Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 27 Table of contents

Entrance Examination (2)


Hye-gal was radiating an intense light as if she didn't want to miss a single movement of Mu-yul.

With a blatant assertion that she would never yield to her other brothers.

In this way, unknowingly, the martial arts that were dotted on Hye Girl continued to spar with the Great Disciple for nearly forty days.

When the sparring season is in full swing,


Hye Zheng, who had been watching the situation for a while, belatedly interrupted the sparring.

The entrance examination was only to check the level of the children, not to determine whether they would win or lose the sparring match.

No, in the first place, victory and defeat were naturally decided. It was impossible for the Great Disciple to lose the battle between the initiate and the Great Disciple.

The reason why Huizheng stopped sparring was because the atmosphere of sparring was heating up, and the Great Disciple Li, who had been watching him for a long time, was afraid that he would accidentally harm Mu Yul.

Hye-jeong's abrupt interruption caused a momentary silence in the hall, but soon those who understood Hye-jeong's intentions applauded Mu-yul for her excellent performance.


"Hehehe... Thank you!"

Unexpectedly applauded, Mu Yul greeted the adults with a cheerful expression and returned to his seat.

And when the great disciple who had been sparring with Mu Yul seemed to regain his composure, Hye Jung resumed the entrance examination.

* * *

About an hour has passed since the entrance examination began.

In the meantime, more than twenty children have been screened, and so far, all of them have passed the screening.

Only about half of the examinations have been completed, but it has already surpassed the previous record number of successful applicants.

Naturally, there was a look of bewilderment on the face of Ambassador Hyuncheon, who was watching the entrance examination.

"How on earth did you raise the level of the children so much? Have you given me a summons squad without my knowledge?"

"Hehehe... How dare I do such a thing..."

Hyunsung laughed and replied to Hyuncheon's joke.

"And it's still too early to be alarmed. Monk Chief·"

"Too early to be alarmed?"

Hyuncheon's eyes lit up at Hyunsung's questioning words, but Hyunsung didn't answer the death sentence's question, he just stared at the center of the theater.

As if you wanted to see it with your own eyes.

And Ambassador Hyuncheon, who looked away from Hyunsung, saw the appearance of a big kid who looked like a recruit.

* * *

When the heat of the entrance examination was in full swing,

"Hey... Kokeshi doll·"

Mu Jin said, poking Mu Gong in the side with his elbow.

"Oh, why again?"

Mu Gong, who was in the middle of his turn as he approached, asked with a fat expression, and Mu Jin said in a nonchalant tone.

"Don't stand still, just follow what I'm doing."

With that, Mujin showed me some muscle lengthening exercises that loosen the muscles of the shoulders and neck.

"I'm going to leave soon, so what's the difference if I come and do it now?"

"It's loud and you just want to do it. Inma· Have you ever been wrong with what I'm saying?"

Mu Jin said that Mu Gong had a fat expression on his face, but in the end, he began to imitate Mu Jin's movements.

And for some reason, as I mimicked Mujin's movements and relaxed the muscles in my neck and shoulders, the tension gradually eased.

The muscles that had been condensed by tension were relaxed, and the tension was relieved a little.

"If the filthy stiff thing is tense enough, it's really no different from a wooden doll."

Looking at Mu Gong, who had just begun to warm up on his own, Mu Jin laughed and laughed.

Just when Mugung was in the middle of relaxing his tense muscles.

"Recruit Mu Gung, step forward!"

Finally, the name of Mugung was called out from Hyejeong's mouth.

"Is that kid really a newcomer?"

“··· Didn't you lie about your age?"

Looking at the figure of Mu Gong stepping out of the center of the hall, the Shaolin disciples who were participating in the judging murmured with surprised expressions.

He is a year older than Mu Jin and is now fifteen years old. He had always been much bigger than his peers, and as he went through secondary sex characteristics, he became even bigger.

At the age of fifteen, he was already six feet tall and taller than Lee Chi (186 cm). This, combined with his unique powerful muscles, made him even bigger than the Great Disciple who stood to face him.

But he's a lot bigger, and fifteen is fifteen anyway. Under the gaze of the two hundred recluses, Mu Gong's heart was pounding.

"Phew· You need to calm down· You need to calm down."

I've endured two years of rigorous training just for this day.

At this critical moment, his body was too stiff to make mistakes.

"Phew· I'm ready· Uncle Hye-jeong·"

Mu Gong loosened the muscles of his neck and shoulders with one more simple muscle lengthening procedure and opened his mouth.

I wonder if it's because of its size. The way he relaxed the muscles in his neck somehow resembled that of the local municipal thugs.

"Let's go!"

And before Hye Zheng's cry could fall, Mu Gong dared to charge at the Great Disciple.

Mugung was a child who was naturally big and strong. Instead, I had the problem that my body was quite stiff.

In any case, for the past year and a half, Mu Jin has been trying to train such an infinite body and maximize his strengths.

I tried to fix the stiffness so that it wouldn't interfere with my movements, but instead of getting too caught up in flexibility, I made a schedule that focused on muscle strength once I got the minimum amount of flexibility.

On top of that, unlike what Mugung looks like, he cares a lot about what others think. And he was a hard worker who never stopped trying to look good to others.

And at this moment·

The fruits of his hard work over the past year and a half were unfolding in his fist.



A grotesque puncture burst out of the fist that the admittant had thrust out.

The disciple tilted his head slightly to dodge the fist, and he looked bewildered at the puncture that burst out from the side of his ear.

'Is this a mouthpiece?'

The Great Disciple pondered for a moment.

I wonder if it's the right decision to save my energy against this guy.

Even if they are from a martial family, they are children who have only been practicing martial arts for five years at most.

On the other hand, the disciples of this great are those who have been cultivating for at least fifteen years and at most nearly twenty years. Naturally, there was a big difference in what he had.

Therefore, all of the disciples who have been in charge of the examination so far have not spent more than five years of hard work.

Even if you use the same internal technique, there is a big difference in the number of years you have learned martial arts, so there is a huge gap between the use of martial arts and internal techniques, so there was no problem.

But will he be able to deal with such an ignorant hulk and a formidable force with the same amount of effort?

"I need to raise my efforts a little bit for a proper examination."

In the end, after making a judgment, the disciple raised his inner strength more than when he was dealing with other children.

Then, out of thin air, the fist of the Infinite Realm and the fist of the Great Disciple collided.


I see· According to the judgment of the Great Disciple, even though it had been a decade of effort, the two fists were equal.

Once the power and speed have reached a similar level, the next step is to use the void.

Naturally, the Great Disciple thought that he would be far superior to his opponent, but Mu Gong was not such a formidable opponent either.


The fist of the Infinite Empire slammed into a cool burst of punches, but the sound was weaker than before.

Mugung reduced his strength a little, but instead mixed his fists in between his fist movements.

As I learned from Mujin, the movement of the shoulders and arms· Or they began to mix fake movements with their stride.

The more I mixed the huhs, the less power I could put into each punch and kick, but...


It's just a reduction to the standard of infinity. That strength wasn't going anywhere.

In addition, Mu Gong was from a samurai family and had a lot of hard work, so he learned four basic martial arts.

His attacks, skillfully blending in the hucho, were concise, powerful, and varied.

"Huh· It's a basement!"

"He's the perfect kid for our Shaolin. Amitabha Buddha·"

No wonder those who watched such an endless sparring were exclaimed.

In particular, Shaolin's martial arts, despite being imposable, were mainly strong and heavy.

In that sense... Mu Gong was a good candidate for the discipleship that most Shaolin disciples would aspire to.

"It's not bad..."

A middle-aged monk, who stood tall like that of the Four Heavenly Kings, spoke in a heavy tone.

The essence of Shaolin martial arts, Myori· Jungjung-dong ·

As the saying goes, martial arts have been developing for more than a thousand years.

Many mysteries that emerged in the process. Pleasure(快), genus (速), Huan (幻), Bian(變), and Yu (柔) appeared, but Shaolin has valued the mysteries of Zhong above all else for a long period of a thousand years.

The ones who pride themselves on being the heaviest of them all.

Hui Dam, the master of the Kumgang Floating Divine Law and the Nyorai Divine Technique, was examining the movements of Mugung with a sullen expression.

However, due to the influence of martial arts that he usually accustomed, his emotional expression was just not outwardly revealed.

"Master· Do you like her?"

Huidam's immediate disciple and Li Dae disciple Dharma Hui could sense that his master liked the child.

"If that's the case, there is a chance that he will succeed the true sect of our Shaolin..."

It was an expression full of pride in the martial arts he had mastered.

And Hyedam was a man of such proudness.

The symbol of the Shaolin powerlessness that protects the Changjing Pavilion and the Shaolin Temple. The hundred and eight nahan are joined into six groups of eighteen nahan each, forming the one hundred and eight nahan.

And Hyedam was the leader of the first group, the leader of the six groups. He was one of the representative figures of the current Shaolin powerlessness.

Hyedam, who is called "Geumgang Xinjiang" (金剛神將 金剛神掌), which has two meanings in Wulin, thought as he watched the sparring of Mugung.

"You've tried to minimize unnecessary movements."

It meant that he understood how great the tricks of the Middle East were.

And unfortunately, Hyedam and the enthusiastic gaze of the crowd made Mu Gung feel very excited.

'Hmph· Everybody's watching me."

If so, you need to make a stronger impression in this case.

Mugung, who had thought so far, took up a stance to use the most gorgeous herbivore he knew, instead of the simple movements he had been repeating all along.

"Erai that..."

Mujin, who recognized the posture, covered his face as it was. As if the outcome was so obvious that I didn't even want to see it.

And as he expected, he soon posted a "boom!!" There was a strong thud of flesh and skin.


Mu Gong, who had been beaten in the abdomen by the Great Disciple of Lee, was holding his abdomen and rolling around in the arena.

"Ahem· Maybe it's because the child is still young, but it seems that there is still a little bit of a look left. Master·"

Looking at the Mu Palace on the floor, Dharma Hui said in a cool tone, and Huidam's forehead was painted with a Inner Heaven character.

"You're a child who needs an education..."

It was a shame that he didn't see it at the end, but it meant that he had decided to take Mugung as a sword.

* * *

On the other hand·

In the heat of the entrance examination, the quiet Shaolin Temple was about to heat up.

The Shaolin Great Disciple, who was watching the sparring of the Martial Palace, frowned at the scent that came from somewhere that was not suitable for Shaolin.

'Zhu Hyang?'

The smell of alcohol· It was an incense that didn't go well with the pious Shaolin Temple.

But why?

Because of the smell that did not suit Shaolin, the Great Disciple could easily guess the owner of the smell.

“··· I'm going to see Master Hye-kwan."

When the disciple raised the prefect to the middle-aged monk who was smelling of alcohol, the man named Hye-kwan waved his hand in moderation.

As if the poetic greetings were a nuisance.


He didn't even look at the disciple who had given him a courtesy, but looked at the center of the theater for a moment.

"He's like a fool who likes Hyedam's death penalty..."

It was Hyekwan who looked at the figure of Mugung spread on the floor of the theater and laughed and laughed.

"There was a commotion in the precincts, and I was expecting that the head of the room, the four hundred princes, would finally get mad and have a drinking party, but it seems that today was the day of the entrance examination."

With that, Hye-kwan began to observe the entrance examination with a playful expression.

I was hoping that something interesting would pop out.

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