I Sought the Villain But Ended Up with a Husband
Chapter 49 Table of contents

“No matter how young you may be, I can’t just make you work for free. Therefore, I’ll double the salary I originally promised.”

Though it wasn’t something that could be measured in monetary terms, the only way Kael could show his sincerity at the moment was with <money>.

Of course, he didn’t intend to stop there.

There was still a lot of time to spend with her in the future, so he planned to fulfill any wish she might have during that time.

“… no, well, you don’t have to go that far…”

Leciel said, looking a bit awkward.

The reason she accepted Kael’s proposal wasn’t solely for his sake.

She couldn’t just stand by, thinking that what happened to Kael might be related to the original story.

After witnessing what happened last night, she was convinced that it might really be a curse, not just sleepwalking.

In that case, to prevent the dreadful ending in the future, she had to step in.

Even though it pricked her conscience a bit to receive money for doing something she felt she had to do anyway.

After all, she would be receiving money for something she was doing for her own benefit.

“Why, don’t you need it?”

“No! That’s not what I meant!”

Even if her conscience was pricked, it wasn’t polite to refuse the money that the other party was offering first.

More precisely, it wasn’t about politeness; it was more about basic etiquette for someone living in a capitalist society.

“Then it’s settled.”

“But… isn’t doubling the original salary a bit too much?”

Even if she didn’t refuse the money given, doubling the original salary meant twenty times the usual salary. The original salary was already ten times that of an ordinary healer.

Moreover, the doubled amount was to be given separately, so in total, she would be receiving thirty times the salary of a regular healer.

“I don’t think so.”

Especially considering the risk Leciel would be taking.

“Well, if the giver thinks so.”

“It’s always good to be certain, so let’s put this in writing as well.”

“That’s a very wise decision.”

Leciel gave a thumbs up.

“I don’t intend to keep asking you to do this. You’re still young, and it’s a heavy burden. So, it’s only until we find another way.”


Leciel didn’t see any need to continue if there was another way to solve the issue.

“I’ll inform them to move your room immediately.”


Leciel nodded readily, as it didn’t matter to her when she moved rooms.

Meanwhile, Carren, who had been listening to their conversation, had a puzzled look on his face.

“Did you promise Leciel a salary?”

“Yes. On the condition that I hire her as a healer for the Grand Duke’s family.”

Since there was no reason to hide it now, Kael answered straightforwardly.

Carren, finally understanding the situation, nodded.

He wasn’t curious about why a ten-year-old child had been hired as a healer for the Grand Duke’s family.

He already knew about her healing abilities.

But then, Carren frowned as if something was bothering him.

“But… you don’t plan to make that young child work already, do you?”

Hiring her as a healer was one thing, but he wasn’t sure when Leciel would start working as one, so Carren asked with skepticism.

“… until she becomes an adult, she’ll only help during regular hunts.”

Kael replied, looking exasperated at Carren’s suspicion that he was a ruthless employer.

“Tsk, I knew Father had no talent for raising children, but this is too much.”


“Not showing a young child anything good but having her see patients instead. What if soft-hearted Lessie is traumatized?”

Even if it was just once a month for regular hunts, Carren didn’t like the idea, thinking it might not be good for Leciel’s mental health to see knights covered in blood.

“She agreed to it herself, though.”

“Yes, that’s right!”

Afraid of losing the cushy job because of Carren, Leciel quickly agreed.

With that, Carren reluctantly fell silent.

“And… I agree she’s young, but she doesn’t seem that soft-hearted…”

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have survived for two years in the monster forest without any memories.

Although it wasn’t perfect, considering her situation, it was still an impressive feat.

And being compassionate was different from being soft-hearted.

Moreover, she wasn’t so soft-hearted that she would be shocked by the sight of injured knights.

“But I am soft-hearted.”

Leciel insisted, unable to agree with Kael’s assessment.

“… if you say so.”

Kael conceded, having seen some soft-hearted aspects of her.

“Anyway, she agreed to it, and I’ll consider her circumstances and be as careful as possible.”

Kael firmly stated, indicating that there was no need to worry.

Despite still looking dissatisfied, Carren said no more.

After all, from the family’s perspective, it was inefficient to let someone with healing abilities remain idle just because they were young.

“Well, I think we’ve said everything we needed to. Let’s go eat now.”

A proper meal was important for growing children.

After a somewhat intimate meal, Kael began his duties as the head of the family. However, unlike usual, Kael’s steps led him to the infirmary instead of his office.

He was also going there to check on the condition of the knights and to keep things under control.

Carren and Leciel walked to the study together.

“Are you going to read too, brother?”

“Since training is in the afternoon anyway.”

“That’s right, reading together helps you concentrate better and it’s more fun.”

In truth, Leciel just wanted to be with Karen, but she said it with a bright smile.

“… I suppose.”

Carren gave an ambiguous answer. Being with Leciel would be enjoyable, but he wasn’t sure how well he’d be able to concentrate on reading.

Soon, they reached the study, and after each choosing a book, they found a suitable place to sit down.

Leciel picked a book about <curses>.

Since Kael’s condition had been identified as a curse rather than sleepwalking, she thought it was better to learn about it.

She needed to find out if curses existed here, what they entailed, and how to break them.

If Kael’s behavior in the original story was due to a curse, then solving the curse could prevent the original ending.

However, the book she chose didn’t contain the information she wanted.

The title was <The Origin and History of Curses>, but the content said, ‘Curses are just a creation of ignorant people; they don’t exist’.


The title had promised something significant, but the content was disappointing.

Leciel closed the book with a thud in frustration.

Worried that the noise might have disturbed Carren’s reading, she glanced at him nervously.

But Carren, who seemed not to have been reading from the start, was sitting across from her, staring intently.


Wondering why he was staring so intently, Leciel looked at Carren with a puzzled expression.


Carren pretended not to understand her question.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

It didn’t seem like he was just annoyed by the noise.

“Can’t I look at you?”

Carren tilted his head slightly as he asked, and the action was so charming that Leciel momentarily stopped breathing, clutching her heart.

What was this, he looked like a fox with not just nine tails but ninety!

Carren might not have thought much about it, but Leciel couldn’t let it pass.

His gaze had been fixed on her for a while, and a small smile had formed on his usually indifferent face.

The smile was as delicate and beautiful as a flower petal, making it all the more attractive.

Even his voice carried a peculiar tickling sensation.

‘Even when he’s still young, he already has such a seductive voice!’

If her heart were a little weaker, she would have fallen for him and collapsed on the spot.

In this sense, Carren was very seductive at that moment.

Trying to regain her composure, Leciel spoke with effort.

“… it might be dangerous to look at someone like that, but I’m just curious. Why are you looking at me?”

Carren chuckled at her somewhat incoherent words.

Her flustered appearance seemed cute to him.

“… just because.”

Because you’re cute.

Carren didn’t say the last part out loud and instead tried to keep a nonchalant expression.

But he couldn’t completely hide the affection in his eyes.

‘Where did such a cute thing come from?’

As he thought about how his father couldn’t help but find her adorable, Carren continued to stare at Leciel.

In fact, Carren had been looking at her even before she noticed.

When he accidentally looked up and saw her concentrating so hard, he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

Leciel was so focused on the book, her invisible ears practically twitching with concentration, that it reminded him of a tiny, adorable animal he wanted to poke.

“But… you didn’t seem to like the book you chose?”

Remembering how she had closed the book in frustration, Carren asked.

“Oh, yes. It didn’t have the information I wanted.”

Leciel pouted, clearly displeased.

Carren, almost unconsciously, reached out and gently pinched her pouting lips.



Both Leciel and Carren were surprised by his action, and Carren quickly withdrew his hand, looking slightly regretful.

‘It was so soft and nice.’

He wanted to touch her more properly, but he held back.

“What was that just now?”

“Just curious.”

“Curious about what?”

“Your small lips moving so diligently, it was fascinating.”

Even when she was eating, her small lips would move so adorably.

“Why is everyone so obsessed with my small size?”

It was something she heard constantly, and it was getting tiresome.

“… I don’t know.”

The main point was that her smallness made her look particularly cute, but Carren didn’t say that out loud.

He felt too shy and embarrassed to say it.

So, Carren changed the subject.

“If you want specific information, I can find it for you.”

He had read most of the books in the study and knew their contents.

“Then, a book about curses! One that doesn’t deny their existence but gives proper information.”

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