After Transmigrating Into the Book, Prime Ministe…
Chapter 34 Table of contents

In mid-March, during the days when the grass was growing and the birds were singing, with the sun shining brightly, Wen Jian set foot on the road to Beiliang with Ji Sang.

Originally, Wen Zheng and Wen Lishi were supposed to accompany them, but with so much work to do at home, plus the construction of the house, Wen Zheng ultimately chose to stay home and take care of things. In the meantime, he could slowly stack the stones. If Wen Zheng didn’t go, Wen Lishi was even less willing to go. She had to stay behind to cook for Wen Zheng. After all the hard work of building the house, how could he not have a hot meal?

So, the elderly couple stayed home while the young couple embarked on the journey.

It would take about seven days by horse from the village to Beiliang, but with Ji Sang, Wen Jian hired a cart, doubling the travel time. It would take about half a month to reach Beiliang, attend the spring exams for three days, and then return to the village. This back and forth would take more than a month.

Ji Sang couldn’t help but sigh again about the low productivity of this era as they traveled such a long distance. Even the means of transportation were so rudimentary. However, she was still shocked when she saw the cart parked at the front door of their house.

A cart!

In ancient times, cattle were more precious than people.

Among all the families in the village, only the Su family and the Qin family were slightly wealthier and had cattle. Apart from them, there were only the owners of the manor.

When Wen Lishi saw the cart, she exclaimed in surprise, “Wen Jian, is this the cart from the Qin family?”

Wen Jian nodded and replied, “Yes.”

Wen Lishi slapped Wen Jian’s chest and said, “Why did you borrow a cart from the Qin family? They are so stingy. Even if we take a cart to the town on ordinary days, we still have to pay a substantial fee. If you’re going to Beiliang for a month, won’t you have to pay for a whole month? Wen Jian, where did our family get so much silver?!”

Wen Jian hurriedly reassured Wen Lishi, “Mother, we didn’t spend much money.”

“How much is not much money?”

Wen Jian pondered with a frown and said, “Twelve copper coins.”

Wen Lishi was taken aback, looking at Wen Jian somewhat incredulously. It was that cheap?

Wen Jian’s lips curled up slightly as he said, “Mother, don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” Then he called out to Ji Sang standing at the door, “Sang Sang, pack up, we’re leaving.”

Half an hour later.

Wen Jian sat at the front of the cart, driving the oxen, while Ji Sang sat inside the cart. With the sound of the whip, the old yellow ox swayed and headed towards Beiliang.

Compared to later carriages, this cart was like night and day. It had no suspension system, and coupled with the rough road, Ji Sang felt nauseous even sitting inside the cart.

She had originally planned to ask Wen Jian how he managed to rent the cart so cheaply, but that thought was quickly thrown to the back of her mind because her body couldn’t handle the jolting.

After only two days of travel, her face had turned deathly pale.

This journey was truly arduous and suffering.

Wen Jian noticed that her complexion looked terrible, so he stopped the cart in a small grove to rest for a day. Ji Sang lay there, drowsily sleeping for a while. When she woke up, she happened to see Wen Jian sitting quietly across from her, engrossed in reading. His brows furrowed, his gaze fixed on one spot, lost in thought.

He had an extremely beautiful appearance, with brows like ink paintings, colors as vibrant as the dawn of spring, eyes like bright stars. His black hair cascaded down his side, and without any need for activity, he wore a black wide-sleeved robe. Sitting there casually, he exuded an indescribable elegance and charm.

Ji Sang couldn’t help but stare, feeling a little dazed.

Wen Jian raised his eyes and met his wife’s dark gaze. As he set the papers aside, he said, “Awake?”

Ji Sang lazily stretched and spoke in a hoarse voice, mixed with the laziness of just waking up. “What time is it?”

Wen Jian replied, “It’s three quarters past the hour of the Dog.”

“I slept for so long?”

“Yes, do you feel better now?”

Ji Sang responded with a simple “Hmm.”

“Are you hungry?”

“Not hungry.”

They remained silent for a while before Ji Sang casually asked, “What were you thinking just now?”

Wen Jian’s thin lips curved up, and he said, “The spring exams will begin in a few days. I was thinking about what kind of questions the examiners will ask.”

Ji Sang blinked slightly, and scenes of her and her classmates discussing exam predictions on the eve of the college entrance examination suddenly flashed through her mind. “What did they usually ask in previous years?”

Wen Jian replied in a calm voice, “In recent years, there have been continuous wars, and the people have been suffering. I am twenty-two years old this year, and when I passed the provincial exam at the age of eighteen, I was originally supposed to enter the metropolitan exam. However, the dynasty changed just at that time, and this is the fourth year since the new emperor ascended the throne. Only recently did they announce the resumption of the imperial examination system after a few years of interruption. The questions from previous years are likely irrelevant now.”

Ji Sang listened quietly. She remembered that the real imperial examination system began during the Sui Dynasty, but here it was an alternate dynasty with productivity similar to that of the Wei, Jin, Southern, and Northern Dynasties. The imperial examination system seemed to have started earlier, but according to Wen Jian, it had also been intermittent due to internal and external pressures on governance.

Throughout history, emperors who accomplished something usually had policies that benefited the people, such as tax reductions. However, the northern borders of Bei Jin were unstable, and the warfare had never ceased. Maintaining an army required funds, and where did the funds come from? They relied on squeezing the life out of the common people.

The ones who suffered the most were the ordinary people, like those born at the lowest level, such as themselves.

She had heard from Wen Jian before about some things regarding Bei Jin. In fact, the new emperor was not the true ruler. The real power lay with Zhu Sima, who assisted the new emperor in ascending the throne. Zhu Sima was actually the new emperor’s uncle. He was militaristic and domineering, and in these years, the young new emperor could only go along with his decisions. The courtiers with discerning eyes had long divided into two factions. However, the new emperor was someone who knew how to avoid conflicts and exploit weaknesses. While Zhu Sima focused solely on warfare, the new emperor emphasized agricultural development and achieved some success within the capital city of Bei Liang.

Having food meant having influence.

The court inexplicably leaned toward the new emperor. What could be done about it? Zhu Sima needed money and provisions for his military campaigns, so he had to approach the new emperor. Otherwise, the soldiers on the border would starve to death before reaching the battlefield.

Perhaps this was how the economic foundation determined the superstructure.

There were even times when Zhu Sima had to make requests of the new emperor.

The new emperor had remained low-key for far too long. Able to endure and bide his time for four years under the command of someone as strong as Zhu Sima, he must have possessed great resilience. Finally, he had obtained something that could counterbalance Zhu Sima. This time, the new emperor proposed to reinstate the imperial examination system, and Zhu Sima agreed without saying a word.

Zhu Sima’s thinking was quite simple. It was just a matter of recruiting a few scholars into the court. In this era of chaos, what could these scholars really achieve?

If Ji Sang could deduce these things, how astute Wen Jian must be to understand all the intricacies. She sighed softly and said, “I think, regardless of the exam questions, you should answer in a moderate manner, or provide something that Zhu Sima would appreciate.”

Wen Jian was slightly taken aback. “Hmm?”

Ji Sang sat up abruptly. “Why did the new emperor only have the opportunity to propose reinstating the imperial examination system after four years? It shows that Zhu Sima had already marginalized the new emperor’s authority. And the idea of the examination system was proposed by the new emperor, but would Zhu Sima easily give the new emperor the chance to have scholars like you present their opinions to him? And then turn it around to overthrow Zhu Sima? Wen Jian, if you want to advance, you have to be like the new emperor, hide your sharpness.”

Wen Jian furrowed his brow and remained silent.

Ji Sang blinked her eyes and lay back down. “I know what you’re thinking, and I believe all the candidates are thinking the same way. They want to display their talent and ideals before the new emperor. But… the idea is good, the reality is harsh. It’s all well and good to answer with passionate fervor, but whether your answer sheet will even reach the new emperor is a question in itself!”

Wen Jian instantly understood.

Ji Sang was right.

Although the political power in the court was slowly polarizing, Zhu Sima, who still held military power, had a slight advantage. It wouldn’t be an overnight task for the new emperor to regain his authority.

And in this examination, it was likely that the invigilators were all affiliated with Zhu Sima.

As a lowly individual, Wen Jian knew that he had to first pass the preliminary exam to enter the palace exam, and only then could he have a chance to meet the new emperor. It was only after meeting the new emperor that he would have possibilities for advancement!

Wen Jian suddenly understood, and he excitedly embraced Ji Sang, saying, “Sang Sang, you are truly wise. To have a wife like you, what more could a husband ask for?”

Ji Sang was startled by the embrace. “Wen Jian… what are you doing? Don’t be silly, we’re outside.”

Since the last time Ji Sang drank the medicine prepared by Li Bo, her menstrual cycle, which had been delayed for half a month, finally arrived. After that, they were busy with preparations for their journey to Bei Liang, and they hadn’t been intimate for several days.

Almost as soon as Wen Jian hugged Ji Sang, he became aroused. His voice hoarse, he said, “Sang Sang, let’s make love.”

As he spoke, his fingers slipped under the blanket covering her, his hot palm touching her smooth skin. His scorching breath brushed against her cheek as he lowered his head, his lips and tongue entwined in passionate kisses and bites.

As soon as he pressed against her, Ji Sang’s body went weak, her legs involuntarily pressing together. However, her small mouth couldn’t help but protest in an unsteady voice, “Ah… no… we’ll be seen…”

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