The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 15 Ch. 30 Table of contents

I wonder if the demon race is only weird people.

I have been reminded of this many times since entering the Demon Lord's Domain.

Mr./Ms. Vina is by far the weirdest person, but this rare person is also quite a demon.


"I don't know why this happened."

"What! I'm not doing anything!!"


I didn't fight together, but I decided to allow Rare to accompany me.

Of course, I don't trust him, and I have a firm set of conditions for accompanying him.

Currently, it is a temporary truce, so while avoiding the skeletons, they are following the path that would have been chased back by the skeletons ——— the passage of the hall.


"As soon as you are more than a certain distance away from me, I will consider you an enemy."

"Ugh, ugh."

"Even if you use your magic, I can see it, and we run and fly faster than you, so it's useless to run away."

"Why is this guy faster than a demon who can fly......


Whew, it's easy with Kira and Rune's jet form.


"Mr./Ms. Hannah, be ready to cast phantom magic at any time."

"I'm getting used to the situation because it's so messed up......


Mr./Ms.'s voice on the back has a sense of resignation, but to be honest, I'm also tired of it.

I want to get out of this labyrinth as soon as possible.


"In the end, the twin dark wizards couldn't move and I had to carry them......

"It's hard to move because your sister Mr./Ms. is hugging you tightly."


My sister's dark wizard, who was out of control, must have stopped moving while holding my sister Mr./Ms., but I ended up carrying it again.

As expected, he carries it separately from Hannah's Mr./Ms....... Or rather, isn't it just that Hannah Mr./Ms. should go down?


"Oh, yes, I'll give you this for now."



Suddenly, he remembers and gives a healing magic bullet to Rare who is beside him.


"It won't explode, will it?"

"What are you talking about? There's no way the healing magic is going to explode."

"Owl, I'm scared !? this guy."

"yes, it's certainly terrifying. With a blank faceSole・・Or about passing it on."


Mr./Ms. has a twitchy smile in another way.

From her point of view, she knows the species and should be able to pull it.


"Naruka, Beth."


Mr./Ms. reacts to Owl Mr./Ms.'s voice and turns her magic into white smoke, obscuring our direction and surroundings with smoke.

Next, Mr./Ms. threw a translucent white magic bullet around her, making a squeaking sound.





Then, the skeleton turns its body in the direction of the sound and heads in the direction of the sound without even looking at us.


"Mr./Ms. is a fool, isn't she?"

"Huh? What's that?"

"With the combined magic of these gorilla colleagues, we could easily deal with skeletons, because they are drawn to sound and faint vision."


I also noticed during the battle that the skeleton was drawn to the sound.

But that doesn't mean I'm blind, and I try to prioritize things that move visually, so I guess I can see more or less.

But that's only something that Mr./Ms.'s colleagues can handle without difficulty.




Still, there are some individuals who did not fall for the sound and blindness.

He silently approaches the skeleton that appeared in front of him through the smoke, grabs his arm and throws it backwards.


"Healing Explosive Bullet"


A healing explosive bullet attached to the skeleton thrown into the air explodes, and bang! It makes a loud sound.

Attracted by the sound, the skeletons gather again and move away from us.


"What the hell are you seeing, kid......

"Let's move on."


It's like the natural enemies of the magic that Rare uses, I guess.

It's no wonder she's scared of me, who can see more than just sight with my magical senses.


"People started to look down on humans and think of us as just dolls."

「…… Uh-huh......"


Arowl's Mr./Ms. makes a frustrated face.

Seeing this, I take a deep breath to calm down once more.

This demon used the bodies of Mr./Ms..

It's a fact that I can't tolerate, and I shouldn't let it go so easily——— but let's not get caught up in our personal feelings for now and be calm.


"How many demons are there here, besides you?"

「…… It's just Kayla."

"Mr./Ms. Owl."

"It's true, at least not as far as I'm aware."


Is it that violent-looking devil?

I'm sure he's got a lot of grudges against him, so I'm going to be attacked as soon as I get close .......


"What kind of magic does he use?" If you're acting with me, you should know at least some of my abilities, if not knowing, right?"

「…… Well, I don't know about magic itself. Maybe Kayla's magic...... I think it's a magic that confuses the opponent."

"Confused opponents?"

"I've only seen him use it on humans once, and it seemed like a bewitched human would lose his mind and go on a rampage and be unable to move his body."

「…… Is it like phantom magic?"


At the sound of my voice, she shook her head, frightened.

…… No, magic is something that can be done in the first place.

Rare is just a confused, and there is a possibility that it is some kind of magic that affects the psyche or inhibits the movement of the body.

As I was thinking about it, Mr./Ms., who was still in the box on my back, climbed up from my back with her hand on my left shoulder.


"I see, but that means no magic to you, Usato-kun. It's funny because it's like a natural enemy of the devil."

"Mr./Ms. Hannah, can you get off my back now?"

"Huh? It's disgusting. Are you telling me to die?"


Why am I being blamed?

To be honest, I can rest assured that I don't have to worry about deviating from my current state......


"Mr./Ms., did that Kayla go first? Leave your fellow women behind."

"Oh, yes, I guess he abandoned me and went to take in the power of the Demon Lord. By the way, aren't you trying to kill that brave little girl too?"

「…… Do you mean Shea?"



I glared at her, and she let out another pitiful scream.

Rune, who is in the form of a lion cub on my right shoulder, also begins to threaten.


"What! Are you looking for that brave Modoki?! Well, it's no use asking! Because his existence was unexpected even for us, and I didn't want to go to someone who could destroy demons! So stop staring at me anymore, I'm scared!!"

「…… Huh. Rune, this devil doesn't seem to know anything."



But from the way he spoke, did Shea already move on?

I'm also worried about Kayla, and maybe I should head to the Demon Lord's power as soon as possible.



"Yes? What is it, Mr./Ms. Hannah?"

"Speaking of which, I was curious, but when you entered this ruin, you were attacked by demonic magic, right? He's so powerful that I'm going to be affected by him."

「…… yes."


I understand what Mr./Ms. Hannah is trying to say.

To be honest, I was worried about that.


"The devil there, you said Rarly, didn't you?"


"A trap using demonic magic that I set up in front of this ruin, are you the one who set it?"

「…… Huh?"


Rare rolls her eyes.

Judging by this reaction, it seemed that it was water in her ears as well.


「…… Demonic magic? What's that. Neither Kayla nor I set such a trap, ......?"


"It's not a lie! So what?! That the devil other than us tried to trap us!?"

"That's what happens if your acting isn't acting."


If this isn't acting, what is?

Either the people who lived in the ruins created a trap that only reacted to humans, or another demon set it after the reals entered.

There are many possibilities, but .......


"There may be a third force...... I mean. It's troublesome."


I really want you to think about the new enemy here.


「…… But it seems that the labyrinth of this dangerous ruin is coming to an end."


Now, the wind blew a little.

What it means is that there is a place that is connected to the outside.

Before you know it, you can see the light at the end of the wide passage.


"Is it the exit?"


The water in the channel that flows at the end of the passage also flows there.

I went out to the side where there was light, while being cautious for the time being...... The light of the sun, separate from the light of the underground space, fell on my field of vision.


「…… Ruins again?"


Pure white ruins made of stone pillars and stone walls.

The familiar rays of the sun shine brightly through the broken roof overhead, and the glare is almost dazzling.


"Outside? No, we should have gone underground all ...... way."

"No, it's true that this is on the ground, and perhaps this is a place where the ground is lower than where the ruins were?"


I was stunned by Mr./Ms.'s point.

Isn't that strange?

This place is much lower than the place where the ruins were first entered.


"But what can I say...... It looks like a shrine or some kind of shrine."

"Keira, do you recognize these ruins?"

"There are some similar ones in the Demon Lord's Realm, but they are fundamentally completely different."


The ceiling is quite high.

As Kira said, it's like a cathedral.


"I can't even see the skeletons, because they're gone before I know it...... Raari-san, are you here?"


"Mr./Ms. Raari?"


Mr./Ms. tilts her head at Raeli, who doesn't respond.

I looked at her, and for some reason, she fixed her gaze on one point, as if she was frightened.


"I can feel the power of the Demon King in the future."

"You mean you weren't on the wrong path, so let's get ...... way."


I'm curious to see how Rare reacts, but first I have to check the Demon Lord's power.

The fact that it's still here doesn't seem to be in the hands of the devil yet.

As I walked through a place that looked like a cathedral based on white, and walked through a door that became an atrium and was full of rubble——— I remember it so well that I could recognize itpressureAtsuFeel it.




And the scene that I saw ahead.

A sphere of black power floating in the air, and two figures right next to it.

Kayla, a short-haired demon who gives the impression of being rough.

and Sia, a dark-haired girl dressed as a man. She is encased in what looks like a translucent sphere that emits light, and sleeps in it as if holding her knees.




Noticing Shea's appearance, Rune calls her name strongly as she reverts to her humanoid form.

Are you trapped? Or is it simply not being heard? What's happening to Shea now......


"This time, it's you."


He is wary of Kayla, who turns around to him in a slow motion.

What? Something is different from the last time I encountered it.


"Healing Wizard, you showed up at just the right time."

「…… What do you mean?"

"I thought I was going to kill Teme......! In this farce, Temeje is the only one who genuinely mocked me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


…… I don't know what you're talking about.

It doesn't feel good to be told that it's just right to be killed, and it's ———、 in the first place.


"I'm the same person who is mad at you for doing whatever you want."



He brushes up his bangs and glares at Kayla.

If you think I'm going to be scared by the horror, you're wrong.


"What did you do to Shea?"

"I don't know. Ever since I came here, this guy has beenThis way・・It was becoming. Otherwise, I'm going to kill you by now."



If so, does that mean that Kayla didn't do anything to her now?


"......, Shea already has one of the Demon Lord's powers."


Could it be that the power of the Demon King resonated with the other sole in the here and now...... and became what it is now?


"I don't like it."


"Ahh......hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't like those eyes. When you look at me, you're not scared at all, those eyes!!"


…… The situation is strange.

He seems to be mentally ill, his emotions fluctuate wildly, and his tone is becoming strange.


"I hate it!! I hate hate hate it!! We are the devils who rule over humans! Thrown into such a world in such lukewarm water! - At the end of the day, she is torn by fear by a human who is not even a devil! Don't joke, don't joke, don't joke!! Lower creatures!! Fight, ugly fight! Suspicion, deception, betrayal, and foul-mouthed abuse! You are supposed to be such a strange creature! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Don't talk to me!! I don't have any use for Teme!!"


She looks in the direction where Kayla screams, but there is only Shea wrapped in a floating sphere.

As expected of Kayla's too strange appearance, Rare is also stunned with her hand over her mouth.


「…… Did he go crazy ......? He used to be a funny guy, but now he's really not normal......


Is anyone by Shea's side?

Even if you casually activate the healing sense, there is no one there.

There is no appearance of hiding by magic like Rare does, nor is anyone invisible.


"I'll do it...... Even if Temeje doesn't tell me, I'm going to kill that bastard ......!"


Whew! Kayla has a fragment of the Demon Lord's power!

He instantly unleashed a healing fist that hit Kayla's torso as she tried to bring the black magical sore to her mouth.


"Hah, ha, ha, ha."



Even as he was blown away by the healing fist and slammed to the ground, Kayla kept an eerie smile on her face and didn't let go of the Demon Lord's power from her hands.

On the contrary, in an unnatural position, he tries to put the power of the Demon King in his mouth.


「! Kayla, stop!! It's suicidal to take in the power of the Demon King! No matter how immortal the devil is, it's impossible!?"


Ignoring Raeli's restraint, Kayla tossed a fragment of the Demon Lord's power into her mouth and swallowed it down.

The change was immediate.

Boom!! Kayla's body trembles greatly and convulses as it is.


「…… Ahhhhh But, haaaaa! Aaaaaaa!?"

"Kayla's body is swollen ......."


Something swells up from the inside of his body and contracts repeatedly.

Is the power of the Demon King rampant?

Gradually the color of Kayla's hair changed to silver while convulsing her body greatly, and her horns were twisted and enlarged.

Her body has become one size larger and her blood vessels are rising, and Kayla, who has undergone a major transformation compared to before, raises her body as if jumping up, growls like a beast and glares at me.




It doesn't look like there's any reason for it.

He seems to be thoroughly hostile to me.


"It's good, it's good, it's good, it's good!!


"It's a great voice......


A voice that makes the air tremble.

When I raised my fist to the magic-enriched thing——— all the owl Mr./Ms. beside me fell to the ground all at once.


"Mr./Ms. Owl!?"

"I'm sorry Usato-kun, but it seems that we can't move due to the influence of Kaira's magical power......!!"


His facial expressions are moving, but his body remains motionless as he lies face down on the ground.

What if the Mr./Ms. Owl is made incapable of disobeying the orders of the devil...... Does it mean that something has happened to Mr./Ms.'s body due to the influence of the runaway Kayla?


"Reali! I gave orders to the Mr./Ms. and left here...... Isn't it?!?"


Rare who should have been right next to him is missing.

When I look around, I see that it is hidden in the shadow of the door we entered!

He abandoned me without any hesitation!


It was Leari who immediately escaped, and Kayla who began to remodel her body with the power of the Demon King.


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