The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 66 Table of contents

The Country Life Diary of a Gangster's Secretary - c66

This chapter is paid for by Nemuru!

The Taesung faction was quite lax in atmosphere for a gang organization. The leaders of the organization, Ihyeok and Seongjin, were not the type to enforce strict discipline in the first place, and the scale itself was not large. Because of that, Taesung members could stick together more closely, and trust could become their biggest weapon.


<Hey hey, hyungnim. Your mood is bad today?>


However, there were a few unspoken rules that were considered principles within the organization. Whether outside or inside the organization, don’t aim for each other’s backs, if you want to aim, charge from the front, and such. Rules like prioritizing one’s own life.


<Yep. Seems so.>


But there were also a few unspoken rules that only the members had to follow among themselves.


<Quickly tell the guys. Hyungnim’s mood is bad, so don’t mess around in front of him for no reason.>


<We should.>


One of them was to never bother Ihyeok when his mood was low pressure.


<But hasn’t his mood been good lately? Why, ever since Hyeseong joined, there’s been almost none of this, right?>


Two members were sitting in a corner, observing Ihyeok. Their leader was sitting in front of his desk, sighing deeply and only looking at his cell phone.




<You idiots. You don’t know the reason?>


Then another member approached the two, clicking his tongue.


<You know?>


<Of course I know. Why would hyungnim be in a bad mood? Think about it. What’s missing from hyungnim’s same routine today?>


A quiz show suddenly opened. The two members who received the question were lost in thought. But they couldn’t find a suitable answer.


<Sheesh, you morons. It’s something you can know if you just think a little bit.>


<What is it then, you punk? If I see right, you have quite a tendency to look down on us because we’re high school grads, don’t you?>


<Nevermind. What could it be? Hyeseong didn’t come today, right?>


Ah, then the two clapped their hands at the same time. Come to think of it, unless something major came up, Hyeseong used to visit the office every day without fail. Even if he couldn’t stay long because of work, he would always come to the office and show his face for even just 10 minutes before leaving.


But for some reason, today, he didn’t come even though it was late in the evening.


<That’s right.>


<But what does Hyeseong not coming have to do with hyungnim’s mood?>


That’s when it happened. One of the members asked a rather sharp question.


<Uh… right.>




Even the one who gave the quiz seemed unable to find an answer to that question, as he lowered his voice. No matter how much he racked his brain, he couldn’t find the correlation between the two. When three big men were crouching and huddling in a corner, putting their heads together, Ihyeok was just tightly gripping the innocent screen.


On it was the text message conversation between Hyeseong and Ihyeok.


[I don’t think I can come to the office today.]




[I have a personal schedule.]


[What personal schedule. I even bought kkakka to give to Hyeseong.]


[Ahjussi, I’m twenty years old. And I have a club dinner today. So I can’t go.]


[Dinner? Hyeseong goes to things like that too?]


[Yes. It’s an event I can’t miss.]


[If it’s a dinner, you’ll be drinking too?]




That was Hyeseong’s last text. He asked how much he would drink, if he was good at drinking, but Hyeseong hadn’t replied for an hour.


Well, Ihyeok was also glad that Hyeseong was doing college student-like things. Because he was worried about his too mature side. In the first place, he had also advised him to drink and try dating. But when Hyeseong said he was going to such an event, how should he put it.


<It’s uncomfortable.>


Ihyeok muttered softly. Then the three members crouching in the corner jumped up.


<Hyungnim, where are you uncomfortable?>


<Are you sick somewhere by any chance?>


<Should I call 119?>


The three were fidgeting with stupid faces and making a big fuss. Ihyeok sighed even more. Why the hell were those guys doing that over there?


<Call them. It’s fine even if it’s you guys who get taken away.>


At Ihyeok’s chilling words, the three shut their mouths tightly as if they had glue on them.


<We’ll be quiet.>


Then they soon went back to the corner and sat down. Ihyeok looked at the message box with no reply with dissatisfaction.


<Whoa, the next neighborhood is in an uproar.>


That’s when it happened. Seongjin came into the office carrying plastic bags. The three crouching members jumped up and bowed to Seongjin.


<Hey, you guys eat this. I snatched it from the convenience store because it was on sale.>


<Thank you!>


<Kwon Ihyeok, you want to eat too?>


Ihyeok shook his head. The bag Seongjin handed over was filled with appetizing ice cream like a mountain. The members excitedly chose ice cream.


<But hyungnim, what about the next neighborhood?>


One of them asked Seongjin while munching on ice cream.


<Ah, I heard a college student went missing around there. From what I heard, he got heavily drunk with his classmates and lost contact.>


<Oh my.>


<The police are searching, and the neighborhood is in an uproar, really.>


At Seongjin’s words, the three let out sighs. Then they started chattering excitedly that these days, too many college students get into accidents by drinking without thinking about the consequences.


And Ihyeok, who was listening to their stories with a displeased face, abruptly got up from his seat.


<Huh? Hyungnim, where are you going?>




Ihyeok took his cell phone and left the office. Then he dialed Hyeseong’s number.


[The customer you are trying to reach is currently unavailable…]


The call tone continued for a long time, and then a spiteful mechanical voice rang. Ihyeok momentarily cursed under his breath. He knew it was a needless thought. Hyeseong was a wise kid who had enough self-control to not cause problems. So he wouldn’t drink himself senseless and would go home well on his own.


<Why did those bastards have to talk about that of all things. Tsk.>


But after hearing what Seongjin and the kids were talking about, a faint uneasiness strangely spread. Even though Hyeseong wasn’t a little kid, he kept worrying about him. Was this how parents felt when they left their child by the water?


Ihyeok pondered. If he kept calling, Hyeseong might find him persistent. He was already trying like crazy to bring him in as a member, so if he interfered and paid too much attention, Hyeseong might say he was being annoyingly pestering with that personality of his and might not come here anymore.


<I’ll just do it one more time.>


Ihyeok took out a cigarette from his chest pocket and put it in his mouth. And he dialed Hyeseong’s number again. If he didn’t pick up this time either, he was going to try again in about an hour.


As the ringtone continued for a long time, Ihyeok became anxious without realizing it. It was when he was sucking on the cigarette filter and exhaling.


– Hel, hic, lo…


Hyeseong answered the phone. When he heard the familiar voice, Ihyeok almost raised his voice without realizing it. But Ihyeok put out his cigarette, fake coughed once, and regained his composure.


<I called because there was no reply to the text, and it seems like you drank a lot.>


– Who is this?


An excited voice unlike usual was heard, with pronunciation slipping. Ihyeok laughed without realizing it.


<Your ahjussi.>


– Oh… it’s Ahjussi.


Hearing Hyeseong’s voice, he felt momentarily relieved. The anxiety and uneasiness he felt until earlier felt really meaningless. By the way, how much did he drink for his tongue to be this twisted?


<Seems like you drank a lot. Are you still outside?>


– Yes.


<When are you going to go in?>


– That’s up to me.


He was still clueless even when drunk. A reflexive smile never left Ihyeok’s lips. But for a moment, he wondered if Hyeseong could properly go home in that state.


– I don’t know… I’ll figure it out somehow. Whatever.


A very irresponsible answer came over to the question of whether he could go home well. The good mood from earlier was slowly turning into anxiety again.


– If not, well, I can sleep at Dohyun’s house…


The voice that came over after that. Ihyeok unknowingly tightened his grip on the cell phone. Who the hell was that for him to casually say he would sleep at his house?


<Who’s Dohyun?>


– Why are you prying into my personal relationships?


Whether he knew Ihyeok’s heart or not, Hyeseong retorted bluntly. Whoever this Dohyun guy was, it didn’t sit well with him that a drunk Hyeseong would stumble in and sleep over.


<…Hyeseong. What’s the name of the store you’re at right now?>


Ihyeok hurriedly ran into the office. When he flung the door open, the three idiots and Seongjin widened their eyes in surprise.


While Hyeseong asked if he was asking because he was going to come here later, Ihyeok roughly answered yes and gestured to Seongjin to throw him the car keys.


Hyeseong told him the name of the store, and Ihyeok immediately went out and got in the car. Leaving behind the considerate drunken rambling of earnestly reciting the store’s recommended menu, Ihyeok drove the car quickly. He didn’t hang up the phone during that time. Just in case something happened to Hyeseong.


The excited voice coming over the phone suddenly cut off. Hyeseong must have thought the call was disconnected. The sound of steady breathing followed. It seemed like he fell asleep. Judging from the sound of cars in the background, it seemed like he was outside.


<He’s sleeping outside to get hypothermia.>


Ihyeok chewed his lips and increased his speed even more.


Ihyeok, who arrived in almost half the estimated time shown on the navigation, roughly parked the car anywhere and looked for the store. Being a college town, energetic college students were seen all over the streets. Then, the store Hyeseong mentioned appeared before Ihyeok’s eyes.


<…Really, that guy.>


And next to it, on a makeshift chair, Hyeseong was seen with his eyes closed, leaning his body. It was a good thing the store location was in a corner, otherwise he would have surely become a zoo monkey.




Ihyeok suppressed his anger and went in front of Hyeseong. His white cheeks were flushed red. It seemed like he was blushing because of the alcohol. Just standing nearby, the smell of alcohol wafted strongly.


<Cheon Hyeseong, wake up. You want hypothermia?>


Seeing him sitting curled up on the chair, Ihyeok almost burst out laughing for a moment. He was definitely angry, but this sight was irresistibly cute. He was certainly still a kid.




The urging seemed to have an effect, as Hyeseong slowly opened his eyes.


<Who are you?>


<How many times do I have to say I’m your ahjussi?>


Ihyeok crouched slightly and met Hyeseong’s eye level. Hyeseong blinked slowly. His brown eyes were sparkling, reflecting the surrounding lights.


<Ah, it’s a dream.>


Hyeseong clapped his hands as if he had reached a conclusion somehow. Ihyeok finally laughed out loud. Watching Hyeseong’s new side of cluelessly talking back amidst gangsters couldn’t be more enjoyable.


<Get up. Whether it’s a dream or whatever, you should dream at home.>


Ihyeok grabbed Hyeseong’s arm and pulled. But he was so drunk that his body just limply drooped like cotton soaked in water.


<I’m sorry, but I can’t put strength in my body.>


<Yeah? Then there’s no choice. I’ll give you a piggyback.>




As he was turning his body to give a piggyback, Hyeseong suddenly hugged Ihyeok, wrapping his arms around his neck.




Ihyeok froze on the spot for a moment at the close, hot body temperature. Hyeseong’s steady breathing was heard up close.


<It’s okay because it’s a dream, right?>


Hyeseong was mumbling incomprehensible words. Right. Hyeseong was drunk right now. To the point of mistaking Ihyeok who appeared before his eyes as a dream. When you’re drunk, it’s normal to do all sorts of odd behaviors. Ihyeok smiled slightly and picked Hyeseong up like that.


With one hand around his waist and the other supporting his bottom. As if a mother was holding a child, Ihyeok walked to where the car was parked just like that.


People around them buzzed and chuckled looking at the two. It was a natural reaction to see a well-built man carrying a college student like a baby.


But Ihyeok paid no attention. He was just focusing all his attention on his steps so that Hyeseong wouldn’t fall and his slumber wouldn’t be disturbed.

This chapter is paid for by Nemuru!

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