I was wondering what his end game going solo, when there's so many clue that the enemy is OBVIOUSLY strong. The heavily injured namgung guy, many strong warriors of palace lord and even the palace lord himself is stong he said himself, but they still LOST.
But hey MC plot armor is stronger, and Wow so nice of him to heal and left after talking lame riddle.
Seriously, no wonder the chapter so long 1k+. Most chapters and arcs just fillers, the reason I stick around was because the flow was bearable.
But wtf is this, another "set back" for training arc? How many time skip/chapters will it be? So he did not trained enough I guess. Need another cave and many years/chapters.
LOL for someone that got scared when accidentally meet the Heavenly demon, what's with the "strong pride" attitude.
And he still unable to defeat his teacher and king of assassin guy. Even when meeting the hidden Jengal guy he got cold feet.
Many time he said himself, the reason he stronger compare to other talented his age because he had past life experiences. So I was wondering why in recent chapters even after losing many time, suddenly he become this? Dementia?