The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 15 Ch. 32 Table of contents

The devil takes in the power of the demon king.

In the worst possible situation, I joined up with Usato, and I ended up fighting the demon Kayla with him and Koga.

There is no need to worry because Amako is in the escape group...... Rather, his precognition magic is more accurate than my current weakened precognition magic.


"I think it's more of a matter of being careful."


After taking in the power of the Demon King, Kayla has undergone a transformation that is unimaginable in her original form.

The body is well over 3 meters.

The body continues to grow even now.

Since the body of a demon is composed of magical power, like a demon, the influence of taking in the power of the Demon King, which can be said to be a large amount of magical power, is immeasurable.


"It's ...... physical strength."

"Maybe it's my fault."


Usato, who was wary of Kaira next to him, said so.


"I don't have the power of a demon as a Kayla, and I'm sure that hurt his pride quite a bit."

"I see, so you didn't strengthen the demon's power, but you strengthened your body. …… Is it stupid to strengthen in such a direction with the power of the Demon King?"


Nea's words are harsh, but they're not wrong.

The scary thing about the Demon Lord is the amount of magic he wields and his own skills.

Just taking in a large amount of magic power does not mean that he has the same ability as the main demon king.


"Well, it's a very troublesome opponent either way, isn't it? After all, all of the Demon King's magic power is used to strengthen the body."

"Oh, that was a ridiculous force, at least I don't want to get hit head-on."


It's quite a stretch for Usato, who is good at defense, to be so cautious.


"Woo, Yubaho, Yubaho, Wooka!!"


Kayla, who sees us as enemies, makes a hoarse voice.

Even if he speaks, he seems to have no reason, and his eyes are completely white, which is insane.


"Haha, you're so resentful!"


"It's about time, are you ready?"


As he spoke, he pulled his sword out of the sheath on his belt and the two of them wordlessly moved into a fighting stance.

Usato's cloak is lit with blue-black flames, and his hands are covered with a restraint spell.

Koga transforms into a masked warrior by wrapping his entire body in dark magic magic, and transforms his alter ego into a large club.


「…… Koga aside, Usato is still weird in a lot of ways."


A healing wizard is not a figure.

Rather, it would be more appropriate to be called a dark wizard...... I don't know.

I have a small owl and a lion on my shoulders.


"Kannagi, don't be silly, we're going to go without hesitation."

「…… Ahh


Close your eyes, take a light deep breath, and then open your eyes.

Aware that the power of the other me has appeared in his left eye, he holds the sword horizontally.

At that moment, a bright red flame enveloped the sword due to the activated flame magic.


"I don't think Mr./Ms. Nagi can say anything about people."

"Oh, is that so?"

"No, not anymore...... It's kind of full throttle and it's awful."


…… What!? Why did you say it!?

I try to pursue Usato, who looks away, but before I can do so, my foreknowledge detects Kayla's attack.


"I'm coming!!"



Kayla kicks the ground with all her might and approaches us with a bouncing momentum.

Koga and I scatter to the left and right, and Usato, without avoiding it, steps forward in the opposite direction.

Oh, if I hadn't seen it in anticipation, I would have panicked! If he is now———!


"Gyaaaaaaaaa Why are you rushing in!?"

"Healing Sink"


Hands wrapped in magic against Kayla's arms that are wielded by force,Glide・・・・・Parried.

From there, he went even further, and hit Kayla's eyes with a magic bullet that knocked her out of position, robbing her of her vision———、



"I know!!"


A fist with a restraint spell slams into the joints of Kayla's arms and legs, temporarily blocking her movement.


「…… It's ridiculous."


I can't do that.

He has completely taken possession of the flow of magic power throughout his body, which is called magic power rotation, and he ...... an extraordinary magic manipulation that he can enable.


"I'm going, Koga!!"

"I'll do it even if I don't tell you!!"


When Usato creates a gap, me and Koga set it up!

Holding it as if drawing a black sword that emits flames, he slashes at Kaira at once with acceleration using "Dog Run".


"Flame惑巳断MadomidaDamn it!"


A flaming slash that was released as if to cut through the entire body of Kayla, who can be said to be a huge body.

In response, Koga slashes at him with a sickle-like tentacle he creates from his back, and finally strikes a blow with his club.


"Woooooo Oh——"

"Healing Explosive Bullet"


The green magic bullet that had been attached to Kayla's torso before she knew it exploded and groaned again.

―――As expected!

Pierce the gap that Usato has created and give him another slash.


"Oh my gosh!!"


Koga beats Kaira with a club that transforms his alter ego, and when he still tries to force himself to move, Usato forcibly frightens him with a healing explosive bullet.

…… I'm using clairvoyant magic to align my coordination, but somehow these two seem to be incredibly meshed.

Maybe it's because they're rivals and alike.


"Kogaa!! Alter ego!!"



Usato receives an alter ego of dark magic that was randomly thrown at him by Koga.

Kayla's outstretched arm seemed to close in on ———him and hit him directly, but it was the afterimage of the healing magic he had created.


"Healing Afterimage Fist ......!"


"It's noisy!! Healing Explosive Flying Fist!!"


Also, Usato, who was about to launch an attack, was hit directly by an exploding magic bullet that was launched at high speed.

Every time I see it, my skills are increasing! No, I'm trying to do something again!


"Nea, Rune! Stop him from moving!!"


"Leave it to me."


Koga's alter ego, transformed into a sharp crescent-like shape, reveals a purple magic pattern and blue-black flames.

He swung it wide and threw it at Kayla.


"Restrain me!"


The alter ego that returned to its humanoid form just before it hit Kayla transformed into a clinging to Kayla's body, and stopped his upper body from moving with restraint magic and fire dark magic.


"He's vindictive, vainly strong, and persistent, so you can't take him off so easily!"

"Isn't there too many words, you!!"

"Mr./Ms. Nagi!!"


Nodding at Usato's voice, he raises his sword and heads towards Kaira, who is immobilized in his upper body.

- Slash the knees of both legs sideways as you pass each other and reduce your mobility!


"Kogaa!! I'm going to do it!!"



And just when they have completely stopped moving, two people wearing dark magic rush in with faces that are already too funny.

Koga's raised arm swelled, and blue-black flames erupted from the elbow of Usato's right gauntlet——— hitting Kayla at the same time.

Thorns caused by the outburst of Koga's magical powers.

Fist due to the acceleration of the mysterious flame of Usato.

In response, Kayla was blown away by the massive body and slammed to the ground.


「…… He's not a weak opponent."


The opponent is a demon who has absorbed the power of the Demon King even if it is rotten.

He's using it to strengthen his body, so if it were normal, it would be fatal when he gets a blow from him.


"What's going on?" Didn't you accelerate now, which doesn't make sense to you, isn't it healing magic?"

"My magic, I call it 'Kokuen Kasokuken.' Hmmm."

"......, Rune. You don't seem to be aware of it, but you've been brainwashed by Usato."

"Don't try to persuade me with a gentler voice than ever before."


When I see Usato returning Koga's alter ego to his hand, I realize it again.

In the first place, Usato is confronted by that demon lord.

Compared to him, I wouldn't be intimidated by most opponents.

…… I also feel that his presence makes the battle much easier.


"We've done some damage...... I ...... what will happen."


He still looks at Kayla with caution.

…… Hmm? ...... the body of the guy who stood up as if he was bouncing is regenerating while emitting smoke?


"Oh, that's what I mean."

"Mr./Ms. Nagi, did you notice anything?"

"It's the immortality of the devil."


Demons are basically immortal.

No matter how mortally wounded you are, you will regenerate over time.

It takes a certain amount of power to regenerate, but now Kaira has a large amount of energy called the power of the Demon King.


"Gyu, Gu, Gaa!!"


"Demons are immortal, and no matter what kind of wound they inflict, the power of the Demon King will heal them. No, on the contrary, it will continue to be able to withstand the load, so any kind of reckless enhancement will be possible."


Kayla is trying to transform into a further form in search of power while wriggling around the ground.

It can be said that it is a miracle that it has maintained its humanoid form for the time being.

His greatly enlarged arms, his weak-looking lower and upper body were torn to tatters, and he had changed so much that he could not see his original appearance.






"Koga!! Near Usato!!"

"Huh!? Hey, why...... I get it!!"

"What, me?"


Seeing the prophecy a few seconds later, I immediately move to Usato's side.

In an instant, magical light overflows from every knot on Kayla's body. It's not just light, it's a dangerous attack that can bring destruction just by touching it.

Scattering them all over the ruins——— he shot a massive flash of light from his mouth.


"Usato! Your skills can prevent it!!"

"Got it!!"


He believed my words and stepped forward without hesitation.

He stabs Koga's alter ego into the ground, transforming it into a shield.


"I'm going to do it, Koga!"


"It's decided! It's a healing guard!!"

"Stop being self-contained in your brain that ordinary people can't understand!!"


Halfway through Koga, who was making a really confused sound, he held his alter ego in both hands for support.


"Nea! Keira!"

"It's a resistance spell!"

"I will drive my cloak into the ground so that I don't get blown away!!"


…… I wonder if acting with Usato will naturally make it easier to guess his intentions.



"I'm coming!"


The massive amount of magic released collided with the shield held by Usato, scattering light.

Koga and I support him from behind, but the shield that Koga's alter ego has transformed is crumbling from the edges.


"Hey!! This Koga is so fragile!!"

"Good luck Koga Mr./Ms.!!"

"Hey, show me your guts!"

"That's not me!? I'm behind you!?"


The alter ego is shaved off, but it's okay.

This is because Koga's alter ego is subject to healing magic.


"Strengthen the system!!"


In addition to that, Usato is a user of system enhancement.

The shield, which is instantly repaired by the highest level of healing magic, can prevent magical attacks.




When the torrent of magic subsides, Usato transforms the shield into the shape of a gauntlet in his left hand.

Kayla, who was on the other side of the shield, had undergone another transformation.


"Woo, ......."


Is the magic power that should have been suppressed by the body overflowing outside?

His eyes and mouth overflowed with black magic, and his similarly disintegrated torso and joints held his limbs together with only his magical power.


「…… Come on, it's not even a living creature anymore."

"It's like being forcibly tethered to a body that is disintegrating due to the immortality of a demon, and it's like you're going through hell endlessly without being able to break because you're so compatible."


I've never seen a monster like that.

For that reason alone, you can understand the danger of the Demon King's power.

Kayla, who has become a monster of magical power, growls ferociously and tries to move.

———, I saw him sticking out his arm in the prophecy, but this is ———!!



"My hand stretched out!?"


His right arm, which was bound by magic, stretches out as if it were plucking him, as if attacking Usato.

He flies through the air with his cloak and avoids his arms, but the arms made up of magic at the joints continue to stretch and follow him.

Thinking it's bad, Koga and I also try to cut off the magic that connects the arm to the main body, but this attack just slips through and is meaningless.


"It's fast......!"


An outstretched hand grabs his left arm as he flies through the air.





As it is, it is swung around in the air by force and slammed into the ground———、


"Don't fool me! Nh


Somehow he punched the ground to offset the impact, and he grabbed his left arm, pointing his free right arm at Kayla's arm and turning it blue-black.flash・・I threw something like that.




The blue-black flash knocked Kayla's arm off, causing her hand wound...... What is it now...... Rune's magic?

It was like a pillar of fire, but it was .......


"You can transform as you ...... like! What a ......guy!!"


……。 No, it's kind of ...... you to say that.

Confused by the fact that he was in the middle of the battle, Nea, who was on the opposite shoulder from Rune, spoke up.


"The source of this guy's strength is a large amount of magical power! Even if you attack, it will regenerate with a lot of magical power, but that's okay!!"


Is that okay ......?

No, wait, that's what ...... mean!!


"There's no such thing as infinite magic! It was none other than the Demon King! Then, if you force him to use up the magic power of his reliance, this guy should not be able to move!!"


Even in its current state, it must be using a large amount of magical power.

Then, if the three of us continue to attack, the magic power will surely run out someday!


"Usato, don't hold back!! Attack this guy with all your might and keep spitting out magic!!"

"Ahh Everybody's going to do it!!"

"You don't have to mess around anymore! I'm going to do it too!!"

"I'm going to go full throttle!!"


At the sound of his voice, blue-black flames ran through the cloak that Usato's cloak wore and the gauntlets on his silver and black arms.

As he was stunned to see Usato, who had turned into a full combat form, Koga, who was also looking at him, opened his mouth.


"No, you can't talk about people either......


Only this time I agreed with Koga's words.


Kayla and the others are becoming more and more monsters (!?) Was.

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