I Have Returned, but I Cannot Lay down My Gun
Chapter 87 Table of contents


Instinctively, almost naturally, I was about to click on the post, but I stopped myself with a conscious effort. Regardless of the urge, every action needs to follow a sequence and a process.

As fleeting scenes flashed through my mind, my thoughts reassembled. In the end, it didn’t seem like a good idea to immediately enter that fan space and watch the video.

Here’s why.

I had occasionally mentioned on stream that I needed to properly manage my YourSpace channel. Since it was a step towards something new, I had to pick the right person for the job.

However, if I clicked on that post now, it might give the impression that I was hiring a video editor on a whim. Even if that wasn’t the case, the logical flow could lead to that conclusion. Simply put, if I clicked on the link to the promo post and watched the video, there would inevitably be a reaction, and opinions would form.

If the reaction was positive, the chat would undoubtedly start suggesting that I hire the person to grow the channel.

I didn’t think such an impulsive decision would be the right approach.

Instead, I copied the link without clicking on it and opened a new window, ensuring it wouldn’t show up on the stream.

As the cursor moved by a few eye movements and clicked on the private message window, the words I intended to say started to automatically type themselves out. I wasn’t planning to send the message yet since I hadn’t watched the video.

The chat started to fill up with questions about what I was doing, but I simply told them to wait for a moment.

I opened a new window and clicked on the popular posts in the promo tab.

I scrolled through the posts quickly, observing the reactions without clicking on the YourSpace link. There were many positive comments. Frankly, I didn’t expect any negative ones unless the content was a complete disaster, given the atmosphere in my community.

After tossing the window to the corner of the screen, I continued speaking.

"I’ll check it out later after the stream ends."

I also gave a warning not to send the YourSpace video through donations.

Curiosity was bubbling up, but I managed to keep it under control. Suppressing instinct with reason is something only humans can do.

The chat didn’t settle down easily, but as soon as I exited the promo tab and shifted the topic, the conversation naturally moved on. Deciding on the editor wasn’t something that could be done just by gauging opinions during the stream.

After a brief consideration, I completely pushed the matter out of my mind. It wasn’t ideal to let my thoughts wander while interacting with viewers.

The communication continued for about another hour. The amount of Just Chatting I’ve been doing recently has doubled. It had been gradually increasing anyway, but it spiked around the time the qualifier ranks began.

Viewers had a lot of questions. It was understandable since curiosity is a natural human instinct.

The only problem, if you could call it that, was that some pro gamers occasionally showed up in the chat. Thankfully, none of them were from SSM. Actually, none were present at all.

Those guys need to focus on the curriculum I’ve set up, not waste time watching my stream.

<(ClearSky)Leni has donated 10,000 won> "Just thought I’d drop by… Do you do a lot of Just Chatting?"

"Leni, thank you for the 10,000 won donation… It’s more accurate to say that I don’t stream Dark Zone separately after the qualifier ranks. But once my rank stabilizes, I’m planning some content focused on pushing the main missions."

-Main???????Mission??? -Fact) This person hasn’t even completed the main missions yet -PVP master is a PVE newbie? Lol -Yeah… please push the main missions… don’t play weird games… or just do Just Chatting… -(Warning) Talking like this might lead to a sudden crappy game stream

I wasn’t entirely sure, but I might do it with Harmony.

Whether in the past or now, if I had time, I would occasionally watch her streams, usually through YourSpace rather than live.

Mostly, I watched the Dark Zone edited videos that had been uploaded to YourSpace over the past month. The echoes of the early mission zones had been fully transformed into proper works uploaded to YourSpace.

The four videos, each about 20 minutes long, had already surpassed 2 million views.

Though Harmony had gained fame from Dark Zone, she didn’t play the game that often.

Considering she’s a variety streamer, it made sense—although she did mention that she really liked the game. Plus, she said she would progress the main missions alongside me.

At first, I wondered if that was necessary, feeling that she might be adjusting too much to my personal schedule. But she insisted that it’s more comfortable to play with someone trustworthy.

There was also the aftermath of the last sniping incident.

Moreover, to participate seriously in KSM or the main competition, we’d need to unlock all the functions of the Icarus Tech.

In any case, not playing wasn’t an option. I had only refrained from touching it because it was still just the second day of the qualifier ranks.

After briefly explaining this, I marked "Contact Harmony" as a task in the Icarus Gear. This part was visible on the stream.

If she was sneakily watching my stream, I expected a message or something, but none came. She was probably streaming at the same time, which might explain it.

In a way, I might have been taking some of her viewer share. That thought crossed my mind, making me feel a bit guilty.


"Dark Zone will be back on either tomorrow or in a few days. For now, let’s see what we can play as a sub-game today… As always, I’ll check out the recommendations."

I wondered what weird, bizarre, or intriguing games would pop up today.

In a way, this was my burden to bear.

The evening had just begun.

[Dark Zone - Yujin Sub Gallery]

[General] What? I thought she’d watch the promo link in the fan space, but she didn’t?

<Random Yujin Fan Art>

I’m surprised she’s not really paying attention to fan space despite saying she was considering YourSpace for a while. Should we just leave it alone since she said she’d contact them later?

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-If she wasn’t paying attention, she wouldn’t have put up the thumbnail, idiot. ㄴ[OP]<Why You Gotta Be Mean>

-Fact) The ones saying to leave it alone are the most impatient ones. ㄴLol how did you know?

-Anyway, I hope she finds an editor for banter clips, weird game clips, Dark Zone clips, and tail moments. ㄴWhy did the tail clip sneak in there so naturally, lol ㄴHonestly, we need that. ㄴIf she releases a compilation of tail moments as Shorts, it would melt time away.

-If she gets an editor and posts more frequently, the subscriber count would hit 100k quickly. It’s frustrating. ㄴShe’s only been streaming for a month, give her a break, lol ㄴI don’t care, just do it already.




[General] She’s playing another weird game, lol

<Captured image of Yujin giggling while creating a weird weapon>

What is this indie game where you make weird weapons? I thought it was normal for once, but the weapon customization is god-tier, lol.

This is the first time I’ve seen her laugh like this, lol.

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-Her expression, lol. -She’s beaming, lol. -She’s still making weird stuff and laughing out loud, lol. ㄴ[OP]Her tail was coiled when she laughed. So cute, ha…. ㄴOh. ㄴI’m going to watch right now, lol.

-I never thought I’d smile and laugh at an avatar instead of a real person. This is weird. ㄴI used to hate reptiles, man, lol. ㄴThat’s how you develop a fetish for Serpentia. ㄴAdmit it, you’d love to be wrapped up by that tail, lol.




“Heh, no, really, ha….”

The clanging sound came from the customization process. Chains hung from the hilt of a short sword, with two gleaming, purple iron balls attached to the end, each the size of a watermelon.

It seemed like a flail, but the visual was… well, you get the idea.

I couldn’t hold back my laughter.

The chat was the same.

-Lololololololololololololololol. -Noona, that’s too big, it won’t fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Dangling, lolololololol. -This is crazy, lolololololololol. -Oh my god, lololololololol.

<MoistAndCrispy has donated 1,000 won> -Please stop poking me with your tail, professor. What? It’s not your tail? Oof.

“Hey, don’t send donations like that, haha… Anyway, I don’t think this will be very efficient.”

I’d only been playing for 20 minutes.

The character looked like a budget cosplay version of a past Roman legionnaire, with a sawed-off cleaning brush glued to the top of an ushanka hat, a white T-shirt, and green shorts.

After facing off against enemies that not only looked like my character but also wielded identical weapons—though I wasn’t controlling them—I unlocked the weapon customization feature.

That’s when the real chaos began.

This game, which seemed to twist the concept of a gladiator game from the ground up, encouraged me to try out crazy weapons like flamethrowers, circular saws, bricks, and giant tunas.

As soon as I gave in to those expectations, the game went completely off the rails, and within 10 minutes, I was swinging a short sword with a brick block the size of a small car attached to it.

As time passed, the customizations grew more bizarre, and by the 20-minute mark, the whole thing had devolved into utter madness.

-[Notice: Would you like to name the weapon ‘Great Potential’?]

-[Notice: Name registered!]

-Lololololololololol. -It’s bigger than an ostrich egg, lolololololol. -My stomach hurts, lololololol. -She’s enjoying this now. -The pro gamers here for tips are probably freaking out, lolololol.

“Oh man, I laughed too hard. Let’s deploy this thing.”


A grand, deep horn sounded, filling the arena with its majestic tone. My character appeared in the small circular arena, surrounded by traps with bricks and flamethrowers hanging from the ends.

But this game had a memory, and the enemies came at me wielding grotesque weapons—scythes, bricks, flamethrowers, and saws—all of which I had crafted just minutes before.

With a loud thud, my character was sent flying.

The AI enemies were running wild, swinging weapons that defied the laws of physics, and I was quickly reduced to a pile of mush.

Meanwhile, another enemy, wielding the weapon I had just created with two massive iron balls, entered the fray only to be swiftly sliced apart. Indeed, the old weapons were the best; the ones I’d made earlier were real cheat codes.

Then, a donation hit the mark.

<Welch'sDouble has donated 1,000 won> -Long, big, sturdy, and heavy weapons are the best. I’ve learned your preferences, professor. Thanks for the lesson today.

“No, you need to clarify the subject and object. If you say it like that, I sound like a weirdo.”

-Lolololololololololololol. -Fact) There’s no convincing anyone after making a dual-ball weapon, lol. -Professor, it’s too late. Just accept it, lol. -This is too funny, lololololol. -You can’t deny it after naming your weapon like that, lolololol.

And so, today’s stream… well, it wasn’t smooth sailing.

My stomach hurt from laughing too much.

Just another day in my life.

As mentioned in the announcement, I'm working on creating more cute emoticons to promote to more people.


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