The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 14 Ch. 8 Table of contents

Spend the night in the Demon Lord's Territory, depart at sunrise, and head to the Demon King City of Verhazar.

The journey went smoothly without encountering any monsters, perhaps due to the presence of Burlin, and I was able to reach the place where I could see Verhazar much earlier than when I first arrived.


"Isn't there a castle that big?"

"Yes, it's gone. The labyrinthine of buildings is gone, and there are ordinary buildings, and it's a lot different from before."


The first time I came, it was a place that was immediately fortified, but this time it seems that I will be visiting a city where the demon tribe lives.

There are no large castles anywhere, but houses the size of houses.

I think it's very devilish to quickly eliminate unnecessary things and prioritize the houses where people live.


"Usato-kun was participating in the battle against the Demon Lord."


I nodded to Mr./Ms. Helena, who called out to me from the horse.


"It seems like a distant memory now, because the last battle was a deadly battle for both us and the Demon King."

"The final battle against the Demon King by infiltrating the city with only a few people, it is easy to put into words, but I can imagine that it was a very difficult battle."


It was difficult, but I overcame it and that's why I am where I am today.

At least he doesn't think it's a mistake that he chose not to kill the Demon King on the spot.


"That's why he's supposed to be scared by the demons."

"Hey, Nea."

"It's not true, and you better explain it now, okay?"


…… That's true.

It's true that I'm scared by the demons.

At Nea's words, everyone's eyes are on them, but the Ringle Kingdom group, including Mr./Ms. Aluk, has a guessing look.


"What does it mean to be scared?"

"I did it in the last battle, and it seems that some demon tribes have recognized me as a demon."

"Is it because you're devilishly strong?"

"No, look-wise."



Mr./Ms. tilted her head curiously.


"So, the purpose of this expedition is to clear up misunderstandings among the demon Mr./Ms. and deepen their friendship, and for that purpose, I asked Uluru Mr./Ms. to follow me."

"I'll support you because you ...... relied on me!"


Uluru Mr./Ms. seems to be motivated.

This time, I'm going to dispel my suspicion of the devil.

In the meantime, you arrive at the entrance of Velhazar.

The outer gate is guarded by a demon soldier who seems to be a guard Mr./Ms., and as soon as he notices us, he comes to the door.

In terms of position, I am the representative of this group, so I get off the bulllyn and step in front of the soldiers.


"He was sent from the Kingdom of Lingle and the Kingdom of Nirvarna."

「…… I'm listening. First of all, I had an audience with the Demon King...... Huh!?"


The soldier Mr./Ms. looked at me with a surprised expression.

Could it be someone you encountered on the battlefield? I don't remember who I was when I was ...... enemy.


"Riri, Riri, after the Ringle Kingdom, a healing wizard...... ......!?"


"No, I'm going to call you right now!!"


The soldier Mr./Ms., whose face turned very pale, let us through.

I knew, but this is a lot.

With his mouth twitching, he turned to Alc Mr./Ms..


"This is what it is."

"We used to be enemies, and it's inevitable that there will be conflicts in our relationship. What's important to Lord Usato, isn't it?"

"Yes, exactly."


Mr./Ms. Alc is right.

When he regained his composure and entered the city, he saw that the buildings were lined up in an orderly manner than he had seen outside, and the demon tribe was living there in the same way as the people of the Lingle Kingdom.


"It's a city inhabited by demons, and if you look at it this way, it's no different from us. Mr./Ms. Usato."

"That's right."

"We, hehehe."



Wondering about Senri Mr./Ms., who is writhing in some way, she waits for someone to guide her to come now.

As we do so, the people who live in the city begin to show interest in us, perhaps because we are unusual.

They seem to be very wary, but some of them send curious glances.



「…… Bulllyn, you can rest in a minute, so don't sleep here, okay?"


In such a situation, he smiles wryly at Bulllin, who seems to be absent.

For the time being, as he strokes Bulllin's back so that he doesn't fall asleep, he finds the demon children in the city showing interest in him.


"It's a blue grizzly......

"I wonder if it's a familiar."

"It's completely different from what I know......


Heh, it was the right decision to bring Bulllin after all.


"Oh, it's a demon summoner......

"Is that ......?!"

"I know I shouldn't be scared, but I ...... the fear engraved in my body."


On the other hand, the soldiers who were at the scene of the last battle Mr./Ms. looked at us with blue faces.

When Nea saw this, she patted my cheek with her eyes.


"Usato, look at reality."



I didn't know that the evils of Devil Mode would come here ......!

As expected, there was a risk in summoning Bulllyn from the shadows with a ......!


"For now, let's wait for the guide."

"In the meantime, shall we have the horses and Bulllin taken to the stables?"



I nodded at Mr./Ms.'s words and was about to tell him where the stables were, when something suddenly appeared in my field of vision.

Something like a black shadow floating in the sky.

Sensing that it was approaching me in a straight line, I looked up while making a magic bullet in my palm.


"Uluru Mr./Ms. Senri Mr./Ms. please step down."

"What's wrong?"



It's funny, even though there are no seniors here, for some reason I heard a crush.

Both Mr./Ms. Arc and Helena Mr./Ms. notice an approach from the sky and show their vigilance.


「…… Hmm?"


No, wait, that black shadow...... ...... look familiar.

It's like a black robe that flies in the sky as if it has a will...... No, maybe it's a cloak?

If that's the case, that's .......


"Mr./Ms. Alc, you don't have to attack!"

"Do you know what it is?"



While holding Mr./Ms. and the others by the hand, he looks up at the cloak that is swooping down on him.

Rather than attacking, the cloak that approached me as if it was jumping in vigorously covered me.



"Usato-kun was eaten by his cloak!?"


My vision darkened for a moment, and then it quickly brightened, and I saw a cloak attached to my shoulders like a magnet.

The long black cloak from the neck to the feet was fluttering even though the wind was not blowing, and it completely covered my uniform.


「…… After all, it's a cloak of dark magic."

"Pooh! Oh, I was surprised!"


Nea looks out of her cloak in surprise.


"Usato, this is Kira's dark magic, isn't it? I wonder why it'...... here."

"No, I don't know, maybe something happened to him——— huh!?"


The feeling of floating as if the whole body is lifted into the air.

When I realized that my body had soared high into the sky, I could see Mr./Ms. and the others looking up at me with a look of surprise below.


"What's that!?"


"Are humans flying creatures?!"


When I looked around them, all the demon tribe members were looking up at me in surprise.

In addition, the faces of the soldiers Mr./Ms. are bluer, so there is a bit of a commotion.


"I mean, where are you going to fly!?"


The cloak changes direction and accelerates toward the center of the city.

Sensing that I would be taken somewhere, I called out to Mr./Ms. Alc on the ground.


"Mr./Ms. Alc! Probably, I don't have to worry about it, so thank you for the rest!!"



Fly through the air and move away from them.

Not very fast, but a cloak that flies as if drawn to something.


『…… Well, Lord Usato asked me to follow him......

"Let's panic more, Alc-kun!?"

"Kurumia, don't panic, don't worry, Lord Usato."

"Do you already have another level of trust!?"


Below you can see the houses of the city and the people who live there.

Instead of being a soldier like before, he thinks about what to do while watching the lives of the demon people.


"You're taking me to Keira, aren't you?"

"I don't think it's Keira's intention, is it?"

"I guess so...... Hmm?"


You can see a flying dragon coming in the direction of travel.

When I saw the two demon women on their backs, I unfolded the gauntlet in my right arm.


"Healing Magic Bursting Palm!"


It releases a shockwave forward as if applying reverse thrust, slows down around the side of the flying dragon, hooks his hand on the saddle of the flying dragon, and jumps in front of the person controlling the flying dragon.





- I was almost screamed in a fierce way that I couldn't believe she was a woman.

First of all, he clings to the body of the flying dragon with one arm to avoid being thrown off by it.


"Gah Gwah

"I'm sorry, I'll get off soon. Be quiet."


He strokes his neck like he does to Brulin and looks at the woman holding the reins of the flying dragon.


"Oh, from the sky, ah, ah, the devil!?"

"Um, Mr./Ms. Nono? Isn't it?"

"Do you even remember your name!?"


One of the people on board was Mr./Ms. Nono, a person I met at the ruins.

I did something wrong the other day and I want to apologize...... First of all, the person sitting in the back.


"It's been a long time! Mr./Ms. Hannah!!"

"Oh, why can't you make a normal appearance!? Or rather, why are you flying!?"

"Could it be that you were the one who guided me!?"

"Oh, yes! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


If I were flying, it would be natural to be confused.

…… The cloak is also pulling me to assert itself, so I have to be brief here.


"I don't have time, so I'll explain it briefly! Now, due to various circumstances, I have decided to fly in the sky and leave the squad! The squad is still near the gate, so please guide them!!"

"I don't understand the circumstances of that!? So why are you flying!?"

"Well, thank you very much!!"

"Listen to me!? What's that, Nono!? Why are you grabbing me!? No no!? I was upset earlier! It's like the aya of words! Wow!?"


He lets go of the hand that clings to the flying dragon and flies through the air as he is pulled by the cloak again.

While being pointed at by a passerby in the city, he suddenly notices that the trajectory is heading downward.


"Usato, look at the earth!"

"Hmm!? Ahh


When he looks at the ground as Nea tells him, he finds two figures in an open area that looks like a training ground.

One is Koga, and the other petite, silver-haired girl is ——— Kira.


"Well, when I was training, my magic flew away somewhere, what does that mean!? Even if I try to do it, it won't come back at all!

"Oh my gosh, I don't know why. Why don't you come back in a minute?'

『…… Now, I want to get rid of the past when I tried to teach you dark magic."

"Oh, you've completely lost respect and trust...... Hmm? …… Huh!?'


His eyes meet Koga's when he notices a sign of approaching.

He involuntarily looks twice, and at the same time Keira looks up, and at the same time, he finally lands on the ground with a reverse thrust with his healing magic bursting palm.


"Whew...... Successful landing"

"It was a crazy city tour."


Hearing Koga's stunned muttering, I stood up and the cloak on my shoulders shifted to Kira, who was still stunned.


"No, why are you here?"

"Keira's magic brought me here...... It seems to have started on its own."


At that point, she seemed to be able to swallow the situation, and Keira, who had a joyful expression in an instant from a look of dismay, rushed towards her with all her might.


"Mr./Ms. Usato! It's been a long time!!"



- Catch Keira who jumps in with all her might.

As he flies into the air, he comes face to face with Keira, who looks happy as he catches it softly.


"It's been a long time, how are you?"

"Yes! - She was a good girl! …… Oh, I'm sorry! My magic ...... again."

"I don't care, I know that's what dark magic is all about."


Did he really want to see me?

Dark magic doesn't seem to have a bad effect on Kira, and it's rather funny.


"Why are you here!?"

"Huh? Didn't you hear from Koga? I was chosen as one of the contingent of the Ringle Kingdom this time."

"......, I haven't heard of it."


Kira turns around and glares at Koga with half an eye.

When he receives his gaze, he crosses his arms, smiling teasingly.


"No, I thought I'd surprise you.

"I hate Mr./Ms. Koga."

"Oh, oh, ......."


Koga is soberly shocked.

I smiled wryly at him, who didn't look at me very often, and put my hand on his shoulder.


"Huh, don't worry, Koga."

"What is it?"

"Spring may come for you, too."

「…… I've got a tremendous chill right now, is that what I'm feeling?"


I'm going to introduce you to Senri Mr./Ms. today......!

…… It's not surprising that I've come to this place.


"I've strayed from Mr./Ms. and the others, but either way, I'm going to have an audience with the Demon King, so I guess I should join you there. Nea"


He talks to Nea on his shoulder.


"Yes...... Well, I'm sure the Demon King would be laughing merrily by now."

「…… Well, yes."


I'm sure he's smiling with joy knowing my current situation.

Kira isn't bad, and it doesn't hurt or itch at all, but I get annoyed when the demon lord laughs at me.


"Koga, you may be busy, but can you tell me where the Demon Lord is?"

"Oh, it's okay, I'm free."


Aren't you busy?

He's a former legion commander, right? With a slight doubt, we moved from the spot.


Horror! ...... a healing wizard who flies in the sky!


Usato soars in the sky with the help of Kira's magic.

For Hannah and Nono, it was a serious and potentially traumatic relapse.

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