The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 105 Table of contents

Even though it wasn’t that hot outside, he kept feeling feverish. He didn’t know how many times he had stopped while crossing the yard to enter the house.


“Oh, really.”


Hyeseong finally collapsed. As he heard the sound of Ihyeok’s car driving away, he slumped down in the small gazebo in front of the yard.


He raised his hand to touch his forehead. The part where Ihyeok’s lips had touched was strangely tingling.


Come to think of it, it was truly strange. Hadn’t he done all sorts of things with Ihyeok before? Of course, one of them was always not in their right mind each time. Yet, he was this unsettled by just a kiss.


Still, Hyeseong pinched his cheek for no reason. No matter how he thought about it, it still felt like a dream. Not because he was too happy, but because it was just unbelievable.


He certainly hadn’t expected things to turn out like this until just yesterday. Hyeseong continued to sit in the gazebo without going inside. He felt that if he went in like this, his aunt, with her sharp intuition, would notice the change even if his uncle didn’t.


“What took you so long to come in?”


“Oh, nothing. Just looking around the yard…”


“There’s nothing much to see. Want me to cut some fruit for you?”




It seemed his effort to cool down his face outside had paid off. Hyeseong naturally sat down at the dining table. His aunt had appealingly sliced some apples she said she got from the neighbor. The cool and sweet juice spread widely in his mouth.


A cool breeze was blowing through the slightly open kitchen window. His aunt was working in the kitchen, and his uncle was intently watching the news in the living room. As Hyeseong blankly watched this scene, he suddenly realized.


He was finally feeling the peacefulness he hadn’t noticed since coming here. Until now, he had run away to this place because he didn’t want to suffer alone, yet he had still been pessimistic about his situation and hurt alone at every opportunity.


But the scene before his eyes now was quite different. It was serene and comfortable. This change had occurred after meeting Ihyeok and having even a little conversation with him.


“I’m going back now. To my home.”


When Hyeseong casually said this while taking a big bite of apple, both of them briefly stopped what they were doing and stared at him.


“Is that so? Then I should pack some side dishes for you before you go.”


“Pack a lot. Hyeseong seems to have lost a lot of weight.”


The two didn’t ask why he was leaving. They didn’t even pry into the reason why Hyeseong had come down here. A faint smile spread across Hyeseong’s face. Coming here had indeed been a good choice.


After saying he would return home, Hyeseong immediately booked a bus ticket on his phone. His uncle offered to drive him, but he declined, saying that it wasn’t a short distance from Gangwon-do to Seoin-si, and that the bus would be less congested and thus more comfortable.


Before leaving, Hyeseong brought up the conversation he had been postponing with the two of them.


“…So you’re saying that you, Hyeseong, were actually meant to manifest as an omega, not a beta?”


As expected, both of them seemed quite surprised. This was the first time Hyeseong was voluntarily revealing the fact about his omega manifestation. When he first heard the news of his manifestation, he had worried about how to explain this to people around him, but now that he was actually saying it, it didn’t seem like a big deal.


“Yes. That’s what they said at the hospital. I guess the hospital where I had my nature test done was so small that it wasn’t accurate.”


But Hyeseong added that his body had gradually changed over time. Originally, the rut he spent with Ihyeok was the main cause, but there was no need to mention that part.


“Oh my goodness. I’m sorry, Hyeseong. We should have taken you to a big hospital earlier.”


“Aunt, you know. It was because I was stubborn that I just went to a small clinic. I was careless about my nature back then.”


“Hyeseong, how’s your body? Are you okay now?”


“Yes, Uncle. It’s just a late manifestation, there’s nothing seriously wrong with my body. I’m regularly going to the hospital too.”


Hyeseong carefully explained what he had heard from the hospital, reassuring the two.


“I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you earlier.”


“It’s okay. You must have been confused too. And you’re right. Living life, I’ve found that nature doesn’t matter at all. Don’t worry. You know what I mean, right?”




Even if they didn’t show it, they were clearly worried. Hyeseong had lived as a beta for over 20 years, and suddenly he became an omega. When one becomes a nature-bearer, they need to change their entire lifestyle and way of living, which is certainly not an easy task.


“I’m really fine.”


But Hyeseong really didn’t mind at all. Of course, at first, he was confused and worried. He even blamed himself for not getting proper nature tests, but not anymore.


Although he couldn’t say he had perfectly adapted to being an omega yet, strangely, he didn’t feel any of those worries or resentments now.


<I love you, Hyeseong.>


At that moment, the love confession he wasn’t yet used to popped into his mind. Hyeseong thought he might understand a little. The reason why he was okay now.


* * *


After returning home through various twists and turns, Hyeseong moved busily. His aunt, who had said she would pack just a little side dish, ended up filling a shopping bag full of food. With Do-hyun’s food still left, the refrigerator was now packed full of food.


“I should give some to Ahjussi too.”


Hyeseong muttered unconsciously. Then, realizing he was thinking about Ihyeok at random times, he blushed to himself.


Still, he should let him know he’s back home. Hyeseong stared at his phone for a while before entering the messenger app. At first, he thought about calling, but it felt like he was exaggerating for no reason, as if he had done something grand by returning home.


[Ahjussi, I’m back home.]


After composing the text message, Hyeseong stared at the screen for a long time before sending it. Is it too simple?


[Work hard.]


Only after adding one more sentence did Hyeseong satisfactorily press the send button. As soon as he sent the message, the washing machine loudly announced that it had finished its cycle.


Hyeseong put down his phone and rushed over immediately. He didn’t notice that the ‘1’ mark on the sent message disappeared right away.


It was a nice day, so he hung the laundry outside. After coming back inside, he continued with the overdue cleaning. Even though he had only been away for a few days, dust had accumulated here and there. Hyeseong could only take a breather after sweeping and wiping every corner of the house until it shone.


Just as he was thinking of brewing some coffee to relax, his eyes fell on the phone he had carelessly placed on the table.


“I wonder if there’s a reply.”


In that brief moment of turning on the screen, he felt like a teenage boy exchanging love letters.


But what greeted Hyeseong wasn’t the kind of reply he had expected. He narrowed his eyes and looked closely at the screen.


[14 Missed Calls]


It was a message that truly made him doubt his eyes. Moreover, all those missed calls were from one person.


Did something happen? Just as Hyeseong was about to call Ihyeok, another call came in.


“Yes, Ahjussi.”


Thinking that something might have really happened, he quickly answered the phone.


– Yeah. Hyeseong.


“Did something happen?”


– No.


Ihyeok’s voice coming through the phone was calm, just as he said.


“Oh, I thought something had happened… There were so many missed calls.”


– …




– I sent a reply, but you didn’t read it.


Reply? Hyeseong briefly took the phone away from his ear and entered the chat room. Ihyeok had replied to his message about returning home in less than a minute. It seemed he hadn’t noticed because Ihyeok sent the reply just as he was closing the screen.


In other words, from Ihyeok’s perspective, it looked like Hyeseong had seen his message but ignored it without replying.


“Oh, I didn’t know a reply had come.”


– Hah.


Ihyeok exhaled deeply at Hyeseong’s explanation.


– That’s a relief. I thought you weren’t responding to me. I called right away, but you didn’t answer.


Ah, Hyeseong let out a low sound. Come to think of it, Ihyeok had made such a request when he left for Seoul in the morning. To answer when he contacts. Honestly, he didn’t know Ihyeok was this concerned. Not only did he reply in that brief moment, but he also made so many calls.


Seeing Ihyeok’s anxiety firsthand made Hyeseong feel strange.


“I guess I was too busy cleaning the house to hear the phone ringing.”


– If that’s the case, it’s fine. You must be tired, rest.




– Hyeseong, I miss you.


Just as he was about to hang up, a low voice tickled his ear. It felt like Ihyeok was speaking directly into his ear.


– I’m so glad to hear your voice.


“Ah, we were together until this morning.”


What is this, talking like this made the conversation sound a bit strange.


– That’s right. But I still keep missing you.


“Aren’t you working right now, Ahjussi? I-I’m hanging up.”


Hyeseong quickly pressed the end call button. Then he slid down to the floor. He had thought he was adept at hiding his emotions and pretending to be nonchalant, but he was helplessly overwhelmed by Ihyeok, who was acting like a bulldozer to a surprising degree.


But somehow, he didn’t feel that bad about it.

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