Man the author just wants us to suffer. If J can't get them to recognize him and can't get them out, do you think he could stay with Sayoung while he wanders around for all those years, even if Sayoung can't recognize him?
I won't accept any other explanation than J turned into a monster. This NOT OK!😭
First. Thank you very much for the translation, but note for the translator. Everytime it refers to Lee Sayoung, it says "she." I'm not sure you noticed.
I love this novel, but if it forces Sayoung to go through all those years alone again, we're going to have a problem.
I hate everything and everyone. I'm actually a little pissed and holding back tears. Wtf is this?
Also translator, I'm 99% positive when Sayoung is saying "brother" it's supposed to be "hyung." Thank you for the translation anyways.