Loved this 💓💓 Also, how tf do chapter releases and coupons work ?? Im so confused, im new at this website
"Cha Uijae knew now that when Sayoung called, he would come immediately. If Sayoung needed him, Cha Uijae would run to him. That much time had passed, and that much trust had been built." omfg kiss.🙏🏽
"At eye level, Uijae noticed Sayoung’s split lip. For a moment, Uijae considered whether he should drink Sayoung’s blood to put an end to his paranoia once and for all, but quickly dismissed the ridiculous thought." They're gae, of course they do everything BUT KISS 😵😵 (iluv this chap!!)
this is so FLUFF 💞💞 "How grateful it is to know there’s someone you can protect. And how wonderful it is to know there’s someone waiting for you." I LOLOLLOLOVEE THEEEMM