The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 15 Ch. 31 Table of contents

Mr./Ms. and the others were stuck, and Rare escaped.

Although he has not disappeared, it is true that he was the only one who went to a safe place...... However, the other party is a demon who doesn't even trust his friends, so it's useless to blame him.

Now it's more than that.


"ぢYuba Hozuka!!"

"You don't have to scream to know it!!"


I ...... have to deal with Kayla, who has become a little bigger!

Kayla, who has become a formidable figure that is far from her original muscular appearance, wields vigorously while exuding magic power from her arms.

The magic power is amazing, but the movement is lousy!


"The skills I learned from Mr./Ms. Owl!!"


Identify your opponent's moves and match their magic to their attacks!

He parries attacks in a circular motion with his bouncy palm and repels them with a shockwave.


"Healing Sink!"


Now your pockets are free!

The gauntlet in the right hand is systematically strengthened, and the left hand is degraded.

He dodges Kayla's outstretched palm with a step, first slamming his left fist into his abdomen.



"Nuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MandatoryHsi-hsienmysteryfolding fan!!」


The magic of system degradation was driven in as a wedge!

Then, then, release the bottom of the palm of your right fist so that it overlaps with the magic power of system strengthening!


"Healing and System Blasting Fist!!"


A powerful impact that overlaps with the instant blow is triggered, and Kayla's body flies backwards like a ball.

He checks the figure of the guy who slammed into the wall with the impact of the impact, and brushes off the remnants of magic that rises from his palm.


"Healing Sink...... Master!!"

"Well, that's ...... my junior."

"I'll take you to a safe place right now, Keira."



Before he can stand up, he carries the Mr./Ms. wrapped in a cloak to the wall and lowers them and the dark wizard sisters on their backs to the floor.


"No, I don't think this Zama will be of any use."

"It's okay, leave it to us."

「…… It's reliable. He looks a lot like the captain in that way."


I'm honored to hear you say that.

…… The twin dark wizards are...... As usual, the older sister Mr./Ms. is hugging her sister Mr./Ms. tightly.

It seems to be restraining so that they cannot move rather than protecting......


"Mr./Ms. Hannah, please get off here."

"That's the opponent, isn't it...... I'm not sure if my magic will work, so I'm keeping quiet here. Please be careful."

「…… Yes."

"If Usato-kun is killed, there will be no one to protect me."


It's ruined.

Mr./Ms. smiles wryly at me.

While exchanging such exchanges, I left her and flew to the center of the hall once more in my cloak.


"Shea ......"

"Rune, he's going to be the first one right now."

「…… Yes. He tried to kill Shea. I can't forgive you."


I'm also worried about Shea, who is still surrounded by a sphere of light, but now I have to do something about Kayla.

As I slowly landed on the ground, Kayla, who had recovered from the healing system blast fist, emerged from the sand smoke and came in front of me.


"Is there any reason?"



His eyes are hollow, but he feels a strong sense of hostility.

Kayla, who was slim, has now changed into a muscular body that surpasses even the toughest, so it is quite intimidating.

I don't know what you're thinking, but let's talk to them first.


"Don't rely on the power of the Demon Lord, if you still have the will in you, you should give up that power now. Maybe it's not too late."


I can say this because I actually fought.

The power of the Demon King is not insignificant. It's not sarcasm or swearing, but in a pure sense, the power of the Demon King is a potion itself.

As far as I know, the only person who can handle it is the Demon King himself.





What came back was not a word, but a fist that was swung wide.

Judging from her fists, which show a lot of wind pressure, Kayla's physical abilities seem to have improved to an extraordinary degree, but her movements are still monotonous.


"But it's fast!"


Because it behaves with brute force, it moves quickly.

When I dodge an attack that at least wouldn't be able to be handled by a healing shot, Kayla runs forward as if to chase me down and unleashes an onslaught of fists.




The arm held in defense is repelled!

Maybe it's because he's forcibly strengthened with his magic power, but he may surpass Mr./Ms. Nagi in terms of arm strength.


"No way, did you strengthen your body to defeat me......?"


Forced ...... with overflowing magical power?

I can't do anything about it if even my will is broken because of that......!


"If you think you can win just by doping with magic, you're wrong!!"


With the magic power of the fist that is unleashed in a mess, he takes a step further while flowing.




First of all, one shot! Draw your fist while sticking a healing explosive bullet, then hit a second blow.

The third and fourth strikes alternate between degraded magic bullets and healing explosive bullets.


"Oh, oh!!"

"Explode, Healing Explosive Fist!!"


Kayla attacked me irresistibly.

But before he can do that, the first healing explosive shell he attaches detonates, blocking his movements.

Taking advantage of the gap, I wielded my right fist with a system enhancement and detonated a series of system degradation magic bullets.





They seem to be frightened by the explosion, but it doesn't seem to have much effect.

As I lean back, dodging my swinging arms, Rune on my shoulder speaks to me.


"Usato, I also came up with the idea when I saw your fight."


"It's like this."


Rune emitted a flame spell and ran her cloak and clothes to light a blue-black flame on my gauntlet.

This was no different from earlier, but Rune then manipulated his magic even more, concentrating the flames on the elbow of the gauntlet——— and performing an outburst of system enhancement...... Oh I see!!

Without hesitation, I stepped forward and plunged into Kayla.


"Okay, I understand!! Keep doing it, Rune!!"



Rune's dark magic flames burst due to the outburst of system enhancement, spewing flames like a burner from her elbows.

Although it was small, the acceleration was not as high as the healing acceleration fist, but the fist that was pushed out like a rocket combined with my power and plunged into Kayla's torso ———.


"——— !?."

"Not yet!"


He immediately pulls his arm and releases a back fist.

Boh!! With a sound, the dark magic flames that erupted from my forearm spurred out, and my arm super-accelerated as before, slamming another powerful attack into Kayla's body, blowing her huge body away.


"How's that, Usato? If I had to name it like you, it would be 'Kokuen Kasokuken'!"

"Whew, that's a good technique ......!"


It has a lot of momentum and is difficult to handle, but if you can use it, it is quite strong.

…… Hmm?


"Isn't it still big?"

"It certainly looks bigger than before."


Obviously, it's a little bigger than before.

As I hugged myself as if to push my body in, and gave a questioning glance to the struggling Kayla, he suddenly turned his head towards me and swung his fist around as if to scoop it up.




I stepped back and dodged ———! Wait, the reach is growing.



"Mr./Ms. Usato!?"


Unnaturally, Kayla's arm grew huge and hit my body.

I defended myself with a gauntlet and a cloak, but my body was blown away and I just flew through the air.

I unfolded my cloak while letting the impact escape to some extent, and I checked Kayla's body again.


"What's that?"

"It's not so much a demon as it is a monster......

"It's creepy."


Only my right arm, which would have attacked me, has grown to such length and thickness that it touches the ground unnaturally. Since her left arm was still in human form, Kayla was so monstrous that it could no longer be called normal.

He looked up at me as I flew through the air and growled, unfolding the wings that were originally on his back, transforming them into a stronger, sharper appearance, just like his own body.


"Are you going to fly?! No, it's a devil, so I ...... can fly!!"

"Let's attack immediately! If it goes out, it's going to be a big deal!!"



Just as we were about to lunge at him with her cloak tossed to stop Kayla from fly———ing, the upper wall behind us, which had entered this space from the underground ruins, suddenly caused an explosion.




"Oooooooh!! I'm finally in a bright spot!"

""Vice Captain!!""



Koga!? It was Koga and the others who came out of the exploded wall with a huge stream of water.

Amako, who was the first to find me with her precognitive magic, fell towards me while waving her hand.

My subordinates, Nea, and Burlin are all there, and I'm glad they're safe.


"Gaaaaaaa Guaaaa!!"



What came out after Koga and the others looked like a giant snake with a blue body...... No, is that a water dragon?! What's more, is it the boss of the water dragon pack we encountered? Why does that come out after Koga and the others!?

No, I have to save the amako who were thrown into the air before that!

He immediately heads upwards and entangles his subordinates with his cloak, except for Amako, Bullin, and Mr./Ms. Veena.

Koga and Mr./Ms. are fine at this height, and Veena Mr./Ms. can fly on her own because she is a demon in the first place.





Immediately after catching Amako and the others, the water dragon Nushi fell into the hall and attacked Kaira, who had taken in a fragment of the Demon Lord's power that was there.

Is it the Great Kaiju War......?



"Amako, I'm glad you're all safe! What about Nea!?"

"I'm here!"


Nea flutters overhead and tries to stay on my shoulder when I notice Rune in a lion cub there.


"Hey!! Where are you, your familiar! That's mine!!"

"I'm not a familiar, I'm Rune."

"......, what do you mean, Usato!!"


In an instant, the brunt was turned on me.

For the time being, I go down to Mr./Ms. Nagi and Koga, who went down first.


"Nea, why was the water dragon chasing you?"

"I don't know!? When I was taking a safe route, he suddenly appeared and chased me around! For some reason, I'm unusually angry and it really doesn't make sense!!"



I have too many ideas about what to do.

Could it be that Nushi the water dragon has been chasing me?

When I land on the ground, it seems that the water dragon and Kayla are still fighting below...... Against Kaira now, the water dragon also seems to have a bad minute.


"So, Usato, what's going on now?"


Koga and Mr./Ms. Nagi come to me after dropping down my subordinates.


"To put it simply, here is a fragment of the Demon King's power, but the demon on the other side...... Kayla took it in and it went out of control."

"It's the worst situation imaginable, isn't it?"



As he inwardly agrees with Koga's words, Mr./Ms. narrows his eyes at Shea, who is surrounded by a sphere of light in the center of the hall.


"Usato, there's a kid over there."

"It's Sia, I can't help you right now. We have to do something about Kayla first."

「…… Oh, I got it."




The roar of the water dragon echoes through the hall.

A huge tail slams into Kayla, but he catches the tail with a power technique and throws it away, putting up a ridiculous fight.


"That's too much of a burden for my subordinates."

"Ah, when it comes to power, you and I are better."


It can be said that it is only power.

Right now, the water dragon is fighting Kayla, but it doesn't seem to last long.

Then Mr./Ms. Nagi, who was looking at Kayla, put her hand on her chin and turned back to me and Koga.


"Usato, Koga, it can be said that the demon who absorbed the power of the Demon King has gained great power. That's Usato, I'm going to say that you're on par with the Demon King when you fought."

"Hah, seriously, you're like a demon king."


He sighs at Koga, who looks like he's having a good time despite that.

However, although it is said to be on par with the Demon King, it is not as strong as the Demon King in the sense of the word.


"It's going to be me, Koga, and you, it's going to be quite a fight, so let's get everyone else out of here."

"Okay, maybe the exit from this ruin shouldn't be far ......."


It hurts that Mr./Ms. Nagi and I, the captain and vice-captain, are leaving, but we can't help it because the other party is our opponent.

So I need to lead the way, but .......


"Amako, can I ask you a favor?"

"It's okay, leave it to me."


Amako nods vigorously.

It's reliable. It's not like Itachi traveled with me.

And one more person———、


"Oh my gosh, isn't it Rare Mr./Ms. who is hiding there like nothing?"

"Huh!? You're Lavis!? Why are you revealing your identity to these guys?'

"Oh, I'm called Veena now, so you don't have to worry about it."



Why is that perverted demon going to incite the demons of his kind?

Witnessing the devil's bitterness towards his kindred again, I call out Mr./Ms.'s name a little stronger.


"Veena! Come over here!!"



Although the reply would be high.

He entrusts the role of detector to Mr./Ms., who came here as fast as the wind, and instructs his subordinates to get out of here first.


"Mr./Ms. Hannah will also ask you to lead the way with Amako!!"

"Oh, what are these people going to do!?"



Mr./Ms. Owl and the others who were hit by Kaila's magic and could not move.

I really want Amako and the others to take me, but there are seven of us, and above all, I don't know what awaits them where they go.


"Ugh, Usato-kun! Leave us who can't move!"

"What the hell are you talking about?! I will never abandon you! yes, rest assured that this is a decision!! Absolutely!!"

"No, you ...... determined will to take me to the captain!"


I can't help it, I have no choice but to take Owl Mr./Ms. and the others.

Mr./Ms. Hannah is called here and everyone is gathered.


"Come on, hurry up from here--"


At the moment when there was a loud thud, the huge body of the water dragon slammed into a nearby wall, and it went limp and immobilized.

Alive...... It seems that there is, but I don't think this is going to wake up anytime ...... foreseeable.

In the direction from which it flew, an even more intimidating Kayla is glaring at us, and its body seems to be getting even bigger.


"Bulllin, I'm going to ask for Amako!!"


"Be careful, Usato!"



Let Amako and the others go first, and I, Koga, and Mr./Ms. Nagi face Kayla as it is.


"Heh, you didn't come out with a ridiculous one at the last minute, it's funny!"

"Don't rush, Koga."

"You and I can't match each other, we can get by if we both do what we want."

"Oh, not at all, ......."


Well, it certainly would, but .......

Seeing the exchange between me and Koga, Mr./Ms. Nagi smiled wryly.


"Hahaha...... I'll use my clairvoyant magic to match your movements."

"Then I'll move in a direction that supports you with healing magic and interferes with your opponent's movements."


The power of the Demon King that Kaira has taken in is still unknown.

First of all, let's wait and see so that Mr./Ms. and Koga, who have high attack power, can move easily.


"Let's do it, guys!"



"Hey, isn't it different to have Rune on your shoulder after all!?"


Nea in the owl state on the right shoulder, Rune in the lion cub state on the left shoulder, and a cloak with Keira.

Once again, he smiled bitterly at the strangeness of his appearance and held his fists tightly.


It is a decisive battle in which there are only power types, including friend and foe.......


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