
16 February, 2025

How many raws are left?

16 February, 2025

Absolute Dominion maybe. There's a TL site but it hasn't been updating for 4 months. A better choice than Absolute Regression (I've seen it in the TL request page) same author but Absolute Regression already have a well known TL group working on it and it's still being regularly updated.

16 February, 2025

The world greatest is dead.
Same author but it's hosted else where.

I also read martial arts ain't a big deal.
Mount hua reincanation.
Myst Might Mayhem (completed, hosted elsewhere).

15 February, 2025

Cheonma really took all that burden for you!!! Treat her better you POS GYC!!

12 February, 2025

Well, can't blame Ye hwa for hating Wi Seol Ah. She's GYC's legal wife after all.

It's a proper reaction for anyone seeing their twin sister acting all lovey dovey with their husband.

11 February, 2025

We've got enough information. She's his wife... But when she stayed with him as his wife he'll turn into the calamity or die, so she regressed over and over again trying to find a way to save him, then she found out that he survived the longest if she takes his place as cheonma and play the bad guy (the calamity, by masking him with kurung), so she started regressing as cheonma while damaging her soul, she discarded the accumulated damaged parts and one regression it manifested as Wi Seol Ah.

That's why cheonma is so jealous of wi seoal ah, which is just a discarded part not even GYC's real wife. That's why cheonma is so strong because she basically have learned martial arts for multiple lifetime.

After countless regression she finally come to terms that HER REGRESSING can't save GYC. So she tried something else which is hinted earlier in the novel as choosing GYC. She choose to regress him instead, effectively erasing her memory and all her martial achievements. But by how the little celestial sword can survive briefly in Wi Seol Ah, We're now hinted that Yehwa (cheonma) might also do the same.

11 February, 2025

So sad...
GYC is the disaster but Yehwa took his place as cheonma to protect him, over and over again.
At the cost of twisting her own soul and keeping all the memories, while trying to find a way to save him. But the fucking way is to regress GYC (now with memory intact) and erase herself. :'(

10 February, 2025

Nooooo... You stupid GYC!!!

10 February, 2025

You're a wizard, Potter Yang Cheon!

10 February, 2025

For all we know they've done the deeds multiple times. In fact they've done it enough to cover multiple lifetime with how many times Yehwa have forced a regression.

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