Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 2 Ch. 4 Table of contents

After taking care of the necessary matters within the tribe, Leon and his family headed to the seaside for a vacation.

This particular beach wasn’t the same as the one where Noa’s parents had their final date, as seen in the drama "Parent’s Love." That location was more of a small scenic spot near Sky City, ideal for a post-dinner stroll or a bit of relaxation.

But if they were looking for a real seaside vacation, they needed to go to a proper beach.

After several hours of flying, the clouds parted, revealing a whole new tropical paradise before Leon’s eyes.

Looking down at the sandy beaches and the vast blue sea, Leon had never imagined the dragon territory was so vast.

At this thought, Leon couldn’t help but feel a burst of anger.

Why did the Empire have to betray him?

If only they had given General Leon a few more years, he could have conquered the dragon territory, and these beaches and seas would have belonged to humans!

He scoffed at the shortsightedness of humans.

But then he quickly let it go. This trip was meant to be spent with his daughters, not to dwell on such frustrating matters.

The giant silver dragon gently landed at the entrance of the resort.

Before heading to the beach, they had to check into the hotel and put away their belongings.

They booked two rooms in total—one for Noa and Moon, and one for Leon and Rosvisser.

As for little Aurora, where she would sleep tonight depended entirely on whether her parents decided to “connect emotionally” that night.

Poor little girl, even though her mom and dad had been by her side since birth, there were times when she had to be left alone.

So, the lesson here is that you’d better hope you’re born into a family with a more relaxed lifestyle. If you end up in one where it’s three days of fun and five days of more fun, constantly making new brothers and sisters, you’d best avoid bothering your parents at night—they might not have time for you.

After checking in, the five of them changed into their swimsuits.

The three little dragon girls were adorable in their striped children's swimsuits, each paired with a swimming ring. It was both cute and safe.

Leon wore a loose tank top and a pair of blue and white beach shorts, looking fresh and perfect for the beach vibe.

Initially, Rosvisser had only bought him a pair of beach shorts, claiming, “My husband has such a great body—of course, we need to show it off.”

But Leon knew better. This dragon queen just wanted to show off the dragon tattoo on his chest.

Not wanting to attract the stares of countless admirers, Leon bought a loose tank top to cover up.

Lastly, Rosvisser wore the modest one-piece swimsuit she had bought a few days earlier, paired with a sun-protection jacket. The only parts of her body exposed were her tail and long, slender legs.

The Silver Dragon Queen only revealed her seductive, alluring side when doing “homework” with her fake husband. Otherwise, she was rather conservative.

Leon knew this very well.

So, it seemed this beach trip wouldn’t result in a repeat of that black mesh lingerie swimsuit incident from the hot springs.

With that thought, Master Leon silently let out a sigh of relief.

He had already seen all of Rosvisser's tricks. The only thing that could still shake his resolve was her endless outfit changes.

As long as he could prevent her from wearing those wild outfits, he, Cosmod, would remain pure and steadfast!

“What are you smiling about?” As they were about to leave, Rosvisser noticed Leon grinning to himself and couldn’t help but ask.

Leon immediately wiped the smile off his face. “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

Rosvisser’s eyes twinkled mischievously as she smiled. “You were smiling like a boy on his first date.”

Leon rolled his eyes. “You’re so nosy, dragon lady.”

“Doesn’t matter what I am, as long as it annoys you.”

“No, no, I’m not annoyed at all. I’m very comfortable, thank you.”

Rosvisser raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? Well, how about I make you even more comfortable tonight, hmm?”

Leon instantly felt a jolt in his lower body and swallowed nervously, saying nothing more. He quickly left the room to go find his daughters.

Rosvisser, hands in her jacket pockets, watched the foolish prisoner of war scurry away, shaking her head with a sigh.

“Hmm, I guess his magic hasn’t fully recovered yet. Otherwise, there’s no way he’d be so spineless.”

With that, Rosvisser stepped out of the room as well.

At the beach, the salty sea breeze blew gently, and seagulls circled in the distance as the waves crashed rhythmically against the shore.

Far off where the sea met the sky, the water sparkled, stretching out as far as the eye could see.

There weren’t many tourists on the beach, as this place, like Floating Cloud Valley, wasn’t open to the common dragon folk. Only nobles and royals could visit.

Noa and Moon rushed into the shallow water, hugging their swimming rings. The couple didn’t let them bring Aurora along this time.

Playing together at home was one thing, but the beach wasn’t a place to be so carefree.

Even with lifeguards on duty, Leon and Rosvisser couldn’t let Aurora out of their sight.

Under the large beach umbrella, Leon and Rosvisser reclined on lounge chairs, with two cool drinks placed on the small table between them.

Aurora sat on her father’s stomach, waving her tiny pink fists, seemingly about to do something.

Leon thought she might be thirsty, so he handed her his cold drink.

Aurora didn’t want it.

Then Leon thought she might be hot, so he handed her a small fan to cool off.

Aurora didn’t want that either.

Leon sat up, looking at his youngest daughter. “What exactly do you want?”

In the next moment, Aurora’s tiny pink fist shot up, landing a perfect uppercut to her father’s chin.

Before Leon could even react, he heard the sound of laughter beside him.

He turned to see Rosvisser lying on her chair, laughing so hard she had to clutch her stomach.

Leon’s eye twitched slightly. “What’s so funny…”

The queen managed to compose herself, propping her delicate face up with a single fist as she gazed at him with bright eyes.

“There are very few dragons in this world who can uppercut you and walk away unscathed. Aurora is one of them. What do you have to say about that?”

“This is just part of the process of raising a beloved daughter. Who didn’t rebel a little as a child, right?”

Leon happily scooped up his youngest daughter, her tiny pink tail swinging back and forth.

Aurora blinked her big, bright eyes at her father, babbling incomprehensibly in baby talk.

“How long until Aurora can start speaking?” Leon asked.

Rosvisser did some quick mental calculations. “Maybe another month? If she’s quick, maybe half a month?”

Leon nodded thoughtfully, gently patting Aurora’s head. “Do you think she’ll say ‘Daddy’ or ‘Mommy’ first?”

Rosvisser didn’t hesitate. “It’ll be ‘Mommy’—that’s just basic instinct for babies. Don’t even bother competing with me on this one, Leon. You’ll lose.”

Leon pouted. “Not necessarily. Aurora’s a half-blood. Mixed-blood kids are always a bit special.”

The queen shrugged. “Special in the sense that her first word will be ‘Daddy’? Not likely.”

“Fine, just wait and see. Aurora’s going to say ‘Daddy’ first, for sure.”

Rosvisser chuckled softly, too lazy to argue further.

She turned over, pulling out two tubes of sunscreen from her bag.

“Help me put on sunscreen.”

“Do it yourself,” Leon said, still busy playing with his youngest daughter.

“I can’t reach some spots. Hurry up.”

Seeing that her lazy husband wasn’t moving, Rosvisser prodded his face with her tail. “I’ll count to three. If you don’t come over, I’ll activate the dragon tattoo.”


Leon was about to retort but then suddenly remembered something.



“The other night when I was in the Empire, my dragon tattoo flashed a few times... care to explain that?”

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