The Returnee Wants Peace
Chapter 11 Table of contents


The test of the Sacred Relic has ended.

– 1st Record: 2 hours 57 minutes 24 seconds

For the fairness of the next test, some of your memories will be sealed.

An alert rang in her ear.

However, Rosha couldn’t check the blue window that appeared before her eyes immediately. That’s because her eyes hurt tremendously.

“Ugh… I’m dying…”

Lying somewhere, her body felt numb as if it had been heavily struck, and her corneas hurt as if several shards of broken glass were rolling around in them.

The moment she reflexively tried to open her eyelids after hearing the alert, she realized it was impossible.

‘Phew, this is why you shouldn’t overuse abilities, even in a mental world.’

Moreover, the most frustrating thing was not remembering the details of the test even after all this!

‘Seriously, what kind of test was that?’

Rosha vaguely remembered the beginning of the test. She clearly recalled going to a large marble door with a man.

But she couldn’t remember anything after passing through that door.

The only thing she had were fragments of memories.

A blue paradise unlike the place she arrived at by stepping over magical corpses, and a picturesque city. And the angelic, sacred beings who lived there.

That’s all she remembered.

‘Come to think of it, I wonder what happened to that man?’

For some reason, the man she left behind after the door kept crossing her mind, as if she had forgotten something very important.


No, let’s not think about it deeply now. I probably won’t meet him again.

Trying to forget about the man, Rosha took a deep breath.

Though many things didn’t go as planned, there was one comforting fact.

‘One, two… three.’

She slowly counted and barely managed to open her eyes. The optic nerves felt like they were burning, tears flowed, but it became bearable.

The first thing that caught her eye was the content of the blue window.

Location of the sacred relic: Quest Completed

You have obtained the sacred relic without much difficulty for the second time! As a reward, the grade of the sacred relic will be adjusted. Please check the sacred relic!

Thank goodness, it ended safely.

Rosha didn’t know if it was easy because her memories flew away, but at least she got past this hurdle.

Quickly realizing this was my room and that a chicken was sleeping next to me, she took a deep breath.

‘Alright, let’s check the item.’

The sacred relic she had secured lay neatly in her hand.

Given that it was prepared by the guiding deity she had a deep connection with and there was a grade adjustment reward, expectations were high.

‘I’ve been training for 18 years, will I get a good item?’

If the options are bad, she’ll grab the Guide God by the scruff of the neck.

With a groan, Rosha raised her arm and examined the item in her hand.

Let’s see…

A faded silver color without luster, a wooden handle, and an old, worn-out gun with a curved body…


‘This is… that thing from earlier, right?’

The gun used in the sacred relic test, which creates bullets with magic and assists in locating enemies and aiming.

Even during the test, she honestly wanted to have something like this.

But now that it was in her hands, concerns arise due to the practical problems she envisioned.

‘Guns in this world… are relics of the old era.’

The imperial family compulsively collected items classified as relics from the old era. If you found a relic, you had to report it to the imperial palace immediately.

Of course, there weren’t many who knew how to use a gun. It’s too risky to possess while avoiding the eyes of the imperial palace.

Of course, if it performs as it did in the test, whether it’s risky or not, she’d be thrilled…

‘I shouldn’t be too hasty; it looks too worn out.’

Suddenly feeling a cheap vibe, Rosha hurriedly checked the information of the sacred relic.

Nameless Sacred Relic (Class B)

An ancient relic that awakened after sleeping under the moonlight. To unleash its hidden power, certain conditions must be met.

Title: (Locked)

Restrictions: (Unknown)

– Very light

– Very sturdy

– Can charge bullets with magic (0%)

Unique Perks: (Locked)

Unique Perks: (Locked)

Hope this helps!

Locked, Unknown, and B-class.


She blinked several times, but it wasn’t a mistake.

It was unbelievable. Most items that were B-class  were somewhat usable, but they weren’t of much help.

Moreover, this item received a grade adjustment as a quest reward!

“Haha… You must be joking, seriously?”

If it’s B-class  after an adjustment, was it originally C-class?

Reading the information, it wasn’t an ordinary B-class. It seemed that it could unlock hidden power when certain conditions were met.

However, for her who was looking for a relic that would help in an upcoming trial, this wasn’t a favorable option.

‘After all, right now it has no other function besides unlimited bullets.’

Moreover, she can’t even produce bullets carelessly due to the lack of magical power. And there’s even the risk of becoming a target of the imperial family for secretly possessing the sacred relic!

But she calmly swallowed her anger.

There was no one to vent her anger on right now, and she heard footsteps from the nearby corridor.

‘For now… Let’s hide this where it won’t be seen.’

If she’s caught with a gun in this situation, there would be no excuses.

Stopping her train of thought, she carefully stepped under the bed.

Given the appearance of the sacred relic, she intended to hide it deep inside a desk drawer.

But at that moment.


Suddenly, the grip loosened, and the relic slipped from her hand.

Clang! Bang!

When the metal part of the gun fell outside the carpet, a sharp noise echoed loudly in the already quiet mansion.

‘Oh no, I’m screwed!’

The noise was so loud, it even echoed throughout the vast space.

Rosha, startled, quickly bent down to reach under the sofa where the relic had fallen.

Regardless of her pain, tears flowed freely as she tried to find the gun.

She was getting anxious from the rapidly approaching footsteps. Just as she grabbed the sacred relic, there was a knock on the door.

“Rosha, what happened? Are you okay?”

It was Cedric.

Without giving a proper response, Rosha hurriedly stuffed the sacred relic into the drawer. After closing the drawer with a thud, only then did she feel relieved, but the pain overwhelmed her.

Suppressing a moan and hastily wiping her tears, she looked back to see Cedric entering. He looked surprised to see her, hunched under the bed, catching her breath.

With a frail voice, Rosha murmured:

“Brother… It hurts.”

It wasn’t a lie. She genuinely didn’t have the strength even to move a finger now.

So, never open that drawer, okay?

She sent a non-verbal plea with her eyes, achieved her objective, and promptly fainted.

It was a dark battle.

* * *

After that, Rosha was bedridden for two full days.

Cedric, who witnessed her fainting, took care of her with utmost dedication, even postponing his work.

“Master, I can do this…”

“It’s fine. Give it to me.”

Ignoring the restless Berri beside him, Cedric gently took the bowl with medicine. He even tasted it with a small teaspoon, which made her uncomfortable.

“It seems fine. Drink it up.”

“Why… Why are you tasting it? It’s going to be bitter anyway.”

“Just because. And it’s not as bitter as you think.”


The old doctor, who stayed in the mansion to take care of her grandfather, was famous for making medicine taste bad. Cassis once even vomited because of it.

Seeing her skeptical look, Cedric gently coaxed her to finally drink the medicine.


As expected, even the accustomed Rosha couldn’t help but nearly gag on the bitter taste!

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