If you Don’t Love Me, I Will Die
Chapter 33 Table of contents

TN: This chapter has the finale of the title drama. I’m keeping it in the translator’s corner cause I was annoyed by this at the time.

“It has come to that.”

Crown Prince Eldrigan Lionheart muttered, pressing his temples upon hearing the Chief Investigator’s words.

No matter how much he tried to conceal it, a sigh escaped him. He felt pitifully inadequate.

He had boldly declared that he would assist in preventing harm to the Radner family, yet ultimately, he found himself unable to do anything.

Exhaling heavily, Eldrigan asked.

“Can the Radner family be saved?”
“It will be difficult.”
“Even William faced punishment…”
“You know, Your Highness…”

The Chief Investigator bowed his head.

“It’s not about whether he faced punishment or not. The problem is that everyone, even a rural peasant, knows that Johann Radner was distributing drugs in the empire. In such circumstances, no one will want to work with the Radners.”

It was a social death sentence.

The world of nobles was cold and ruthless.
Today’s enemies could become tomorrow’s allies, and a once-hailed family could become an ironclad enemy.

Therefore, in the aristocratic society, reputation and honor were more important than anything else.

As a family with a tarnished reputation, others would not want to engage in business with them.

“I must find a way,” Eldrigan said, exhaling a sigh as if the ground was collapsing beneath him.

He was a figure born into the elite of the nobility, even among nobles.

From a young age, he knew that great power came with great responsibility.

And responsibility was another part of honor.

So he would uphold the honor befitting the name of a prince.

“Report all incidents happening in the Radner estate from now on.”
“Your Highness…”
“I will not abuse my authority, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

The Chief Investigator, who had been looking at him with concern, lowered his surprised gaze.

Having observed the man for a long time, the Chief Investigator could tell that Eldrigan’s words were not false.

Even his determined gaze reflected burning determination.

“I will do as you ask.”
“I appreciate it.”

With his usual subtle smile, Eldrigan bid farewell to the Chief Investigator.


The Radner estate, which he hadn’t visited in a few months, was desolate.

It looked different from the somewhat noble estate it had been, even in its dilapidation.

It was understandable.

After all, it was an estate operated with money that was promptly seized.
Losses from business failures and deficits from operating the knights.

To cover the costs, they had sought support from the Bronte family, but even that wasn’t enough, so they had to use Johann’s money.

“It’s… unbelievable.”

I walked around the estate upon arrival.

The already small and modest estate was now rugged, with only traces of cultivation left on the dry land where crops had not been grown.

The neglected fences and a few houses were marked only by traces of fire.

Probably the result of attacks by bandits.
Most of the villagers had left as well.
Thanks to that, the estate was as desolate as a ghost town.


As I walked towards the mansion, an unfamiliar face caught my eye.
It was the servant who used to take care of meals at the mansion.
Her name…

“Ah… Edward.”

She sank to the ground as soon as she spotted me at the mansion’s entrance.

“You’ve returned.”
“I’m sorry. I’m late.”
“No, milord. Fortunately, you’ve returned in good health.”

I strolled through the mansion grounds following the servant, and soon, I saw the entrance to the garden.

“The garden…”
“It’s been over a month since the gardener left.”

The once beautiful garden was now overgrown with weeds due to lack of maintenance.

‘You have a cherry blossom leaf on your shoulder.’

I remember walking in this garden when I first met Ania. I had sworn to myself not to trust her.

Lost in memories, I arrived at the mansion gate, which also showed signs of neglect.

The training grounds of the knights, the dining hall, the reception room, the library…
There was not a single place that was intact.


Seeing that sight, I finally felt the full weight of the fact that the family had fallen apart.

I slowly stepped into the study and sank into the chair. Dust rose into the air.

“What about the other servants?”

I asked, and Allensia bowed her head in response.

“They’ve all left already.”
“Why are you still here?”
“How could I leave? I owe my life to the Viscount.”

The reason why the Viscount’s study was still tidy was probably because of her.

Allensia, who had been guarding the mansion alone, suddenly seemed admirable.

“Well then… I suppose I should start by tidying up the mansion a bit.”

No matter how much she cleaned, the study wasn’t as neat as before.

Before the family fell apart, there were over thirty servants, so it must have been difficult for Allensia to manage alone.

I stood up and started organizing the cluttered documents and shelves. Allensia was startled.

“Milord…! Let me do it.”
“Why should I leave it all to you? You trusted the family, so I must also show my commitment through action.”

As the afternoon passed and the sun began to set, Allensia and I spent the whole day cleaning up the mansion.

We cleaned the study, library, and spacious grounds that had been used as the knights’ training grounds.

Even when Allensia suggested I take a break, I diligently continued cleaning the corridors and dusting off decorations.

Finally, the mansion felt like a livable place. I returned to the study and sat down at the desk.

Now, I needed to make a plan.
A plan to rebuild the fallen family.

But it felt daunting.
Even in my original world, before becoming Edward, I had never dealt with such a monumental task.

But there must be a way out.

I took a picture frame from my bag and placed it on the desk.
It was a portrait of Ania, a keepsake she gave me before leaving the mansion.

Looking at her face, the heavy feeling in my chest eased a bit.


I promised to return.
So, I will.

I took out some parchment and a quill and began jotting down things I could do.


“Duke, we must annul the marriage.”

In the meeting room of the Bronte manor, Valentine Bronte sat at the head of the long table, troubled.

“Yes, breaking ties with the Radner family is crucial to protecting Miss’ reputation.”
“Both the connection with Radner and our honor are important, but it’s time for a decision.”

The assistants who handled various aspects of the family’s affairs, including finances, politics, and estate management, raised their voices.

Edward Radner and the annulment of his daughter’s marriage.

“But everyone, think about it. Is betraying Radner right, even if they’ve fallen?”
“Of course, annulment is not honorable, but we have to protect Miss first.”

Valentine disagreed, but the advisors were firm.

“The Radner family’s drug trafficking has already been exposed throughout the empire. It’s common knowledge even among beggars on the streets. If Miss remains married to the head of such a family… she could become a target of suspicion.”
“But the Bronte family has nothing to do with Radner’s drug trade. It was unknown during the marriage.”

The political advisor responsible for the family’s business relationships shook his head as he stroked his beard.

“That doesn’t matter, Duke. Even if the truth is so, it could still lead to a scandal, don’t you realize?”
“I do, but… I can’t subject my daughter to such cruelty. I remember her smile after we finalized the marriage agreement.”
“You must also consider that such brief happiness could obstruct Miss’s future path.”

Valentine Bronte, who had tried to protect his daughter’s marriage life at all costs, now had nothing more to say.

He lightly bit his lower lip.

“Well then… What about officially accepting Edward as a member of the Bronte family?”
“It’s a risky move. Bringing someone from the Radner family into the Bronte family… If it had been done earlier, it might have been acceptable, but if such a decision is made now, the Bronte family will also be seen as involved in the drug case in social circles.”
“Then… is annulment the only solution in the end?”
“Yes, the marriage must be annulled.”

All ten advisors unanimously agreed.
Contrary to the usual meetings where advisors often stuck to their opinions without yielding, this was completely different.
If these exceptional talents were all speaking with one voice… then surely it meant something.

Valentine had tried everything for his daughter and even for the long-standing connection with the Radner family from the past, but now he found himself in a situation where he couldn’t insist on his way.

He fell into silence for a while.
Ten pairs of eyes watched him intently.

Valentine Bronte realized it was an unavoidable decision.
In the end, he had to stab his daughter’s heart with his own hand.

To become a father who would do such a dreadful thing.

The man who wished for his daughter’s happiness more than anyone else finally rose from his seat and spoke.

“Let it be so.”

Valentine could do anything for his daughter’s sake,
Even if Edward, burdened with heavy responsibilities at a young age, seemed pitiable.

Translator’s Corner

So about the peerage change. The biggest reason is earls hold land, while viscounts don’t. There’s a problem where viscount titles aren’t hereditary, but there are cases where it was due to their dwindling numbers later. There was also a problem with how we had Radner ‘estate’ as viscounts couldn’t own land. However, it seems they could rule over villages and towns. So being a viscount is perfectly reasonable.

I wanted to change it as such when we were introduced to Earl Roland’s ball, which was worded in a way that it was an honor for Edward to receive the letter.

… A little late to say, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I learned quite a decent amount of how peerage works now. Gotta love translating sometimes.


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