harold doesn't seem to be the kind of person who sends inappropriate people.

I don't really have to worry about it.


"Is Uluru Mr./Ms. okay?"

"Hmm? What's that?"


Mr./Ms. Uluru, who was stroking the horse's mane, turned to look at us.


"I'm not used to traveling, so I wonder if I'm tired."

"No, it's not a problem at all! In fact, I've never been on a trip like this before, so I'm a little excited."

"I understand that feeling very well."

"That's right!"


Mr./Ms. smiles brightly at Uluru.

When I embarked on a letter-giving trip, I was nervous, but I think I was just as excited.


"And I thought I was too overprotective of my brother."

"Isn't it good to be family-oriented?"

「…… It's just here."


What what? Suddenly, Uluru Mr./Ms. has hidden her voice.

There was no one around, but Nea and I approached her and tried to talk to her.


"The same healing wizard who came to the rescue during the last war, Mr./Ms. Sharn, right?"

"Yes? I remember it."


Gerna and Kate's Mr./Ms., and Sharn Mr./Ms..

He is one of the three healing wizards who came to his rescue from various countries.

What did he do?


"He and his brother seem to be in correspondence."

「…… I see. Is that what you mean?"

"That's what it'...... all about!"

"Does it feel good......!?"

"It's a good feeling......!!"


Demonstrating his natural sense of intuition, he nodded at Mr./Ms.'s words.

For some reason, Nea is glaring at me with jittery eyes.


"Why is this person so good to everyone except me......?"

"Huh, nea, the inglorious title of insensitivity. I'm going to give it back here and now."

"It's impossible because we're united on a soul level."


...... enough to say that?

Are insensitivity and I two sides of the same coin......?


"Lord Usato, I have seen those sent from Nirvarna."

"Huh...... It looks like we've arrived."

"Then let's meet face-to-face."


Mr./Ms.'s voice was looking around.

In response to the voice, we greeted the arrivals from Nirvarna.

There were about seven of us, which is not much different from us.


"Uh, uh, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."


The person who got off the horse that was walking in the lead removed the travel hood he was wearing.


"Everyone in the Lingle Kingdom, Mr./Ms. I am Helena Ström, the leader of this group...... For the time being."


Helena Mr./Ms., the lieutenant of the Warrior Leader Hyde Mr./Ms. of the Nirvarna Warriors.

With slightly tired eyes and light purple hair, she smiles somewhat relieved when she looks at me.


"I just met you the other day, Usato-kun."

"Was it Helena Mr./Ms. that means the others are also ...... of the Warriors?"

"It's like that, yes, but...... Except for one person......"


Then, one of the people who had been dismounting behind Mr./Ms. came forward while removing her hood.

Underneath the hood is a beautiful woman with black hair tied into braids.

The woman, who looks about not much older than me, bows lightly while placing her hand on her chest.


"Nice to meet you, my name is Senri."

"I'm Usato, the deputy leader of the rescue team, thank you very much."


I also return the thanks.

I don't feel like the faces of Mr./Ms. Helena and the warriors behind her are pale.


"You're the rumored ...... Thank you very much."


Mr./Ms. Senri smiled and held out her hand to me.

I immediately knew that I was being asked to shake his hand, so I immediately complied.




"Pressure" on the wrist.

Feel the force of being thrown by a senior, and reflexively change the center of gravity.

Tilting his head, he looks up and meets Senri's eyes with Mr./Ms., who is looking at him in surprise.


"Help...... He's very strong."

"That's the line."


This guy is very strong.

As expected, he is a warrior of Nirvarna.

Moreover, this exchange is familiar.





But what is it?

What is this kind of chill?

Mr./Ms. Senri in front of me must be smiling cheerfully, but my intuition whispers that it is dangerous.


"Hey, excuse me, Usato-kun."

"Oh, yes."

"Excuse me! I'll be ready right away!!"


Helen Mr./Ms.a grabbed Mr./Ms. by the shoulders and pulled me away from her.

As she was distracted, Mr./Ms. Helena made a panicked voice.


"Hey, are you doing Senri-sama!?"


…… Appearance?

Helena immediately seems to be stunned and speaks to Senri Mr./Ms. in a low voice Mr./Ms. but ...... Didn't you say that this person is indeed sama now?

Maybe he's a great guy?


「…… Kare, Sugoku, Tsuyoi"

"You're almost forgetting the language!? No good!? It's no good! Didn't you promise!! Marriage duels are prohibited! No fighting!?"

"You mean it's okay if it's legal?"

"There's nothing legal about fighting, right?!"


It's kind of a mess.

No, it's a discussion.

Well, it seems that we could have joined them for the time being, and while Nirvarna is preparing to leave, let's get ready as well.


"It's kind of weird again, it's amazing."

"It always seems to be lively and fun near Usato-kun."

"I'm honestly scared that you think so."


Behind them, Nea and Uluru Mr./Ms. are whispering something, but they don't care and go with Alc Mr./Ms. and the others to prepare for the departure of the horse and Bulllin.

It's a long way to the city.

There is also the worry of being attacked by monsters, so let's keep our guard up and keep going.



After all, when the people of Nirvarna saw me riding on the back of a burlin, they were surprised.

Well, that's where the warriors of Nirvarna come in.

Since we fought on the same battlefield together, we quickly got used to it...... I didn't expect Senri Mr./Ms. .......


"It's amazing that you use a blue grizzly as a demon!"


"What, buddy? Don't have a familiar? Then it's the same as me!'


"I'm staying at home on this expedition, but I'm also friends with a tiger demon named Rouga the Arrow Tiger!"


"We're surprisingly similar!"


I was surprised that he showed a lot of interest.

He had a lot of momentum and had a somewhat withdrawn conversation, but he didn't seem to be a bad person.

Interacting with Senri Mr./Ms. and the warrior Mr./Ms.s of Nirvarna, he made his way to the Demon Lord's Domain, but the path was much more solid than when he had come before.

There was always the risk of being attacked by monsters, but I still felt that I was proceeding with a lot of leeway, unlike when I was on a road without a path.


"There is no sign of a demon, is there?"


As the sun sets and the surroundings become darker, they set out for camp and return to the city early in the morning.

In the meantime, they take turns keeping watch to prevent the monsters from attacking them...... Right now, the five of us, including myself, are in the process of being on high alert.



"Hahaha, wake up properly when the monster comes, okay?"


At my feet, Bulllin sat and napped, and I stroked his head as I looked out into the moonlit forest.


"It looks like Mr./Ms. Uluru was tired from an unfamiliar journey."


You'll be dealing with demons in the city, so you'll have to keep an eye on Mr./Ms. when you do.

It's up to Mr./Ms. Olga, and it's too late for something to happen.



"Mr./Ms. Usato"

"Senri Mr./Ms.?"


Mr./Ms. Senri comes from the direction where they are camping.


"I'm a little tired of escaping the annoying surveillance......


"Uh-huh! It's nothing!"


I felt like I was muttering something in a low voice, but I laughed and was fooled.


"You must be tired from the journey from Nirvarna, and you might as well rest."

"I don't train so softly that I'm tired at this level."

「…… I see. I have a point."


As expected, he is from Nirvarna.

Convincing ......!


"Speaking of which, the other day I had the opportunity to meet with Harold and Ouka-sama from the Nirvarna Kingdom, and at that time, I tried my strength when shaking hands with Ouka-sama...... That's what I was doing."

「…… Oh, really?"

"Is it something that is popular in Nirvarna?"


Speaking of which, I asked Mr./Ms. Senri what came to mind.

When I went to Mialak, I shook hands with Ouka-sama and was forced to hold my strength.

Senri had done something similar, so I wondered if there was such a greeting in Nirvarna.


"No, it's a coincidence, but that's it...... How did you react when Ouka-sama tested your strength?"

"I felt like I was being recognized, even though it was a lot of fear for me."



Lucas is the same, but from my point of view, it is a scary story to be recognized by the royal family of another country.

Mr./Ms. Senri seems to be interested, so let's talk about Nirvarna as a seed for a conversation.


"But at that time, I was surprised to be introduced to Ouka-sama's sister."

"Did you take it?"


"Did you take it?"


It's dark and I'm not sure, but I tilt my head at her as she lowers her voice a little.

I don't know what it is, but I don't have any reason to lie, so let's be honest.


"No, I refused because of my position and circumstances......"


"Senri Mr./Ms.?"

"Oh, no, I was a little dazed."


Will it be okay?

He seemed to be looking down at an angle.

…… Do you want to change the subject for a moment?


"Why is Senri Mr./Ms. in the Demon Lord's Domain?"


Since it is a sudden part of the process, I think there is some kind of purpose and hope .......

In response to my question, Mr./Ms. Senri looked a little worried.


"That's right, to find people."

"Do you know anyone in the Demon Tribe?"

"Hehe, no, that's not the case."


But the person I want to meet .......

Doesn't heading to the Demon Lord's Territory mean meeting the Demon Clan?


"I only know their names."

"Who are you? If you tell me, I might be able to ask someone I know from the Demon Clan to look for you."


If Koga or Mr./Ms. Amira don't know, you can ask the Demon Lord.

…… No, is it really a bad idea to ask the Demon Lord?

As I twist my neck, Senri Mr./Ms. seems to tell me the name.


"It's Koga."

"Oh, that's my friend."



Is it elementary? Mr./Ms. Senri, who was surprised by the slightly brave tone, immediately gave a stunned expression.

I didn't expect that the demon tribe I was looking for was Koga.......


"Strong people are attracted to each other......!? In other words, this encounter ...... fate! Wow ......!?"

「? Are you okay?"

"Da, Daijobe ......"


Taking a deep breath and regaining her composure, Mr./Ms. Senri rests her back against the tree behind her


"But it's surprising, I didn't expect it to be Koga."

"U, does Mr./Ms. know him well?"

"Yes, when we were in the war, we had a lot of opportunities to fight."


No, I've fought him so many times.

Starting with Hinomoto, the next is the war, the ruins, and the Verhazar where we are going.

Every time we fought, I had to go through a lot of tedious evolution and the guy who imitated my moves.


"Are you strong?"

"It's strong. At one point, I was really killed."


The reason why I have been able to win and dominate so far is not because of my own strength, but because of the support of my teammates.

I think he's such a formidable opponent that I don't know if he can win alone. Of course, I'm not going to lose.


"But how did you find out about him? I don't mean to be bad, but Koga is a guy who only thinks about basic battles, so I can't find a connection with him. …… Maybe it's revenge ......."

"No, it's not, it's just that I had a chance to know your name from here...... Well, the reason why I want to meet you is because you are strong."

「…… I see."


It would be strange if people from the Kingdom of Lingle or Samarian would say this, but if Senri Mr./Ms., a citizen of Nirvarna, said it, it would be convincing.


"So, will I introduce you?"

"Are you sure......!?"

"Yes, Koga is a bit of a mess, but he's also serious in a weird way."


I wouldn't say this in front of him.

But Koga can't be in the corner either.

I can't believe that such a beautiful woman knows her name.


"I'm glad I went on a trip...... The first choice and the second choice, uh, uh...... Better yet, here and now, ......."


…… I don't know why, but I feel like I'm forgetting something important.

But it doesn't immediately come to mind.

Was there anything so alarming about Nirvarna?

Well, I guess it's my fault.


"Usato Mr./Ms.!!!"

"Huh, yes? What's happening? The monsters are getting closer, and if you make such a loud noise, ...... will do."

"I'm going to ——— you right here and now."



Just as she was about to say something, Mr./Ms.'s panicked voice was heard from the camp.

Mr./Ms. Senri has a somewhat evil look on his face.


「…… C'mon, did you get caught ......!"

"You're done!! It's not like there was a gap or a gap! Mr./Ms. Usato, didn't you do something to this person!?"

"No? I was just talking......


What does it mean to do something?

I don't look like someone who would do such a dangerous thing......


"Then it's okay! Come on, let's get back to the tent as soon as possible!!"

"Shh...... Mr./Ms. Usato, thank you for your introduction!"


He nods to Senri as Helena Mr./Ms. dragged him back towards Mr./Ms. tent.

Once again, the place fell silent.

I don't know what to do, so I crouch down on the spot and stroke the head of Bulllin, who has just woken up with a loud voice.


"Hey, Bulllin."


"What is Nirvarna......


I know it's a country where power matters.

However, I feel that there are too many other mysterious parts.


Usato throws a landmine at Koga without realizing it after stepping on it.

From the next time, the Demon Lord's Territory arc of the Screaming Monkey will begin.


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