I Sought the Villain But Ended Up with a Husband
Chapter 48 Table of contents

Carren’s expression was exceedingly serious as he asked about future actions.

According to Leciel, there had been a similar incident last time. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured or hurt then, but yesterday was different.

Especially since something like what happened yesterday could happen again. Therefore, precautions were necessary.

They couldn’t let the precious talents of the Grand Duke family be harmed by the one they served again.

Also, it was imperative that the state of his father did not reach other people’s ears.

The family was already under the emperor’s watchful eye, and if this news spread and reached the emperor’s ears, it was uncertain how it would affect the family.

“… so that’s what’s troubling you.”

The solution Kael had come up with was to have the knights guard his room, but that was no longer possible.

However, he couldn’t just sit idly.

Then, for a moment, Kael’s gaze turned to Leciel.

Was she the only solution?

It was Leciel who stopped him last time and this time as well.

“For the record, Lessie was not hurt.”

“That’s very fortunate.”

If that child had been hurt by his hands, Kael would have felt an unbearable sense of guilt.

After all, she was brought in to be cherished and cared for.

“Yes, indeed. If Lessie had been hurt, I wouldn’t have let it slide even if it were you, Father.”

Although he didn’t stand a chance against his father with his skills, someone had to be held accountable for harming his precious one.

Even if that someone was his father.

“This is why they say raising children is pointless.”

No matter how much he liked Leciel, such unfilial words were outrageous.

Moreover, the blanket and pillow Leciel was using were his.

Kael was incredulous at his son’s behavior of making him sleep without a blanket and pillow.

However, he didn’t intend to scold him harshly. After all, he couldn’t let the child sleep without a blanket.

And if he had indeed hurt Leciel, he would have made efforts to apologize to her, regardless of what Carren did.

Of course, that was that, and he felt a bit resentful and hurt by Carren.

Carren pretended not to hear Kael’s muttering.

“Playing deaf, I see.”

His son often pretended not to hear things that were disadvantageous or unpleasant, but this time it was particularly annoying.

However, Kael did not say anything more than a brief reprimand. There were more pressing concerns.

“You said the kid stopped me this time too?”

“Yes. When I arrived, you had already collapsed and lost consciousness, so I don’t know the details, but that’s what I heard. So, I had the injured knights taken to the infirmary for treatment, and I personally brought you to your bed.”

“Well, thank you very much.”

Kael said, somewhat incredulous at Carren’s words, which seemed to be seeking praise.

For a moment, Kael fell into deep thought.

This was the second time.

Which meant that it could happen again in the future.

And since there were injuries this time, there was no telling what might happen if it happened again.

“… I think I’ll have to move the kid’s room next to mine.”

Kael said in a heavy voice.

He didn’t want to involve Leciel in his affairs, especially in something like this.

However, regrettably, there was no other option for the time being.

It wasn’t something he could control, nor was there anyone who could stop him.

“Is that the only solution?”

Carren frowned, not liking the reason he had figured out for moving Leciel’s room.

“For now.”

If there were another way, he would have chosen it.

How could he entrust such a heavy and frightening task to that young child?

He didn’t know how Leciel managed to stop him, but it must have been terrifying to face him when he was not in his right mind.

Especially since she saw the knights were getting hurt by his hand last night.

Even if he promised never to hurt Leciel, that wouldn’t completely eliminate her fear.

And if, by any chance, Leciel couldn’t stop him… it would be a dreadful situation.

Therefore, it was even harder for Kael.

In a way, it was like putting Leciel in a dangerous position.

“You need to find another way as soon as possible.”

“I know.”

Kael didn’t intend to rely on Leciel forever. He just needed time to find another solution.

“I’ll have to train harder in swordsmanship.”

Carren said nonchalantly, looking at Kael who had a complicated expression.

“Huh, are you planning to beat me up with that swordsmanship?”

“I have to try to stop you in Lessie’s place, don’t I?”

Carren was confident, saying it was for his father’s sake.

Even if the real reason was that he couldn’t let Leciel bear that heavy burden alone.

“You still have a long way to go before you can beat me.”

“You never know.”

“Let’s just wait and see.”

Kael smirked as if to say, “Give it your best shot.”

However, Kael believed in his son. Carren already possessed skills comparable to most knights. If he put his heart into training, his abilities would undoubtedly improve rapidly.

So, even if not immediately, he could surpass him sooner than expected.

‘What an impressive kid.’

Not only had she captivated his son, but she had also made him serious about something.

“And while we’re moving rooms, I’ll move mine as well.”

“Your room too?”

“Yes. I think the room next to Lessie’s would be ideal.”

“Is it my imagination that it seems like your motives are full of selfish intentions?”


Carren nodded without hesitation.

Of course, it would be a lie to say there were no ulterior motives, but the main reason Carren wanted to move his room next to Leciel’s was to help her.

He couldn’t leave everything to her.

There might be times when someone needed to be moved, like today, and even if not, you never knew what might happen, so unexpected things could occur.

Surely, Leciel needed someone she could trust and rely on. Therefore, he wanted to be by her side.

So that he could step up and help her whenever she needed it.

“Let’s say so. But the kid is sleeping so soundly.”

Although they were deliberately speaking softly so as not to wake her, she could have woken up. Kael looked at the still unmoving Leciel with a curious expression.

At that moment.

Leciel suddenly sat up and spoke.

“I’m already awake!”

“Then why were you pretending to sleep?”

Kael wasn’t particularly surprised that she had been awake since their conversation wasn’t something Leciel shouldn’t hear.

“I just couldn’t find the right moment to wake up.”

Leciel hadn’t been awake from the start.

She had woken up in the middle of their conversation but stayed still to avoid interrupting them.

“Is there really such a moment?”

If you were awake, you should just get up.

“And the sofa is surprisingly soft, so it’s hard to get up.”

Leciel, who sat up from the sofa, spoke while wrapping the blanket around herself.

“Well, the sofa is just the right size for a kid like you.”

“The sofa is just big, okay?”

Why were these rich people so eager to tease her for being small?

Leciel glared at Kael with a discontented expression. But to Kael, she just seemed cute and endearing.

“Anyway, it fits you perfectly for sleeping.”

“At this size, even a grown adult could sleep comfortably, you know?”

“Not for me. My legs are so long that my ankles stick out.”

“Well, good for you being tall!”

With those words, Leciel pouted.

“Well, I think it’s better than being small.”

“What’s wrong with being small!”

Leciel yelled out in frustration.

“A kid like you being small is charming and just plain cute, but I wouldn’t look so good if I were small.”

“… ahem.”

Really, what was with this? Teasing her for being small and then complimenting her on being charming and cute.

Was he giving medicine after the illness?

But the compliment seemed to slightly lift Leciel’s mood, making her expression soften a bit.

Kael almost let out a laugh at that moment but managed to hold it back.

If he laughed now, the barely pacified Leciel might sulk again.

‘It’s so fun to tease the kid.’

Seeing her lovable reactions every time, Kael couldn’t help but feel mischievous.

Was he always this mean-spirited?

“So, from where you heard us?”

“From the part about moving my room?”

“Our kid is not only quick-witted but also precisely times her wake-up.”

She had picked up on the most crucial part.

“But this is my decision, and it’s not something I can do without your consent.”

“I don’t mind.”

Whether this room or that room, it was all the same to Leciel.

It wasn’t like she was the one moving her stuff anyway.

“If you’re as quick-witted as you are, you must know why I want to move your room next to mine. Are you still okay with it?”

“What can I do? I saved your life, so I should at least provide after-service. Although I’m not usually so generous with my services, I’m doing this because it’s you.”

“Thank you.”

“If you understand, treat me well and stop teasing me.”

“It’s my way of showing affection.”

He wouldn’t tease or joke around with someone he didn’t care about.

At those words, Leciel mumbled why he had to express affection in such a way and looked sulky.

Seeing that, Kael’s expression softened.

She was truly a lovely child. And an incredibly precious one.

Receiving her affection was a heavy and meaningful responsibility for Kael.

How could it not be?

She was willing to take risks for his sake.

Even though she was the only one who could stop him, it didn’t mean she had to take on that responsibility.

Everything was his issue, not hers.

Nevertheless, Leciel had readily accepted his request, understanding that it wasn’t something light or easily done.



At Kael’s soft call, Leciel looked at him with a pouting expression.

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