After Transmigrating Into the Book, Prime Ministe…
Chapter 33 Table of contents

I apologize for what?

I’m sorry for his unfounded jealousy!

This time, Wen Jian acted particularly gentle, his genitals teasing and rubbing against her tender little hole, his hot palms caressing her curved lines. Their lips and tongues intertwined in a passionate embrace, indulging in intense affection. He kissed her lips and moved up to her delicate and fair neck, his fingertips caressing her breasts, pinching and kneading her nipples. Her body trembled with pleasure, her chest almost heaving, and he engulfed her with his wet mouth, eliciting soft and rapid moans from her throat.

Compared to the earlier roughness, this silent and gentle lovemaking brought Ji Sang ultimate spiritual satisfaction. Her soul felt suspended in mid-air, as if with each firm thrust, she would reach the pinnacle of ecstasy…

They indulged in passionate lovemaking throughout the night, almost until dawn. Unlike at home, it was inconvenient to clean up here. Wen Jian ejaculated multiple times, leaving his semen inside Ji Sang’s small belly, making her feel swollen and uncomfortable. Wen Jian used his fingers to help her expel the semen. When it was too deep, he went directly to her pussy mouth and sucked forcefully, causing Ji Sang’s legs to tremble and climax instantly…

After carefully cleaning her up, Wen Jian laid down and held her in his arms. However, he couldn’t fall asleep. His mind was filled with images of him spanking her buttocks earlier. Besides the fact that she didn’t hold onto him, what he truly cared about was the expression in Jiangbei’s eyes. Although she pulled Jiang Bei’s hand, it didn’t mean much, but that gaze from Jiang Bei…

He was a man, and he understood!

As a result, he couldn’t suppress the jealousy in his heart.

He was furious. How could Jiang Bei look at his wife with such eyes? Thinking of this, he instinctively held her tighter in his arms. Ji Sang, in her dream or half-awake state, felt uncomfortable with the tight embrace. She whimpered, “Darling, be gentle… it hurts…”

Hearing the word “darling,” most of the pent-up frustration in Wen Jian’s heart dissipated inexplicably. Even his actions relaxed a lot. He kissed her forehead, closed his eyes, and fell asleep, breathing in sync with her.

The next morning, they were going back to the village. Ji Sang hadn’t slept enough, and her eyelids could barely stay open. Wen Jian carried her to the small car. In her drowsy state, she heard someone asking Wen Jian if she was okay.

Wen Jian’s chest filled with a faint smile, “She’s fine. She had trouble getting used to the bed. She didn’t sleep well last night.”

The person responded, “Oh,” and then said, “So the crying last night was caused by you two in the room? Does your wife cry every time you sleep together?”

Wen Jian: “…”

Ji Sang’s face instantly turned red. In a place where the person couldn’t see, she pinched Wen Jian hard.

The two returned to the village just in time for lunch. After finishing her meal, Ji Sang took a shower and then took a nap in bed for the entire afternoon to catch up on sleep. Wen Jian and Wen Zheng officially started laying the foundation on the vacant land to have it completed before the new year. Ji Sang had informed him about the importance of laying a solid foundation for the houses in the village, most of which were built with stone. While the low and sturdy houses could withstand wind and cold, if they wanted to build taller structures, a strong foundation was necessary. It was similar to studying, where a strong foundation allowed for the accumulation of deeper knowledge.

In two more days, it would be the Lunar New Year. With Wen Jian finally having some free time, he focused all his attention on reading. Meanwhile, during her free time, Ji Sang began cleaning up the yard. After discussing with her father-in-law, he had arranged for the village carpenter to make two large wooden basins, which would be used for soaking rice during the festival.

In ancient times, the New Year celebrations were not particularly lively. The main difference was that the meals were slightly more abundant than usual. The most important custom was to eat a dish called “Wuxin Pan” or the “Five Spicy Plate,” which consisted of garlic, scallions, leeks, shepherd’s purse, and cilantro, all five pungent vegetables. The people here believed that eating the Five Spicy Plate could dispel evil spirits, invigorate the five organs, and dispel heat from the body. However, for Ji Sang, the Five Spicy Plate was really difficult to eat, and to make matters worse, it left a lingering taste in her mouth.

Before going to bed, she rinsed her mouth twice to get rid of the taste.

Fireworks and firecrackers had not been invented in this era, so the entire village remained quiet and calm.

Although they planned to stay up late on New Year’s Eve, Ji Sang was so tired that she could barely keep her eyes open. However, Wen Jian seized the opportunity and engaged in intimate activities with her throughout the night…

It wasn’t until just before dawn that she nestled in his chest and fell into a deep sleep.

Time flowed like fine sand, slipping through the cracks of their fingers.

Spring always made people feel drowsy. When Ji Sang saw the warm sun shining brightly, she took the bedding to the yard to air it out. As soon as she finished, she yawned. Lately, she had been feeling lazy and wanted to stay in bed and sleep. Sometimes at night, Wen Jian would seek intimacy, and she would agree in one second, only to fall fast asleep in the next…

Wen Lishi finally took notice of her deep sleep.

During lunch, her eyes occasionally glanced at Ji Sang as she asked, “Ji Sang, when was the last time you had your monthly cycle?”

Ji Sang, engrossed in drinking soup, paused for a moment and didn’t understand, “Mother? What are you talking about?”

Wen Lishi said, “You know, a woman’s matters.”

Ji Sang regained her senses and pondered for a moment, “Oh, it’s been half a month.”

Upon hearing this, Wen Lishi exclaimed, “Ah! You child! You’ve gone half a month without telling your mother? Quickly, Wen Zheng, go to Uncle Li’s house and ask him to come and check!”

Uncle Li was considered the village doctor, and whenever someone had a headache or fever, they would call him. With his prescription, they were guaranteed to recover.

Wen Jian sensed the tension in Wen Lishi’s tone and the mention of Uncle Li, so he asked, “Mother, what’s wrong with Ji Sang’s health?”

Wen Lishi had a smile in her eyes and replied, “What could it be? It’s been half a month already, she must be pregnant!”

Wen Zheng, who was about to step outside, suddenly realized and said, “Oh, I see. I’ll go find Uncle Li right away.”

Wen Jian’s face was filled with joy as he exclaimed, “Really? Ji Sang…”

Ji Sang was also taken aback.

They had never taken any precautions when engaging in intimate activities, and Wen Jian was quite passionate in that regard, so pregnancy was likely to happen. But upon suddenly hearing the news of being pregnant, her heart skipped a beat. To become a mother so soon…

This feeling…

It was peculiar.

Uncle Li had difficulty walking, so Wen Zheng decided to use the small cart from their home to push him over.

Assisted by Wen Lishi, Ji Sang was taken to bed, making a fuss out of it. Was she really that delicate? Wen Jian’s eyes changed when he looked at her, radiating a soft glow all around him…

He was going to be a father?

Uncle Li was pulled into their room and said, “Wen Zheng… What’s the big deal? You’ve already been a father before. Why are you so excited when your daughter-in-law is pregnant?”

Wen Zheng replied, “Can it be the same as being a father? I’m going to be a grandfather this time!”

Uncle Li glanced at him speechlessly, then sat upright on a chair by the bed and began taking Ji Sang’s pulse.

The room became extremely quiet, with everyone holding their breath, watching Uncle Li intently.

Gradually, Uncle Li’s expression changed from joy to seriousness. He asked Ji Sang to stick out her tongue and touched his beard a few times. Wen Lishi couldn’t wait any longer and asked, “Uncle Li, how is Ji Sang? Is she pregnant?”

Uncle Li didn’t respond directly to Wen Lishi’s question. Instead, he asked Ji Sang, “Does Wen Ji Shi often feel cold in her hands and feet during winter? And is her menstrual cycle irregular?”

Ji Sang pondered for a moment and nodded.

Indeed, her hands and feet were often cold, but since she started sleeping with Wen Jian, she hadn’t had that problem anymore. Even if she felt cold, she would warm up when Wen Jian held her for a while.

As for her menstrual cycle, it was often irregular, with occasional delays of a few days, and when it came, she couldn’t bear the pain in her lower abdomen. She would be relieved if it came a little later.

Uncle Li withdrew his hand from taking her pulse and contemplated for a while before saying, “She’s not pregnant.”

Wen Jian glanced at Ji Sang, and Wen Lishi anxiously exclaimed, “How is that possible? Her symptoms are similar to pregnancy. She’s always feeling drowsy, wanting to sleep, and… we’ve delayed that matter for half a month.”

Uncle Li hesitated for a moment and then said, “Delaying doesn’t necessarily mean she’s pregnant. It happens to be spring now, and feeling drowsy during spring is normal.”

Wen Lishi’s dream of becoming a grandmother was shattered, and she felt somewhat disappointed.

Wen Zheng patted Wen Lishi’s shoulder and smiled, “It’s alright. They’re still young, having children is just a matter of time.”

A tinge of peculiarity flashed in Uncle Li’s eyes when he heard Wen Zheng’s words, but he remained silent, pursing his lips.

Wen Jian didn’t miss that peculiar expression. His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly got up to see Uncle Li off.

When they reached the doorstep, Wen Jian finally asked Uncle Li if there was something wrong with Ji Sang’s body.

It was said that the Wen family’s son was perceptive, and just with one look, he could tell. Uncle Li let out a sigh and said, “I’m just a rural doctor after all. Aren’t you going to the Spring Examinations in Beiliang? Take Wen Ji Shi with you and find a doctor who specializes in women’s health to have a proper check-up…”

Wen Jian felt a knot in his heart and hurriedly asked, “Uncle Li, I trust you. Please tell me, what’s wrong with Ji Sang’s body?”

Uncle Li contemplated for a moment and said, “Cold! She’s too cold! How can she conceive a child when she’s so cold?”

“Is there a way to treat it?”

“Treatment takes a long time. Wen Ji Shi’s coldness is likely something she has had since childhood. If she comes to Kui Shui(period), she may experience unbearable stomach pains. I have a prescription. I’ll give it to you, and you can try giving her the medicine. She can also soak her feet regularly because coldness originates from the soles of the feet. If she keeps herself warm, her constitution may change.”

“Furthermore, perhaps she should relax and let nature take its course regarding pregnancy and childbirth. When the time is right, it will happen.”

Uncle Li, who had already passed his seventieth year, had a broad-minded nature and spoke his mind. Wen Jian took his words to heart and informed him that he knew about the matter. He also hoped that Uncle Li would keep it confidential and not tell Wen Lishi and Wen Zheng.

Uncle Li chuckled, “That’s only natural.”

At night, Ji Sang was tightly embraced by Wen Jian.

She played with his fingers. He often held a pen, and his palm had a thick callus. Lately, he had been doing manual labor frequently, and new calluses had formed between his fingertips. Her soft fingers gently caressed them.

Because of what happened during the day, she had trouble falling asleep.

“Wen Jian, I actually thought I was pregnant…” She had been lying with her back to Wen Jian but suddenly turned around, lying on his chest. Her dark eyes shimmered as she looked at him. “Do you know? I was so surprised when I first heard it, but deep down, I’m not ready to become a mother. How old am I? Eighteen! How can I be a mother already? I still feel like a child!”

That’s how she had felt at that moment.

For her age, in modern times, she would be in high school.

Wen Jian’s hands were folded behind his head, and a faint chuckle escaped his throat. “Is that so?”

Ji Sang nodded vigorously. “Yes!”

Wen Jian’s dark eyes brightened slightly as he looked down at her. Her skin was delicate, and he couldn’t help but pinch her with his fingers. “Sang’er, I asked Uncle Li… There is actually a medicine that can be used for contraception. If you… aren’t prepared yet…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Ji Sang interrupted, “Really? Is there really such a medicine? Will it harm the body?”

Wen Jian’s eyes filled with sudden doubt.

Ji Sang’s voice was soft as she continued, “If there is such a medicine that doesn’t harm the body, then please get some for me to take. Wen Jian, it’s not that I don’t want to have children, but I don’t want to… at least not until I’m twenty. Let’s have children when I’m twenty.”

Wen Jian was stunned. His original intention was to go along with her and deceive her into taking the medicine, so she wouldn’t carry any burdens in her heart. But he didn’t expect that she genuinely didn’t want to conceive…

Not being able to conceive and not wanting to conceive were completely different concepts.


Since the words had already been spoken…

Her body needed to be regulated. He would give her the medicine first.

“Alright, I’ll visit Uncle Li’s house tomorrow.”

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