The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 104 Table of contents

The next morning, Hyeseong woke up much earlier than usual. Since coming to his aunt’s house, he had always gotten up around lunchtime, so naturally, both of them were surprised.


“Hyeseong, you’re up already?”


“Yes. The CEO has to go to work early later.”


Both his aunt and uncle tilted their heads at Hyeseong’s answer. They seemed a bit confused that the reason for his early rise was due to someone else.


Hyeseong quickly helped his aunt set the breakfast table. Just then, Ihyeok, who had finished washing up, slowly entered the kitchen.


“Hyeseong, did you sleep well?”


As soon as he entered the kitchen, Ihyeok naturally patted Hyeseong’s head. Hyeseong looked around nervously, but fortunately, his uncle was focused on the newspaper, and his aunt seemed busy setting the table.




Somehow, the back of his neck kept tingling. At his aunt’s call to eat, Hyeseong quickly moved away from Ihyeok.


“Please eat a lot.”


“I feel like I’ve made you work hard from the morning because of me.”


“What are you saying? Don’t worry. We usually eat like this.”


When his aunt lied without even batting an eye, his uncle burst out laughing. He whispered quietly that thanks to Ihyeok’s visit, they were able to have such a luxurious breakfast from the morning.


But no matter how quietly he spoke, there was no way his aunt wouldn’t hear it, and in the end, he only quieted down after experiencing a spicy kick under the table.


“Uncle, I think you’d get hit less by Aunt if you just didn’t say that one thing.”


“Hyeseong, when will you take my side?”


“Both of you, stop making noise and just eat. We have a guest, really.”


Ihyeok smiled gently at the warm scene of the three. Actually, he had been worried because he hadn’t had much appetite lately due to drinking too much, but surprisingly, the food went down smoothly.


Only after Ihyeok started eating comfortably did Hyeseong properly pick up his spoon.


After finishing the meal, Hyeseong was in charge of washing dishes. Ihyeok changed back into the clothes he wore yesterday and prepared to leave. He wanted to stay longer if he could. He couldn’t help but regret that today wasn’t a weekend but a weekday.


As he was about to leave after preparing for work, Hyeseong’s aunt came in carefully.


“I feel sorry that we couldn’t properly host you.”


“Not at all. I’m the one who came rudely without notice.”


As Ihyeok politely bowed his head, the aunt smiled gently.


“Did you finish your conversation with Hyeseong well? It seemed like a very important matter yesterday.”


Could it be said that the conversation ended well? Ihyeok hesitated for a moment on what to say. But the good thing was that Hyeseong neither rejected him nor ran away. He said he would think carefully about what was said yesterday.


In fact, that alone was fortunate for Ihyeok.


“Yes, for now.”


“That’s good.”


“Um, Aunt. I’m sorry I never visited before. I’ve benefited a lot from Hyeseong, but I never properly thanked you.”


He had known for a long time that Hyeseong had lost his parents in an accident and was entrusted to live with his aunt and uncle. While building the company and staying close with Hyeseong, he had vaguely thought that he should at least greet the people who were like Hyeseong’s parents someday, but he never put it into practice.


And today, Ihyeok understood. How Hyeseong could grow up to be such an upright and sharp child. How he could bloom a warm heart within his firmness. So Ihyeok couldn’t help but be grateful. To the two people who didn’t abandon Hyeseong and raised him.


“It’s okay. If you benefited from Hyeseong, it’s because Hyeseong did well, we don’t need to receive thanks.”


Ihyeok shook his head repeatedly, saying that wasn’t true. If it weren’t for them, Ihyeok might not have met Hyeseong. So this was like gratitude for himself as well.


“Actually, I’m the one who has a lot to be thankful for.”


“To me?”


As Ihyeok asked with widened eyes in surprise, she slowly nodded and opened her mouth.


“Since he was young, Hyeseong grew up not showing any signs of difficulty to us, always saying everything was fine. In fact, both my husband and I truly think of Hyeseong as our own child, but we were so worried because it seemed like the child kept going down a lonely path.”


He could somewhat understand what she wanted to say. Ihyeok was well aware that Hyeseong excessively pushed himself, pretended to be strong, and didn’t easily rely on others in a way that was unlike his age.


“But at some point, Hyeseong’s expressions became more diverse. He started to look comfortable. Thinking about it, it seems like he changed like that after meeting you, Ihyeok. I’m the one who’s grateful. For not letting Hyeseong be lonely.”


The aunt extended her hand forward. After looking at it for a moment, Ihyeok took her hand.


“So please take good care of our Hyeseong in the future too.”


“Yes, don’t worry.”


Then the aunt asked him not to tell Hyeseong that she had this conversation. It was a moment when a strange secret was created between the two of them.


* * *


“What did you talk about with Aunt inside?”


Hyeseong followed Ihyeok out of the gate. It was to see him off as he really had to leave now.


“Nothing much.”


“But you were in there for so long?”


“It’s true. Don’t you trust me?”


It was clear that they must have talked about something. Hyeseong narrowed his eyes and looked at Ihyeok, but he really didn’t seem to have any intention of telling. By now, Ihyeok had reached the front of the car and took out his car keys from his pocket.


“Go quickly. I think it’ll be tight even if you leave now.”


“It’s okay. I’m the boss, after all. No one will say anything even if I’m late.”


“As I’ve told you many times, you should abandon that mindset especially because you’re the CEO.”


Hyeseong spoke passionately about the mindset of a CEO with force in his eyes. It was a constant reminder when Hyeseong was working as his secretary. Yet, Ihyeok kept smiling because this scene somehow felt like things had returned to normal.


“Are you listening to me?”




“I thought so. Fine, just get in quickly. You’ll really be late.”


“Okay, but Hyeseong, promise me just one thing.”




“Don’t run away.”




“Don’t turn off your phone, and answer when I call. Don’t disappear from in front of me again. Okay?”


He thought Ihyeok was just dawdling because he didn’t want to go to work, but that wasn’t it. That face, which had been smiling all morning, was now full of worry. Perhaps he was scared? Afraid that Hyeseong might disappear again.


Hyeseong sighed shortly.


“I told you yesterday. That I’d think about it properly. I won’t run away.”


“Okay. Then one last thing.”


Ihyeok, who had been leaning against the car, grabbed Hyeseong’s hand and pulled him close. As Ihyeok’s face suddenly came close in his defenseless state, Hyeseong tightly closed his eyes. He felt a hand caressing his bangs, and then something soft touched his forehead.


He heard the sound of lips touching and parting, and Hyeseong slowly blinked his eyes open.


“W-what are you doing?”


“Why? Is it not allowed?”


At his confident attitude, Hyeseong’s mouth fell open. His forehead felt as if it was burning. He could still clearly feel the sensation of Ihyeok’s lips. A pleasant tingling sensation spread throughout his body, centered on that spot. His heart floated and fluttered. All of this happened from just a single touch.


‘This is a bit dangerous.’


Perhaps due to surprise, Hyeseong uncontrollably released his pheromones. Ihyeok was barely maintaining a composed expression while moistening his dry lips.


“You said you wouldn’t touch me until I gave permission!”


“Hmm, I changed my mind.”




“I was going to wait slowly until you finished thinking, Hyeseong, but I don’t think I can do that.”


No, how can a person change their decision so inconsistently?




“I’m going to make amends to you in my own way. I’ll express it.”


Ihyeok smiled mischievously. The corners of his mouth curved up smoothly. At his charming and captivating expression, Hyeseong was so mesmerized that he forgot what to say. In the end, he hit Ihyeok’s chest and broke free from his embrace.


“Ahjussi, if you do this again and then say it’s a mistake, I’ll really cut ties with you next time.”


Hyeseong shouted as if declaring war and then quickly turned and went inside. Ihyeok’s face gradually frowned as he mulled over the words Hyeseong left behind.


He wondered what that meant, and then remembered. There was a time when he had kissed Hyeseong arbitrarily and then brushed it off as a mistake. Ihyeok rubbed his face. The more instances of unknowingly hurting Hyeseong were revealed, the more he felt like his heart was being torn into several pieces.


“There’s a long way to go.”


Ihyeok sighed deeply as he got into the car.

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