The Returnee Wants Peace
Chapter 10 Table of contents

The term ‘trial’ is an ambiguous term used by the blue window. It refers to the bizarre erosion phenomenon that occurs worldwide.

-Simply put, the natural environment of the land changes, creating a dungeon-like structure. If you don’t clear that dungeon within a certain time limit, all the monsters inside burst out.

While the details varied each time, the general structure was similar.

Naturally, the initial damage was severe. If humans didn’t have new abilities like magic or swordsmanship, psychic powers, and the power of the sacred relic, they probably would have stood no chance.

The reason she is explaining the trial now is purely because of the test of the sacred relic.

The test of the sacred relic begins.

– The content of the test varies according to the characteristics of the sacred relic.

– The trial is currently in progress. Endure as long as you can!

Quickly reading the notification, Rosha looked around.

She seemed to have been momentarily engulfed in blue flames and then briefly returned to the room, but suddenly, she found herself in an unfamiliar corridor.

On both sides, temple pillars were carved into stone walls, and although there were no windows, it wasn’t too dark thanks to the intermittent glowing beads. There were old carpets on the floor and monsters’ corpses on top of them.

‘…This feels too real for a spiritual world?’

The sensation was almost identical to reality, just more magical.

Normally, using psychic powers should strain the eyes, but they seemed fine, suggesting that this was indeed a mental world.

‘Yeah, so I must be carrying this, too.’

She glanced at the gun that had somehow appeared in her hand.

She knew how to use guns from the previous world, but this one looked antique, like something from a history museum.

The gun, with its shiny silver metal and bright wooden handle, had an elegant curve and was beautiful in and of itself.

What’s strange was that even though it was her first time seeing it, it felt familiar.

“It fits oddly comfortably in my hand…”

What could it be? Is it saying to use this in the trial?

She was fidgeting with the gun handle when suddenly…


At the sudden sound of growling, reacting reflexively, Rosha drew upon her magic.

With ominous glowing eyes and long claws, the approaching creatures were clearly monsters, recognizable without even using [Guide’s Lantern].

‘Well, it would be disappointing if no monsters appeared during a trial.’

If it had been her original world without magic, she would have been startled. But here in the mental world of the sacred relic’s test, there was ample magic.

And her specialty is magic.


A red flame sprang up in the space lit only by the pale light of the glowing beads.

The flames grew and engulfed the charging monsters.


With the sound of monsters burning alive, red shadows illuminated the surroundings. Her golden hair flowed in the stream of magic.

‘I have magic with better firepower, but in an enclosed space, this is the best option.’

But was the firepower a bit weak?

Some surviving monsters quickly rushed at her.

Surprisingly, Rosha reflexively aimed her gun at them.


Instinctively infusing magic, a holographic circular band appeared in front of the muzzle.

The translucent scales interlocked with the band all pointed in one direction, and she pulled the trigger as if she had done it thousands of times.


A silver bullet charged out, draining some of her magic, and took down one of the charging monsters.

Rosha herself was more surprised by her seamless attack.

‘What… How did this happen?’

Can the test of the sacred relic tamper with one’s memories?

She was deeply skeptical about herself using a magical weapon, which wasn’t a regular gun and was unfamiliar.

At that moment, she felt a sudden presence behind her.

‘Damn it!’

She tried to turn, but it was already too late.

Bracing herself, Rosha gritted her teeth. Even in the mental world, pain would still hurt, right?

But what reached her wasn’t a deadly claw, but a firm arm around her waist.

And then, a deep voice.

“You should be careful.”

With the gentle voice of a man, a powerful force accompanied by a loud noise pinned the remaining monsters against the wall.

However, whether they all died instantly or not, her attention was completely focused on the man behind her.

Who is this? I’ve never heard this voice before, but why does it feel familiar?

Rosha struggled to break free from his grip to see who he was.

“What’s wrong, are you uncomfortable?”

“I don’t know, so-“

She was about to retort, ‘I’m asking because I don’t know,’ but stopped because she didn’t know her relationship with him in this test.

She faintly remembered hearing that sometimes during the sacred relic test, something like a companion is given.

When she didn’t reply, the man gently smiled and released her.

Rosha turned around and examined the man.

He was wearing a sleek black combat suit. Strangely, his face was obscured as if shrouded in mist, but it still felt familiar.

‘Why? It’s not Cedric or Cassis…’

She observed his angular shoulders wrapped in the combat suit, muscular arms, long legs, the slender sword in his hand, and the platinum ring on his finger even more carefully.

Though she didn’t recognize him, he felt oddly comforting. Yet, the situation also felt suspicious.

‘Both the gun and this man are strange. Can you experience deja vu in a test?’

Whether the man knew how she felt or not, he began to walk and said:

“Let’s go. We’ve stayed here too long.”

“Where are we going?”

“To the door. You said we have to do our task, didn’t you?”

“…Our task?”

“Yes. I don’t really like it, but since you said so. It will probably appear soon.”

His tone wasn’t cold, but there was an inexplicable tenderness in it.

What was surprising was that she felt the same way.

‘I don’t usually trust people easily, but I don’t want to doubt this man. Still, let’s check…’

[Guide’s Lantern].

A power that provides direction even in confusing situations where one can’t see ahead.

Gathering her magic, she used [Guide’s Lantern], and a stable feeling surged as golden light burst from her sight.

The lantern’s light beam tore through the darkness. Passing the mysterious man, it illuminated the end of the corridor before stopping.

There was an impossibly large door there.

The white marble door at the end of the pillar-lined wall looked like the entrance to a mystical temple or a portal to another world.

There were intricate carvings on the door, but with the current lighting, it was hard to make out the details.

‘What on earth is that…?’

Is that the door the man was talking about?

As she approached the door, the man following her said:

“You can see the way, so go in first. I’ll take care of the rear and follow.”

He seemed to know about her ability. By now, this wasn’t surprising anymore.

“The rear? You’re not coming with me?”

“…I also don’t want to part with you yet. But we need to buy some time this way.”

They could hear the cries of creatures from the way they came.

The man, gazing into Rosha’s now golden eyes, took her hand and pressed his lips briefly to her palm. Given the situation, it felt more of determination than of a romantic tension.

She suddenly wondered, what’s their relationship in this test?

“Come on, hurry up.”

A colleague? A lover? There must be a reason for feeling such ambiguous emotions, right?

She felt like she was missing something crucial. Somehow, it felt as if something needed to be done at this moment.

However, seeing the man draw his sword, she finally turned away.

‘Remember, we’re in the middle of the sacred relic test.’

Rosha, suppressing her regrets, touched the door.

Contrary to expectations of it being heavy, the door opened wide enough for a person to enter without any effort.

‘Ugh, it’s too bright.’

An overwhelming light poured out from within the door.

Holding her gun tightly, Rosha slowly stepped in.

She was curious about the true nature of this suspicious test.

The unfamiliar gun that felt so natural in her hand, the man in the test who felt so welcoming, even her curiosity about the backdrop of the test.

Would entering here provide the answers?

Walking almost with her eyes closed, she heard the door close and slowly opened her eyes.

And then…

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